Gang Of Grlz - Due Jan - Feb 2013 !

Hey all,,

i m logging in after really long & amazed to see the no. of responses in our grp.. Seems like we have more friends in our list now :) Welcome ! How is everyone doing ??

Yikesbaby --- What an announcement .. it was soo lovely to see everyone's reactions !! How cute.. God Bless Ur Family ... my family is in another country so i never had a chance to see their reactions but i could totally imagine seeing this :)

I touched 15 weeks today .. Nausea has finally subsided... Thank Goodness for it !! i feel so much more energetic !! my weight hasnt increased still ,, i m the same as i was before pregnancy began .. Doc says cauz i had so much nausea , nothing to worry ... Have u grlz put on weight ??

my bump is starting to show :) I cannot button my trousers,, i wear them with loose long tops .. No1 in my office has noticed it yet so guess i aint showing that much .. But i told so close colleagues of mine & they were sooo happpy !!

Other symtomps r lower back pain .. sometimes pain in the pelvic area . ligament stretching i guess... . gas unlimited :p & little cold with nose block ... but these all put together are still better than the nausea i saw !

I went to NY&C, Ross , TJMax , Target on weekend for maternity shopping.. TJMax & NY& C do not carry Maternity.. Ross had very limited stock .. Target was better... i could grab a jeans,, denim capri & few tops.. But didnt find any trousers.. still struggling to find those. Will try Kohls for trousers next weekend !

Tkcr every1 !

YAY!!! I am so glad your nausea has FINALLY subsided :happydance:. Thank goodness you are feeling better.

As for me, my symptoms are alot like yours minus the cold. Aside from back pain, I've also been experiencing hip pain. I woke up with the worse right hip pain. Yikes!!! I feel like an elderly person :wacko:. Still haven't bought any maternity clothes yet, but I think I may bite the bullet and buy some this weekend as I can barely fit into my clothes anymore.

Keeping all of you wonderful ladies in my thoughts :flower:
im due feb 6 :)
my nausea subsided around 10 weeks,,
and im definately showing:happydance:
thinking of heading to ross's for maternity pants soonish:)
congratulations & good luck everyone!:)

Does Ross have aaternity section?! If so I'm heading there today! ...never seen it. :-/
I went to Ross on Friday and their section is very limited, I didn't find anything I liked.

Hey all,,

i m logging in after really long & amazed to see the no. of responses in our grp.. Seems like we have more friends in our list now :) Welcome ! How is everyone doing ??

Yikesbaby --- What an announcement .. it was soo lovely to see everyone's reactions !! How cute.. God Bless Ur Family ... my family is in another country so i never had a chance to see their reactions but i could totally imagine seeing this :)

I touched 15 weeks today .. Nausea has finally subsided... Thank Goodness for it !! i feel so much more energetic !! my weight hasnt increased still ,, i m the same as i was before pregnancy began .. Doc says cauz i had so much nausea , nothing to worry ... Have u grlz put on weight ??

my bump is starting to show :) I cannot button my trousers,, i wear them with loose long tops .. No1 in my office has noticed it yet so guess i aint showing that much .. But i told so close colleagues of mine & they were sooo happpy !!

Other symtomps r lower back pain .. sometimes pain in the pelvic area . ligament stretching i guess... . gas unlimited :p & little cold with nose block ... but these all put together are still better than the nausea i saw !

I went to NY&C, Ross , TJMax , Target on weekend for maternity shopping.. TJMax & NY& C do not carry Maternity.. Ross had very limited stock .. Target was better... i could grab a jeans,, denim capri & few tops.. But didnt find any trousers.. still struggling to find those. Will try Kohls for trousers next weekend !

Tkcr every1 !

I heard Old Navy has a good section of Maternity clothes, I am going there this week, hoping to find some slacks for work. My symptoms are similar to yours, I have a stuffy nose every morning, pain in my lower abdomen, and nausea or gagging on occasion. I also noticed this morning I am sleeping with my mouth open, never did this before I got pregnant, have any of you ladies experienced that?
Oh, and I wanted to share my big reveal with you! We just told our families on the weekend...

What a thoughtful way of telling family! Absolutely loved it, I started to well up a little bit, so emotional recently!

I'm due 5th of January, and 18+2(going so fast!)having a little girl. I'm just feeling really fat at the moment, and my work trousers are very tight! They don't do maternity ones so will have to get next size up! I went and brought some maternity trousers the weekend to see how I get on with them! I think the band around the waist scares me! Is that normal? Hehe ;)
I'm starting to feel little wiggles every now and then, and doubt it's wind, loving this pregnancy so far! She's our first together and my OH always refers to me and 'you two' and says good night to my belly at bed time, kind of sweet really!

