Gallery O Tests

I had the urge to pee so I did
I could SWEAR I see something but I am unsure
Anyone else see anything
I promise not to get mad
I am now 9DPO

:cry: Srarting to look evapy but I dont know I think the light I was using dryed it out :blush:


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See a thin line on the first but nothing on the others

:hugs: Thanks for looking,Yes it looked thin then looked thick I cant tell even in real life so cant really expect you ladies to be able to see.I heard from ALOT of ladies frer's are junk so was wondering what other test could I try I am as I said 9dpo
AF is due in 4-5 days,I have a few dollar store tests left but was wondering if maybe another brand would be better
Thank you all for your continued support :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Okay...I wasn't going to say anything but this shit is getting crazy....I don't see ANY reason for ANYONE to leave a thread that's become a part of their lives....a thread filled with wonderful people who have supported you through some very tough times, and some very good times....I haven't been apart of this thread very long but I see the bond you all have made and grown to love....Personally it pisses me off to see that one person is having so much power over your decisions....My God the woman is having an emotional break and she will eventually recover from this....She's a grown woman and if she can't handle alittle criticism then let HER leave.....there is no reason to abandon the woman who have stuck with your through thick and thin.....I don't care if there are other ways of contact...PM or FB.....Kate started this thread for the sole purpose of allowing a string of woman to express and show what they are going through during a very emotional time in their lives....This thread is the most popular thread by far (from what I have seen) and there is NO REASON to let that fall apart....STAY! Stay and be with the woman who have carried you through tough times....and laughed with you through the good....STAY! Stay and be with the woman who YOU have carried through hard times...and laughed with when it was good....NOBODY is worth sacrificing that kind of friendship.......NOBODY! If she comes back and reads all this talk, let her, if she wants to comment on what everyone has said,let her.....ignore it....cause you have something SO MUCH BETTER going on here then to let one crack break a foundation....

And that's all I'm going to say about that....Good luck to those who still plan on leaving....and Thank you to those who still plan on staying...
Well, I have to say I am SO super sorry for what I have started and I didn't even mean to.
I would pee on a stick for you ladies but Im still waiting to O. Im CD13 and my OPK was slightly darker today so FX for a nice dark one in the next couple of days.
I was hoping I'd have a reason to hump on Hump Day but I don't. I'll save my energy for when it's needed! LOL!!!!! Thats terrible, isn't it?

I think I see something on the first picture but I cant tell on the other 2. But 9DPO is early so FX for you. You could wake up in a day or two and being seeing double (dark pink lines that is...)

***Although, I did a little experiment because I know a lot of the ladies have been getting bad evaps on the little internet cheapie test strips. I peed on one a couple of days ago being I knew I wasn't pregnant (I was only on CD11) and it of course came out negative. But after 3 hrs (when I took the pic below) still no evap. Even now, a few days later, it still looks the same. So I guess the ones I got arent terrible. (*Now watch, I'll get an evap on the first one I take for real this month....My luck!!!) But anyways, I order mine from if anyone is interested. They offer different package deals and any order over $14 you get free shipping.
I have attached the pics from the HPT (blue) so you can see no evap.
The green one was my OPK from that day. Darkest one Ive gotten so far, but still not quite positive.


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Oh, and I wanted to add....

