Gallery of preggies

Aw love the scan! CLARE 2nd tri WOOT WOOT.,..... so when do i move to 3rd tri? 27 weeks?
I may be wrong but I thought it is 28 weeks but that doesn't sound right....time to google :)
I se people moving over at 27weeks but not sure. Oh well I have already been cruising that forum anyways lol.

I am wore out. Been doing laundry and rearranging my bedroom a little to make room for babies bassinet, cleaning out some dresser drawers to put baby clothes in. NOW I just gotta wash all the darn clothes I have.
Hey Ladies! Love the scan and bump pics!
Congrats RN!!! :yipee:
10- I hope you decide to get that scan done. You don't need to stress like this. You should find a doctor that isn't going to make you wait and stress like this. :hugs: I pray for you and beanie.

AFM- Having a blast with DH in town. We have been so busy "playing" and a little work. we have gone to the zoo and aquarium! Tomorrow we are sleeping in and just playing at home! Maybe even a movie night at home tomorrow. He has to leave again Saturday and no idea when he will make it home again. I hate this time of year. :(
I have a gender scan scheduled for June 2 and I start my job at the hospital next week! So may not be around much. :( but I think of you ladies often.
Hiya girls :)

Feeling a lot more positive now, yay! But I feel so sick, yesterday was my first 'official' pregnancy vomit haha. Not nice.

How is everyone? Megg when does your IVF start?? xx
Nikki, I remember your opk and it did look good, and now your temps prove it. Your chart looks right. If you get your bfp or af on time then that will back it up too. Hoping for your bfp.

Great numbers RN. Congrats.

05mummy07, that is an amazing ultrasound, congrats! At first glance I saw the 3 dark areas, but the one on the right is your bladder I'm almost positive. The left is your baby. The middle dark area is your uterus I think because you can tell it goes all the way around the baby. Awesome sono, it looks great.

I don't know where I left off on here. Yesterday I called my obgyn's office and basically pitched a FIT to get another beta done. His nurse gave me every excuse she could come up with and I had to keep being insistent and it was hard because I feel so stressed and defeated. She said they couldn't do it because there wasn't a medical reason to do the beta. I said how about advanced maternal age, spotting, recurrent miscarriage (I've had 4 documented), recent miscarriage, or even increased risk of ectopic. She said inurance won't pay if it's not for a medical reason, and I said even if there isn't a medical reason, my insurance isn't paying it anyway because my deductible isn't met. Then it was, well... I don't know if Dr. will go for it or not. I told her that I called the dr. who did my reversal, and I really did. When I had my reversal they were so adamant that you have to have the early betas to catch and prevent damage from an ectopic. I asked the reversal dr. if I'm no longer at risk for ectopic since I've had two reversal babies. He said that I certainly still should have those, he even advised that I go to the ER and fake pain because it's that important. My ob's nurse said that I was trying to compare what one dr. did to another and they just don't do it the same. I said am I? I've been to this ob for my last two babies, he did the betas and early ultrasound with them. What about the mc last cycle? He did the betas then too, even two days in a row. What's different now? She said she couldn't tell me what's different. This is the same nurse who told me when I went in for help with ttc and she said the dr. would scold me for being too old for ttc, which dr. didnt' scold me at all and even gave me the Femara. Anyway, she talked to him and he ordered it at my pcp as I asked since it's 1/3 the price where he normally orders them. She complained that they have to call over and over again to get the results, which I don't believe either since I've been at the same pcp for 14 years and never had trouble with that sort of thing. My last beta, one of my ob's nurses said she got it on Monday and the other said she got it on Tuesday. Someone isn't telling the truth. I can't believe that I'm having to deal with this crap now, I have to try so hard to maintain my composure and not just fall to tears. I know what's different this time, it's that his nurses are screening and choosing what and when to tell the dr. I haven't talked to my ob not once through everything this time. With my mc last cycle he called me personally on Sunday but I didn't go through his nurses to get the message to him. Sorry I'm going in circles.

So the plan was to get the beta at my pcp, then I would have the lab fax it directly to me and I would fax it to them. I got their fax number. I didn't get my fax on time, we set it up differently this time so I wasn't surprised really. I called my pcp, she faxed to me right then. My beta is 503, should have been around 2000 by now so I know it's not good.

