From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

So freaking cute, Chloe! Love the little grunting. I just want to hug her!

Nice scans Jods. I'm guessing girl because of the lines. I really have no clue how to tell though.

Gobs, I didn't know H&M had maternity! We don't have any around here anyway, but I may have taken a drive to do some shopping.

I'm not a huge shopper overall, but not being able to buy clothes or shoes for the last nine months has really made me want to go on a shopping spree. It will probably be quite a few months until I'm ready for that though as I want to make sure I will get back to my pre-baby size before I go and spend a bunch of money.
Good morning all! After the worst week ever, I'm very glad to be starting a new one. H got a high fever early last week, so between DH and I we had to alternate staying home from work since he couldn't go to daycare, which for me was awful because it's one of our busiest times. This meant I ended up having to work up into the middle of the night to make up for being gone. H also would not sleep without someone sleeping with him, so we ended up taking turns sleeping with him on the daybed we have in his room. On Thursday his fever went down so I was so excited to get to send him to daycare.. but then when he came home at 5 I noticed a little rash around his hairline.. I took off his shirt and he was covered. Roseola. BAH. As of this morning though his rash is gone, so looks like we might have a normal week ahead of us.

SB - You're so close! How are you feeling?

How's everyone else doing?
oh no, daydream! That sounds awful. Does H normally sleep in the daybed or is that just there for when he gets older? I have only had one experience sharing a bed with G and i am not looking forward to doing it again, with the way she tosses and turns! I am glad to hear your week is off to a good start! Was roseola going around daycare?

SB, any baby yet??? So close!!

We have been busy with Gabby crawling all over the place, getting into everything. She is especially interested in cords and the buttons on our receiver. Chasing her around is giving us a workout, that's for sure! She is also more and more interested in feeding herself (with her fingers) and less and less purees with spoons, so I have to get clever again with food. It's a challenge!

How is everyone else doing?? Little P should be eating solids now, right? Hope you are enjoying your LO, Yum!
The daybed is in his room for my mom when she comes to stay and it will be his big boy bed in a few years. He actually sleeps pretty calmly, so it's not too bad, other than trying to share a twin bed with an infant. I sleep on my side and that bed is firmer than our pillowtop, so it's just a little more uncomfortable.

And no, we're not sure where he got it! Maybe swim lessons? Who knows.

How are the finger foods going? I really am having a hard time figuring out things to make for H. He'll have avocado, banana, organic string cheese, scrambled eggs, etc. all chopped up small. and the little star pastas.. but I really need to branch out and figure out new things to feed him. I did buy some zucchini and carrot this weekend, so maybe if I steam it and then can chop it up he can munch on those too.
Sorry you had such a rough week, dream!! Glad H is feeling better!

It must be tiring chasing Gabby around. Just wait until she starts Running around.

I'm getting excited...hopefully she comes sooner than later! I am still working and it's exhausting because I'm getting to the really uncomfortable stage. Being on my feet all day is too much, but I don't want to stop work early because I only have three months leave and I want to spend it all with my little girl. That still sounds strange to little girl. I don't think it will really set in that I'm going to be someone's mother until she's here!
I remember that feeling well, SB! Both the uncomfortableness and the feeling that i would actually be a mom. I still can't believe it sometimes. But it's a great feeling! I hope she comes soon!

Daydream, for finger foods, we are pretty much doing the same. scrambled eggs, steamed carrots and broccoli, pieces of cheese, banana, avocado, toast, puffs, mum mums. I just made her some lentil casserole which I still spoon feed, but it was a great recipe i found on this site: It has helped me come up with some fun combinations of foods to make, although I tried one of the Beet recipes and she was not a fan. But she enjoyed the lentils (as did I!)

Edit: she also loves to eat kiwi, strawberries, plain yogurt, French toast and pancakes. Breakfast is the easiest meal of the day and works out great when we go out to a restaurant for brunch. Dinner is still difficult.
Sorry H had a bad week, Daydream. Hope you all have recovered!

It must be tiring running around after Gabby, I just hope it will be one way of getting rid of all this weight I'm putting on!
I've just got back fron th UK....and OMG, I have eaten SO much :nope: My hubbie's gonna freak when he sees me!!!

SB, I have the same feeling! I just can't see myself as a Mum!
I hope you enjoyed your trip, Gobs! don't worry about eating so much. You're growing a's allowed :)
I had my little girl today via water birth.

