From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

sorry baby P is being fussy! I hope the meds work and she gives you a rest. And don't worry, BF gets easier! The first month was the worst, second month got better, and then I felt like an old pro by the 3rd month!

Hi yum! I am sorry you were feeling sick for your first trimester. 16 weeks in already! That is great! You must have some good abs if you aren't showing yet! Have you gained much weight? Sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope it isn't anything serious.

Cute bump, cat! Take more pics, you will look back at them and never believe it was you! I see pictures of me when i was 36 weeks preggo and I can't even remember being that big anymore. Its wild seeing those pictures now!

Gabby was and still is a huge farter! Her farts smell soooooo bad now! Its crazy how I didn't change her or my diet, yet when she was 0-3 months, her poop pretty much didnt smell like much, and now it can really clear a room!! and she is still EBF, not on solids or anything.

I have a neurosurgery appt on Tuesday and a Cardiology appt on Friday to get Gabby checked out. Trying not to spend all of my time worrying that they will have bad news. When i see her smile and laugh, its hard to imagine that anything could possibly be wrong with her. I can at least take comfort in knowing that my pediatrician didnt seem worried, sounded like she was just trying to cover all bases to be extra cautious.
Yum - so glad to have you here! 16 weeks! So exciting! Are you going to find out the sex?

Chloe - lol regarding her farts! H actually only farts when he's pooping, and with the cloth diapers I have a hard time smelling if he has pooped and needs to be changed. I'm sure that will all change once he's eating solids. Honestly half of my reason on wanting to wait til as close to 6 months as I can is because of how we would have to start spraying his cloth diapers to get the poop out before dumping them in the washer. Thank goodness for breastmilk poops for now.

Right now he's taking a heavenly little nap on me. I start back at work on the 24th, so I'm trying to enjoy this last bit of my leave. I think I posted another video on my journal. We've been practicing sitting unassisted. He can only do it for a few seconds but keeps getting better and better at it.
aww, daydream, the sitting video is so cute! Its hilarious watching them fall over, and so great watching them use those ab muscles! I need to get more videos of gabby actually doing stuff. Every time i break out the camera she stops what she is doing and just stares at the camera, so its often pointless trying to video anything! I have many videos of a silent contemplative baby, as a result :) Enjoy your last week at home with him! I hope you enjoy work so that it's not too painful to go back.

And we are on day 8 of no poop. I am dreading what G's diaper will look like when she does decide to poop :haha: We are also battling colds over here, Gabby and I, and I am sucking snot like its my job! Poor little thing is happy as can be, except when i put that snot sucker up her nose! But then she realizes she can breathe after and becomes happy again. I still hate to see her struggle to breathe, even tho her demeanor seems unchanged by it.

We have her neuro appt tomorrow morning, wish us luck!

Hope all the pregnant ladies are feeling well, and the mommies are enjoying their LO's!
chloe- haha, no abs but i'm petite to start with..i put on may b just never said said anythin abt it so i guess its fyne..i have a tiny bump,visible only wen u look 4r it..

hope all goes well with appnmt tmrw ! fx !

daydream-i'm not sure abt sex..doc said i could find out at my next appnmt but i preponed it by a week so not sure if i dh doesn't want to know till 8 mnth..still debating..

i just saw ur cute..already 4 mnths,kids grow so fast ! njoy ur little vac time..

can any of u guys tell me if this next scan to chek for the growth is gonna b tvs or abdominal in usa ? i had a tvs to confirm preg & was painful but later the nt was abdominal..TIA

need ur suggestions,ladies-

what kind of stretch mark creams,oils did u ladies use ? i already have bad marks on my hips & back of knees from puberty so, i'm hoping for a miracle :haha:

good place for maternity clothes?? i was searching pea in pod but 60$ for a pair of jeans.. if i buy them now, how long can i use those ? my belly is small but can't fit into my jeans or pants..
Well i got a call from the neurosurgeon's office asking why i made an appointment with a surgeon if Gabby has not had any 'real' diagnosis that would require surgery. So i switched her appt to a neurologist for next week. One more week of having to worry! The woman was not very nice, and was like 'well, the surgeon would sedate her to get images, but he wont be able to help you if you come in tomorrow since she hasn't been checked out by a neurologist'. Yikes! I don't think gabby's head looks bad at all, she is not exibiting any symptoms of distress, and I don't want her needlessly sedated! The neurologist will at most monitor her brain waves and order labs if she thinks anything might be wrong. Still not sure why the doctor suggested a surgeon instead of a neurologist to begin with. And of course when i called the pediatrician, she was gone for the day and won't be back until Thursday.

