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Amanda, hope your contrax stopped after drinking your water. 2 cm in front, that's something especially since it's still early. Did they say anything about that? I'm glad you went in to have it checked out though.

SweetAlida, I'm sure he'll come around. When your baby comes he'll be a proud Daddy and his stress and fears will fade into happiness and joy when he see's his baby. I think you're right, he's just scared.

My friend's baby, he's still in the hospital and is eating now. Yay!! I totally cried I was so relieved. I noticed that he seemed like he didn't want to swallow, but I just thought it was the gunk in his throat frustrating him. I was obsessive and very persistent about him eating, I was scared he wasn't eating enough because she told me he would take 6 oz. at a time and at most he only took 4. I just kept trying. I would calm him down and try again. She said he would cry when she gave him his bottle so she wouldn't try again for a while. Anyway, he's doing better thankfully.

Nikki, I'm not the best at explaining breakthrough bleeding but I'll try. It's when your lining gets too thick, normally on long cycles and the oldest part begins to shed because it's too thick to be maintained. It's not anything bad. You haven't put in your temps as consistently here recently, but I'm still watching your chart.

mummylove, I'm so sorry they won't give you anything. It's so miserable to feel so sick. If at any point you aren't able to hold down fluids though go back. Did I tell you that a midwife recommened Unisom? It works the same as Phenergan. If you're sleeping you aren't throwing up. The downside I think is that if you are sleeping you also aren't drinking so I would use it carefully.

Today's test may be a tiny bit darker, it's really hard to tell on the FRER. I would like to see more test pics that have betas at about the same time if anyone has any to share. Is there a collection of those anywhere?

Here's today's FRER at 17dpo (maybe).

My dh was joking that he was half way across the country when this baby was conceived, he's right. That sounds kinda bad. There are lots more pics of more tests from today on my chart. 3 days until my beta.

Have a great day.
10, those lines are great! I don't think my lines ever got that dark on FRER and I tested until abotu 16dpo. Really hoping this is your forever baby :) xxx
I hope so Claire, thank you. I'm so worried it's ridiculous.

On the digis, do they come up faster if you have more hcg? I'm thinking about doing it. I've never seen one that says "pregnant" one in real life.
I'll show you my FRER when I got a positive digi...........


Woke up with a headache this morning. But after taking something for it I seem to be ok. Amelia is moving around a WHOLE lot. I have a growth scan later this afternoon so looking forward to that.

10 the nurse said its "not unheard of" with woman that have had babies before to dialate a bit early like that. But with the contractions they were picking up, you just never know. I was having about 4-5 a hour. So still within the "normal" range. Im sure Ill make it till at least 36 weeks. If not longer. Just gotta suck it up.

A bit of a rant. My hubby stayed home when I went into treage last night. He just didnt want to be bothered looking after the kids and he figured they wouldnt do anything thing. At most they would give me something to stop contractions and send me on my way. I know it doesnt make sense to load up the kids, since they cant come back with me anyhow. But he didnt even WANT to go....He didnt even offer to go. So fustrating.
I'm so sorry Amanda. I have a friend who is at the hospital right now about to get her gall bladder removed and her dh is at home and she's there alone. It's probably easier for him to take care of the kids at home. Could someone else have watched them so he could have gone with you? What are your plans for when she comes?

Thank Claire, I think I'm going to do the digi just to make me feel all happy while I'm worrying. I wish I had done the betas now, but I'm glad I didn't at the same time. 3 days seems so far away and I still think these tests should be darker if I'm 17dpo. If I'm 14dpo they're probably fine but that seems to be reaching for anything to justify when they're not darker.
My SIL is on stand by for when Im admitted into the hospital. But it was kinda sad being in there alone. Plus once Im admitted my mom will come too. She is 2 hours out though, so Unless they admit me she isnt even going to get a call lol she would kill me
10 them tests look great congrats

well wot a waste my tea was ;(
You need to get something to help with that mummylove. Are you throwing up every day?
So my mom calls me tonight, and the first words out of her mouth are"now don't be mad" So right there I know Im not going to like what she has to say.

At 16 weeks I found out that I had complete placenta previa. The doctors were talking if it doesnt move then I may need a section. Since then it has moved completely and I should be able to have a normal vaginal birth. Well, while there were talks of a section my mom (who lives a hour and a half out) was saying how she would come stay with me for a few nights to help with the house and kids while my DH worked. Because I dont have to have a section anymore(knock on wood) the plan had changed to she would watch the kids while I was in labor then take them for the night. Until I was released the next day. This has been planned for oh I dont know 5 months...

So fast forward to today with her call "now dont get mad, But cant you find someone else to watch the kids? I dont want to have to sit there for 10 hours like last time then take the kids" wow...just wow. First off, My labor start to finish was only 6 hours! Second, I didnt know being there for the birth of your grandchild was such a burden. she kept saying dont get mad, if there isnt anyone else she would do it. I tried to stay calm as I told her that if there was someone else I would have already asked them. She cut me off saying " Ohhhh no you wouldnt, no you wouldnt. Cause you figure mom will do it, no need to even look to find someone else" (this is so not true. I dont want my mom to have to drive a hour and a half just cause) Then she went into how she just wants to be a grandma. How this is number 3 for her (my 3rd) and she doesnt see how its so special. Im only having a child. Since I dont have to have a c section then why do I need her at all. MOST woman labor with the kids in the room, then have a baby, dad takes the kids home then comes back the next day to pick up mom and baby.

