From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Lol, daydream, at H picking his nose! Cute pics!

Stella is adorable! Love me some tiny babies!

I am not at all ready for Gabby's birthday. I need to find a menu to feed 25-30 people! And space in my house. and figure out good presents. so overwhelming!!! I at least have a date for the party, Nov 24. She woke up last night at midnight crying, but fell asleep as soon as DH picked her up. I really don't know what is up with her sleep. She was asleep til 7 after that. It has to be the teeth. She has no fever or any other cold symptoms anymore.

Here is a pic of her in her halloween costume.


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Gabby is so big and gorgeous! Love, love your costumes!!
Chloe - Those costumes are so perfect! How fun! Hopefully when the teeth come through her sleep will get better, but maybe it is that later bedtime catching up to her, because midnight was exactly when H was waking up for us.
Chloe! Great costumes!!!!!
I'm def showing...I've got a pretty big belly for the 20 weeks I'm (nearly) at. Finally stopped my nausea pills...and feeling so good! Whoopeee!!!! Oh! And it's a boy! Was very upset because we had a huge fight over the name....DH has always wanted to name after his grandfather, and I was so upset that I had no say in it. We'd talked about it before pregnancy...I just hoped I could change his mind. Anyway, I guess I will come up with a nice nickname.
Gob, congrats on the boy, and for the end of the nausea! What is DH's grandfathers name? You should definitely have a say. my DH wanted to name Gabby after his great grandmother but I said no, but I let him give her that name as her middle name. Maybe you can do a similar compromise? Or a modern twist on the name?

Anyone dressing their LO up for halloween? Would love to see pics of babies in costume! Hope everyone is well!
Chloe! Great costumes!!!!!
I'm def showing...I've got a pretty big belly for the 20 weeks I'm (nearly) at. Finally stopped my nausea pills...and feeling so good! Whoopeee!!!! Oh! And it's a boy! Was very upset because we had a huge fight over the name....DH has always wanted to name after his grandfather, and I was so upset that I had no say in it. We'd talked about it before pregnancy...I just hoped I could change his mind. Anyway, I guess I will come up with a nice nickname.

Congrats on a boy Gob! Maybe when he arrives your husband might think he doesn't suit the name and you can get in there with your choice! I was showin at 20 weeks too and people keep comparing me to my colleague who is 4 weeks ahead of me with her second and saying I'm bigger! I'm blooming pregnant what do they expect!
Congrats on the boy, Gobs! I het after your dh sees you give birth he'll let you name your son whatever you want :)

Jods, people can be so dumb and insensitive when it comes to pregnant women. People I know from work kept saying 'any day now'. 'Actually I've got two months left, but thanks for that' i'd tell them and that'd shut them up!

I have a cute Halloween outfit and pumpkin hat I'm putting Stella in today. We live too far in the country to really get any trick or treaters. Today we are going for our first lunch date. I'm meeting my friend and her LO. I'm super nervous as Stella's been fussy the last few days. I've also never used the stroller! Yikes.
SB, it will get easier taking her out as you get more comfortable. I remember getting so nervous when I took gabby out to the mall for the first time, worrying about what if she is crying, what if she gets hungry, etc etc, but she loved the stroller and either just hung out or slept. She is still that way when we go out. I would recommend an Ergo baby carrier too, which is great when they do start to cry and you need to just hold them. really takes the strain off the back putting her in one of those. Good luck!

And Jods, people really can be so insensitive! I found myself before i was pregnant making comments like 'oh you must be due soon' just because i would feel awkward and like i needed to make small talk with people but didnt know what to say, and then after i was pregnant i realized how awful that was and will never say that again! Its hard until you have been in the situation, so whoever is saying stuff like that probably doesn't realize how they are coming across. Until you put them in their place, that is :)
We had a great first Halloween! We did trick or treating at my work and then did a few houses near us before calling it a night.

Here we are in our costumes:


Harrison had fun playing with the packets of candy. Next year maybe you can have some kid ;)
How was your outing, SB? Was Stella a good baby? Hope everyone is well!
First birthday party in 2.5 weeks! And my first trip alone without DH or gabby next week. I'll be in Texas for business from Mon-fri. I'm so sad to leave gabby, and DH hasn't been alone with her for more than a few hours ever. Wish us both luck, lol!
Good luck Chloe! I did two days a month ago, and it actually really helped DH feel more confident in being home with him. All was well, and the cuddles when I got home made it all worth it. I hope yours goes just as well.

I've been ready WTT and NTNP threads lately torturing myself. I've got a bad case of baby fever now that my cycle is back. We are trying our best to wait until June to NTNP because we want to be close to buying a house before baby #2. So I'll just have to motivate myself by saving money like crazy to get a down payment together.
Good luck Chloe!!! I'm sure your hubbie will enjoy bonding...

Questions (embarrasing...if there's still such thing on here!)
1. Did you have lots of cm? I have loads. Dr says it's normal. It's just so much more...especially when I go for my walk.
2. Did your hubby want/not want sex? Mine, since I've got bigger, and you can actually see it's a babe on the ultrasound, says not really. We've talked about it, as he's usually quite sexual. But he says that he doesn't really feel like it, and he doesn't like the idea of rocking the baby! I guess this is normal?
Stella has been great on outings. She was fab on our first one together. We went to lunch and then visited some of my favorite accounts (I'm in sales) that wanted to see the baby. I had to nurse and change her in a wine shop :)

Good luck with the birthday party Chloe and have fun on your trip! I'm sure leaving will be hard, but like Daydream said the cuddles when you get back will be so great.

