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Suzanne hun I will pray for you... I had 6 losses prior to this little man sticking and honestly I worried so much about this pregnancy up until about 3 weeks ago... :hugs: hopefully it is implantation... I had a little spotting with this little guy at 14dpo it wasn't a lot but made me cry as I was sure it was over..
Suzanne hun I will pray for you... I had 6 losses prior to this little man sticking and honestly I worried so much about this pregnancy up until about 3 weeks ago... :hugs: hopefully it is implantation... I had a little spotting with this little guy at 14dpo it wasn't a lot but made me cry as I was sure it was over..

Thanks Cami...I had a little spotting with my 3 previous successful pregnancies as well. It's so hard not to convince yourself of the worst. Yesterday I was on top of the world and told myself that I would feel blessed no matter how long this one lasted. I still feel that way and am really having my faith tested. God knows what's best for me, even when I don't agree. This spotting is pretty early for me, because usually I find out I'm pregnant right around 16dpo then start the spotting a week or 2 later. So, I am hoping it's just IB.
Have you seen your Dr. yet... the reason I asked is I had a little spotting and it was being caused from BV which is super common in early pregnancy...
Awww I'll be praying for you Suzanne :( that is not fun to go through but most of the time its actually quite a normally thing....I had it with all three of my pregnancies...try and hang in there but I would give the doctor a call to check on why your bleeding.
Sorry some of you ladies are having a hard time :( I hope things work out ok!

I am officially CD13 (because its past midnight lol) my OPKs look better than they did at this point last cycle so im hoping that i Ovulate a little early this cycle! :D

Hope everyone is doing ok xxxx
So I didnt want to say anything until after my apt, but I did have a bit of pink earlier today. I didnt worry overly much as I was on my way to the docs anyhow for a normal check up. But the time I was giving my sample I didnt have any pink. I sked about having a US a bit early as I havent had one since 16 weeks and he said that was fine. So I dont have to wait until 28 weeks!! yay. I get to go in tomorrow at 1045am. So If I have pictures Ill make sure to post them. Ill be asking for more 3d ones cause I LOVE those. we should also see if my placenta has moved or not. Also I found out that it is posterior previa.meaning it is to the back, instead of the front. So that explains why I can feel my little girl all the time ;)Also he said that because ist posterior it has a even better chance of correcting itself. So FXed that tomorrow brings good news. Although with the pink show earlier today, Im not holding my breath lol

So anyhow that is my update ladies
So I didnt want to say anything until after my apt, but I did have a bit of pink earlier today. I didnt worry overly much as I was on my way to the docs anyhow for a normal check up. But the time I was giving my sample I didnt have any pink. I sked about having a US a bit early as I havent had one since 16 weeks and he said that was fine. So I dont have to wait until 28 weeks!! yay. I get to go in tomorrow at 1045am. So If I have pictures Ill make sure to post them. Ill be asking for more 3d ones cause I LOVE those. we should also see if my placenta has moved or not. Also I found out that it is posterior previa.meaning it is to the back, instead of the front. So that explains why I can feel my little girl all the time ;)Also he said that because ist posterior it has a even better chance of correcting itself. So FXed that tomorrow brings good news. Although with the pink show earlier today, Im not holding my breath lol

