From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

SB - That dress is just darling! Stella is just a little beauty!

Chloe - Oh no! We're just getting over another cold here as well. H was quick to get through it, but I'm now at a week. I think mine may have turned into a sinus infection. I'll go to the dr Monday if it's still around. I hope this cold goes away quick for you guys. We only take H to the dr if he's still really sick after 24 hours. Usually if he still plays and doesn't act too sick, we just ride it out.
Happy Mother's day to you all as well! at least in the US...i think UK has a different day for mother's day. How did everyone celebrate? We went to brunch with my mom and my mother in law, and of course Gabby, then to the zoo. Now I am exhausted! Mother's day was anything but relaxing, but that is ok, I'm used to the chaos by now :)
Happy Mother's Day! It was last Sun here in Spain.:winkwink:
I'm finally relaxing on the sofa for a while (minus baby!). Yesterday we had a horrific day of crying. My close friends seem to think it was wind. So will do everything to burp him from now on. I feel so bad.:sad2: He cried and cried from 2pm until 11pm....I'm alone again, so it's hard. But today he's great, so feeling better.
He's now 7 weks old!!! Time flies! Sorry I don't get to be around here much. I have so much to do, and he wants to be with me 24/7. It's hard to get anything done...but I'm getting good at it! And I notice as he's getting older he can tolerate spending more time looking around rather than clinging to me.:haha:
I'm going to try and add a photo or two.
Hope you all are ok. I will try and keep up, now all seems more settled. I'm BF, and happy now about it. I had mastitis and fungal infection on nipples. Not a good start. Hurt like crazy every time he latched on. Now getting a lot better!


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aww, gob, he has such a cute smile! Sorry about the crying. Sounds like it was a one off thing, so that is good! It can really test your sanity, however, when a baby cries like that. Gabby had a couple days where she would cry for 1-2 hours and DH had to leave the room so he didn't lose it. Glad BF is getting easier! Whenever you have a bad day, just remember all the good days you have had and will still have. That is how I got through the crazy times :)
Yes happy belated mothers day to you all (whenever you celebrate :) ) We walked to get coffee and a muffin in the morning and then had my niece's first birthday party in the afternoon.

Things here are going well. H has definitely learned No and uses it a lot. He's really so fun though. He adores "bubbles" and "painting" Still bfing in the morning and at night, happy with our current situation, so no thoughts on weaning.

Gob - What a handsome boy!! I'm so sorry you've had such bfing troubles. It does get better, so just try as much as your sanity will allow to stick with it. I'm sorry the crying has been bad for you, we've all been there. It's so hard but it will get better very very soon. :hugs:
Aww gob juan is so cute!

Sorry i've been MIA again & haven't had the chance to go back on earlier posts. As well as being 25hrs a week back in my day job i have some self employment doing crafts & have been really busy with Penny obviously! :wacko: No time for much except facebook these days..

Speaking of facebook I've been chatting to happyshopper on there & it's not really my place to give details but things aren't well with her after her 12 week scan, she's going through a really hard time right now. Im sure she'll be back on at some point to update you but I'm not sure when :sad1: just thought you should know..

Hope all you ladies are well. We're away on holiday at the minute about 2.5 hours down the coast. Penny is loving it though a handful in the caravan & eating out! TTC#2 cycle 1 was a bust but no surprise there ha ha! Hope i don't O early this cycle as were away with friends, walls paper thin & cant BD :winkwink: should be fertile in the few days after we're back!


Oh & happy mothers day to you US ladies, it was ours in march :thumbup:
MrsP - Thanks for letting us know about happyshopper. I'll be thinking lots of positive thoughts for her. How exciting that you are TTC again! You'll have to keep us in the loop! DH and I are kind of NTNP, but nothing yet. Actually I wouldn't mind not conceiving until December or later just because we are trying to save up a down payment for a house, but would be happy whenever it does happen.
good to hear from you, P! I hope everything works out with happyshopper, thanks for keeping us updated. I will be thinking about her.

I am still undecided about #2. I am going on a cruise in november, so i definitely don't want to be pregnant before then. DH keep saying he doesn't want another one because then we would have to put our lives on hold for a few more years before we could really take both kids out to enjoy the world, but I think that is selfish and a stupid reason to not want another kid. I have also heard that once you have a second one, you do a lot more with that kid than #1 just because you pretty much have to in order to keep #1 happy. So who knows. Millions manage, i'm sure I could manage too! I think my ideal spacing would be 3 years. But I may just end up with only gabby, which would be great too. I am having so much fun giving her all of my attention anyway :)

Daydream, thats great that you are keeping up with the morning and night BF. I am about to give up my night BF in a couple weeks. I set 18 months as my mental cutoff date. I am probably going to feel horribly guilty when she will point to our BF chair and I won't give her a boob. I wouldnt' be surprised if i cave in and don't actually quit, even tho i really want my body back to myself now. its just so hard to say no to her!
Chloe - I'm sure whichever you guys decide to do about #2 will be fine, especially since you seem to be okay either way. Thankfully, we have plenty of time before the 3 year spacing hits. That's kind of my goal as well, 3 or 3.5.

Good luck with weaning! I hope it goes well for you! You'll have to let us know. Honestly I think H would be okay dropping the morning feed. He doesn't seem to ask for it, but nighttime he does. Morning though is the time I'm most consistently home, so that one is more convenient to me. I really don't have the desire to stop, but maybe this July when I'm out of state for work we can see if he asks for it when we get back at all.
My thoughts with Happyshopper....I really hope it goes well for her.
Wow daydream & Chloe you're still bf'ing? Must be so hard even they have all those teeth ha ha!