I noticed on the lab that it was cc's to my ob but at their phone number not their fax number. I faxed it, but it wouldn't go through, line was busy. I called and the nurse told me that the other nurse tore out their fax yesterday because it was broken. So nice of her to let me know, huh?

I sent the lab report to my husband since he works in the same town, he brought it by to them. He asked the nurse to have dr. call me because the numbers aren't good, she said you don't know that. He said he had to bite his tongue so hard. He asked for the release form so they can talk to him. They scolded me because my dh called my ob's cell phone on Tuesday after they had been blowing me off about ordering another beta for a day and a half. My dh then walked over to his dr. next door to have his blood pressure checked, he has to do that now and then. It was 150/118 and they wouldn't let him leave. Now they want him to take two more bp meds in addition to the one he's on and one of him he took a long time ago which he believes started the ed problem to begin with. Not that I really want to ttc again anyway, at this moment I feel like there is nothing left of me to even pick up.

So, here are today's peestick pics...
These are all from this morning, 27dpo...

Both of our Walmart stores are out of FRER, I think I bought them all. Here are EPT's from the last few days, 25-27dpo...

Here are my lack of progressions from my bfp until today, 15dp-27dpo...

I've been out of Dollar Store tests for a few days, it seems that I would have been able to see progression on these had I kept doing them during these last few days...

What I don't know is if I have a slow rising beta or one that is already going back now. It ticks me off that they didn't continue with the betas because I would have known by now. I don't know if this will be a mc or if I'm still at risk for ectopic. Does anyone know?
10 I have no clue I'm so sorry you're going through all this. :( I hope everything gets figured out and fast.
10 I'd go into the ER so they can do an US. Tell them your spotting and having pain. They will/should do a transvaginal US and if they don't request one. Tell them your doctor told you to go in if the bleeding didn't stop. You need answers this is just plain crazy that no one is willing to help you. Can you switch doctors to a different OB?? You are way more patient then me. You would be 5 weeks now? They should be able to see if baby is forming and if it has a yolk sac and all. Go to the ER. Ask for another Beta if numbers have dropped from 503 then you will know. They can also check for an ectopic. That is nothing to mess around with if you do have one. Good luck and keep us posted.
10 - I agree with Sweet Alida. I think you should go into the ER!!! Ive worked in an ER for a while and any woman that comes in thats pregnant complaining of abdominal pain or bleeding they will always do betas and an u/s. And a pelvic exam (thats the not fun part).
FX for you hun!!!!
I can't explain everything right now. There's only one other OB here and I don't like her, besides both my OB and she are going to be joining. There is a benefit of sticking with my OB also because of my uterine rupture X2 and this OB saw it. It will be hard to impress that on another dr. I really should be at a high risk ob, but it will mean a 2 hour drive. Part of it's money, part of it's time, and I don't want having another baby to be a huge hardship on our family and if I change and have to drive I think it would be. I felt like I was still safe with my ob because he's the one who's seen this both times. It's not my OB, he always responds, I think his nurses are being B's excuse me. He has new nurses since I've been there and I've heard of issues from other patients and now today from the nurses in the dr.'s office next door that my dh just went to.

They still haven't called me back, I've tried 3X since 1:45 and they don't answer, I'm wondering if they close early on Friday. My dh just left to go by there and see if anyone is there. I saw my primary yesterday to come up with a back up plan because I could tell things were getting ugly. My primary agreed to give me care in the interim if needed, she said she would order the sono. BUT... she's not in the office today. If my ob is really out of the office, I will talk to a nurse with my primary and see if I can do something that way.

I shouldn't have to seek out care with everything I have, this has ruled me and I'm growing weary from it all. I just want to go to sleep and pretend like none of this has happened but I know better. I still have 8 kids at home and they are being negligent with their lives by neglecting mine.
I don't have bleeding right now though, barely light brown. They'll think I'm lying.
I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. My ob finally called back, ordered another beta for tomorrow at hospital. He will have the result back in an hour or two and call me. He probably will call me back tomorrow, since he said he would and not his nurses. If I have more bleeding before then I'll still go to the ER. He said he would order a sono after that result, but he also said you won't be able to see anything at only 500. He said there is a wide range of normal for these numbers and I should automatically assume the worst, I reminded him that my last two babies my numbers were way higher.