So anyhow that is my update ladies

that spotting could be anything dont think negative dear! good luck!
As long as it stays spotting then Im ok. Just with the previa it can get bad FAST. So that makes me nervous. Ive never had any bleeding at all with my other two. so I dont like seeing pink red or any color at all lol
mommyof2peas I am so glad you get u/s 2morrow :) I am excited to see pics 2
Cami I am sorry you have a sty i think I am spelling it wrong and hope it gets better soon
Megg i am glad you wont have to mis your treatment
10 I emailed u hun and ty
Kate hugs sorry your feeling blah hun nut as u know will be well worth it
Stacey hugs how was your day?
Claire NICEEE lines hun :) so happy for you
sb your in my prayers hun FX all is ok
Andrea I hope you feel better
Amanda Wayyy cool swimmies lol and I hopeu catch that eggy
bbwardle ((hugs)) and FX you get the BFP very soon hun
guey I hope u catch that eggy
IF I forgot ANYONE I am very very sorry.I have been coming on just once a day...I am now ready to share.I emailed 10 so she knows most of this but I feel it is ok to also share with what I feel is the rest of my family
Some of you know and some may not know my oldest daughter just turned 18 in January,
She has finished high school early and for the most part ALWAYS been an awesome child..Never a detention I mean a model student and daughter seriously,....That is until her grandfather passed in December (my dad)
She came home VERY stoned on 12/22 ( I kept notes)
I confronted her to be told to mind my own business.....I figured she was high to deal with it in the am
In the am she was GONE for 2 days...Said she needed to think.
I knew where she was and knew it was a safe place so I let her be for a day then informed her she wasnt 18 yet and it was time to come home and talk,We chatted and I told her I understood her "trying" the weed BUT didnt approve and never would
She agreed with me it was stupid and said no more
On Jan 4th she came home VERY drunk this was a new thing.....She was vomiting EVERYWHERE...I didnt have the heart to yell @ her she literally looked just awful.I held her hair back as she was getting sick with tears just streaming down my face,I cleaned her face and stayed in her room with her that night keeping a cool rag on her head and a close eye on her she weighs 95 lbs
I again the next day explained to her I once was young and tryed things but that it wasnt acceptable.
Things got alittle better,I think she wa still smoking weed but i didnt know and didnt see her high.
So now it is Jan 17th day after her 18th bday she comes home @ 3am she was supposed to stay @ her friends and was VERY VERY drunk again this time she wet her pants and was vomiting so bad it scared me we sat in the emergency room for 7 hours.She was thank god ok.
I then said look Andrea your 18 and I also have your sister who is 13 you need to stop or go live with your dad...She cryed that she would indeed stop and didnt want to move out
I said ok lets see how it goes...She does hold a job and we all make mistakes
a week later I found a 1/2 gallon of vodka in her room when I was putting her laundry away for her...I was pretty upset but used my head.i dumped it ALL down the toilet and re filled it with water.She came home from work showered and said she was going 2 a friends for the night.She later called me @ midnight to inform me I was out of line for dumping something she paid for..I didnt want the argument as I knew it would get us NO where so I told her I would arrange for her dad to pick her up
She went with her dad for 6 hours and after her non stop calling and texting and emailing me I caved and went and got her
Again there were promises made she would stop etc
For the last month I have see her call into work,,get arrested for shop lifting and swear at me.Friday night she came home and was the same crap swearing and drunk as a skunk and also had a pot pipe on her.I had enough.I called her dad and asked him to please come for a meeting.
He did and she refused to go live with him,And wanted to know if I could "loan" her 2000.00 and she would get a place of her own
Mind you I dont have 2000.00 to loan her and if I did well under these circumstances I wouldnt.I gave her a month on Saturday am when she woke up to find a nw home,She moved ALL of her things out yesterday and is staying with her best friend as she just got her 1st apt.
I dropped her off over 150.00 in groceries clean towels and tooth paste,shampoo,condtioner,toilet paper etc.I am hoping this is a wake up call for her but to be honest I feel she wanted this and maybe didnt know HOW to say mom I just want to be on my own.She knew the rules and continued to just break them over and over again.
I feel horrible to say the least and have told her IF she can stop she can come back,She is now saying she wishes to make her own life and would like for me to just call her once a day before bed.
I am devastated :(
She was my 1st born and only child for 5 years........So I am sharing what has been going on.She has court coming up I am going to ask she seek help i really honestly feel she is or is turning into an alcoholic.She is also NOT being "safe" as far as protection as she had to have me give her one of my pregnancy tests not long ago and admitted sometimes she just forgets her pill.
Any and all feedback is accepted greatly
Your heartbroken friends,Daisy
********she also put holes in her bedroom walls and wrote drink it up party it up smoke it up ALL around her room in permanent marker whe she was mad @ me for saying NO MORE & has swore @ me and said some hurtful things about my not working @ this time so why should she when she wanted to work.DH works and we dont live high off the hog BUT we have never went without :(
I never thought I WOULD be this heartbroken,.....her and I HAVE always been VERYYYYY close :( :(
Is Maca and Soy Isoflavones okay for woman with PCOS?
We are still keeping our appt for the 15th so that I can get my Clomid...but I'm wondering what is safe to take with it....I ordered Preseed cause I know Clomid can dry you I'm usually dry anyway so I don't want to make it worse!

I'd say try maca root it's helped me alot and it has helped with my cm A LOT

Ok....thanks! Gonna do alittle more research on it....but can I ask what all it has done for you?
Daisy I just wanted to write and say that I'm sorry you're going through this. I can't say I understand what you're going through or how you feel, as I don't. My oldest is only 4. However I can say that as hard as it may be, to keep your ground. Don't let her walk all over you.

