From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Thank you, girls, for the kind words :flower:

Daydream, would love to see some recent photos of Harrison!

Sb, sounds like you're determined to pump no matter what stands in your way or who stares in your direction, you go girl! Stella is precious!

Gobolino, I got the onesies as a gift from a friend. I think she bought regular white onesies and then used iron on prints to make the shirts. I absolutely loved it! I hope one day I will get a chance to reuse them with a second baby.

Chloe, Gabby does walk like a pro, I can't even imagine Anne running around the house... although I could never imagine her crawling around either :)

I mentioned that Anne is super anxious to get her bottle after each solid meal. Here's a little progression of what she looks like after she has her last spoon.

Daydream, Chloe, do you still give your little ones a bottle with breast milk/formula? How often?


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Gob - Stella is growing so wonderfully! Love the photo!

Katie - We are transitioning H to whole milk. He bfs in the morning and at bedtime, and this week he's actually on 100% regular milk during the day because we are in SLC for my work. DH and he tagged along for 5 of the 7 days. so we don't have access to my freezer stash. He has 2-4 4 oz bottles (some with sippy lids) during the day. At home we still have about 100 oz in the freezer, so we'll keep doing a bit of bm in the bottles until my stash has been all used up.

Here's a few I had handy :)

Beautiful pics ladies!!!!!! Beautiful babies!!!! Anne is so funny!!!!!
Daydream, love H's photos, especially the middle one! Just chilling there with a bottle with no pants on :) Love the little piano
Katie - anne is just adorable, she has such cute expressions :) i love those month stickers, such a great idea!

Daydream - i can't believe gow grown up Harrison looks, i love that middle photo of him relaxing :)

Sorry ladies i will post pics soon, my parent in law have just arrived for a 6 week stay and dh is working from home from the laptop so just me one finger typing on the ipad again :)
Thanks! Yes that picture cracks me up, my little man.

Katie - I can't believe how much beautiful hair Anne has!
awww, SB,what a cute little peanut she is!

Katie, that last pic is too funny! she wants that bottle! And look at all that hair! have you given her a haircut yet? We stopped daytime bottles last week. She gets a sippy of milk with breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack, and water with dinner. I still BF morning and night, but we switched to 100% cows milk right after she turned 1.We spent a month giving her mixtures of cows and BM starting at 11 months to get her body used to cows milk. She hasn't had any reactions, although for the past couple weeks she has been farting A LOT and has had boughts of a pretty red diaper area. But she doesnt seem to be bothered by it.

Daydream, love that middle pic too! From the pics i've seen on your blog, i think he looks like you. What do you think?

All your monthly pictures have made me jealous, so I made a collage last night. Its not very good reslution, an I wish I had better templates with m android app, but its the best I could do in my limited time.


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Jods grace is just adorable! So cute!

SB, penny rolled around 12 weeks - I think, though would need to check diary! You forget these major events so quickly! :shock: Stella is so cute SB! We have onesie/bodysuit stickers too, I had to order them from etsy from the US as couldn't get them from the UK. I feel for you going back to work so quickly, I've just gone back on 9th Jan when penny was almost 10 months & that seemed too soon! I've never had such a quick year EVER! I've kept myself really busy going to classes & swimming etc... so it's gone in the blink of an eye...

Nell!!! Wow oh wow! See I said baby #2's would not be long! 6th sense ha ha! So sorry to hear about your twins though, hope you're ok Hun :hugs:
Gobs, glad things going well, looks like they've changed the fruit on the tickers since I was preggo! Sorry you & Nell have had it hard so far though...

Katie, lovely to hear from you, Anne is adorable love her pics! Amazed how well she's sitting for the later pics, penny's 9 month pic was a nightmare she wouldn't sit still! Penny was 10 months on wed but forgot to take 10 month sticker pic so must do it in next few days!

Gorgeous photos daydream & Chloe! Daydream good luck with the cows milk! Penny will be getting it in 2 months, I think she'll like it! Chloe it won't let me view video boo! :sad1:

Gobs, & nell! We need bump pics!!!

I also hope everything well with yum & mrshy!

