Gas and air in pushing stage of labour...


1 DD,2 losses, Pregnant!!
Jun 10, 2010
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Hey all,

I'm just trying to get my head round the whole labour thing again after a rather traumatic first one when the gas and air was taken off me during the pushing stage so I was left with no pain relief for a 3rd degree tear and forceps delivery.

I think at the time it was to make sure I was pushing through my contractions rather than breathing through them with the gas and air because dd was stuck. BUT what 'normally' happens with gas and air and pushing? I really want a water birth but if they're going to take the gas and air off me I'd rather be out of the pool so I'm allowed pethadine.

Any thoughts/experiences please....
Thank you!

I had it taken off me when I was pushing, I think they wanted me to take a deep breath so I could push harder which obviously is harder to do if you're breathing through the gas and air pipe. I was allowed to bite it when I was pushing though :haha: it was either that or someone's hand haha x
I was allowed to keep the gas and air, but they asked me not to use it for contractions so, I took lots of deep breathes of it as I felt the contraction building & it felt like the gas and air was "building up" & when I stopped taking it during the contraction it seemed to still work (does that make sense)?
I was induced so was having to lie back in bed with a clip on baby's head if not being in water might be why I was allowed to keep it? I pushed for 2-3 hours hubby said & I remember I even had the gas and air after as I got stitches (also had a tear and forceps).
It wasn't taken off me, but I didn't use it as was too busy pushing! Was in the pool btw. I had it afterwards for stitches too, I didn't want to give it back even when she had finished !
I had epidural just before I was fully dilated but when I started feeling pressure from baby's head descending I started using gas and air again. No one took it from me I just didn't feel it did anything so I put it away.

Each hospital/birthing center is different so check with your midwife. Other ppl say that they weren't allowed gas and air at all, and if they insisted the nurses would "turn it off". I find that disrespectful to be honest though.
Same here, I had gas and air taken off me during pushing.

My first was a forceps delivery and I think it was because I had pethadine, it completely knocked me out. I had an episiotomy but they numbed me first with an injection. I don't know whether they would allow you pethidine at the pushing stage? I think you have to ask for it early on.

Also wanted to say my second delivery was normal even though baby was posterior with a tiny second degree tear. I hope your second goes smoothly and safely x
Hmm that's all really helpful. I do get the pushing through contractions rather than breathing through them but it does seem unfair having no pain relief for that bit. Mrshopeful I like your technique. If I manage to do that they might let me keep it ;)
I wasn't angry at anyone when they took it off me last time, I was so exhausted and terrified I just did what they told me. It's reassuring to know it's not standard practice to take it away completely though!! I really don't want the pethadine because I felt so out of it so I'm hoping water and gas and air will be all I'll need this time but I defibitely will need something on the pushing bit.
Marchsammy can you tell me more about your waterbirth experience please? Nice to talk to someone that's done it!!
That's odd? As soon as I got to that hospital at 6cm and finally got that precious gas and air :haha: they didn't dare take it off me :haha: honnestly though they never even tried? I would be taking deep breaths of it inbetween pushing (to make up for not using it while pushing if that makes sense :dohh: haha) maybe they noticed you where breathing it in rather then pushing down? But if that was the case they should have told you to take deep breaths inbetween the pushing and not just take it off you! How cruel! If I where you I would discuss this with my midwife and even get her to put a note about it in your birthing plan? Might ease the worry of it happening again for you :thumbup: :flower:
Same here, I had gas and air taken off me during pushing.

My first was a forceps delivery and I think it was because I had pethadine, it completely knocked me out. I had an episiotomy but they numbed me first with an injection. I don't know whether they would allow you pethidine at the pushing stage? I think you have to ask for it early on.

Also wanted to say my second delivery was normal even though baby was posterior with a tiny second degree tear. I hope your second goes smoothly and safely x

They do. I arrived at hospital basically pushing and they offered me pethidine, though I didn't take it.

OP, I don't think gas and air really stops you pushing at all. I had it through that stage and it didn't hinder me at all- my body pushed, I couldn't stop it! Maybe if you change your position it might improve things? Being on your back in the worst way to push. In water they let you keep it for pushing too, but it might be a good thing to breathe through contractions rather than pushing through them as babies are born very quickly in water.
My first labour sounds pretty similar to your first. I just had a successful waterbirth and I didn't get the gas and air taken off me whilst I was pushing?! But to be honest I can't really remember using it a lot when I actually pushed?! I think I just took one big breath and bit on the plastic mouthpiece more than anything. My body just seemed to take over. Hope you get the birth you want xx
Thanks guys. Yes from what I remember I was upright when I started pushing but it obviously wasn't progressing as they'd like so they made me get on the bed and I ended up in stirrups which I know is awful. Basically she had the cord round her neck a couple of times which meant every time I pushed she popped back up again. I suspect if it had been progressing 'normally' they'd have left me with it but I can't really remember!!

