Full term mummies

I feel so, so, SO fat. My thighs won't fit comfortably into my largest pair of maternity jeans, which are two entire sizes bigger than my normal size. :cry: And in the shower, my bump or my hips or my ever-expanding ass is constantly bumping into a wall or the shower curtain. I'm so enormous that I don't even fit in a full sized shower. :cry:

I'm very tired and overly emotional today. So ready to be done with this. :growlmad: I hurt all over and I'm tired and I'm weepy and I'm HUNGRY, and the next time I pee less than a teaspoon when I feel like its at least a gallon, I am going to scream!
big huggles to you all!

aleys - i've had the pee thing, drives you nuts! i try to lean forward to empty my bladder when peeing correctly which sometimes works.
I never feel like my bladder is empty either. I think my pelvic floor is knackered. As soon as I wee if I sit there for like 5 secs more comes out :(!
the next time I pee less than a teaspoon when I feel like its at least a gallon, I am going to scream!

Oh yeah, I LOVE getting woken up at 3 a.m. with a full bladder, only to pee two drops. :haha:

I'm also SO tired...I get these random bursts of energy, and think I'm actually going to get something done, but no - as soon as I start mopping or vacuuming or scrubbing, all of my energy just goes. Ugh, SO frustrating, especially when I feel like my house is AWFUL and my parents are coming up for Thanksgiving week. :growlmad:
The peeing two drops at a time thing makes me just want to put on a diaper so I can pee whenever the heck I feel like it! :blush: :rofl:

The other day I was quite constipated and was trying to go... I peed at least four times while simply waiting to have a BM. :wacko: :dohh:

I think part of it is that I can no longer tell the difference between LO putting pressure on my pelvis from moving down (he's definitely dropped in the past few days) and a full bladder. :wacko: My body just doesn't work anymore like its supposed to. :rofl:

I get the moments of extreme motivation, too. "I am going GROCERY SHOPPING! Yeah!" Run and shower, get my list together... turn on the TV... eat lunch... check BNB... :haha: Happens with every single chore, too. :shrug: I'm just too tired, and those little sparks of energy only last me about 15 minutes.
I'm fiiiiine (grrr!)

LO is at my mums overnight so we can get some sleep in the morning (last time for a while, although we said that last weekend only baby didn't turn up!). OH & I went for a mexican and to the cinema. Sat right at the back near the door in case I had to pee. Was really scary too - almost thought baby is going to jump out at the scary bits :haha:
glad you had a nice night jenny :)

I still think its amazing that i have an actual full grown baby in there :shock:
glad you had a nice night jenny :)

I still think its amazing that i have an actual full grown baby in there :shock:


I definitely do now feel like I have a full grown baby. I can feel her back and bum and they're huuuge! Aaaand shes gotta come out :dohh:
sorry to say i really enjoyed reading this thread and knowing im not alone i also have the bruised internally feeling and the peeing and the constipation/diarreah(sp?) feeling yuuuuuuuuuuuuuk its just awful

can dh take over yet?????
I'm sorry some of you are having a hard time with it all ATM :hugs: I hope you start to feel better soon and your LOs appear sooner rather than later!

On a random note: does anyone know how to help trapped wind? :haha: I've got it really bad suddenly today and I'm in real pain with it, nothing helps lol.

:flow: xx
soooo tired ........................................accoding to my dr im in early slow labor but contractions died today....soo unfair..;{.....strong BH without pain like i cant even breathe through them....
I'm sorry some of you are having a hard time with it all ATM :hugs: I hope you start to feel better soon and your LOs appear sooner rather than later!

On a random note: does anyone know how to help trapped wind? :haha: I've got it really bad suddenly today and I'm in real pain with it, nothing helps lol.

:flow: xx

Get on your hands and knees and stick your butt up in the air. :haha: Sounds silly, but I think it allows the weight of the baby to fall away from your intestines, allowing the gas to pass. I discovered this on accident one night when I was trying to stand up off the floor. :rofl: :blush: May take a few minutes, but it really helps me. :thumbup:
Ooh I'm going to try that now :haha: I don't care how odd I look!

I'm sweating in pain, it keeps coming in waves :l I hate my bowels right now! Lol :p I'm so tired but it's trying to stop me sleeping too lol.

Thankyou:hugs: xx
How are you all doing?

We have the same due date! Hopefully our LOs will be with us soon. I lost my plug last week and have been experiencing period pains ever since. Baby also dropped. According to my OB I am 1cm dilated and 70% effaced....like that means anything :haha:
I have turned into a rhino with PMT & a cattle prod. I'm sick of getting zero signs he's on his way (not the I know what to look for...Thanks midwife!) & of people askinjg stupid questions

I can't stand/sit down/lie down or anything & my mom seems determined to ignore all this & carry on as normal. :grr:

/rant over sorry ladies :flower:
How are you all doing?

We have the same due date! Hopefully our LOs will be with us soon. I lost my plug last week and have been experiencing period pains ever since. Baby also dropped. According to my OB I am 1cm dilated and 70% effaced....like that means anything :haha:

So we have!
I am just counting down the days and watching every twinge! :haha:

Hope our babies don't keep us waiting too long now!
I have turned into a rhino with PMT & a cattle prod. I'm sick of getting zero signs he's on his way (not the I know what to look for...Thanks midwife!) & of people askinjg stupid questions

I can't stand/sit down/lie down or anything & my mom seems determined to ignore all this & carry on as normal. :grr:

/rant over sorry ladies :flower:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: for you hon xx

i have to say, i'm suffering with indigestion, i definitely don't remember it this bad with dd1!
I'm full term today, yay :) Although i've given baby strict instructions not to come today as mummy has the start of a cold, hoping i can shift it quickly - FX

I was going to start the eviction process today! :haha: but i will wait.
Although have been drinking rlt since 31 weeks and taking epo since 34 to get my body ready...
I'm full term today, yay :) Although i've given baby strict instructions not to come today as mummy has the start of a cold, hoping i can shift it quickly - FX

I was going to start the eviction process today! :haha: but i will wait.
Although have been drinking rlt since 31 weeks and taking epo since 34 to get my body ready...

I am the same!
I have days where I hope labour doesn't start as I am way too tired for it that day, then other days I am think today would be great, come on baby!

Ive had the worst acid reflux with this bubs too. I got it a wee bit with amelie right at the end but got it this time way sooner and way worse. ive been sick cos of it a few times :sick: Horrid!

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