From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Hi ladies,

Sorry I've been quiet for a while now!! Grace is now 12 weeks and keeping me very busy!!

She was diagnosed with reflux at 4 weeks and has been on meds since. She's still quite sicky which is tough. Also we haven't really got a bedtime routine but sleep was getting better until I was hit with a cold this past weekend! Hoping we get back to what we had been getting which was about 6 hours before she got up to feed! She's still very much fed on demand and doesn't always go long between feeds but I'm persevering as I hope it will calm as she gets older! Anyone remember it being like this? Everyone has such different experiences and advice that I feel I'm just sometimes better off going with how Grace is and let her call the shots!

Just got the copper coil fitted to avoid use of hormones and see what happens with my cycle when it returns!

Hope you're all well! Will try to catch up on what's been going on! :)
Ladies!!!!!!! So sorry as to no news.....but I haven't opened my computer in the past week!!!! I am now the happy mum of Juan, totally in love :baby::cloud9:
Born last Sunday morning (23rd). All went well, will let you know more soon.
:hi: to all!!!!!

Congrats Gob!! So happy to hear your little boy is safely here x
Hi everyone,
Thanks Mrs P, it's so lovely to hear from you again. Happy 1st Birthday to Penny, I bet she got loads of lovely presents xxxx
for the past couple of weeks now, I have had MS and tiredness which reassures me a bit now even if I do feel yucky all the time. My doctor phoned me today and said that my urine test showed that I had a uti and I need a dose of antibiotics. Hopefully, it clears up quickly without causing too many issues. The doctors are really on the ball when it comes to pregnant ladies xxx
I hope your cycle starts to settle down soon Daydream. I couldn't take to taking my temperature, I felt more stressed making sure I took it at the same time everyday. I wish there was an easier way to confirm ovulation xxx

Hope you're doing well and big congrats to you x
Congrats on the healthy baby boy, Gob! Looking forward to pics/birth story :)

SB, good luck with BLW! I would recommend getting DH on board before trying. It was very stressful for me because it tends to cause the baby to gag, and if both of you are not ready to see that and support each other, it won't work as well as it should. DH and I were both on board, but skeptical at the same time, so we quickly fell away from BLW. We ended up doing a sort of hybrid BLW, where we gave her some rice crackers to hold and chew on to get used to having to chew food, and feed herself, but we also did spoon fed purees. I also found mango slices with the skin left on were great for her to hold and eat as well. skin was too tough to break off, but helped keep it from slipping out of her hands. I hope it works well for you!

Jods, good to hear from you!! I recall Grace had issues gaining weight early on, right? Is that all sorted out? I did exactly what you did, just let gabby call the shots when it came to eating and sleeping, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I think that really helped out both of our sleep schedules. I think around 12 weeks she was sleeping 8 hours before her morning feed (so from 8pm -4am) then she would wake for feed and diaper change, then fall back asleep until around 7 or 8. I just fed her when she wanted to eat, and put her to bed when she looked tired. For a very long time, during the day she would nurse every 2-3 hours. I don't think this ended until she started regularly eating solids, so maybe around 7 months or so. but i think that frequent of eating during the day might have helped her sleep longer at night, because by 4 months she was sleeping 12 hours uninterrupted. So if you keep going the way you are, you may be on a similar path :) Are you BF or formula feeding? I hope the coil works well for you!

oh, and hi Katie! I missed your post at the end of the page the other day too!
Thanks Chloe! Still bfing and intending to do so for as long as possible!! Weight gain issues we think were due to reflux and Grace was 11lb 5oz a week past Friday and just moving above the 25th centile on the charts! She's 75th for height and head circumference so she's perhaps going to be tall and slim! I'm glad to hear others just went with baby for feeding too! She's not too bad at night but has recently worked out how to spin around in the crib using the bars as a ladder despite being in a sleep sac so that's frustrating!! Naps during the day seem easier if we are out and about walking or in the car but in a couple more months I intend to try to get her to nap in her own room to get her used to it before we put her in there when she's around 6 months! Hoping the reflux improves soon as it's hard giving a breastfed baby the meds required but she's really good at taking them from a syringe!
Gob - Congratulations!! I hope all is going well for you and your new family! Can't wait to hear more!

SB - That is so great to hear your supply is doing better! What a relief, I'm sure! Have fun with feeding solids! It's pretty exciting to start. We didn't do BLW, we did homemade purees and H eats like a champ. So maybe if DH is hesitant you can compromise with some BLW and some purees?
Jods - I'm glad to hear you have a diagnosis and things were better (until that cold! I hope you get better soon, that's so hard to be sick when you have a baby to take care of). I did follow H's lead for day feedings, he was definitely more of a snacker. Once he went to daycare was when he would take fuller bottles and spaced out his feedings. It also gets much easier when they are older and get more efficient. Those quick feedings are much better than the long 20 min sessions.
oh, and yes, SB, that profile pic is gabby a couple months ago. That is her future kindergarden classroom! She is a tall one, 32.5", 88% in height!

Jods, she sounds like a clever little one, already using her feet to turn around! Any pics to post?
Am I able to post more than one photo in each post from an iPhone?

Here she is filling her Moses basket which we have downstairs


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Oh she is just a little charmer!! Look at her! Her eyes are so pretty!

Here's Harrison "trying out" his new potty. We aren't potty training but want him to be familiar with it so that when the time comes he isn't scared of it.

He had his 15 month appt on Friday, my little guy, still just 19.5 lbs, 9th percentile, height he's in the 22nd percentile and head is 80th percentile, lol. DH was very small until he hit about 18, so we're definitely expecting the same for H.
Grace is so cute!!

