I had no real idea I had gall stones until recently. I do get the occasional pain up under the ribs, but I never got anything that doubled me over like any of you have describe so I never paid much attention. I went to see an accupuncturist a few months back for ttc because Im 41 and heard they do wonders, first thing he said was stick out your tongue and remarked that my liver was having troubles. Being me I thought well I will do a liver clense to clean myself out and give it a kick start, done bowel and liver clenses before, they arnt the nicest of things but they do work wonders! To my amazement I passed a dozen pea size gall stones, they were all cholesterol ones thank goodness, apparenty quit common from being on birth control! Amazing the difference it has made health wise, didnt realise how sluggish I had gotten over the years! Wish you all well on the road to better health ladies!