AFM, as above I went back to work this week, though not so bad, only 25hrs thurs, fri, sat so no childcare needed as grandparents helping out, & sat is daddy daughter day! :cloud9: so far so good.... penny has taken an odd step a couple of times but now whenever you try & get her to stand up which she is usually excellent at she just flops! :growl mad: defo think she'll be walking before her 1st birthday though...

Chloe - I love Gabby's monthly pictures! I need to wrap mine up whenever I have time later this week. I actually think he looks more like DH, but has some of my features. He's a pretty good mix of us both.

MrsP - Sorry you are already back to work, no matter how long the time off it goes by far too fast. I'm glad it's only a few days and daddy daughter day is priceless!

H has been expanding his vocabulary, this week working on Water, Bath, Bite (of banana) and I think we even got grandma! Still no walking, my stubborn little bit. A lot more independent standing though.
Mrs. P, that's great your DH gets a day with Penny and that the grandparents are helping now that your back to work.

Chloe, love that collage!! I especially like month 8. I think she's going to be a yogi :)

Good job on the vocab Harrison!

Stella almost rolled over a few times today, but didn't quite make it. I wonder if her giant fluffy bum (we cloth diaper) is slowing her down. I've read that it's good to put them down naked sometimes as they'll feel less restricted. I did this for a few minutes this morning. I'm not concerned I just love seeing her learn new things.
Thanks, I know DH said he really looks forward to Saturday's now for his day with her bless. It's amazing what a few months do daydream, can't quite picture Penny talking haha! SB yes I guess it could be her fluffy bum lol, nappy free time is great for them as long as you put towels down for wees! Penny would wee a lot when she was naked! x
I was always too scared to let gabby just let her little bare butt hang out for the very reason that Mrs P experienced! I used to blame gabby's excessive chubbyness on her inability to roll over. I have a friend whos LO was in cloth diapers and didnt roll untl 6 months, so it could be a cause. It will come in due time, I wouldn't be worried until at least 9 months with the rolling thing.

MrsP, sounds like you have a great system going with working/childcare! I often wonder if my DH would survive a regular daddy daughter day. He doesn't like to be alone with her for long, mostly because I think he is afraid something is going to go wrong.

Well, AF FINALLY showed up for REAL 2 weeks ago, ended on Friday, and now I've been spotting since then. I was hoping pregnancy was going to be the end of my spotting. This isn't even spotting after Ovulation tho, so I have no idea what to think. I am travelling this weekend with just DH (gabby staying with my parents for 4 days!) and i dont want the stupid witch to ruin our evenings!:hissy:
I was always too scared to let gabby just let her little bare butt hang out for the very reason that Mrs P experienced! I used to blame gabby's excessive chubbyness on her inability to roll over. I have a friend whos LO was in cloth diapers and didnt roll untl 6 months, so it could be a cause. It will come in due time, I wouldn't be worried until at least 9 months with the rolling thing.

MrsP, sounds like you have a great system going with working/childcare! I often wonder if my DH would survive a regular daddy daughter day. He doesn't like to be alone with her for long, mostly because I think he is afraid something is going to go wrong.

Well, AF FINALLY showed up for REAL 2 weeks ago, ended on Friday, and now I've been spotting since then. I was hoping pregnancy was going to be the end of my spotting. This isn't even spotting after Ovulation tho, so I have no idea what to think. I am travelling this weekend with just DH (gabby staying with my parents for 4 days!) and i dont want the stupid witch to ruin our evenings!:hissy:

Sorry about AF. Try not to worry, maybe your body just needs to readapt itself after giving birth, and will return to "normal" soon (i.e. No spotting!!)
Daydream, I also think that Harrison looks like you, but I might be wrong cause I've never seen you in real life. In any case I think he's got your eyes.

MrsP, it's great when dads enjoy their alone time with little ones. I absolutely love it when my husband gets up early during the weekend to feed her and lets me sleep in. He says it's his alone time with the girl. I'm all for it ;)

Nell, looking forward to see the pictures, no rush though, you must be busy. Hope in-laws are helping!

