From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

SB, depends when you wean how long you keep the milk. If its in a deep freezer, its good for up to a year, but if its in your regular freezer, i have read 3-6 months is the shelf life. So i would keep about 5oz per bag and lay them flat to freeze, then after about 3 months of giving her fresh milk, I would spend the next week just freezing my fresh milk and using all of my frozen stash. Milk does lose some of its antibody properties after it is frozen (I think about 30%), so i wanted to keep her getting the fresh stuff, to help ward off colds and keep it as in tact nutritionally as possible. Gabby luckily never had trouble with the bottle. She did get gassy when I used phillips avent brand, so i switched to the pain in the ass to clean Dr Brown's bottles. I have also heard that all wide mouth bottles are better because they are more like the boob. Not sure how true that is. I pretty much have given daycare 5oz per bottle from day 1. now gabby is drinking much less milk so i only give them 2.5 oz per bottle. but that is because she is eating tons of solids. I hope Stella continues to take her bottle well! Happy 6 weeks!

Well, we survived gabby's first birthday party! I was worried about not having enough food. I pretty much have enough food to feed 2 families from now until thanksgiving. And possibly beyond. We somehow managed to fit 25 people comfortably, and gabby was happy the entire time. She enjoyed her food and especially the cake. We didn't give her a smash cake because i didnt think she needed to get super messy and ingest all that sugar. I gave her a small slice of cake and let her enjoy that. It was adorable to watch! Here are some pictures from her big day :) only 4 more days until she is really 1!

Hope everyone is well!


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Beautiful pics Chloe!!

Hope you're all well!!

I've had an eventful few days - reduction in number and strength of movements so was monitored last night and had emergency scan this am. Babys doing fine growth wise and fluid looks ok but they want further monitoring so I've decided to bring forward my maternity leave and am coming off this Friday instead of 2 weeks from now!!! Eek!!
Chloe - Gabby looks so happy at her party! Her outfit is adorable. I'm so glad it went well. I just dropped the invites for ours in the mail. It'll be here before we know it.

Jods - I hope all goes well! I'm glad you went in though. Better safe than sorry.

Great photos, Chloe! Gabby is so happy!

Glad everything is ok, jods! Yay for mat leave.

Thanks for pumping input! I do have a deep freezer where I'm storing the milk. From now on I'll be putting more into each bag!

Do you have to throw away milk if it's been warmed in a bottle and the bottle doesn't get finished?
I hope everything stays on track for you, jods! That's nice that you start maternity early!

Daydream, when is H's party? Do you have a theme? I can't remember.

SB, if it was fresh milk, I would reuse it same day only if it had been warmed. Daycare policy was to throw it away after 1 hour. I would toss it if it wasn't drank by the end of the day. Not sure what the right answer is tho.
Chloe, Gabby's gorgeous!!! Love the pics!!

Jods! Hope all goes well, glad you've got m leave, relax and enjoy!
I agree with Chloe regarding warmed milk

Oh and I realized I never answered regarding the size of bags, I used to do between 3-4 oz per bag up until about 4 months, then I've always done 5 oz per bottle, part because that's how much I send in a bottle and other because it's easier for me to track the # of oz I donate and have in my freezer.

Chloe - I can't believe Gabby is eating enough to cut back that much! H is such a grazer when he eats solids, he's only cut down a little bit. I worry a little that we'll end up with issues when he's one. I'm with him this week for the holiday so I'm really trying to get him to eat solids before I feed him. He'll suck a pouch of food down like it's nothing, but for finger foods and other fresh foods, he's too busy to sit down and eat. I may have to start with the snacking tray like they suggest for toddlers.