I was so mad I had tears running down my face. I cant believe she cant be bothered to drive a hour and a half to watch the birth of a grandchild. I told her that if she felt that way I would just call her after amelia was born and she can come see her then. my mother then has the nerve to get mad at ME and says" I cant talk to you when your like this"

Part of my fustration is she has one of my brothers kids that lives with her now. Because the state took her away. So I get the just wanting to be a grandmother part. BUT that is my brother NOT me. Ive never asked her to be anything but a grandmother. My mom will drive a hour everyother weekend to drop my niece with my brother and take him shopping once a month for food. because he doesnt drive. She also buys him diapers for the son he does have living with him. Also buys things for my brothers kids like easter candy and extra stuff so they dont feel poor or something. So the fact that she does all this for my brother (and thus the reason she just wants to be a grandma and send a card on holidays and whatnot) But cant be bothered to drive the extra 30 mins for one freaking night makes me SOOOOO mad.

So my question i being too emotional about this??? Because I really am not planning to call her until after my daughter is born.
I would tell her to get out of my life and that it's clear she doesn't love my kids or me! I'd burn that bridge! I'm so mad for you amanda! of course I'm hormonal too..... and I don't think she should have any grandparent rights. Again I'm hormonal but you have every right to be boiled!
Amanda she is being a really witch. You are her daughter and she should not care to be there for you. but then agian my mom completly disowned me when she found out I was pregnant and we have not talked since
I was playing with doppler as i put it away for few days.Its coming up with 120-155 but i cant hear anything but like swooshy noise and then *bang* i was like what the hell is that? My belly sounds so noise and it was so quiet last week?can someone shed some light.

Im so nervous about my scan on Saturday :argh:
The midwife told me the swooshy noise was the cord and the BANG is your baby kicking the doppler!!!! xxx
You need to get something to help with that mummylove. Are you throwing up every day?

Mostly everyday yes and ive been to the docs and they wont give me anything cus im keeping down fluids she just said if it gets worse then they will concider giving me something
Amanda, you have every right to feel hurt by that. You were being very objective to even think about calling her afterwards. I think you're being fair, but I wouldn't want her keeping the other kids if this is how she feels. I would definitely call someone else, and I wouldn't ask anything of her ever again. If she can't pull through for you now when you really need her I wouldn't want to ask her to be part of your lives at other times. I'd be indifferent to her, like she is just someone you know and nothing more. That's the position that she has chosen. I'm so sorry that you are going through this, especially right now. Hugs.

Babyhopes, your baby must be super active. I think you're fine. Which doppler do you have? Can you send a link?

My tests are way lighter today, I did drink a lot yesterday and even during the night I drank water. If they are lighter again tomorrow I'll know this baby is gone too. I'm so scared and sad and a total basket case.
Sorry you are worrying so much 10. Praying for a good outcome.
I would be so angry Amanda. Its enough stress having the baby, and now you have to worry about child care. My mom says things a lot that hurt my feelings. I think she doesnt think before she speaks. Just yesterday I was talking to her about dental surgery my 7 year old needs. They want $2000 up front to even make the appt, and I dont have that kind of money laying around. So she tells me if I only had 2 kids instead of four I could afford it. I shouldnt have 4 kids if I cant afford them, than she adds oh but obviously you cant give them back. I was so mad. My kids are fed, and clothed and loved. They are happy and have more than a lot of kids do. And even if I could, I would never give any of them back. And does that mean she thinks 2 of my kids are expendable? I dont think a lot of people could come up with 2 grand in a day, no matter how many kids they have.
Sorry you are worrying so much 10. Praying for a good outcome.
I would be so angry Amanda. Its enough stress having the baby, and now you have to worry about child care. My mom says things a lot that hurt my feelings. I think she doesnt think before she speaks. Just yesterday I was talking to her about dental surgery my 7 year old needs. They want $2000 up front to even make the appt, and I dont have that kind of money laying around. So she tells me if I only had 2 kids instead of four I could afford it. I shouldnt have 4 kids if I cant afford them, than she adds oh but obviously you cant give them back. I was so mad. My kids are fed, and clothed and loved. They are happy and have more than a lot of kids do. And even if I could, I would never give any of them back. And does that mean she thinks 2 of my kids are expendable? I dont think a lot of people could come up with 2 grand in a day, no matter how many kids they have.

How dare she say that the stupid bitch i would of punched her lol
My mom says crap like that ALL the time...I called her telling her that I needed to go shopping but was waiting for my DH to get home, as I didnt want to pack up both kids to run to the store. She starts going off about if she wanted to go anywhere she had to pack up both my brother and I and took us everywhere and "OHHH but you just HAD to have another one, didnt you?" She thinks she is being funny. but it just ticks me off. She also says "No more kids, ok. It makes me feel old.".....yes cause its all about her and how she feels.
Oh my parents are always saying "Dont have anymore ok!" And they are serious. I have started telling them this is my life and the amount of children I have is our business and not theirs. I am not going to make major decisions in my life based on what they want. I am sure no one told them how many kids they could have. My mom has free flight benefits and only a part time job, and she still hasnt seen my son. He is 2 months old now. But she has gone to Canada and on a cruise since he was born.

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