When I was 16 I had a little tiff with my Aunt (she was raising me) and she packed all my shit and told me to get out. So I did... I learned my lesson the hard way...but she didn't give in and she didn't let me walk all over her. I'm a better person now because of it and we have a good relationship. (She is the mom I never had)

I hope you get through all this and everything goes how you'd like it too! I wish I had more advice to give...or even something just super cool to say. LOL

Is Maca and Soy Isoflavones okay for woman with PCOS?
We are still keeping our appt for the 15th so that I can get my Clomid...but I'm wondering what is safe to take with it....I ordered Preseed cause I know Clomid can dry you I'm usually dry anyway so I don't want to make it worse!

I'd say try maca root it's helped me alot and it has helped with my cm A LOT

Ok....thanks! Gonna do alittle more research on it....but can I ask what all it has done for you?

Hey hun, I did a bunch of research on maca root...its all (or most of it) on page 513....on this thread :) Also there is another thread that Ive been following for awhile and a couple of the girls have also looked into Its been around a while so it is quite long. But most of the ladies there are using maca root.
Daisy I just wanted to write and say that I'm sorry you're going through this. I can't say I understand what you're going through or how you feel, as I don't. My oldest is only 4. However I can say that as hard as it may be, to keep your ground. Don't let her walk all over you.

When I was 16 I had a little tiff with my Aunt (she was raising me) and she packed all my shit and told me to get out. So I did... I learned my lesson the hard way...but she didn't give in and she didn't let me walk all over her. I'm a better person now because of it and we have a good relationship. (She is the mom I never had)

I hope you get through all this and everything goes how you'd like it too! I wish I had more advice to give...or even something just super cool to say. LOL


:hugs: Amber you touched my heart and ty your an awesome person,Her dad also dropped her off over $100.00 in groceries.Him and I have been talking alot and we refuse to give her money because we dont want it spent on stupid crap (booze,weed) but we wont see her go hungry,We love her very much and I feel bad but @ the same time I CANT let her keep doing this.Her younger sister was crying friday night when she came in like that and I cant let her see this crap,She is @ a very impressionable age.Andrea never had to see this shit and I refuse to place Haley in the middle of this.I pray things get better and as bad as I feel and as much as I worry I just keep praying it will be ok and she will be ok but at this time.I dont miss her abuse :cry:
OMG girls I'm over here bawling my eyes out....that is just horrible Daisy and for you Amber I am so sorry your mom wasn't there....I don't know what I'd do without my mom.....but there was a time in my life where I was almost as bad as your daughter and I was a mom already.

My 1st DH abandoned me while I was 7 months pregnant :( this is the hardest thing I'm going to share ever.....I compare it to her losing her Grandpa as well....and then I moved back in with my parents at the age of 20 in 2004. I was so depressed and thought my life meant nothing....I got myself a job (not enough to have my own place since I had a car payment and a baby to raise and at the time 1st DH wasn't sending child support) so I was all alone inside.....Did good for myself but went no where really did a few college courses etc.

Then my DAD passed away in 2008....I was 24 and way too young to lose my Daddy :(

I lost it then Daisy like your daughter did....except attached to me was this helpless little boy who was losing his mommy. I didn't do drugs however but my drinking spells and going out to party was an every night occasion. Three times I ended up in the hospital and had to have my tummy pumped once I had alcohol poisoning all three times but only once did they pump.... I would get off work an go straight across the street to the bar where I would go and do STUPID things.....which lead to me having an "affair" with a married man. Me and my DH were going through a divorce at the time I don't consider myself cheating because my marriage was over but in a way I was cheating myself. I was with this married man behind his wifes back and she was my friend :(......Thats how I come to my youngest son. This man had a 2% chance of having a child and him and his wife had tried for years to get pregnant then I come into his life for a year and WHAM I'm pregnant with this baby....let alone HES A COUNTY OFFICER....what ever should I do....I stopped the drinking of course when I found out I was pregnant and everything else and I was in the law enforcement academy how would the dept. ever hire me if this news had got out....what was I to do with I quit the police academy an moved on an told "HIM" I couldn't do this anymore around when I was 6 months pregnant. I felt so a burden on my heart and I couldn't live with myself.

Daisy my only advice is to let her go and make her own mistakes like I the end she'll be coming back to you begging for forgiveness like I did my mom. I to this day am ashamed of myself for the way I was back in the day and I'll NEVER accept what I did...and never feel comfortable being me. MY DH and I met when I was 8 months pregnant and he turned my life around 100% it went from a big fat hole I couldn't get out of.....and I changed into the most beautiful "butterfly." I grew up and became who I am today....I love my life, God, my children, my husband, and I couldn't have anything better than the way it is.