I fed on demand and still do. I'd really like to get on a schedule, but Stella doesn't always eat first thing in the morning. I'm not sure if it's becaus she's still teething or not. Stella also had reflux. It got better around 3 months. She still spit up, but it didn't bother her anymore. She stopped spitting up so much for a while, but now it's back.

Harrison is so grown up on his potty :)

I gave Stella a bit of avacado today. She made a funny face but ate a couple bites. I think we'll probably do a combo of homemade purées and BLW.

Daydream, what do you use for night time diapers? We use to change her diaper once at night, but she's hard to get back to sleep if she wakes up. It's not every night but she leaks a little sometimes. We use Bum genius pockets or AIO's with an extra insert.
We started having lots of leaks with the bg 4.0s at night I think because the pocket insert prevents a good point of contact and allows the pee to roll out. We now use the following for nighttime: fitted inserts (H wears a medium)
and this wool cover:
we also have this one:

Getting into wool is a whole new ballgame, but it's not too bad! You only wash it every couple of weeks when it starts to smell like pee, and when you do you handwash and then lanolize it. It sounds complicated but is SO EASY!

We've also had good luck at night with a Flip cover and the overnight insert

during the day we still use the 4.0s with an occasional bumgenius freetime. The freetime I've also used overnight occasionally, and that's better than the 4.0
good info on wool:
Grace is so cute! She has such pretty eyes! Love the pics :)

haha, H on the potty is cute! We do the same with gabby, fully clothed, just sitting on the potty to get used to it. The first time she sat on it she stood right back up, but was too short to properly get off it so she fell head first into our ceramic floor. Not a good first potty experience! Luckily it doesn't seem to have scarred her. And if your DH was the same with growth, I'm sure H will be too.

I think I discovered G is allergic to lanolin. I use A&D ointment whenever i can't find our diaper cream, and i used to be convinced it made her butt red, but i never gave it to her that often, so i didnt think much of it. I gave the tube to daycare yesterday, they used it 4 times, and she came home with a fire engine red butt! So i put vaseline on it overnight and it was not red anymore. I have a wool allergy, so I am thinking gabby may have the same. Although lanolin on my nipples never bothered me, granted i didnt use it very often.
We started having lots of leaks with the bg 4.0s at night I think because the pocket insert prevents a good point of contact and allows the pee to roll out. We now use the following for nighttime: fitted inserts (H wears a medium)
and this wool cover:
we also have this one:

Getting into wool is a whole new ballgame, but it's not too bad! You only wash it every couple of weeks when it starts to smell like pee, and when you do you handwash and then lanolize it. It sounds complicated but is SO EASY!

We've also had good luck at night with a Flip cover and the overnight insert

during the day we still use the 4.0s with an occasional bumgenius freetime. The freetime I've also used overnight occasionally, and that's better than the 4.0

Thanks so much Daydream! I'll look into those diapers and a wool cover. I've heard so many good things about wool, but it seems so scary. Good to know it's not that bad!

Chloe, I hope it was the Lanolin and Gabby is all clear now!
Thanks Daydream! I like HS couldn’t take to temping either. Plus the beeps of the thermometer use to pee DH off ha ha! Eee that photo of Harrison had me chuckling! He looks less than impressed with his potty! Aww he’s a little un isn’t he! Penny was born on the 9th but is now 25th-50th. Haven’t had her weighed for a little while but she should be around 19lb mark.

Miss you all too Chloe :hugs: I know Gabby is a few months older than Penny but we’re in the same boat, she’s not speaking at all really, other than babble. I do hear mamamma and daddad but I’m sure she doesn’t know it means us! It’s still early days but one of Penny’s friends is 3 weeks younger than her and is saying a few words now. I’m trying not to get too concerned just yet…

Happyshopper I had the same, think I had 3 or 4 UTI’s picked up by monthly pee samples but I had NO symptoms with any of them! Weird…

Think I must have missed a post from Katie! She’s TTC#2 too? Yay!

Gobs, congratulations on the birth of Juan! Can’t wait to hear more details/see pics.

SB great that Stella has some teeth! She’s quite early, especially to have two. Teething is a nightmare though and seems to go on for ages! Argh! My niece is a week or so younger than Stella and has started weaning, though it’s purees and not BLW.

Jods, wow can’t believe Grace is 12 weeks! We were very lucky with Penny. I think we started a bed time routine around 7 weeks, at 10.5/11 weeks she started STTN, 11 weeks I stopped BF’ing and 12 weeks went in her own room. I don’t think she needed a feed through the night once on formula, but my niece is 5 months, on formula and still feeds once or twice through the night! They have a terrible time with her sleep, I feel really sorry for them… I would’ ve had the copper coil too if we didn’t want to TTC again so quick :thumbup: The photos are so cute!

Penny actually did a cake smash a few days after her birthday, I’ll have to see if I can upload the pics somehow. I haven’t transferred any of her birthday photos to my phone yet. Gutted we didn’t get any photos of DH and I with her :(

So many LO’s on the thread now! I was wondering if I should update the first post with the list of babies and DOB’s against our names, what do you think?

Chloe - Oh no! Poor Gabby hitting her head while on the potty! H did that this evening while brushing his teeth, those bathroom practices are so dangerous! :haha:

Sb - Let me know if you do end up trying it! I'm very pleased with it so far.

MrsP - Thanks, he's such a character. His face reads all his emotions (mine does the same.. it's great.. until I ever try to mask an emotion, it doesn't work!) I hope you can upload those cake smash photos! Those are so fun. We just took pictures during his party, but he wasn't interested in the cake much at all. I think it would be great to update the first page for that info, I'm on board!

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