Yum, I bought a lot of my maternity clothes at Kohls, old navy, and the thrift store. goodwill had a ton of pants for $1 each! And they were all in good shape since no one wears maternity clothes for long. check too! And garage sale season is starting up, so check there!

As far as stretch marks, I didn't see any appear until after G was born, then these white marks on my stomach just magically appeared. I don't use anything fancy, just a lotion with shea and coco butter. I think it is St Ives brand. I have heard all those fancy expensive stretch mark lotions don't help during pregnancy, only after, so who knows. I too ended up with stretch marks from puberty on my hips, and those are way worse than the ones i got during pregnancy. Still, i did massage my stomach with the st ives lotion during pregnancy, so maybe it helped a little? Also, gaining weight steadily is supposed to help prevent them too. I've also heard it is in part genetic. I sometimes wonder if i had carried G to term, would I have ended up with the red marks that so many have?

All scans from here on out should be abdominal! And I never even had to have a full bladder, which is one thing i remember my mom needing back in the day when she was pregnant with my brother.
Chloe - GL with the videos. H will freeze up every now and then but I have the camera on him so much I think he's getting used to it. Also that's a bummer about the appointment. It will be so nice once you have them all behind you

Yum - for clothes, I signed up for the gap newsletters and would order a bunch whenever they would have a sale. There was also a destination maternity store near us where I would scour the sales racks. For stretch marks I used the Burt's bees oil. I also had plenty from puberty, but just got a handful on my hips and they didn't show up until the last week of pregnancy/right after he was born. They are still red, and I'm guessing won't really heal until I'm done breastfeeding because those hormones make your skin dry. I'm not too concerned because they're not visible and I'm not exactly in a state to be showing off my body anyway, still have a few lbs to lose
Welcome yum! It's good to see you in here. I have a few pea in the pod pants that I got from my sister. They are way too big for me, so I'm sure they will last me through the pregnancy. Even if I had a size smaller, they would be fine. But I wouldn't pay $60 for them, and I hope not to pay full price for any maternity clothes. Most of my sister's stuff is too big for me and it's mostly fall/winter clothes, so I may check out the thrift store for some other clothes if I can't find anything in my size from neighbors. I was able to go without maternity clothes until last weekend when I was 22 weeks-ish. Before that, I just wore dresses, leggings and yoga pants. I could continue to do that now, but now that I have the maternity clothes I wear them sometimes. It is pretty nice to be able to put on a pair of jeans again.

I haven't gotten stretch marks yet, but I do rub some Badger Balm on my belly when I can remember to do it, just to keep the skin moisturized.
thanks 4r the input ladies :flower:

chlo- thats a bummer abt the appnmt, hope its nothin !
i'll try kohls & good to know abt ur no stretc...i hope my scan is gonna b abdominal..the thought of tvs is freakin me out !

day-i'll try gap..i'm guessing maternity gap is only online,right ? i woudn't mind if i get strectch marks just on my a** as they r already covered with tiger stripes :) they r more visible bcuz of my brown skin..just started with palmers...

cat- thanks 4r the welcome ! i like leggings but till 2 weeks ago, i needed jeans now & then bcuz of the temps & i couldn't zip them but luckily the winter wear covered it...i know right, 60$ & i was like :saywhat: i'll try the motherhood outlet store..

i tried the underbelly pants in a store & the elastic band was very snug,tight that how its supposed to be ? i went a size up but they were too u ladies prefer underbelly or overbelly ?
I loved the over belly, esp when I got bigger. I did have several underbelly as well and those were fine, just less supportive
I liked over belly. Under belly were always too tight on me. I actually found underbelly to be the most comfortable when I had a huge belly. Although even then I preferred over.
thanks ladies,

will the overbelly b useful with my little bump too ? i mean is it for big bellies in the later stages ? would it just fall off bcuz my bump is still tiny ?
They should be stretchy enough for the little belly, I just found it was too long at first, so I folded it down until my belly got bigger
I did the same as daydream. folded it down until I was bigger. Still way more comfortable than under belly.
i've something to share with -

i just got a offer letter for a job & i've accepted it..its not a very well paid but pretty decent & its just 1mile away 4rm home..

