From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Not long at all!!!! My friends have lent me loads of now just to go shopping for basics (bedding, nail clippers, brush...bits and bobs) and thing for me post partum. Exiting and scary at the same time!!! Just wishing DH was here...not long to go now....18 more days. I can't believe it's going to be soon!!!
Daydream, i watched your video. It does sound like he is saying asshole. Too funny! They are like little sponges now, learning so many words. Love it!

oh wow, Gob, thats sooner than your ticker says! are you having a scheduled induction or is your ticker wrong? How long until your DH is with you?
Daydream, i watched your video. It does sound like he is saying asshole. Too funny! They are like little sponges now, learning so many words. Love it!

oh wow, Gob, thats sooner than your ticker says! are you having a scheduled induction or is your ticker wrong? How long until your DH is with you?

Sorry no....ticker's correct. It's DH that's back in 18 days... :haha: It's my one track mind I'm afraid!!!!
Hi ladies sorry I've been AWOL again! Wish bnb had an app still...

Nell Leila is adorable! All that hair!

SB work is fine thank you, definitely bearable working only 3 days now & a Saturday which is our quietest day..

Chloe, no not TTC yet, we said probs April after her first birthday, but will be a very relaxed approach! Started taking my folic acid though.., feels odd ha!
Sorry to hear you had possible norovirus, this is what penny & I had last August, horrendous! Penny was just sick but I had sickness & diarrhoea every 30 mins for about 5 hours then felt like death the next 2 days...

Daydream great to hear Harrison is walking! Penny has been taking the odd step since 9th Jan & took 7 steps 2 weeks ago, the odd time since but still not walking! If I try put her down to walk she just slumps & does it when she doesn't think we're looking..

Gobolino not long at all! Cherish your pregnancy time remaining & even labour to a certain extent. I loved it all! I worthy about it being the Same with baby#2 & whether it's as special though I'm sure it will be!

Sorry if I've missed anyone xx
MrsP - How exciting to get 7 steps! H used to slump all the time! I think he didn't like us pressuring him. Now he's walking all over the place. It's like he had to decide he was ready for it
Think that's the same with penny, she never does it when we want her to...

Girls I'm feeling emotional I went back on the spotting thread & realised it's 3yrs since I joined, the thread seems to have tailed off somewhat :sad1: & there are people on there that still 2/3 years later haven't got their BFP's! It just makes me feel so lucky but look back & want to cry :cry: Why are things so hard for some people & so easy for others? Not fair... I really hope it doesn't take the same time for baby #2. I have a feeling it will be quicker as my spotting better/different but who knows. At least I've got penny I know that but the thought of going through that stress for almost 2 years makes me feel ergh! But I know I can have kids & already have my princess so it defo takes the edge of it. I've had some wine & it makes me weepy these days so excuse me lol :rofl: x
MrsP, I know how you feel :hugs: It hurts seeing people try for months and years with no success. It took us only 4 months to conceive, but each month taught me the pain of not being able to achieve the dream of having a child. I'm much more sensitive to this topic now and really feel for those who are having troubles to conceive. I have a couple of really good friends who have been trying for years with no success and all I can really do is offer my support and hope for a miracle.

Daydream, congrats on your walker! Annie is totally uninterested in walking or standing on her own, but I think once it comes, she'll be unstoppable. Love the walking video and YES it does sound like he's saying 'asshole' :haha:

Nell, what an adorable little kid, I love Leila's bangs! A's hair is a mess, maybe I should consider bangs as well.

Gobolino, I hope last month goes smoothly. Are you planning on flying back right after the little one is born?

Sb, love the photo, you two look beautiful! We have a similar winter outfit for Annie with pink ears on the hood and bear face on her butt :)

Chloe, what a cute story, she's a genius :) I'm amused each time I see Annie pick up an object and actually use it the intended way instead of just putting it in her mouth and chewing on it.

AMV, I'd say all of us on this thread have different reasons for spotting and most don't even know exactly what causes it. I spot like crazy bleeding for almost half of my cycle, but managed to conceive without any additional medication, it just happened. I hope it doesn't take you much longer to conceive. Your OB might think it's too early to worry, but I hope she takes your concerns seriously and gets to the bottom of the issue.
Mrs. P, I know what you mean. I feel awful for everyone that's still trying...especially those that finally get pregnant only to miscarry. That just happened to my friend and my heart broke for her. She's been trying for almost a year with irregular cycles.

