Gallery O Tests

Well I'm always honest with my posts....I just take extra care on how I word things and how much I<~~~And I go alittle crazy with the LOL's to show that I'm lighthearted and joking/laughing.....

I read somewhere that you increase your chances of have multiple's while on Clomid if you have PCOS and a high BMI and taking Metformin....Makes me kind of giddy to think that MAYBE I could have twins....AWESOME! I know there are risks but I like thinking of the

Hey there!!! I am on first cycle. Im on CD 12. Took mine from CD3-7. Ive read that it increases the chances of multiples too. I would love a set of twinsies. Im on ly on 50mg. If it doesn't work this cycle, I think my GYN is going to up me to 100mg! So excited. Im still waiting to O though. My last cycle lasted 2 months exactly. So Im not sure when I'll O. Hoping its soon though. Im getting Impatient...LOL!

So how is the Clomid treating you? I read it's got some nasty side effects! I think twins would be awesome but with my weight issues I gotta be realistic, it would be to risky for me! I'm starting to get impatient myself...I want to start my period already!! LOL! I'm ready to start using my CBFM and give my doc the good news....I can't wait for next month when I can start my Clomid....I'm finally making a dent in this whole TTC we'll end up being Clomid bump buddies!!!!!:happydance:

That would be awesome! A Clomid Bump Buddy....LOL!
You know, I really haven't had any side effects from it. My vision got a little funny. I dont really know how to describe it. But you know how when you spin around in circles a few times, then when you stop you feel like your vision is still trying to adjust even though you can see clearly? Thats the best way I can describe it. But it wasn't. At the time I honestly didn't relate it to the Clomid, I chalked it up to my usual headaches causing it.
But Ive also read that some side effects don't kick in until you start to O. So we shall see.
How do you use the CBFM??

It's funny that you described it that way....cause that's EXACTLY ( I mean literally word for word) how I describe how I feel with the Metformin when I was on got to be to much! Especially when driving! So I went back down to I gotta go back to 1000mg...oh joy! LOL! But whatever it takes for a baby I'll deal with me, just get's scarey sometimes when in the car....

You know I'm not 100% how a CBFM works....I read the lil book it came with and I got alittle confused....I think the 3 grey hairs I found the other day are to just know I need to pee on the stick and stick it in the machine and wait for it to tell me to Boom Boom with the hubby!

I honestly think I'm doomed to be sensitive to pills cause even multi-vitamins make me extremely nauseous....and when my stomach is upset I am useless! I just wanna sleep it off....or at least lay down and rest, but if you met my 21month old you'd know that that is

My baby!!!!

OH MY GOSH!!!! So adorable!!!! That is one precious baby!!!!
You had me laughing with the boom boom! LOL!!!!
Let me know how it goes for you with the CBFM.
And I know what you mean about driving while feeling like that. My husband thinks Im nuts when I told him the thing with my eyes. Maybe I should spin him around in circles and then maybe he'll understand. Ha!
Hey, what is Maca?

Aww thanks hun! And not trying to take away from my oldest daughter but she's definately the apple of my's a Mini-Me....My oldest is a Mini-Me version of her Daddy....blonde hair and bright blue eyes....and here I am with brown hair and brown's got my nose but other than that she's her Daddy ALL THE WAY. LOL!
I'll definately let you know how it goes, I'm anxious to start using it! But AF still hasn't shown up yet and to be honest I'm beginning to wonder if she ever will!!! The doctor mentioned that my spotting was probably a failed pregnancy but I couldn't accept that diagnose cause I barely had any bleeding, just the tiniest amount of spotting....after explaining it to her she said then it was most like ovulation bleeding and a large follicle bursting....which to mean sounds more reasonable given my history and I'm just wondering when the flood gates will open!