Daydream, good luck with WTT. I can see how baby fever would strike once they're past the squishy stage. I can't imagine having a toddler and a newborn at the same time though. I'll have to figure it out though because we hope to have another too.

Gobolino, my DH was weird about sex once I started showing. It didn't stop him though, it just took a little getting used too. I really liked it it first, but as I got farther along I had trouble finishing and then it was just too uncomfortable because of my size. I also had loads of CM ...nothing to worry about. I had to wear a panty liner every day.
1) Yes lots, totally normal as long as it doesn't seem like water, then maybe ask if your water is leaking (I only mention that because my best friend had pprom recently
2) My hubby wanted MORE, but I've heard both scenarios. Both of which are completely normal
Great to hear how everyone's LOs are doing!! Scary how time is flying and they're getting so big!!

Gobolino - I too have had a lot of excess discharge throughout! It's not too bad just needs a panty liner every day! Also, we've had sex a few times since finding out but not so much recently - I feel big and he thinks baby will be aware! Last time we had sex baby moved transverse so we might need to try again to see if we can shift it into the right position haha

All well here. Had anaesthetic review and now know a spinal is an option but not epidural due to previous back surgery but really want natural birth if possible as long as baby moves into head down. We will be given to around 36 weeks for that to happen!! Going to try a hypnosis track I've found and moxibustion!

My friend just had a second baby boy on Wednesday and wasn't due til 2 dec! Her waters broke exact same time as with baby 1 but no progression into labour! Made me realise I'm next eek!!
Gob, I recall using panty liners during pregnancy. I have always had more discharge than normal due to using the nuva ring for birth control, so it was about similar to that. I'm just kinda used to wearing panty liners daily, although once G was born, i really dried up down there! Still am...

About the sex, we definitely had less, although DH didnt really talk about why he seemed less interested. I didn't have a whole lot of interest, and then i was told to not BD until after baby was born due to spotting. So that ended that. And then once she was born, sex has become quite a rarity around my house. I'm really hoping that once i get my cycle back and stop breast feeding my hormones will realign and i'll have my sex drive back....

SB, thats great that stella is a good little traveler!

Daydream, I feel you with the baby fever. I see new babies and it just makes me want to cuddle them, but I can't imagine splitting my time between 2 babies and a husband. Maybe it will be easier when Gabby is older...

Jods, you could really go any day, although hopefully your LO will stay inside until at least 37 weeks! You have plenty of time for baby to flip. If you want to get a head start in trying, I would also look into chiropracters. I have heard the stuff they do to get baby to flip is pretty mild and very helpful, and wish i would have given that a shot. Good luck with the moxibustion. I looked into that as well, but by the time i was thinking about it, it was too late and i didnt have enough time to try that before making the call about trying a version. For some reason every time i went to the Dr until 36 weeks they thought they felt the head at my cervix, but then the student who examined me then was not quite sure and wanted to do an ultrasound, and thats when they saw her little butt down by my cervix. its funny, she is almost a year now, and she still will fold herself into the frank breech position she was born in. I don't know if this is normal for all babies, or just because that feels comfortable still since she was like that in my belly. But she will lay in the crib and bring both feet to her chest and hug them, and sometimes she will sit up, and then just fall forward and sleep like that.

Thanks for the well wishes during my time away! I will probably do a lot of research for gabby's party while gone so i still feel like i'm with her. And totally can't wait for the cuddles when i get back!
The end is near, Jods! Good luck. I found the last two weeks to be the worst. I read a book and listened to the hypno natal therapy cd's by Maggie Howell. On my chart it said I was doing British hypnobirthing and every nurse asked what that was. Haha. I only said that I was using a British version because I wasn't sure if it was the same thing as some they have in the states...I didn't take a class or anything. I loved her accent, but I don't suppose it will do the same thing for you :) What is moxibustion?

For those of you pumping??? How much milk should you get on average? I just pumped for the first time today. I still have a couple months before I go back to work, but I want to get a freezer stash going. I also have a couple of events to go to next month and my mother will be watching Stella. We will be gone for more than a couple of hours so I'd like my mother to be able to feed her.
Thanks Sbmack! All being well I'm working up to 2 weeks before due date so will see how I'm going. I sit at a desk all day but it's getting wintery so a bit worried about getting to work if we get snow!

I'm using Maggie Howell CD too! Now I've got that, the one to make baby turn and yoga to enjoy!!

Moxibustion is a Chinese medicine technique. You burn Moxa sticks over your little toes for 15 days, 10 minutes a day and it's meant to move baby......

....however, I participated in a psychology study at the uni today about maternal stimuli while babys in the womb and babys head is low down in my left hip!! Maybe he or she is making their way head down and I won't need to try anything!!

Just bought a manual pump today to take to hospital just incase so interested to hear what you ladies have to say!!
I started pumping at around 4 weeks old. At first got maybe 4 oz total each morning after he went down for his first nap. It slowly increased because I would let the pump run a few minutes after dry. Now I pump around 13 oz with my morning pump (I stop when the bottle reaches the top on my fuller side, so that's around 7 from one side) and then each subsequent pump is around 6 oz total. I am just now dropping to only my morning pump before work and then 1 pumping session at work. When I first went back to work I pumped every three hours.

Keep in mind, I have a freezer stash of about 400 ounces now and have donated 500 ounces total.. so I have a bit of an oversupply.

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