"Gay parents are selfish and cruel"

Nor can I because I'm a cancer survivor :shrug: There are LOADS of categories which preclude people from giving blood and tbh I don't see any discrimination in any of them - I was a regular donor before I was ill but I just accept that they don't want to take any risks, even an unproven one, and am grateful for that on behalf of those who need transfusions :flower:

As for sexuality and parenting - well frankly there are good and bad parents from all walks of life, all economic levels, all geographic locations and all sexualities :shrug: What you do in bed, and with whom, bears about as much relevance to how you parent as the contents of my neighbour's fridge has to do with what I cook for dinner tonight :winkwink:

Having said that I'm not too over-enthusiastic about Elton John and David Furnish's new family addition because of their ages - I was a youngish Mum when I had my LOs and they ran me ragged .... now, at 45, I find Kaylum really wears me out LOL - I can't even begin to imagine how much a small baby will exhaust me in another 20 years :nope:

I KNOW they can afford plenty of help and nannies etc, but I really don't see a difference between them becoming parents now and a 63 year old woman having IVF - which I also don't agree with :shrug:

Also don't agree with having kids at that age though
The thing is, we don't know the whole situation with older parents, so I don't think we should judge them either. My mom is in her 50's and my stepdad is in his 60's and they adopted a baby and are doing just fine. I also had a friend growing up who's dad was in his 70's when we were in highschool, and he was fine and didnt die until this past year.
Well my Dad is gay and at times he has been and is incredibly selfish and a bad parent but never cruel. But im not entirely sure that has much to do with his lifestyle more his personality.

How having a gay parent has effected me. Lets see. I was bullied at school for my Dad being gay. It has been the best part of 15 years ago but there as sometimes leaks through huge amounts of homophobia out there. When I was young even into my teens this was very difficult to come with. People shouting stuffin the streets that you dont really get is hard. Even though my dad/his husband tried to explain. I simply didnt see why anyone would have a problem with him, but the fact is they do. I had a greater understanding about these things, like men loving eachother (as it my my normal) Far yonger than my peers and back in the 80s alot of 6 year olds hadnt even seen or heard of being gay. Think this is a similar time to Andy Peters being taken on childrens telly for being gay.

My dads husband (we've had this conversation) is against Gay couples having children. As he believe beign gay comes with certain lifestle choices etc that having children doesnt fit into. My dad and his partner have calmed down greatly since they hit theyre 50s. But they still drink and party quite a bit. More than any straigh 50 year olds I know.

I personally have a issue with Elton John having a child however it is to do with his age as Tatties mum said.
It really annoys me that people think it's their god given right to have a child. Whether gay, straight, bi, whatever, it makes no odd's on whether you are going to be a good parent. I personally don't think it's right for a child to be brought up in that enviroment, JMO.
It really annoys me that people think it's their god given right to have a child. Whether gay, straight, bi, whatever, it makes no odd's on whether you are going to be a good parent. I personally don't think it's right for a child to be brought up in that enviroment, JMO.

Do you mean the celebrity environment? Or because they're gay?
IMO it makes no difference what so ever wether a couple are Gay/ straight / bi as long as they love and can look after their children

all my children will grow up being taught the same x
I don't think anyone is a better or worse parent because of their sexuality. It doesn't matter. If you're a good parent, you're a good parent.

I think times are different now even from when we were at school, it's more common now than it has been before & I don't think there would be bullying. My best friend at school's mum was gay and she never got any greif at school.

I'm not commenting on this because I'll get pissed off and think comments like the one above are aimed directly at me. I think perhaps because there is a VERY very small minority of lesbian parents on BnB it is 'ok' to debate about it - if there were more though, I don't think it would be. I do think this thread will probably change my view on a few people though, lol.
I think what PP said about a role model was spot on :thumbup:

I had no idea that you cant give blood if you are a gay man.
I'm not commenting on this because I'll get pissed off and think comments like the one above are aimed directly at me. I think perhaps because there is a VERY very small minority of lesbian parents on BnB it is 'ok' to debate about it - if there were more though, I don't think it would be. I do think this thread will probably change my view on a few people though, lol.

I hope nothing on here has offended you hun. I think the general feeling has been that it makes no difference whether you have same sex parents or not. May have missed any comments that say otherwise :hugs:
I'm not a parent so probably dont have an opinion as some will say but, I know same sex couples with children, and they are better parents then some same sex couples could ever be...without sounding I dont know, like an alien or something, I am always really curious, and bug one of the same sex mummies on here a lot as I love to know how people react etc. not because I am being funny about it but I am interested, but Im like that on a lot of things...I dont think anyone has a right to judge someone as a parent...x
IMO it makes no difference whether someone is gay or straight. Doesn't affect parenting in any way x
I think a child needs a good parent. That's all. Yes, I think most of us think that two good parents are ideal (of course this doesn't always happen). I don't see why their sexuality should matter at all.
My mom is a lesbian and this honestly upsets me all the time. people are bloody idiots. And unfortunately homophobia is rampant in just about all countries in the world. I hate people...so small minded and horrible.
I think that is my main issue with having a gay parent/s is the homophobia. ITs really diffcult especially when you are young.

Obviously that isnt a parenting problem but a society problem.
However I didnt ask to have a gay parent and however well my dad and his now husband tried to explain/dismiss/tell me to ignore it. It was still terribly hard and upsetting like I say epecially when I was young.

There is obviously many different situations as well which all make very different enviroments. For example two men/women in a homosexual relationship decide to convcieve a child. However there are also babies born into straight relationships which break down then one parent entres into a homosexual relationship. Which is obviously mine.