I tried to call my pcp for help before my ob called back. Even though I was just in there yesterday to come up with a back up plan because I could tell things weren't going right with my ob they can't do anything. It was my dr's day off, she said she won't call her on her day off. My pcp told me just yesterday if I couldn't get my ob to follow through she would order the betas and sono. We both agreed that we would rather wait and see if my ob follows through.

I feel like I've fallen through the cracks with this, no one can help me and I'm just up a creek.
Hiya girls :)

Feeling a lot more positive now, yay! But I feel so sick, yesterday was my first 'official' pregnancy vomit haha. Not nice.

How is everyone? Megg when does your IVF start?? xx

That's a tricky question. Depends on your definition of "starts," I guess. I start my injections in about 12 days (now that its getting closer to midnight).

Nikki, I remember your opk and it did look good, and now your temps prove it. Your chart looks right. If you get your bfp or af on time then that will back it up too. Hoping for your bfp.

Great numbers RN. Congrats.

05mummy07, that is an amazing ultrasound, congrats! At first glance I saw the 3 dark areas, but the one on the right is your bladder I'm almost positive. The left is your baby. The middle dark area is your uterus I think because you can tell it goes all the way around the baby. Awesome sono, it looks great.

I don't know where I left off on here. Yesterday I called my obgyn's office and basically pitched a FIT to get another beta done. His nurse gave me every excuse she could come up with and I had to keep being insistent and it was hard because I feel so stressed and defeated. She said they couldn't do it because there wasn't a medical reason to do the beta. I said how about advanced maternal age, spotting, recurrent miscarriage (I've had 4 documented), recent miscarriage, or even increased risk of ectopic. She said inurance won't pay if it's not for a medical reason, and I said even if there isn't a medical reason, my insurance isn't paying it anyway because my deductible isn't met. Then it was, well... I don't know if Dr. will go for it or not. I told her that I called the dr. who did my reversal, and I really did. When I had my reversal they were so adamant that you have to have the early betas to catch and prevent damage from an ectopic. I asked the reversal dr. if I'm no longer at risk for ectopic since I've had two reversal babies. He said that I certainly still should have those, he even advised that I go to the ER and fake pain because it's that important. My ob's nurse said that I was trying to compare what one dr. did to another and they just don't do it the same. I said am I? I've been to this ob for my last two babies, he did the betas and early ultrasound with them. What about the mc last cycle? He did the betas then too, even two days in a row. What's different now? She said she couldn't tell me what's different. This is the same nurse who told me when I went in for help with ttc and she said the dr. would scold me for being too old for ttc, which dr. didnt' scold me at all and even gave me the Femara. Anyway, she talked to him and he ordered it at my pcp as I asked since it's 1/3 the price where he normally orders them. She complained that they have to call over and over again to get the results, which I don't believe either since I've been at the same pcp for 14 years and never had trouble with that sort of thing. My last beta, one of my ob's nurses said she got it on Monday and the other said she got it on Tuesday. Someone isn't telling the truth. I can't believe that I'm having to deal with this crap now, I have to try so hard to maintain my composure and not just fall to tears. I know what's different this time, it's that his nurses are screening and choosing what and when to tell the dr. I haven't talked to my ob not once through everything this time. With my mc last cycle he called me personally on Sunday but I didn't go through his nurses to get the message to him. Sorry I'm going in circles.

So the plan was to get the beta at my pcp, then I would have the lab fax it directly to me and I would fax it to them. I got their fax number. I didn't get my fax on time, we set it up differently this time so I wasn't surprised really. I called my pcp, she faxed to me right then. My beta is 503, should have been around 2000 by now so I know it's not good.

I noticed on the lab that it was cc's to my ob but at their phone number not their fax number. I faxed it, but it wouldn't go through, line was busy. I called and the nurse told me that the other nurse tore out their fax yesterday because it was broken. So nice of her to let me know, huh?