Emyandpotato that's interesting that sometimes it's best NOT to push. I do hope the water helps this one come easier!!
Yeah they let me have my gas and air when I was in the water, I got in at almost 10cm and I used it thru contractions, when it came to pushing I took a few deep breaths of it then pushed, I only pushed twice and he was out so not a long pushing phase but they still didn't take it off me 😊 good luck xxx
I had a tricky birth with my DD, back to back labour with failure to progress at second stage, ended in forceps and episiotomy. With my son I had a water birth and I honestly didn't need any pain relief. By the time it got to the stage where I felt I needed something, I was ten cms dilated. I asked for gas and air so they gave it to me. I had one puff and threw it aside because it did nothing! I was then at the pushing stage which I found less painful than the contractions. The water was AMAZING pain relief for me. I'm really hoping I can use the pool again this time around, I can't tell you how much it helped.
I honestly would prefer gas & air over pethedine. I had pethedine a few hrs before epidural and it made me too sleepy. I was too sleepy to push!!
I'm going for your birth Cattia ;) this is all making me feel a lot better. I'm excited about labour but I'm also bloody terrified after last time! The pethadine is fun but I don't think it gives you the best birth experience and I think being conscious through the process would really help. I really hope (a) that I get to go in the water and (b) that it really helps with pain relief but I'm also pretty realistic and I'm not even going to try doing it with no extra pain relief. I'll do the gas and air if it helps, knowing I can progress to pethadine if it's really unbearable but try not to!!
With my first, They wheeled the gas and air in as they thought I was only 3cm, I had a few puffs and then they were like oh look there's the head and took it away again!? I remember feeling really miffed and felt like hitting someone (I'm not usually the violent type :haha:)

With my second, I was in the water and they let me keep it but I didn't use it, I just held on to it and bit it haha
I had it taken off me during the pushing stage with my second. I thought it was odd because they never took it off me at any stage at all with my first.

My first labor was quite traumatic with babys heart rate dropping dangerously low though, and I was induced due to the fact that they thought she was extremely small (she wasn't) so I was in a hospital delivery ward with lots of medical experts in during the birth.
My second was a very natural and peaceful labour in a comfortable delivery suite and one midwife the entire time. She was very vocal about the fact that it should be peaceful at all times - my DH even turned the lights up at one point and she turned them back down because the dim light is more relaxing. Poor DH was falling asleep during my 15 hours of contractions. Lol. X
Marchsammy can you tell me more about your waterbirth experience please? Nice to talk to someone that's done it!!

I really enjoyed the pool, 2nd baby was 10 days overdue and id had flu and 3 cracked ribs, so really not feeling fighting fit for birth! When I got to the birthing centre I was 4cm dilated and asked for the pool which they filled for me, by the time it was full I wanted the epidural but in total politeness remember thinking 'they've gone to all the effort of filling it, So it'd be rude not to try" . I loved being in there, contractions seemed more manageable but most of all it gave me a sense of privacy that I didn't have with my first birth (which ended up in stirrups, forceps delivery, lots of people etc.) It took a while for me to get the hang of the gas and air as it kept making me feel sick to start with. I did have to get out twice, once to check progress and have a wee and once to break my waters to speed things up, both times I was desperate to get back in! I also really loved that once he was born i was the first to touch him and pick him up from the bottom of the pool (rather than midwife handing him over) after all the effort of giving birth those seconds when I picked him up and brought him slowly to the surface are strong magical memories . I'm really looking forward to doing it again! I also chose to cut the cord myself as was feeling empowered by the whole thing (and my husband never wants to do it) . 6 hours later I was home in my own bed too!
Hoping so much that the pool will be available next time!
I also had my gas & air taken away at pushing stage. I was a terror at riding out the 'pushing' contractions using the gas & air - I REALLY didn't want to push :nope:. Midwife took it away and I snarled at her, she soon told me off :haha:. I think it was the correct thing to do though, brutal, but correct. Dare say it will happen again this time x
That's a lovely story Marchsammy. Especially the bit about lifting baby out of the water. I went on a waterbirth workshop on Sunday and I asked the teacher who was a midwife if someone would tell me when I need to lift the baby out, it wouldn't just be left there bobbing about and she just laughed at me!!

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