I'm also worried about it taking a while for us to concieve our second, but like you said we are so grateful for the princess we already have. It's nice to know we can do it. I'm not getting any younger though so we aren't going to wait too much longer.

I hope everyone had a great valentines day with their beautiful babies!
Mrs P, I know what you mean. I really feel for some of them, those that have accompanied me during this past year. It's so sad, I wish it would happen soon.

KatieTTC, yes, I will fly back as soon as I (we) feel up to it. I'm guessing a month? Just take it as it comes.

I'm starting to have dreams/nightmares about LO. I guess I'm reading too much about BF and sleeping and so on. I feel I'm more scared of doing that, than of delivery!!! I suppose it comes naturally in the end?? I don't have room for a chair in my bedroom, do I sit up in bed at night? Do I take him to another room? Do I change him before or after feeding? Lights on or off?? OMG!!!!!!!
Gobs - Oh yes I remember having SO MANY questions about what to do, but amazingly you'll find your own groove. Some people swear by feeding while in bed, but it would give me nightmares that I fell asleep with the baby, so I would take the baby into the living room and feed in our rocker. And definitely change before feeding, so that hopefully you can feed him back to sleep. And dim lights. I used to watch TV while feeding, but books I've read say that can stimulate them at night, so I think next time around I'm just going to have one dim nightlight and listen to podcasts or something with an earbud in or something, or just maybe watch something on my ipad. I'm trying to find little tips to help for the next time because now having H sleeping so well, I want to get there quicker next time! :)
Gobolino, I felt the same way and the baby arrived earlier than expected so I was somewhat unprepared. Looking back though everything just kind of fell into place. I just followed my baby's lead. I'd change her diapers before the feeding, like daydream, because in many cases baby would fall back asleep during the feeding time. At night I'd have a small nightlight on, just enough to see what I'm doing. If you're planning on BF, definitely get some lanolin. Sounds like you do a lot of reading, so you probably bought it already, but it's just something I didn't even think about. BF was really painful the first couple of days without lanolin. Is your hospital bag packed? I kept telling myself it's time to pack it and ended up asking my husband to go home and pack it for me after the baby was born :)

It's interesting to see a common theme on this thread - many of us are already thinking about trying to have another child. I personally feel ready and would love to start trying again. It would be considered a high risk pregnancy this time though, because I had preeclamsia with Annie and they also diagnosed me with lupus after her birth. In any case we feel blessed to have our little precious girl and we're thankful for having her. To us she is a true miracle!
I second the lanolin!

Katie - I'm also very ready for another baby, except for the future cost of two daycares. Ouch, that will be tough. I've started temping again (when I can remember) as I'm trying to figure out what my new cycles are now. We won't start NTNP until June, but they have had me pretty confused lately, and I really want to have some idea of what my body is doing. Do you have a thought of when you might start trying again? Is DH on board?
I too feel for those who have been trying for so long and still aren't pregnant. I have a good friend who tried for 3+ years and is finally pregnant. I am so happy for her! It took me about 10 months, and even if i don't get pregnant again, I am so thankful for Gabby. Part of me wants to have a baby sooner rather than later so that i can be at my youngest with best chances for success, and the other part of me wants to selfishly enjoy watching gabby grow without having to share my attention. I think once she is 3 I will be more than ready to share, but since it took 10 months to get pregnant last time, I can't exactly plan to get pregnant in 1 year. If it takes me 10 months and i want a baby when sheis 3, i have to start trying like now. It makes my head spin every time i think of it!

Mrs P, that is great that Penny is taking steps! I was so excited when gabby could truely walk on her own, but then I got so much more exhausted! now she runs. oof!

Katie, can't believe Annie is 1 year already! Time flies! Happy belated birthday to her!

Gob, i know what you mean. I had similar fears. I kept a recliner in my room when gabby was sleeping in my room and i used to feed her in that, but there were also days where I was exhausted and would have DH bring her to me in bed, and I would do the side feed, where you both lay on your sides. Or sometimes I would just prop myself up with lots of pillows in bed. You will figure out what works for you. I used to have DH change her and then bring her to me for feeding, or i would change her before feeding for the same reasons already stated - boobs put babies to bed. who wants to mess with that!?! And yes, invest in lanolin. I also got some mother love organic nipple cream that was pretty nice. I also tried to either have it be pitch black or a dim light off in the distance. I woudl turn a hall light on when changing her so i could still see what i was doing but didnt make it really bright. I would invest in a small nightlight if I were to do it again.