When I explained my reaction to the meds to my husband he just looked at me and said "Umm....really?!" And that was forgotten....I think men just have a hard time grasping what we go through all the while shooting up a prayer thanking God he doesn't have to go through's why us woman are stronger than men...not counting upper body

I'm not really sure what Maca there are alot of woman in here who swear by it and talk about it all the time....just gonna have to do some googling!!!

How are you doing today RN? Feeling alright?
good morning gals just wanted to jump on and say hi to everyone and that i might not be on much so if you would like to keep in touch with feel free to add me on facebook if you don't have me on your page already I'm not going to go crazy this cycle no opks i'll temp in the morning if i remember to but i'm done driving my self nuts i'll only take a hpt if im late for af baby dust to all and i hope everyone gets their bfp soon
Hey Pambolina!!!!
Im doing ok today. Will be doing my first OPK of the day in about an hour and a half!!!! Hoping for some dark lines.
You know, I have been watching the TLC channel all morning and on A Baby Story the lady said her & her husband tried for 8 months and didnt get preggers. She said her GYN put her on Clomid and she got pregnant forst round.
Now Im watching Make Room For Multiples and this one said her & her hubby tried for a year and didn't get pregnant. Her GYN put her on Clomid and first round she got pregnant with TRIPLETS!!!! Oh my!!!!
Oh, and the one on A Baby Story had ordered herself a designer hospital gown online!!! I didn't even know they did that!!!! They have them on Diapers.Com. I am so going to treat myself to a pretty hospital gown when I get my BFP!!!!!
How are you doing today???

**How's everyone else doing today????
Hey Pambolina!!!!
Im doing ok today. Will be doing my first OPK of the day in about an hour and a half!!!! Hoping for some dark lines.
You know, I have been watching the TLC channel all morning and on A Baby Story the lady said her & her husband tried for 8 months and didnt get preggers. She said her GYN put her on Clomid and she got pregnant forst round.
Now Im watching Make Room For Multiples and this one said her & her hubby tried for a year and didn't get pregnant. Her GYN put her on Clomid and first round she got pregnant with TRIPLETS!!!! Oh my!!!!
Oh, and the one on A Baby Story had ordered herself a designer hospital gown online!!! I didn't even know they did that!!!! They have them on Diapers.Com. I am so going to treat myself to a pretty hospital gown when I get my BFP!!!!!
How are you doing today???

**How's everyone else doing today????

I LOVE WATCHING THOSE SHOWS! LOL! I record them every morning and watch them later...cause my daughter tends to have the TV all morning watching I think I know the episode you are talking about with the's a black and white one? I've already done my searching and I will be doing the exact same thing if I get pregnant've found a couple of web sites that carry gowns my size....but I haven't checked I will now! I just love how you and I are so similiar and on the same page with things!! It's awesome!!!!:happydance:

I just love that those shows come on twice a'm obsessed with baby shows now....and last night I caught the new episode of One Born Every Minute....I love that one too!

I loooove this one!


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Its so funny the things we look forward to!!! LMAO!!!!
Im gonna tell my husband about it when he gets home from work. I'll bet he things im crazy!!! But he'll get one for me, I know he would. Whether he thinks it crazy or not.
We went to a wedding this weekend, and right before the reception started I slipped of my pink glittery stilettos and put on my slipper socks with little mouse heads on the top. I rocked them during the reception. So he knows Im silly. The gown thing wouldn't surprise him a bit!


God my feet are hurting i cant walk anywhere lol. Would of been nice to take summer out this afternoon but think its best we stay in as shes had her injections
Wow, seems like it's still a bit feisty in here. CAT FIGHT!! Call in the dogs! lol :haha: JK!!