After all of those mistakes I FINALLY grew took a LONG time and I'm sure it will for her but I agree she needs to ask for help with the drinking and leads to horrible things :( and I will be praying for you Daisy as well as your daughter Andrea (who IRONICALLY has the same name as me and I am adopted but my REAL TRUE BLOOD SISTER whom I met is NAMED HAYLEY HOW WEIRD!!!)....I can't imagine the pain and hurt she causes I caused that heartache to my own mother....and I can't take that pain away from all those years of abusing her by cursing an yelling and doing it all in front of my child :( I can't...but I can move on and be the best dang mom I can be and realize everyone makes mistakes but you have to give the person the chance to prove their self worth and that they want better for themselves....but mostly the person has to want to do better in their heart or nothing else will help. She has to want treatment for it to work....she can go "for you" but first she needs to go for herself. :hugs: :hug: I pray to God things get much better for both of you sweetie....I am so very sorry :(

Sorry for the long yet embarrassing story...but feel its better to be honest with my "sisters" than to keep everything away from you all and live a lie.....You girls are my rock with the fertility thing and I can't wait until we are all great mommies to our soon to be babies :) and of course our babies we may already have....THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART :)
Cami's right... I actually found out (long after the fact) that I had BV at my first prenatal appointment.

Amanda - Sorry about your spotting... I'm sure the U/S will show everything's perfect!

Daisy - Oh, honey! Wow! I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. I wish I had good advice... However, when I was 18, I decided I was ready to move out. I got my first house (with the man who would become my first husband) and moved out on the night I graduated high school. I know I broke my parents' hearts. :( I deeply regret how much I've hurt them. I spent 5 years with him and we struggled. We'd have been on the streets many times if my parents hadn't bailed us out over and over again. But, it wasn't a mistake. I wouldn't be the way I am today if I had chosen differently. I was a selfish, spoiled, uncaring little bitch before I moved out and suffered a bit. I raised his son with him and learned what it meant to care more about someone else than you do about yourself. I learned a lot of good lessons. And, then we got divorced. We're still great friends, btw. But, I still wasn't able to go back home with my parents even when I didn't know if I had anywhere else to go. Since those times, my father has only been able to tell me once that he loves me... I sort of destroyed him with those 5 years... and he's still not quite over it some 8 years later. But, I am better for it now. I wouldn't be able to love so purely and intensely if I hadn't seen the other side of things. I would never have learned to be so ferociously protective of the people I love without experiencing what I experienced. I know its hard... but don't let her actions break you the way my actions broke my dad. We're still close, but it'll never be like it was. Just be strong. You did the right thing! :hugs:
Daisy hugs love I'm doing ok sorry to hear about dd try to be there for her when she needs you i wasn't the best kid to my mom we had are ups and downs but she was always there and in the end it did help me grow up to be a better person and the woman I'am today we all do dumb stuff when we are young my prays will be with you
Daisy hun you are doing the best thing for you and your younger daughter.. she has to grow up because she is an adult now and god forbid she do anything that would land her in prison or anything but if she got caught with some of that stuff in your house you could get in trouble as well.... we went through a lot of the same with my brother and he did wind up in jail a few times but now he is out and doing great he has a wonderful daughter that turned his life around... I think it is wise not to give her money though because it would go to those things... :hugs: much love girl I will be praying for you and her
OMG I have something crazy happening I used to get cramps in toes when I was pregnant with little one....NOW all of a sudden Saturday I get my first one....and now I've got another OMG...haven't had these since I was pregnant....So I call DH just now crying and hes LIKE OMG you had one Saturday...YES YES YES....Hmmm STRANGE! He says baby there's no way your NOT pregnant :) I was like THAT IS WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR...and I didn't bring it up HE DID :)

Is Maca and Soy Isoflavones okay for woman with PCOS?
We are still keeping our appt for the 15th so that I can get my Clomid...but I'm wondering what is safe to take with it....I ordered Preseed cause I know Clomid can dry you I'm usually dry anyway so I don't want to make it worse!

I'd say try maca root it's helped me alot and it has helped with my cm A LOT

Ok....thanks! Gonna do alittle more research on it....but can I ask what all it has done for you?

will for me it has helped with my skin or was now i'm having a big break out idk why i have a bad back that i'm on pain med.s but it has been doing better and i found out maca helps with bones i haven't had to take my med.s in days my sex drive has been up and with the cm i'm more on the dry side but not this cycle it's like someone left the water on :haha: and i haven't had that in almost 5 years before i had dd

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