7.4lbs. Still need to choose a name!
Congratulations SB! Can't wait to hear more! Good luck with choosing the name and I hope you are able to recover and get some good rest :)
Congrats, SB! i hope you can tell us more about the water birth when you feel up to it! Enjoy your little girl, and as others have said, get some rest!
Congratulations Sbmack! Can't wait to hear what you've decided to call your little girl! Hope all went well and look forward to hearing more about the birth! X
Just calling by to say congrats SB! I'll try & read back on the thread soon & reply properly, just find it so hard on iPhone! x
So we are 90% sure we will call our little girl Stella Grace after both of my grandmothers! Here's a brief write up on how she came into this world:

Last Saturday (10/12/13) we were finishing up some shopping for the baby. We wanted to exchange the crib mattress and then planned on going to one last nice dinner out before the LO made an appearance. We were planning on going to a great restaurant that was about 20 mins. from the store we were at. Since we were done so early we decided to stop at another restaurant for an appetizer on the way. We had one small app and paid the tab. As I got up to leave I felt a gush and ran to the bathroom! I was definitely leaking, but it wasn't buckets like I've heard can happen. I callled my practice and the midwife on call told me to go to the birthing center at the hospital to get checked. I sat on a piece of cardboard and newspapers on the way in case there was another gush. We had to swing by our house (which wasn't really on the way) to throw some things together. I still had not packed a hospital bag even though my husband had been bugging me to do so.

We got to the hospital around 7:30. They checked me out and confirmed it was amniotic fluid and that I'd ruptured my waters. Because I wasn't contracting (they hooked me up to the monitors) the midwife from my practice said I could go home if I wanted. She said to go back or call first thing in the morning. My dh and I agreed I'd get more sleep at home so we left the hospital. We stopped to get a pizza on the way home since we didn't get to eat. Contractions started then in the car. They got pretty intense once home and for an hour and were 5 minutes apart. I thought we were going to have to head back to the hospital, but they tapered off.

I was up all night with contractions about 10 minutes apart. I was frustrated because I wasn't sleeping, but they weren't too painful. They ramped up in the morning so we took a shower, ate some breakfast and headed to the hospital. We got there around 8:30 and I delivered at 1:49. They monitored me for a bit once we got checked in. Then they unhooked me to labor as I please. I was in the room for a bit and labored in the shower. My doula was amazing. She knew just where to apply counter pressure to minimize the pain. When the contractions got closer together and the pain really increased we moved to the jacuzzi tub. It was relief for a while, but then I went into transition. I stayed in the tub but shut the jets off. I was probably in there for an hour. My water really broke in there. I fet a pop. Not too long after my body started telling me to push. The nurse got a little scared and said not in here. I was in the tub for another 15 minutes or so with super intense contractions and trying not to push since I wasn't completely dialated. Once I was, they wheeled me to the room with the birthing tub. Once there I pushed for 20-25 minutes. The most effective and comfortable (not really comfortable of course, but the least excruciating) position was leaning against the tub on all fours. I pushed her head out and most of her body in that position and turned at the end to get her all out without wrapping the cord around me.

It was intense as I'm sure all births are, but I was very happy in the end. I hope to have my second the same way!
Congrats again Sbmack!

Lovely name for your little girl!

Thank you for sharing your birth story! Sounds like things went straight forward and smoothly! How funny to have planned a nice meal and baby decided to crash that. I'm really hoping for spontaneous labour and water birth so it was nice to read your story!

Hope you're resting up and enjoying your new addition to your family! X
Wow Sbmack! What a story! Thanks for sharing!!! Glad all went ok, and love the name.
Take care!
That is a beautiful name! And what a great story! I'm glad that things went so well for you. How has the first week or so been going?
Harrison is now 10 months old, I cannot believe it. He's such a great kid. Still no walking, but he does walk with his little push toy. Just a matter of time I'm sure. He also jabbers a lot, but we still haven't attributed his first word yet. There are lots of close ones.. book, dog, dada, mama, but he doesn't say it consistently. Like he'll say dog and then gah. So I can't tell if he really knows what he's saying. Today we got really close with Go. He says it when he starts to push his toy, but he says a lot of sounds that start with g, so I'm not convinced yet.

Also on his 10 month birthday I got my own gift.. AF started.. a whole 555 days after my last one. Sigh. Something about it makes me sad, it's like it's back to business as usual. Not pregnant anymore, don't have a newborn anymore. Just back to normal life where I get my monthly visitor. It IS nice to have the confirmation that I'm not pregnant and that they really are phantom kicks I'd been feeling.

How are everyone else's babies doing?
SB, great story! sounds like it couldn't have gone better. love the name, too!

Gabby is sick with a 103 fever now. she is so miserable. Breaks my heart! And she is getting her first tooth! And she has been coming up to me, hugging me and saying mamama, so maybe she actually knows who i am now???

Daydream, i feel the same way about gabby and her language. she sometimes seems to get it, and sometimes not. Sorry AF is back..was it horrible? I dread how awful it will be after not having it for almost 2 years. I'm picturing cramping that will require time off work. but maybe it will just be like any other AF...And good that you are just having phantom kicks! do you want a second child? I still go back and forth on that one.

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