His birthday party is the 14th and it's a sailboat/anchor theme. I got him this birthday hat:
and have a few other touches. I also want to do the newspaper sailboats and crepe paper waves for the tables:
Daydream, the little sailor theme is so cute! it suits his cute little face so well! Isn't it wild how babies are so different? I have only given gabby a pouch to suck on her own once, and she wolfed it down. She is constantly pointing to my plates and wanting to eat anything that I am eating. And she has learned to recognize cheese of all forms and wont stop pointing and grunting when she sees it! I'm not sure what the snacking tray you are referring to is? Is that just giving them a variety of things to pick out? I find Gabby's interest in food is not consistent from day to day, meal to meal. Some days she eats a crazy amount of dinner, and other days she will eat the equivalent of a couple pasta noodles. I have not gotten worried yet because she is still so chubby if she eats less, it will hardly be noticeable. But now that we are just about at the 1 year mark, i really have to pay attention to make sure she is getting a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, grains and protein, which is sometimes hard when DH and I just want to order a pizza for dinner.

Gob, can't believe you are almost at 24 weeks! That was an exciting milestone for me since it meant baby could be delivered and survive. Not that I wanted a baby that early, but in the off chance it happened, all hope was not lost.

I just ate a giant grilled cheese sandwich that is making my stomach move and look like i am about 24 weeks pregnant :blush: Kinda making me broody, lol!
Daydream, the little sailor theme is so cute! it suits his cute little face so well! Isn't it wild how babies are so different? I have only given gabby a pouch to suck on her own once, and she wolfed it down. She is constantly pointing to my plates and wanting to eat anything that I am eating. And she has learned to recognize cheese of all forms and wont stop pointing and grunting when she sees it! I'm not sure what the snacking tray you are referring to is? Is that just giving them a variety of things to pick out? I find Gabby's interest in food is not consistent from day to day, meal to meal. Some days she eats a crazy amount of dinner, and other days she will eat the equivalent of a couple pasta noodles. I have not gotten worried yet because she is still so chubby if she eats less, it will hardly be noticeable. But now that we are just about at the 1 year mark, i really have to pay attention to make sure she is getting a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, grains and protein, which is sometimes hard when DH and I just want to order a pizza for dinner.

Gob, can't believe you are almost at 24 weeks! That was an exciting milestone for me since it meant baby could be delivered and survive. Not that I wanted a baby that early, but in the off chance it happened, all hope was not lost.

I just ate a giant grilled cheese sandwich that is making my stomach move and look like i am about 24 weeks pregnant :blush: Kinda making me broody, lol!

LOL! Sounds yummy!
Yep, nearly 24 weeks....time flies! I saw a video on FB yesterday of (I think) a 6 1/2 month old baby....sooooo small, tiny, full of tubes. Very moving. I can now feel him every day, and when I don't feel him...I get paranoid The worry never ends, does it?!!!!
Good luck with H's party, daydream! Hope all the other ladies are well!

Jods, any sign of baby yet??
Thanks! How have things been going for you lately?

H is coming up on one year and had another fever virus thing going, so we're really up in the air if we can do his party. I hope the rest of the day is still good because we've had no fever yet today.

We've had a few steps here, but H still isn't really confident on his feet. He babbles and "talks" all day long. Really quite fun :)
Hi all!

Jods must be due!!! Or nearly!!! How exciting! Hope all goes well.
Happy Birthday H!
Hi ladies!!
Was just about to check in and ask if you could suggest anything get this baby out?? Haha

I'm 38 weeks on Monday and have been taking RLT capsules and bouncing on a gym ball!! We've even dtd to see if that helps things!!

Getting a lot of pain and shooting sharp pains in my cervix but i don't know if that means anything!

I've now been off work for 2 weeks and just want baby here! I can't remember if I said I came off early as baby wasn't moving as much although drs were happy with everything! I feel more relaxed being away from work though!

Attached a wee pic of me at 36+5 going to a birthday party! I also managed my work Xmas party last night but didn't stay late!

Hope you're all well and happy birthday H!


