From Spotters TTC thread to BFP! Success at last!

Happyshopper...I'm so sorry, I hope you and your husband get through this tragic time as soon as possible and we hear some good news very soon. Will be thinking of you. Lots of hugs.

Thank you ladies for your support. He's a lot better now thank goodness. Just the usual fussiness in the evenings. Sleeping pretty well at night (don't want to jinx it)
I'm now BF nearly all the time without the nipple shields. So, Jods...around 7 weeks also!
That's great you're feeding without the shields Gob! We used them too for a while but i managed to get rid of them quickly on one side which wasn't so bad and then weaned off the other as i healed! No idea how I got in such a mess but I think they'd put in my head "nose to nipple, tummy to mummy" that i must have been forcing Grace into an unnatural position!

We've had the fussiness in evenings too! I was just saying today how i used to blame myself saying it must be my milk etc but I've not said that for a long time now...I do think you start to relax more and you quickly forget the early stresses! You're doing great though, Juan looks perfect :) x
Happyshopper, so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I hope you get the healthy baby you want soon. Take time out for yourself of course, to heal. Hope is a beautiful name and that is nice think you are doing with the ashes.

Jods, grace is a cutie! I can't believe how old everyone's babies are getting!

I have a wonky cycle again. This happened last time i had my period too. maybe a weekish of spotting, then AF for a week, a 3-4 day break, and then some weird post AF spotting. I expect this to last for about a week as well, since thats what happened with my first cycle since pregnancy. This is only my second cycle since pregnancy, but ugghh! So much stupid bleeding.... Spotting before AND after AF. boo! Sorry, rant over!

Daydream, thanks for that link. That site has other very nice supplements and oils i think i might get for a friend!
Jods - that's wonderful she's gaining so well and you are losing so quickly! I really need to get into an exercise routine, but I work so much it's really hard to find the time. Plus when work gets stressful as it is right now, my eating goes to crap. Not a good combo for momma :(

As for my pp cycles, I still have spotting a few days before AF. A few were very painful and very heavy, but now they've seemed to be more manageable. Each one has been different, so I haven't yet figured out what my new normal will be. I'm getting the sense too that every other one has been annovulatory from the last few that I've had. I'm stopping temping though, I can tell that I did have one good cycle with the temps, and now that we're not in a hurry to conceive, I'm just going to let things be for a while. I'll probably take up temping again once H turns 2.
Jods, Grace is beautiful! Yay for rolling. Stella's done it a bunch of times but hasn't in a couple months. She hates lying down since she's been able to sit. I'm glad Grace is moving up the %. Stella has been stuck in the 30's for height and weight. I'm surprised about the weight since she's such a chunker. She is in the 90's for head circumference though. Haha.

Last month was my first AF (I spotted for three days prior) and this month I'm a few days late right now. I'm not too worried since I've heard they can come back and disappear when they first return. I may POAS in the morning anyway. I found out someone in my Oct. babies group (we have a private FB page) is pregnant today. She was not trying so that has me a bit on edge. Not to mention there are already two other girls from that group also expecting. The group only has like 10 members active still too!!

Stella is eating solids like a champ. We are doing BLW. I think I heard of this here first so thanks ladies! She's had a lot of foods and has only been unsure of a couple (watermelon and bananna). She even loves salmon! It's messy but so fun.
Oh yeah and Gobs...yay for no nipple shields!! Glad Juan is sleeping well for you. I have a night monster on my hands. The only way she sleeps good is in our bed.
I'm sorry ladies I've been missing in action, I'm having a hard time keeping up with everybody and writing personal messages. I really wanted to express my support to you, happyshopper. I am very sorry about your loss and I am very saddened by the news. My heart goes out to you. All of us on this site are thinking of you and sending you lots of love and care :hugs:
Thank you for all your kind words ladies. I'm back at work and feeling much better. We found out the baby was a boy.
That is a lovely suggestion Daydream. We received a memory box donated from a couple who also suffered a pre term loss. Even when you are at rock bottom, a kind gesture makes you realise you are not alone. I hope you don't mind if I pop back now and again just to see how everyone is doing xxx
Oh yeah and Gobs...yay for no nipple shields!! Glad Juan is sleeping well for you. I have a night monster on my hands. The only way she sleeps good is in our bed.
Well.....he sleeps in my bed whilst hubby is away..:haha: the night before he slept nearly 5hrs in a row! Last night was back to basic though....
Happyshopper pleaaase pop by!!!!!! We would miss you if you didn't

Sorry about the spotting would have thought it would have changed with the pregnancy.

>Sorry got to run.....bye for now
Happyshopper, please pop by whenever you want! Love to hear from all our fellow spotters! Was just thinking about Yum the other day. I hope she is getting on well.