i'm very excited but i dint tell them that i'm pregs ! my hubs dint wanted me to tell @ my intrvw...its my first job in usa & for them its a new position they created..its a small co..the manager(woman) whom i'll report to & the owner sounded very nice & emphasized the fact that family comes first..i still have to go thru drug test/background but if all goes well i'll have to start in 10 days..
i feel so guilty..what do i do #-o
i dont feel its appropriate to tell her thru email or phone..

any suggestions pls ! this job would be very helpful financially so dont want to loose it but i feel like i'm betraying them !

sorry about these selfish posts 4rm y'day..dont know wat to do ??
Oh congrats, Yum! My friend went through the same thing, getting a new job when she was pregnant and then not telling until after she was hired and had been working there for a couple weeks. I think legally they can't discriminate against you because you are pregnant, but I would still hold off on telling her until you sign those papers and start. The only down side is that there is probably a good chance you wont get any paid maternity leave. I know a lot of places require you to work there for a year before paying for maternity leave, but if your new boss said family is important, she probably wont mind once you start and tell her you are pregnant!
thanks chlo,

thats wat my dh said that they cant discri letter says disability benefits after 90 days ..i dunno abt mat leave..even if they dont, thats fine too !
my hubs think i shud tell her after 4/5 days of starting work but i feel like telling her on day1..wen i went to intrvw last week, my bump was not visible..another 10 days it might b & moreover intrvw was just 4r an hour so..

if u dont mind me askin,wen did ur frnd tell them ? i'll b 18 wen i start work !

i dont want to start on wrong foot..i'm hoping she'll understand ! fx !
I think she told them when she was 20 weeks. Good luck! I think whether you tell her on day 1 or 5, as long as you have started, you're good!
Congratulations on the new job, Yum! That's a tricky situation. I have a friend that was in a similar situation and wound up getting let go. She ended up suing for discrimination and I believe she got a settlement. I wouldn't be too concerned because it sounds like your boss values family.

Chloe, sorry you're getting the run around. Sounds like it could be positive though. Hopefully the nuerosurgeon will have some answers and everything will be ok.

I just started to have a bump in the morning instead of just the bloat bump in the afternoon/evening. I bought a belly band a couple of days ago....haven't worn it yet. I also caved and bought a new pair of pants, which seems silly since I'm just going to get bigger. I bought them a size up though and hope to wear them with the belly band for a while.

Good to know that Gap has maternity clothes. Ann Taylor also does online. I'm going to try and hold off as long as possible before I buy anything. I think I'm lucky in the clothing department since it will be warm soon. I plan on wearing a lot of dresses.

Daydream, I hope the transition back to work goes well for you!!
Congratulations on your new job, yum! I have no experience in that department, but it seems other have given good advice.

We were just talking about TV vs. abdominal ultrasounds a few days ago, and I had another ultrasound yesterday. I definitely thought there was no danger of a TV scan this late, and we did start out with abdominal. But they needed to measure the distance between the placenta and the cervix again, and since the baby was already head down, they said it was too hard to see with the abdominal u/s. So yeah... but that was a special case.

Anyway, the placenta is further away this time. They said just under 2cm this time, where it had been 1.7cm 4 weeks ago. They said they wanted me to come back again in 6 weeks. I was a little disappointed about having to come in again, since it's very borderline now with a lot of uterine growth to go, so it really shouldn't be a concern at this point. I brought it up with my midwife at today's appointment, and she said that the report they got from the ultrasound was that everything is fine and placenta previa was not seen. They didn't even say anything about me having to go in again! Don't know why the discrepancy, but my midwife said I can cancel the appointment if I don't want to go. I think I might.
oh wow, Cat, that is crazy that they would tell you one thing, but put another in the report. I think I would keep the appointment, just to be safe. It will probably turn into nothing to worry about, but assuming you have insurance, why not go again? But obviously, its up to you :) I have a friend who had placenta previa up until 20 some weeks, and then everything shifted and went where it was supposed to be, so there was no more concern.

We see the cardiologist this afternoon for gabby's heart murmur, send us happy thoughts!

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