Such an exciting experience! X :D
Hi Ladies im due 8/2. My morning sickness is easing off as well but i still have a very heightened sense of smell.

Yikesbaby: I loved your clip!!!
aanch - I've got the stuffy nose too... and I have intermittent splitting headaches, which aren't fun at all! :wacko: I've gained about 4 lbs (I think) - the scale at my MW's office is much more accurate.

emmediva - Not every Old Navy has a maternity section here... I would call before making the trip. Oh... and when it comes to mouth breathing - are you sleeping on your back?? It could be due to nasal congestion or perhaps your uterus is already pinching your inferior venacava and you need to switch to sleeping on your left. (Just like how you end up breathing through your mouth when you exercise to get more oxygen).

I joined a facebook group in my area that is a Mom 2 Mom online sale and yesterday I met a girl and picked up four pairs of pants, a pair of shorts, and a top from Thyme Maternity that she was done with... along with four onesies, a little baby outfit with a hat and two bibs... all for $70!!! This is the best way to buy maternity clothes. :thumbup:

Oh... and best news!!! I think I felt the baby yesterday morning. :cloud9:
Yikesbaby, thanks for the heads up about Old Navy. I will call them to make sure before I head out. As to sleeping with my mouth open, I sleep on my left or right side, but I've noticed when I sleep on my right side I wake up and my mouth's open. I don't think I do it when I'm on my left :shrug: I just found it weird because I never did that before. I think I need more oxygen, my OH can even hear me breathe now, likeive been exercising but I haven't. So weird.
So sweet about feeling your baby move :cloud9: I think I've felt mine 2x's now, the first time I had the Doppler on and hear when he/she moved and I kinda felt it so I paid more attention, second time was last night. I've read you really start feeling them aroun week 16, so we're right on track :thumbup:
As to sleeping with my mouth open, I sleep on my left or right side, but I've noticed when I sleep on my right side I wake up and my mouth's open. I don't think I do it when I'm on my left :shrug: I just found it weird because I never did that before. I think I need more oxygen, my OH can even hear me breathe now, likeive been exercising but I haven't. So weird.

Apparently, sleeping on your right isn't as bad as your back... but it can cut off some blood flow to your baby, which is likely why you are mouth-breathing. I wedge a pillow behind me to keep me on my left... works like a charm! :)

You are making me want a doppler now!!! :haha:
Apparently, sleeping on your right isn't as bad as your back... but it can cut off some blood flow to your baby, which is likely why you are mouth-breathing. I wedge a pillow behind me to keep me on my left... works like a charm! :)

You are making me want a doppler now!!! :haha:

I am going to try a pillow tonight, see if that works for me.
I got my Sonoline Doppler on Craigslist, I looked for it on EBay but the wait was longer. I'd had some scares with bleeding so the Doppler has really reassured me, I love it and highly recommend it. Best $50 I've ever spent :) It's so cute to hear the galloping heartbeat, I don't recommend earphones at this stage though, when the baby kicks, the sound is very loud :haha:
Hi ladies - please can I join?! I'm due 7th Feb...such a relief to get to the 2nd stage! Have to be honest...still feeling a bit rough but hoping it ease soon! :) xxx
Mimi1979 -- Thanks.. i could see the relief from your YAY ... it is actually the biggest relief i have had in last 3 months... today i touched 10th day without throwing up :)) So i am celebrating !!

Emmediva - I am unknowingly sleeping on my back since so many nights.. good u grlz talked about it .. Thanks !! I will be careful going fwd to sleep on my left.. Will try with a pillow tonight.

Yikesbaby -- I too keep getting headaches but with this nausea going ,, trust me i have no complaints :) Thats sooo exciting u could feel ur baby move... howz the feeling ?? did u come to know instantly or u took time to realize oh this is my baby moving !!!

I havent felt anything as yet.. I heard it on doppler a huge kick in my last apnt but waiting to feeel it !! My doc says first time mommmy's dont feel until 6 months.. so lets see :)

I ll also try going to my Old Navy store on weekend,, its quiet close so i might as well stop by to have a look ..

My hubby's started talking to my tummy since few days while sleeping. . he is apparently confident that its a boy so he already refers as Son .... it will be Excitting to know the sex....

When r u all gonna get the U/S to know your baby's sex & what do u all want personally ?

