I'm gonna try the same with my druid I dont hold out alot of hope tho, my 17 year old is going away today for the weekend and I've got housework to do, and also Evie requires entertaining
I'll try tho!!
Woohoo, so happy I found this thread!
Before I met OH the only games I'd really played were Tomb Raiders, GTAs and Sims but hes a hardcore gamer and has introduced me to loads of games.
I'm very picky about the games I play but I've been a WoW player for nearly 3 years and I play TF2 quite alot.
Play on Arathor EU (H) with 3 80s (Resto druid main, prot/ret pally and warlock)
Not played in about 6/7 weeks due to not having the money to renew but hopefully can this weekend Which reminds me, the guild I was in fell apart while I've not been on so I'm guildness on 2 of them >.<
Looking forward to Cata!
hmmmm LO has fallen asleep on my knee as some nasty lady put sharp things in her legs (16week imms). Time to log on me thinks. I guess instance would be pushing it a bit.
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