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Aw good luck Jods! I did evening primrose oil, RLT, bouncing on the ball, lots of sex, walking, but really it took going to the doctor and getting a sweep for things to get moving for me. I was 2 cm dilated for three weeks at least. Enjoy this time though! (I know everyone says that) Things will change so quickly once baby is here
You look gorgeous though! That dress is so perfect!
You look lovely!!!!!
I've heard dtd, sipping bubbly champagne, stairs, bouncing ball.....I guess it's when baby decides, in the end!!!
You look fab, Jods!! I dtd and did lots of walking. I went antiquing the morning my water broke. I also planned a fancy dinner hoping that she would make her appearance early to ruin it and if not we get a nice dinner. She decided to come then!

Happy birthday Harrison!! I hope he's feeling better and you were able to have the party! It must seem crazy that he's already a year. I can't believe Stella is two months.

She's taking a bottle now...I'm so happy about that. Mostly because she will be able to eat from my mother when I go back to work and also so I can have some wine here and there :)


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Thanks ladies! I definitely felt good in the dress despite feeling huge!

Yesterday I had a dull ache in my lower tummy and my boobs were leaking! This morning i feel sick as a dog and one of my cats won't leave my side!!! Probably reading too much into this but who knows! I hope if he or she is on the way it happens by Friday or they wait til after Christmas lol I just want to meet them now!
Jods, you look great! You should do what SB suggested and plan a nice meal...babies love to ruin those ;) Wow, leaky boobs?? that seems like it could be a sign, but I never went through labor so i dont know...

Daydream, I hope H is feeling better! Did you have his party?

SB, super cute picture! I think we have the same bunny :) I have a small, med and large one, and we took gabby's weekly pic with the large one. So glad Stella has taken to the bottle! Its such a relief knowing you don't necessarily have to be attached at the boob.

Gob, how have you been feeling? almost in that 3rd trimester!

We had an awful night last night. Gabby woke up around midnight crying, so DH brought her in bed with us, and she was happy as can be, and not at all tired, for the next 3 hours...ugh. Eventually she fell asleep around 3am, and so I was able to fall asleep then too, and she stayed that way until around 630 when she decided to use my head as a pillow. not comfortable! but so adorable at the same time. Gabby has been fighting Pink eye, and RSV is going around daycare, but i think she has escaped that. She still has a little cough, and I am still getting over whatever it was that she had that she gave me. She is officially a walking baby now. She will walk from one end of the room to the other on her own. She is still not very stable, and if she gets distracted she tends to fall. She also says 'uh oh' whenever she drops things, and has become very good at saying 'no' and pushing away whatever it is that she doesn't want. we watch little kids songs on you tube at night, and we have a playlist of the same few videos, but now she is getting bored with them and will push the phone away when one comes on that she doesnt want to watch. She is asserting herself very well now! That's about all that's going on here.

Hope some of the quieter members are doing well! Yum, Mrs P, Nell :)
Oh Jods! I hope this is a good sign! Good luck!!

SB: Oh my such a darling little one!! I'm so glad she's taking the bottle, I know that can be so nerve-wracking to get that process down. We're now working on sippy cups and making sure he eats enough real food. The worrying just never ends!

Chloe: That is so exciting how much she's taking on! H will just take a couple steps, but I think he's scared of it. He always would rather plop down and crawl. But when he's cruising and walking with us, he puts barely any pressure on us for stability. He could do it if he really wanted to. I'm sorry she's got pink eye! That's awful, what do you do to help that?

Gobs - Hi!! You're getting into my favorite part of pregnancy. How is everything going?

Well we postponed H's party until this next weekend. He had another high temp (105) on Thursday night, so we took him to the dr Friday morning, of course his temp was back down. They said it was just a virus and it could be contagious. So I decided not to risk it, plus we were having the party in my hometown 4 hours away, so I didn't want to travel and risk him getting another high fever when we got there. Of course after I made the call to change the party, he didn't get another fever and we probably could have had the party and been fine, but oh well. His actual birthday is Wednesday, so I'm going to pick up a cupcake for him on my way home from work and have him open his presents from us and a couple of our friends that we've gotten. Then we'll do the big shindig on Sunday.

And yes, like Chloe said, I hope all is well with the rest of our group! I don't post often in bnb anymore now that we're not ttc and life is so busy, but I love to follow along with you guys.

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