I want a baby girl .. they r soo cute to dress them up & they look soo adorable !
I am unknowingly sleeping on my back since so many nights.. good u grlz talked about it .. Thanks !! I will be careful going fwd to sleep on my left.. Will try with a pillow tonight.

Thats sooo exciting u could feel ur baby move... howz the feeling ?? did u come to know instantly or u took time to realize oh this is my baby moving !!!

I havent felt anything as yet.. I heard it on doppler a huge kick in my last apnt but waiting to feeel it !! My doc says first time mommmy's dont feel until 6 months.. so lets see :)

My hubby's started talking to my tummy since few days while sleeping. . he is apparently confident that its a boy so he already refers as Son .... it will be Excitting to know the sex....

When r u all gonna get the U/S to know your baby's sex & what do u all want personally ?

I want a baby girl .. they r soo cute to dress them up & they look soo adorable !

The book I am reading said you are okay on your back until week 16. I've heard 20 weeks in other places. My MW said I would realize I am short of breath and just 'know' it's time to roll over. I figured I would start training for left-side sleeping now, so that when I don't have a choice, I am comfy. :)

I have been dying to feel something. My MW said I likely wouldn't feel anything until 20 weeks... and that even if I did, I would likely think it was gas. :haha: I've heard from lots of ladies that it feels like bubbles popping or a butterfly fluttering around, so I've been making a point lying still and waiting to feel something... but it has never worked. Then on Monday I was eating my breakfast and my tummy rumbled... up high in my abdomen. Just seconds later I felt about 25-30 seconds of flutters low down next to my pubic bone. I imagine LO likes a good sleep and was ticked off at mom's belly for making such a racket! LOL Sounds like LO already takes after me. :sleep:

As for the gender... we've decided to stay Team Yellow and be surprised at the end. :happydance: We both think it's a girl though... time will tell!!! Baby clothes are very gender-specific, so it's hard to buy much in advance, but I've already snapped up some gender neutral onesies. I just couldn't resist. :blush:
We definitely want to find out the gender! No u/s appointment yet but I assume it will be around 20 weeks so mid-late September. I've always wanted to have a little girl because my mum and I have a great relationship but I feel like this one is a boy and I'm totally excited about that!

Good for you rooting for team yello Yikes! Do you have any family/friends putting pressure on you to find out?
DH and I also want to find out the gender. We have an u/s appointment on September 7th and it can't come fast enough :happydance:. As for the gender, we both want a girl but would be happy with a boy. As long as baby is healthy, that's all that matters :thumbup:

I haven't felt baby move yet, but my OB said that I should by week 20. I can't wait! This has been an amazing journey.
Hello Feb. Ladies - My ultrasound said that I am due Feb.3rd :happydance: 2nd Tri is feeling awesome - I actually have energy again !! Nice to hear everyone else is starting to feel better too !!
But my bump is BIG, this is #2 for me and my body is ready to go to 40 weeks fast apparently !! No hiding this baby bump :smug:
We find out baby's gender on Sept 4 - so excited! We both want a boy but all that matters is that he or she is healthy :) I just can't wait to start shopping - the unisex selection, especially for clothes is pretty much nonexistent except for some basic white onesies - and that's no fun! Of course if it is a boy, we'll really have to sort out the name situation. We decided on a girl name weeks ago but can't seem to agree for a boy :wacko:
Aanch, aww isn't it the best sight when you see your OH talking to your tummy :cloud9:

Yikes, the movement is totally unexpected huh? You expect it later on based on reading or what others tell you, so when it happens before its so super special!

We were undecided about finding out the sex, at first I didn't want to and he did. Then he did and I didn't :haha: we finally agreed to find out so we could get gender specific items later on. Haven't bought anything yet, superstitious over here :blush: my ultrasound will probably be the last week of September. I have an appt on August 28, but it's just a checkup :growlmad: so we will have to wait. We decided on names yesterday :thumbup: so at least we have that down. Have you all decided on names?
Countrygirl - Yes, people are dying to know what we're having...but that makes we want the surprise even more! It's the one true surprise in life... so we're sticking to our guns. :)

emmediva - Yes, the feeling is incredible!! I keep hoping I will feel LO again but no luck yet.

If it's a girl, I am really loving Avery as a name... hubby has a girl name picked out but won't tell me what it is! (He's making me INSANE!) For boys, I am really struggling.
I have an appointment with my ob tomorrow and he said he may take a peek to find out the sex, so I am dying to know! I hope I find out tomorrow!
ooo yay a group for us due in Febuary! :D

Hi everyone! I am popping here a few days early, I can't wait any longer lol

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