Well, I sure hope we are all doing okay otherwise. Hayley, good to see you around again. Meg, you don't have to have an excuse to be here my dear, you have a right to come be chatty anytime you like. This thread is called "Gallery O Tests" but its not like we put nothing in here but tests. lol Testing would be for the ladies would are TTC, but I don't think that means that if you're pregnant you shouldn't be allowed here, or feel uncomfortable for being here. You still had to TTC before getting pregnant, and yes!!! That counts too! I think everyone has a right to be here because this thread is really about supporting each other. I think the best way to do that is to have a mix of different people from different place, then they would have different life experiences, which means more support and ideas. Everyone is welcome here (UNLESS you got pregnant on the first try, then you're NOT because I'd be way too jealous!! JK!)

See Meg, now I sound like the tree huger :rofl: for MEMEMEMEMEME (just kidding Amanda...I couldn't resist) :haha:

My temp dropped a bit this morning, not below cover line but enough to let me know that af is probably on her way. I hate that stupid witch. Anyone know where she lives so I can kill her? :af::devil: :haha: I did test again this morning just because I felt the need to waste my last test. LOL And it was a :bfn: Guess I will start Clomid this cycle...oh, do you ladies think that instead of :sex: every day or every other day we should try every 2 days? Would that help any with a low sperm count?

Oh boy....writing a book. 10 rubbed off on me really well. lol :winkwink:
In all honesty I think people are leaving because there are some people that are all about the MEMEMEMEME aspect and not enough about the support of one another. Also when you hear nothing but bad, and no attempt at PMA it tends to bring people down. No one wants to hear negative all the time. But this is just my opinion......and just like butt cracks everybody has one!! lol
sorry but i find that comment abit out of order.people leave because of people like u and ur when u jumped down my throat saying i was being negative and not being nice to lilm which was totally untrue.its ur mouth that people back away sometimes.people can say what they want on here but u directly say nasty things to certain people not just generalising things to everyone.i dont blame anyone for feelin uncomfy on here as one comment is said and jumped upon.especially when those who get a bfp and one little neg comment is made about something else and we get slatted for being negative over the whole board for stealin their moment,what aload of crap.we can be happy for someone aswell as down about other things.doesnt mean its al memememememe!!!

ROFL well hello hayley. Way to come back and try to single me out. I dont see how the comment above is singling anyone out. I said people and again some people. Also I said I agreed with clare, I said nothing mean or not nice to andrea. Also I tried to explain what I meant before, and How I was only trying to protect choose not to care. We all moved past that little moment and have been getting along since. AND everyone who has gotten their BFP (as far as I know) Has had their couple pages of happy thoughts.

My comment from above is validated by ladies who are on FB and have expressed to me their concerns and explained why they arnt on as I wasnt pulling it out of my butt....and again, Ive no idea how I could make it anymore generic about everyone....

Again thanks for trying to single me and my mouth out :) Like I said its just my honest opinion. If you dont like it you can always skip over my post. Or even PM me and we can have a nice chat there. Im not here to fight with people over the internet, thats just stupid. Plus I had moved on from all the andrea and RN stuff ( I still dont think RN was in the wrong) and started to talk about more light hearted things.....Anyhow Im done with this, Im not the bad guy and wont be made to feel like one :happydance:
Good morning ladies!! (those of you I havent scared off by my mouth lol)

Maca! Yes maca is awesome! I wrote a bunch of stuff up about what I did and what Ive learned about it. If you go the the front page I know katie has market the page its on :) That way if your wondering you can start there before your research :) Might help a bit I did research it for about 3 days straight. There is also a thread with nothing but maca users, If anyone wants it I'll be happy to get it for you. Also happ to answer to the best of my ability, any questions anyone has :)
Amber's a tree hugger! :haha: Yes, every 2 days might be better, honey! :hugs:

Its not like I feel that I'm not welcome here... I just don't feel like I fit in. Its hard to explain. I'm not trying to be all "you can't possibly understand how hard my life is" or anything... Its just that its a very different world that I'm in right now. I never know what to say.
My temp dropped by alot too...FF has already taken away my's just a waiting game....Chicka if you find her can you please let her pay me a visit before you kill her? Cause I actually need that damn witch right now...LOL....