I sent the lab report to my husband since he works in the same town, he brought it by to them. He asked the nurse to have dr. call me because the numbers aren't good, she said you don't know that. He said he had to bite his tongue so hard. He asked for the release form so they can talk to him. They scolded me because my dh called my ob's cell phone on Tuesday after they had been blowing me off about ordering another beta for a day and a half. My dh then walked over to his dr. next door to have his blood pressure checked, he has to do that now and then. It was 150/118 and they wouldn't let him leave. Now they want him to take two more bp meds in addition to the one he's on and one of him he took a long time ago which he believes started the ed problem to begin with. Not that I really want to ttc again anyway, at this moment I feel like there is nothing left of me to even pick up.

So, here are today's peestick pics...
These are all from this morning, 27dpo...

Both of our Walmart stores are out of FRER, I think I bought them all. Here are EPT's from the last few days, 25-27dpo...

Here are my lack of progressions from my bfp until today, 15dp-27dpo...

I've been out of Dollar Store tests for a few days, it seems that I would have been able to see progression on these had I kept doing them during these last few days...

What I don't know is if I have a slow rising beta or one that is already going back now. It ticks me off that they didn't continue with the betas because I would have known by now. I don't know if this will be a mc or if I'm still at risk for ectopic. Does anyone know?

First, I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. You don't need the stress of a doctor's office making your life harder on top of the stress you already have!

Second, I don't know. There's no way to know if its slow rising or dropping just by that.

I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. My ob finally called back, ordered another beta for tomorrow at hospital. He will have the result back in an hour or two and call me. He probably will call me back tomorrow, since he said he would and not his nurses. If I have more bleeding before then I'll still go to the ER. He said he would order a sono after that result, but he also said you won't be able to see anything at only 500. He said there is a wide range of normal for these numbers and I should automatically assume the worst, I reminded him that my last two babies my numbers were way higher.

I tried to call my pcp for help before my ob called back. Even though I was just in there yesterday to come up with a back up plan because I could tell things weren't going right with my ob they can't do anything. It was my dr's day off, she said she won't call her on her day off. My pcp told me just yesterday if I couldn't get my ob to follow through she would order the betas and sono. We both agreed that we would rather wait and see if my ob follows through.

I feel like I've fallen through the cracks with this, no one can help me and I'm just up a creek.

I'm glad you got another beta. At least you'll know if you need to be concerned with ectopic. I hope you get the sono too... Even with a 500 beta, I believe they can sometimes see the sac... even if there's nothing to see inside it yet. I know they say there's nothing to see below 2000... but I do know people who have seen a sac prior to 2000. Hold tight... You'll know soon! Sending you love and strength!
10 I'm glad you OB is doing Betas today. I hope and pray the number is higher. I can't believe all the problems your having to deal with. I understand not wanting to put a hardship on your family by having another baby, but you also need the best care for you and your baby. what if a specialist could help? I see a specialist every 4-6 weeks then my regular OB to every month. It is a pain but at least I know I'm doing all I can for the baby. With your history you should consider it. I know it's hard but God works in ways even I don't understand and he always comes thru when you've made the right decision. I hope you get some answers soon. I'm sorry your so stressed and you have to deal with this.
My husband said that he would really like for us to go to a high risk dr. next time around. I will also order my own betas online just to not deal with this again. I'm not sure how all of this is going to play out and it's hard to even think about ttc again right now. I was surprised that my dh suggested that though, it actually made me feel better.

I tested today again, not that I can tell anything from it.

Dollar Store tests look almost the same...

These supposed 10miu One Step tests definitely look lighter to me...

These are 10miu Wondfo's, today's looks a little bit darker...

Darker, lighter, about the same, it makes all the comparisons inconclusive. I think I better go find something to keep me busy today. I feel like I just want to sit and wait for the time to come to go get my beta. That's hours away and it would be a shame to waste an entire day.
how did ya get on 10 hun thinking of u xx
katie how r u hun xx
sweet hope ya ok xx
claire r u enjoying ya holiday xx
how is everyone else
as for me still waiting temps are still high i think can u take a look and tell me what y think xx
love to you all xx
Nikki, your chart still shows o. It's hard to tell exactly where you are with the missing temps. Had you not had the positive opk I would have wondered if you had o'd earlier. You can start testing before you know it.

You know what's really not fair. I'm sitting here waiting for my beta, in 15 minutes. My tummy feels bleh and chocolate is the worst smell ever. That stinks to feel yucky and not even get to have a baby. Waaa, I'll stop whining now. I'll update after I get the result.

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