It still a matter of interest amoungst people who just find out as I think people forget really quickly that even as much as 'coming out' in the 70s was a huge deal and people did commonly entre into marriage thinking it was better than being out. Its only 30 years ago bu its almost like a different world.
Nibblenic, I'm much like you. My mum left my dad when I was about 10, and a while later she came out. We suffered horrendous homophobia as we had been housed by the council in a very rough area, after 4 years of abuse they finally burned down our house (luckily mum had been warned and got us out the day before). As a result I would never want any of my kids to turn out gay (though I would 100% support them if they did).

That said, I still maintain that my mum is the best mum ever and is in no way 'selfish and cruel'.
I do think that there is an absolute world of difference between the lives of children born into lesbian families compared to those born into families with two dads. I obviously have nothing against gay men having children; I know a fair few gay male couples who would make fab Dads. Whenever we go out with gay male friends, they get stick for being gay, but all the lesbians I know don't. If that makes sense? Lesbians are not so much of a stigma anymore, but gay men still are. I would love to into a big discussion about this but I am very busy right now :lol:
I totally agree that gay men are more at risk of homophobia, but lesbians get it as well, a lot of time it's done in a different way - 'she just needs a good shag' etc. My mum has had it all.
I totally agree that gay men are more at risk of homophobia, but lesbians get it as well, a lot of time it's done in a different way - 'she just needs a good shag' etc. My mum has had it all.

I have experienced that (and more) but it is nothing compared to what my gay male friends have experienced. It's much easier to turn a blind eye to comments like that than it is to bricks being out through your car window etc.
We live in a working class area - after recently moving from a middle class area - and we have not had even a single comment since we moved here. We had comments a lot before we moved (made by groups of teenage boys etc, you can imagine, crude comments made to make their friends laugh but not really harmful) and found that our neighbours would avoid us, and our landlady was also homophobic - it was subtle, but obvious. Here, we have quite a good relationship with our neighbours. We were welcomed into our community with open arms. However, my gay male friends have never had that. Each time they move house they move into unknown territory and are like moving targets for abuse. One of the main reasons we can all think of for that is that real homophobia normally comes from people of the same gender as you, and *most* women are not as ruthless as men are (unless they are Janine for eastenders. lol) and men are willing to beat up and attack and maybe even kill or leave for dead, gay men. There is also a big problem with men who are in the closet and in denial about their own sexuality and violence towards other, openly gay, men. I find that with *some* of my straight female acquaintances I 'freak them out' because they think I fancy every woman I meet. Their reaction is not major though. Whereas with a gay man, if another bloke thinks the gay man fancies him, they react very differently. Does that make sense? :lol:

As far as gay people having children goes - I think that yes, if you believe you can provide the right environment for a child to thrive in, having a child is a natural thing for all humans. I also find that my gay friends who have a child or are ttc are often slightly older and in a better financial position - there are no accidental babies in my world, which is what I think does sometimes give gay parents a slight "edge". I'm not saying accidental babies are unwanted etc, I am saying that my child, for example, and any children I go on to have, are very very wanted. Getting pregnant is hard when you're a lesbian - you have to really want a baby to be prepared to go through the stuff you have to do.

I will admit to having a slightly different stance on gay men being parents though. I have a few gay male friends who would be absolutely brilliant Dad's and their children would want for nothing; however, from the top of my head, I can think of three of my "friends" who I don't believe should have children. There has been a massive "gayby" boom in recent years, obviously lesbians are having children more than gay men are, and there is a very large amount of jealousy in the gay community because of that. It is relatively easy for a lesbian couple to find a sperm donor, in comparison to the hardship a gay couple will encounter when finding a surrogate to carry their child. My partner and I and our daughter have been victims of a gay man whose jealous got the best of him - he stalked us, said hideous things about our child, wished her dead, wished us both dead, and in the end was evicted from his flat (he lived above us) because of it. I am really wary of being friends with gay men who have no children but want them now because of him - I know it sounds small minded, but I know of at least two more men who have had a similar reaction - not to us, but to other friends of theirs who are lesbians who have had children. There is a lot of rivalry and a big divide in the gay community between gay men and women anyway (generally, we "dislike" each other) and the issue of having children is making it a lot worse.

It is easier for a lesbian couple to adopt, easier for them to foster, easier to get pregnant and have babies. We don't encounter homophobia on the same scale. There is also a trend of gay men having children because "their friends have" i.e babies are the latest fashion accessory - I know this is not true of the entire gay male population but it is definitely true of the majority of gay men I know
One of the main reasons we can all think of for that is that real homophobia normally comes from people of the same gender as you, and *most* women are not as ruthless as men are (unless they are Janine for eastenders. lol) and men are willing to beat up and attack and maybe even kill or leave for dead, gay men. There is also a big problem with men who are in the closet and in denial about their own sexuality and violence towards other, openly gay, men. I find that with *some* of my straight female acquaintances I 'freak them out' because they think I fancy every woman I meet. Their reaction is not major though. Whereas with a gay man, if another bloke thinks the gay man fancies him, they react very differently. Does that make sense? :lol:

Personally I think that it all stems from sexism. By being gay a man is seen to become more feminine which, in turn, threatens the masculinity of of 'normal' men. When you look at language in general, feminine words are often used as insults - fanny, c**t, cow, etc. and homophobia against gay men is (imo) an extension of this. It's also why it's not usually considered gay to rape a man - the one being raped has their masculinity taken away from them by being on the receiving end, so they become feminised iyswim.

That's my view on it anyway

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