Hmm yeah Chloe I wouldn't be impressed if my dh said that! We're actually considering 3 but will see how 2 goes first haha! Looks like cycle #2 might be a bust as had some EWCM last night & not back home til tomorrow lol

MrsP - sorry about this cycle, maybe it's just rogue EWCM, I seem to get days of it sometimes.
And thankfully, H keeps his teeth out of the way, never really been a problem for us
oh hopefully it's just rogue EWCM, MrsP! How long are you going to TTC without trying clomid first?

BF with teeth isn't so bad. there were a couple days of biting, but it wasn't malicious or anything, i think she was just not very interested in milk so she was playing around. There is a slight scraping from her teeth while she drinks, but its not too bad. I love our bonding time and i hope she still lets me rock her for a bit before she goes in the crib when I do officially stop BF. I also would really like my hormones to straighten out so i can see if my spotting has stopped. This last cycle I spotted for about 5 days before AF showed up. I have noticed that my pre-AF symptoms are very much like my pregnancy symptoms, whereas before my only symptoms were cramping and headaches. Now i get nauseous and sore bbs, and some cramps, but not nearly as bad as they used to be. then once AF shows up i get the headaches. Anyone else notice that type of change?
Gob, what a cutie Juan is!! Sorry you got mastitis and BF was painful. It does get much easier. And I totally feel for you with a crying fussy baby. Stella was pretty bad at times.

Daydream, it must be so fun watching H learn to talk. That's great you're still doing morning and night feeds. I hope we can do that. I'm worried I will have to start supplementing a little when I'm at work. I usually pump about three ounces less than she eats while I'm gone. Sometimes more depending on when I leave the house.

Chloe, you are doing a great job with Chloe so I'm certain you can manage with two if that's what you decide. I am an only child and had a very happy childhood so don't feel bad if you don't want another one either.

Mrs. P, thanks for the update on Happy. She will be in my thoughts. How exciting you are trying again. I hope that what they say is true and it's easier to concieve after you've already had a baby. What kind of crafts are you doing? Sounds fun.

Things are pretty good here. Stella is not a great sleeper though. We got 'The No Cry Sleep Sollution' but haven't really started following it to a t yet. Thanks, Daydream (I think it was you) for reccomending. I can get her to sleep no problem, but she wakes up as soon as I try and put her in the crib. Then once she's down she often wakes up a half hour later and a half hour after that. Then she may sleep two or three hours and wake for a feed. Then it's even harder to get her back in the crib so I often give up and bring her to bed. She's also not a good napper. She fights sleep like it's her job during the day and rarely naps for more than 40 mins. Luckily she's really cute and usually a very happy baby.
Hi everyone,
Thank you everyone for all your well wishes and I wish I had better news. Our baby had a lethal form of skeletal dysplasia which is incompatible with life. Sadly, earlier this week we found out the baby died. We named the baby Hope and the hospital are holding a funeral for him (we don't know if it was a boy or a girl yet) and his ashes will be scattered with my Dad's ashes. We are both devastated but we can get through this. Hopefully, it won't be long before I am back and announcing happier news.
Sending hugs and kisses to you all xxx
:hugs: :hugs: So sorry to hear that, Happyshopper. Massive hugs. You and your husband are in my thoughts. You will get through this and I look forward to seeing you back here when you do.
Sb - I'm sorry about your sleep woes, I did read NCSS and used some tips there and mostly followed Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Stick with whatever you choose and things will get better!

Happyshopper - I am so sorry to hear what you've had to go through. So tragic and I really wish all the best to you and your family. Hope is very lucky to have been with you for that short time. When my friend lost her baby at 24 weeks, I got her this kit The seeds seem to be perfect for baby hope. Not sure they sell in the UK, but look for ways to pamper yourself and give yourself time to heal. :hugs:
Woah I've missed so much!

Happyshopper I'm so sorry to hear about baby Hope. Thinking of you all at this time. I hope you will be blessed with happy news soon!

Sbmack - im with you on the not so great sleeper! Grace can be up in excess of 4/5 times on an average night! Feeds to sleep which doesn't help! I've not read any more of that book as I felt I was getting too bogged down and am just going with the flow now! Was kinda hoping when Grace is on solids things might improve...naive?!

Gob - juan is gorgeous! With all our feeding issues it took til Grace was 7 weeks for me to start enjoying bfing! Hang in there - you're doing great! Have you tried gripe water or cooled fennel tea for wind?

MrsP - good luck ttc number 2! We've been discussing another and I've changed my mind from previously wanting a big gap to thinking of ttc end of 2015/start of 2016!

Daydream -lovely that H has started speaking!!

Chloe - glad to hear bf isn't too bad with teeth! Interested to hear how you and others have found your cycles to be! I've got the copper coil but haven't had AF yet!

Grace is doing fantastically! She's now 19 weeks and has come on great given the weight issues early on! She's now sitting between 50 and 75 percentile after being 25! The weights piling on her (now over 14lbs) and luckily falling off me - I've lost 20lbs in 7 weeks! Doing slimming worlds plan again but for breast feeding!

She's not great at napping unless in the buggy or car! I'm coping well with her sleep pattern though and hoping it improves over time!

She rolled over a week ago and is just so much fun! It's definitely made me want another sooner!!

Looking to start weaning closer to 6 months unless she shows signs of needing more before then! She started fussing over her reflux meds a couple wks ago so we stopped giving her them and she's been great!! Been replaced with teething symptoms though!!

Hopefully I've not missed anyone and caught up on how you all are!! X

Pic of Grace trying out a high chair in a cafe the other day!


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