Anyone thinking about potty training yet? I need a good resource to read. i bought gabby a potty a while ago and I take her in the bathroom with me somtimes and just sit her on the potty with her clothes on while I am on the toilet, just to get her familiar with it. but I have no idea how to take that next step. We had baby naked time for about 5 minutes the other day because i just had too much to do before i could get her dressed, and this was right after a bath, where she always pees, and she walked over by her crib and peed right on the floor. sigh....this is why I don't have naked baby time in my house, lol.
I second the lanolin!

Katie - I'm also very ready for another baby, except for the future cost of two daycares. Ouch, that will be tough. I've started temping again (when I can remember) as I'm trying to figure out what my new cycles are now. We won't start NTNP until June, but they have had me pretty confused lately, and I really want to have some idea of what my body is doing. Do you have a thought of when you might start trying again? Is DH on board?

Daydream, if everything goes well we'd like to start trying in April or May. I had to stop taking certain meds that are unsafe for pregnancy and I'm now waiting to see what effect it will have on my body. If it doesn't cause any complications, the medication should be out of my system in another 1,5 months and we can start trying. I'm also keeping track of my cycles and started taking prenatals again. I'm hoping for the best. DH is definitely on board. How about yours? Does he feel ready?
Gobs, like daydream said it will all fall into place. It it is scary though. I also changed the baby (actually DH did and handed her off to me) before feeding her. I feed her right in my bed. I keep an extra pillow on the floor next to my bed to use to sit up. I suppose I will be feeding her in her room once we move her to the crib.
Katie - DH is not ready to go through the newborn phase again, but he is on board with my timeline. I think he thinks we will have trouble TTC again so he thinks it will be a long time before we have a baby around. So he'll be in for a surprise if it happens quickly. He also did a sneaky oopsy last week when DTD, I thought it was around ov, but my chart is looking annovulatory, but then again I haven't been consistent with temping this month since I'm just starting.
Daydream, my DH is the same, not ready for a newborn. I think its more for selfish reasons tho because he said he misses not being able to spontaneously go out for drinks. I don't know how having another baby would make that any less possible than our current situation tho. I think he is also scared that we will end up with a baby that is much more difficult than Gabby, who has been a near perfect sleeper. He also doesn't want a boy as he thinks they would be too rambunctious, so I think he has a lot of mental hurdles to get over. I hope we can have another one, but if we just have Gabby I will be happy too. I can't imagine sharing my love with another baby right now. I hardly have any time at home with G, so when we are together she pretty much gets all of my attention. Its hard to have 2 full time working parents and 1 kid. can't imagine how much harder it woudl be with 2!

Wanted to share what is hopefully going to become a project for me in the next month: it wont be exact, as i'm not working with the same kind of night stand, but I hope to use it as inspiration :) I will probably have to take a day off work to properly do it. but before then i hope to gather my supplies in the next few weeks at thrift and craft stores.

Hope everyone is well. Any baby yet, Gob??
Chloe...good luck! Post pics!!!!
37 weeks 3 more weeks to go. DH gets back (after 5 weeks away) on will be SO nice to have him home, someone to do chores and shopping and so on! I'm pretty active and do everything myself...but starting to get tired. Not sleeping well at all. I awake around 5-5.30 and can't get back to sleep. When I do, I sleep for one hour more and that's it. I go to bed around not much sleep. Also I get really hungry!!!! I refuse to give in....except last night I was so hungry I was feeling sick, so I had some cereal. Acid reflux has got a lot worse.
BUT apart from that, I'm really doing well!!!! Feeling good, and active! So not bad in all!!! Let me try and post a pic....never done it



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Chloe - I completely understand. I feel the same way about sharing love between two kids. A lot of my friends are on baby #2 but their first are around 3-4 years old and I'm feeling like having an older toddler for baby 2 will be nice. I'd love for H to be able to understand the whole new baby thing. So if it takes us a while, I won't be upset about it. My ideal spacing would be 3 years.

I also love that little kitchen set! You'll have to post pictures after it's done.

Gobs - you look great! I can't believe how close you are already. I'm so glad your DH will be back soon. It will be nice to have some alone time together before baby arrives. I forget, did you pick any names yet?

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