Chloe, love your collage! It is interesting how differently kids develop in their first year, some have a ton of hair, some don't, some have a row of teeth already and others are still waiting. We haven't given Anne a haircut, I think I'll just let it grow for now and when it gets too messy and hard to maintain we'll trim it. I'm curious to see what her hair looks like when it gets longer. Right now it looks just like mine except for the curls. She might've gotten it from DH. I wonder if it will stay wavy when it gets longer or will be straight like mine. Sorry about the spotting, it must be getting on your nerves. I hope your evenings alone with DH are wonderful no matter what the witch decides to do.

How about the rest of you, girls? Did spotting return after you gave birth? Mine is back to "normal" meaning I start spotting about a week after ovulation and continue spotting until AF arrives. So annoying, I really hoped pregnancy'd take care of it.
Chloe - Oh no I'm sorry about the spotting, but rest assured, I'm going on my fourth cycle pp and they've all been different. Last month was AWFUL, I bled so heavy for 3-4 days, heavier than I've ever had. This month I really had serious EWCM around ovulation, and I'm now 12dpo without AF or spotting (I know I'm not pg, no worries there). So I'm sure it will be a few months before your cycle ends up being "normal"

Anne - See above, I'm not sure my cycle is normal yet, but no spotting (which can be good or scary after that heavy flow I had.. I don't know when I'll start!)
I do see a lot of me in H's pictures every once and a while, it's funny most people do think he looks like me in the eyes and smile. I guess I just see a lot of DH because of his brow and his expressions. And he does resemble DH's childhood pictures a lot more than mine. I'll have to dig those out again because I haven't looked in a while.

An update from my end: We just got back from my work trip in Salt Lake, my boys joined me for the first half and it would have been great except we ALL got sick. It was an awful cold/sinus infection/laryngitis (for me). DH and I are still trying to get over it. But it was great traveling with H, he's such a good flier. H turned 13 months while we were there and STILL no walking. He'll stand by himself for 30-1 min but then if he wants to go anywhere he drops and crawls. He's pretty frustrated at our efforts to get him to walk so we've given it a rest for a while.
He's also been playing through one of his naps a day lately. Today it was his afternoon nap, so he went to bed around 5:45 tonight. The 2-1 nap transition does not seem like it will be fun at all with the earlier bedtime we'll have to institute.
He eats anything and everything lately. Today I picked up a ready made falafel and hummus meal from Whole Foods and he ate each thing from it (even the tabbouleh!). Well that's all I can think of right now, things are really fun at this age though. I'm loving it!
Finally! I finished editing the monthly photos, so I now present: H's first year!

Ah daydream gorgeous pics! I still need to do Penny's 10 month sticker pic if she'll let me! Before it's too late...

Chloe sorry about your cycles Hun but give it time...

Katie sorry to hear your spotting is back to normal Hun, how long did it take for you to conceive Anne again?

As for my cycles when I first stopped bf I got a few beautiful 28day cycles, then a muddle of shorter ones & longer ones, one was 37 days & I was thinking I was preggo...I've had no brown spotting at all which is fabulous but for some reason this cycle is crazy, think it was annovulatory. I spotted pink around my fertile time but I think a little before it rather than after, then about 10 days later more spotting, red bloody, though AF was coming super early around day 24, then it stopped... Was thinking am I pregnant & IB?! But I knew deep down I wouldn't be as didn't DTD during fertile time & he didn't release anything lol. Yesterday on day 35 I get bloody spotting again & think AF on way now... So another long cycle but with spotting this time! At least not brown though! :happydance: x
Oh wow those pictures of Harrison are wonderful - it's so cool to see his little face mature from birth :thumbup:

Hopefully I have finally managed to add a couple of pics of Leila, one on her birthday and one just after Christmas (dairy allergy = boring old dairy and egg free brownies instead of birthday cake!)


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Oh Nell those eyes and smile! She just brightens up a room doesn't she?! I love her haircut!

My cycle FINALLY started this morning, after saying I wasn't really getting spotted, I then spotted for four days, I sure ate my words! I've never been so glad to have AF finally start.
Daydream - i only trim her fringe/bangs the rest is au naturel. The overall look is rather 70's but she has a birthmark on her forehead i have to protect from the sun, so she sort of has to have a fringe for now.

I forgot to add to the spotting discussion - my AF started when Leila was only 5 weeks old while i was still EBF. I went straight to textbook regular 28 day cycles with no spotting....i wonder if i'll be so lucky again with the spotting after this bub.

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