I give major props to all the ladies who get clear ass pics of their tests on here. I can't get a clear one for poopie. The ones below were the best I could do. So any tips on getting a better pic would be greatly appreciated :winkwink:
deep breath in and let it out Katie Marie Masters..... in my nose out my mouth. My thread.... I am soooooo proud of my thread. It's a place of loving support even when something is annoying. We have all bitten out wanna know why... because the tongue can cut like a knife and I refuse to ever be the source of someones pain whether the truth hurts or not being honest and being hateful are two different things. Megg said it well (so did Carter and 10) Andrea (whether pregnant or not) was hurting she had a line had the joy of a positive and then had it ripped away from her... now that being said she lashed out and I understand it I do NOT condone it but I understood... then it was a kill fest... I will say I am very disappointed with EVERYONE including Andrea I am not defending the actions of verbiage I am just asking "where is the compassion here?" I think the proper response should have been I didn't mean to hurt you I am sorry you took it that way... END of Story! You all have to admit if you go back and reread what happened it was a hurting person being attacked by almost everyone... now that doesn't mean I disagree with things that were being said however! I disagree that they were said!! I have thoughts and feelings and frustrations but because I know words can hurt and damage a person I keep the rotten ones to myself or to close friends... Private messages should have been used to share your frustrations with her if they were that bad if you just couldn't deal with it then you go face to face with the issue... what happened here was there were already a build up of frustrations kept in and the fire got started and it spread because emotions were allowed to let loose. Do you not agree that seeing someone hurting should be cause to shut down an attack. I have never been one to back someone into a corner and make them feel like a piece of poop for who they are...even if their personality is one that conflicts with mine. I guess I can't ask everyone to see things the way I do... that everyone has a story and everyone has hurt in their life and that compassion is really the only way to deal with it... compassion for you compassion for me... love one another... it's truly is hard to love someone who has said something nasty on a regular basis ( not implying this to anyone just in general) but I am called to pick up the fallen and carry them. My calling may not be yours I understand that but I do ask you remember the hurt and step outside and look around from other angles you may be surprised what you see. truly we are all adults but that doesn't mean we are never childish sometimes being silly is a wonderful release to adulthood but sometimes childish nature turns mean too. I don't ask any of you to agree with me I just ask you go back and reread... leave out the frustrations of older posts and view this from a new prospective view this as if it happened to you... walk in someone elses shoes for this one journey and i think you would find you'd of been hurt too. I don't think I can say anything else without being a broken record.
I will add though.... Hayley... Why? Why now!? I really can't say anything to you without contradicting myself for my above post. Do you know why Amanda stopped you.... Back in November you threw a fit when I turned bfp left the thread and said on your page that you were done with bnb... why me why did my bfp make you such a mess... and then top it off I MC.. you came back.. ok that hurt my feelings but I let it go I didn't see you leaving for anyone elses bfp in the past but mine sent you over board... seriously. Then Clare goes bfp shortly later you leave again... everyone was so happy for clare but no you had to leave... I challenge you to go back and reread all you said it was ALL negative never a positive darn thing from you. Well Clare MC and you come back just to be met again with my bfp and you started being negative again so Amanda having known how you HURT me stopped you. How dare you come back now to throw in your 2 cents... listen I forgive you I forgave you after it happened but it was very cold hearted and again that's far from what I am about.
Lastly my lovely ladies all of you all of my regulars and occasional stalkers who come with loving support to MY thread. Thank you for all the good times and laughs. I have a fondness for all of you. I am jumping ship too though I am done with my own thread and I am asking Amber to please take over it... you have a goofy nature that reminds me of myself (when we aren't talking about leaving babies in the car lol I know so not funny but still lol) so I am hoping that from here on out this will be your thing. I am still online and may pop in from here to there but those who want my updates look me up on facebook. ktmastersbug/ I think is my page name. Regardless of what is said with regarding my post this IS my last post for a while that is on this thread. God bless all of you I will be around too just not a lot. Love and hugs to all of you!!
Well, I have to say I am SO super sorry for what I have started and I didn't even mean to.
I would pee on a stick for you ladies but Im still waiting to O. Im CD13 and my OPK was slightly darker today so FX for a nice dark one in the next couple of days.
I was hoping I'd have a reason to hump on Hump Day but I don't. I'll save my energy for when it's needed! LOL!!!!! Thats terrible, isn't it?

I think I see something on the first picture but I cant tell on the other 2. But 9DPO is early so FX for you. You could wake up in a day or two and being seeing double (dark pink lines that is...)

***Although, I did a little experiment because I know a lot of the ladies have been getting bad evaps on the little internet cheapie test strips. I peed on one a couple of days ago being I knew I wasn't pregnant (I was only on CD11) and it of course came out negative. But after 3 hrs (when I took the pic below) still no evap. Even now, a few days later, it still looks the same. So I guess the ones I got arent terrible. (*Now watch, I'll get an evap on the first one I take for real this month....My luck!!!) But anyways, I order mine from if anyone is interested. They offer different package deals and any order over $14 you get free shipping.
I have attached the pics from the HPT (blue) so you can see no evap.
The green one was my OPK from that day. Darkest one Ive gotten so far, but still not quite positive.

Unfortunately I got evaps on those kinds of tests....eeek.....I like them, they are wider than the skinny ones and I can see them better...but evaps can happen on them....


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Everyone has completly missed my point i first made that caused all this.
IM done with this.Do you know what!My last word in this thread will be ............

