From Ttc buddies - bump buddies 2014 (2 blue bumps, 2 pink bump) all babies are here!

I'm doing well - we just got back yesterday from our little weekend trip to Edmonton. It was much needed!!

Stopped at Dollar Tree while we were there (Calgary doesn't have any) and bought some OPK and pregnancy tests. I'm not wasting my money on FRER's anymore after last month. I had a faint positive OPK this morning so I'm thinking it should be positive in a day or two? Never used these before. But the second line didn't show up for about 5 minutes so it might just be an evap line, I'm not sure. But based on my timeline, I should ovulate in about 2 days. We :sex: on Friday and last night, and have plans for another round tomorrow night :)
Owl sounds fantastic :) have you told anyone that you pregnant yet?

I don't like havin vistors cos then I will be cleanin I'm always the one who cleans up I mean clean dishes got their next time plastc cutlerly just a hint lol .. :)

They say men even get emotional they sometimes feel the same symtoms sounds cute wud make me feel all warm inside haha ..

Den I've also been taking .. Opks I must admit its not helpin I rate u stick to the method of :bed: every odd day that way you have a way better chance .. N as hard it is .. So u don't use to many tests try wait until af due ur cycle very short u lucky .. :)
Hello ladies! I have been ill since I was having trouble with asthma once again. I am better now but I am having breathing issues while going up/down the stairs. I go see my asthma nurse next Thurdsay, hopefully she will change my inhalers. I am on CD14 today. On the 14th of this month it will 3 months of TTC. I finally understand that it can take a year to conceive and I will just be patient until the time to see my Dr. to see if there are any problems going on. I don't think this is my month but I will keep taking my temps to see when I O. I probably didn't O yet. :shrug: I got an interview at an elementary school tomorrow but it is only for 2 hours which I do not like. I rather be working in a hospital or clinic, but I guess I have to start somewhere since I do not have experience but loads of college education. I guess this is a start.:shrug:

OwlBump, love the bump porno pics!!!

How is everyone else is doing?
hey momwife sorry to hear your asthma been showing its ugly face is 3 months for me too wow I cant believe how quickly it has gone wow.. I must admit this o this is confusing dono if you agree my temps arent helping me well they are a lil hope yours are easier than mine haha:)

Goodluck with the interview and hope you get your chance to do what you really want to do:)
I'm waiting for some cramping or any one sign that I'm going to ovulated or have already. I had watery cm for 3-4 days but I'm completely dry now. Not sure what to think. These cysts on my ovaries have made me completely unsure of myself. It's frustrating. We started bd'ing last Friday and are going to give it one more try tonight, then start testing around the 21st (AF is due Oct 23) - not testing too early this time!

How is everyone else doing?
Hope everyone doing good gone all quiet again .. Haha ..
Den I hope you ovulated 12 more days tww I have .. 11 more days .. Haha .. So yay we gona be testin at the same time I hope lol :)

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend n let us know how you are all doing !!! :)
Pretty sure I ovulated yesterday - had EWCM and a few cramps. We :sex: just to be sure we didn't miss it. First day testing for me will probably be the 21st.
Pretty sure I ovulated yesterday - had EWCM and a few cramps. We :sex: just to be sure we didn't miss it. First day testing for me will probably be the 21st.

Snap to testing the 21st .. That's when af due .. :dance: so hapoy I'm not alone testin only prob I dono when I ovulated? .. So hopefully we both caught the :spermy:
Pretty sure I ovulated yesterday - had EWCM and a few cramps. We :sex: just to be sure we didn't miss it. First day testing for me will probably be the 21st.

Snap to testing the 21st .. That's when af due .. :dance: so hapoy I'm not alone testin only prob I dono when I ovulated? .. So hopefully we both caught the :spermy:

I was pretty convinced I was not going to ovulate, due to my paranoia about the cysts on my ovaries, even though my doctor said he didn't think it would affect our chances of conceiving. I hope he's right. I would love to get a BFP this month after last months craziness!
Hello ladies,

My interview went great yesterday. Now I just have to wait until HR to call me the ending of next week so I can take the background check and drug test. I think I will be working the ending of this month.

I been forgetting to take my temps. FF says that I O on CD12. I think this month is not my month. Well I will just have to try again next month!!
Hello ladies,

My interview went great yesterday. Now I just have to wait until HR to call me the ending of next week so I can take the background check and drug test. I think I will be working the ending of this month.

I been forgetting to take my temps. FF says that I O on CD12. I think this month is not my month. Well I will just have to try again next month!!

Good luck! Glad the interview went well. Keep us updated :thumbup:
Den fx for you ovulatin I hope u did n if your body tellin you, you did fx ..

Doctors r sometimes right depending how much u pay them .. But ts different by u luckily n I'm sure he's right I've read a lot of places .. Where women with cysts get pregnant after a burst .. U will get pregnant :) ..

Momwife congrats on ur interview :dance: . Hope u get good news !! As for the temps u not out till af arrives .. Just being positive .. Temps r hard to do when we busy wish there was an easier way fx for u
Thanks ladies! Now FF says that I O on CD13. AF is due between the 24th-28th. I am going to continue to stay positive. FX for everyone else! :flower:
Thanks ladies! Now FF says that I O on CD13. AF is due between the 24th-28th. I am going to continue to stay positive. FX for everyone else! :flower:

When are you testing? AF is due on the 24th, think I'll start around the 21st.
I don't think I will test. If I do test I will test when the date that AF is supposed to arrive has passed. If AF don't show up I think I will test on the 30th. How are you ladies doing today??
It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so we have a dinner tonight at my sister in law's, then we're having dinner for my side of the family at our house tomorrow night. So lots of cleaning today!
So we all testing around about the same time? .. My af due the 21st +/- 6 days .. But I really don't think I ovulated .. Boohoo ..

Momwife temps look really good hope they stay up!! Good luck for the tww ..

Den what is thanksgiving always see it but don't know what it is because we don't celebrate it here .. Is it like an early christmas? ...

Hope everyone weekend was good including the preggo owl hope u well !!
Hey everyone, looks like everyone is well. I'm still about just lurking mostly, feel alittle awkward ha...

I have visitors at the moment as i'm pretty busy, got 2 poorly ratties also (yuuup i have 6 cuddly pet rats) looking like at least one might have to be put to sleep :( I've ran up a £95 vet bill so far this week getting them seen and no sign of improvement.. Sigh.

On the plus side only 10 days till i see the midwife.

I hope everyone gets their BFP this month x
Don't feel awkward :) u preggo u need friends n we all here :)

I love rats I really do and its so sad when they get sick I even took my one rat for a sprained ankle miss my ratty but recently got a beardi dragon .. Whose sleepin nicely next to me haha .. I'm sure u can't wait to hear the little heartbeat !! N hope ratty gets better

Good luck to everyone with bfps I believe I'm out this month ..
Hi Ladies,

Hope you all are doing well. Owl, how's the pregnancy going?

I'm doing okay - about 6dpo and started having heavy cramping this morning. Took some midol but it's not doing much....either implantation or pre-AF cramping, but AF isn't due for 7-8 days so not sure what's going on in there lol.

:dust: to everyone still waiting to test. I'm trying to hold out until Sunday, but I might try earlier.

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