There are so many things I look forward to when I find out I'm pregnant....and I'm gonna try and do things differently with that pregnancy cause I know it will be my I want to savor it.....

Has anyone ever done Cord Blood Banking?
@ Pambolina -

I banked my son's cord blood with ViaCord. And if i get a BFP I plan on banking this one's too.
When you register and pay your fees, they send you a kit that you have to take to the hospital with you. When you go into labor you have to call them and let them know so they can have a courier on standby.
I live in FL and my little one's cord blood is in a cryogenic freezer somewhere in KY. LOL!
The only down side is that the Daddy doesn't get to cut the cord because there's a certain way they have to do it. But that was 6 yrs ago. Maybe things have changed.
I think I understand what you mean Meg. I get it:hugs:

There are times when I kinda feel outta place....when other people are getting positives or talking about them. So I just keep up with the reading and jump back in when I feel I can squeeze through. lol

Amanda, can you take Maca and Clomid at the same time? Hubby wants to start taking that as well. I think we both are, if it's safe to take with Clomid. Wasn't there a page that said what amounts to take on what days? Oh, and where to get it? (I bet you're going to feel like a broken record. :haha:)
I think part of it is that I was in an amazing assisted conception group with my first round of ICSI... but they're all either pregnant now or not trying again yet. And, the group I'm kind of with now isn't very active. So, it feels much less like I have anyone to talk to about it. Until you've been on these god-forsaken drugs, its hard to know the hell they put you through. So, I'm overly touchy about EVERYTHING right now. Hence, I wish we could all get along. Because, if I ever start speaking my mind whilst on these drugs, I'll be banned in about 20 mins! :rofl:
@ Pambolina -

I banked my son's cord blood with ViaCord. And if i get a BFP I plan on banking this one's too.
When you register and pay your fees, they send you a kit that you have to take to the hospital with you. When you go into labor you have to call them and let them know so they can have a courier on standby.
I live in FL and my little one's cord blood is in a cryogenic freezer somewhere in KY. LOL!
The only down side is that the Daddy doesn't get to cut the cord because there's a certain way they have to do it. But that was 6 yrs ago. Maybe things have changed.

I wanted to do it with my youngest but the fees scared my husband away...LOL....I'm hoping this time he'll reconsider!! I'll request a packet anyway so he can read up on it....

I'll be having a C-Section anyway so cutting the cord isn't a problem at
Amber, I wouldn't take them together no....At least my OB said not to take them together. I stopped taking the maca when AF was late getting ready for my first round of clomid, but never needed clomid LOL Now I dont see why you cant take clomid and your hubby take maca :D

As far as where to get it...I know you can get it online, But like Ive said lots and LOUDLY! lol I dont feel safe ordering stuff on line, cause you never know what your getting. Unless there is someplace you trust of course :) We are kinda a tree hugger city, we have a place called super supplements that is nothing but supplements...the whole place! That is where I got mine. I was able to read the back label and know what was in it. so there are a couple choices out there :) From what I heard you can get your maca from amazon ..... And I would feel pretty safe with them too:)

Megg, I know I could never possibly understand what you have to go through to get your BFP, only that I hope it goes quickly for you!! I only wish lots of :dust: on you! and hope Izzy 2.0 will be baking very soon!! I do know how you feel as far as feeling a bit out of place. I felt that way with my BFP....But I got over it cause I love my ladies LOL Also I like to help where I can. We all love you megg!! moody or not we will still take ya! :)
Hello ladies just a few quick lines to say (((hugs)))
I have alot of errands to run today and woke up feeling like I was going to vomit,I know would be wayyyy 2 early for any m/s EVEN if I was pregnant but I still took a test
9dpo BFN
I dont know maybe it is a bug,I also feel so blahhhhh but anyways wanted you all to know I am thinking of you and have NEVER felt bullied here and care about u all
:) I hope you ALL have a good day :)
be back in later for a bit

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