Well Kate I have to say I honestly stalk this thread beacuse of you. No offense to you other with that being said Kate will you have a journal for us stalkers that want to follow you. If so and if you don't mind I continue to stalk you could youplease PM a link. I would love to continue to follow your journey.
can anyone help me out for a second....can someone look at my chart and maybe shed some light as to why I had obvious signs of ovulation and then signs of AF but she isn't here yet? This confuses me...
i dont blame anyone for leaving this thread at neg comment and u get told your bringin the thread down.pretty pathetic if u ask me.everyone will have every emotion whilst ttc and no one has the right to say its wrong having mixed emotions.and u dont have the right to have ago when i leave and come back to the threads,yes u started the thread but thats it.i dont have to really explain anything to anyone when whilst ttc i saw bfps everywhere and felt i had to leave for afew days to come back later.none of ur buisness rather have left for abit then feel misserble for days over a poxy thread.these threads on this section are for tests and discussin tests and ttc.yes ladies r happy for women who get bfps on here and bumps but some dont like it rubbed in 24/7.its normal for some ladies to get alittle upset seein it all the time whilst goin through hard times of ttc.not bein slated for little neg comments on how things r goin personally .
and she shouldnt be mad to feel bad because she got her BFP either hayley. Sometimes people forget the road that we all traveled to get our BFP too...its not like we all up and decided to get pregnant and rub it into anyones faces....

Again this is stupid, and Im out until we can move past it.
Pambolina....thank you for posting those pics. I guess I'll keep them around for first testers and If I see anything I'll try and not get too excited before I confirm it with a better test.
As far as the chart goes, I have no idea. Im terrible with charting. Sorry :nope:

I know Kate said she wouldn't be back on here again, but I would just like to state that I told Andrea I was sorry for her situation and wished her the best on 2 threads....this one and then her own thread titled "I think Im out" or something like that. And then I left it at that. I was very nice and apologetic for hurting her feelings. I would NEVER intentionally hurt anyones feelings on here. Thats not what this place is for.
But I do agree with a lot of the other posts that were placed after mine, too.

So that being said.....

I agree with mommyof2peas.....We need to start peeing on sticks!!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE looking at everyone's tests.
Wow, I have been reading this thread silently for quite some time following you all through the ups and downs. I feel moved to say that I think it's a shame that a forum such as this one, intended to provide a place of support for women TTC, has become just the opposite of that in this case. I agree that when there's a negative environment, it may not be best to stay. But, if you can bring positivity to the environment, why not be the change you wish to see? Ignore the immaturity, ignore the crazy. Skip over the posts that are clearly written in a hormonal rage. Respond lovingly with compassion to those that need support.

I know it may be difficult to watch some folks go through the same pain month after month, but that does not make their pain any less significant. I agree that PMing someone, if you feel so strongly to comment on their situation, is the best way to go if you even slightly suspect that you may be hurting them. And clearly, advice was given to someone in this situation with the best of all intentions and it was received poorly. What happened after that leaves my head spinning.

I just want to encourage those that wish to leave to stay and to let the bad eggs leave. This thread was so wonderful for so long and will continue to be so, if it is nurtured and fed positivity.

I'm sending all of you buckets of :dust:

Amber-- Please don't give up TTC, esp without an official SA from the doc. Even with a low sperm count, you will be successful TTC and can do so without much medical intervention. IUI and clomid (for him) can work wonders (a good friend of mine conceived her twins this way!) I'm cheering you on girlfriend, don't give up!

Pambolina-- You chart has me stumped! Perhaps you haven't O'd yet?
Hang on..... I thought this thread was called Gallery O Tests, not House O Hormones! :rofl: xxx
Hayley no offense but you kept coming back on your wasn't made to come back here and there are plenty of other thread you could have went to..Believe me when i say i did not get pregnant to rub it in your face..Infact I wasn't thinking at all of you when I concieved..I don't think that the ones of who got pregnant should have to feel anyless joy over that fact because you are having a bit of trouble..Noone was trying to rub anything in your face and if you had gotten your bfp I would be so happy for you..I think that everyone here would have..I know i personally would have never treated you negatively..And we all know Katie would not have either..Now really don't you think your being a bit over the top with this??? I think most of the preggo's have moved out of the thread so that should be some comfort to you!!!
Also I just want to add this is a complete load of BULLSHIT!!! I see no reason in this at all..I think some of you are acting so freaking childish right now and its time to grow up and put your big girl panties on..We were all like sister in here and cried when you cried and laughed when you laughed and now we have this tearing everything apart..spliting us in this direction or that direction..I am not trying to hurt anyones feelings but mine are hurt that we have lost so many of our loved member over this stupid shit..
I stalk this thread, adn occasionally post, adn really really upset, that Katie left. she was such an inspiration to me, as many of you were.

I hope this thread, picks it self up from its bootstraps, and carries on.
I learned so much from this thread, about ttc and about all kinds of things. I hate to see it go down like this.

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