Well girls, I am officially done BF! I thought I would be more sad about it, but Gabby doesn't seem to care, and now I don't have to share my boobs! I stopped on Saturday, and DH has been putting her to bed since then. She has no interest in rocking with him in our rocking chair, he just goes in, turns on her music and projector, and puts her in the crib, where she stays and talks to herself for a good 20 min and then fall asleep. Also big news in daycare is that she has moved to a toddler room! This means napping in COTS and no more high chairs! My baby is growing up! She has napped beautifully in the cots this week, and eats from a bowl with a spoon and fork (although not well, and still uses her hands a lot), but sits at the kids table instead of in a high chair. So many changes. Makes me very sad to see her grow up so fast, but also so happy to see her learning and catching on to things. So many mixed emotions! I think DH and i have decided to TTC starting in November when we go on our cruise. I don't want gabby to be an only child if i can help it, even if it means my life may be a bit more hectic for a few years. I'm sure we can work it out. That thought is both scary and exciting at the same time.

Hope all is well!
Congrats Chloe! Glad to hear it went smoothly. And I can't wait to hear how sleeping in a cot goes!

For us, H has been going through his last wonder week, so he has been crying a bit more when we put him down at night, and waking once at night crying but he goes back to sleep pretty soon by himself. It's just sad for me to hear that because he had been doing so great at just laying down and going right to sleep. It'll improve though, so I'm not worried.

He has his first dentist appt tomorrow morning, we picked a very kid friendly pediatric dentist. I actually noticed this past weekend that he chipped his front tooth at some point. Very very minor, I'm sure I'm the only person to notice, so I'm hoping they will file it down to be even.

His favorite word lately is No. Even when he means yes. So we've had lots of discussions of "Did you mean to say yes?" "Yesh" "Okay, good"
haha, daydream, that is funny about the no meaning yes thing. Gabby has a similar confusion where she thinks 'poo poo' means both pee and poop, and 'mommy' means both me and 'i want that!' She will point to something and just yell 'mommy mommy mommy!!!'

And you will have to let us know how the dentist goes! I should probably bring gabby in, although i didn't put her on my dental plan yet, since she only had 1 tooth as of sign up time last year, so we thought we could put it off until she turned 2. So we will probably be going to the dentist in early january. Still haven't decided on a dentist, as DH and i go to different ones. Mine doesn't have a specific kid friendly office. Not sure about DH's dentist office tho.

Gob, they do grow so fast! Its scary! Can't believe yours is 2 months already! Just wait for the rolling over, laughing, grabbing at toys, it all comes so quickly you wonder where your tiny little helpless baby is! but its great fun to watch them grow :)
We just got back and the dentist went great! They just looked at his teeth and soft palate, all are good. He was such a little charmer. It was great because the dentist was sooo good with kids and he was happy the whole time. Now we just have to start flossing.
Ahhh, all the babies are getting so big!

Glad the dentist went well for H! Also, I noticed your signature says NTNP. Yay! I hope things go smoothly.

Chloe, I'm glad you have your boobs back. Haha. Also, that's exciting that Gabby is moving to the new daycare room.

Nothing to report here really. Stella isn't crawling yet. We spent the weekend away at a wedding with another couple and their baby (born two days after S). He's crawling around like mad so it was funny to see her watch him. I want her to learn how but I'm not exactly stoked at the prospect of chasing her around :)
SB - Oh yes crawling definitely is a game changer, enjoy the immobility while it lasts!

And yes, we are officially NTNP, though really have been very lax about protection for the last few months. It actually would be best for our family to not conceive until Sept-Dec, but since I think I'm having the same fertility issues, we are just being very casual about it and whatever happens happens. I had six days of spotting last month, so that's kind of depressing. I'm also really putting in the effort to start watching what I eat and exercising, so I hope that a few months of that will put me in a good spot for whenever we actually are TTC.

It's strange to me, but I actually really would rather that we not have to TTC and I can actually be somewhat surprised when we finally do get a BFP. It would be such a nice change after our last pregnancy where we ended up needing three IUIs to get there.
That would be great if you got a nice surprise daydream!! We are sort of NTNP. I am trying to not dtd when I could be O'ing. After we did on Sunday though I realized I should Ov on Wednesday. The OPK showed a faint line today but I'm not too worried.

Chloe, I forgot to say congrats on making the decision to have a second. It's exciting to have a date in mind to start trying.
Hi ladies,

I've been posting on the spotting thread on and off. Unfortunately there haven't been any BFPs on that thread for absolutely ages. I checked again today after not posting on there for a while and there still haven't been any :( I have had the pre-AF spotting ever since coming off the pill. I still haven't managed to conceive again and although it looks like I might have a problem with one of my tubes (the information I have been given has been a bit vague) I still have no answer as to whats wrong. The spotting has got a lot better but I still get it and still no BFP! I am booked in for IVF (privately funded as we are at the end of our tether and our CCG want us to wait another year before they agree funding - as if - I would be 35 by then!). I have my consultation in the next couple of weeks. Did anyone on this thread get their BFP after having IVF? If you did then did you still get the spotting? I am so worried that its not going to work. message has been erased twice ( a long one grrrrr) so:
-Bun, I'm sorry, I often visit the other page hoping to see a BFP. I wish you the best. Keep us posted.
-Me: mad at UK passport office. Delays of more than 8 weeks for baby J's passport. I have to stay in Spain for at least another month, whilst DH is in Vietnam missing us both.
-Baby J: absolute darling. Sleeping this last week at night only waking once! Yay! But daytime naps can be very hard sometimes....
That's about it! lol

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