General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Wow guys! I came on after not logging in for what, at least 6 months or more and you guys are still super active in this thread!

Just popping in to say hi! It’s been a while!
Hey,'s been a while!

Kitty, we're all rooting for you here. Hopefully the first tri will be without incident! I'm so excited for you!

Dobby- I stupidly still get broody for another, even though I've been "fixed", and Charlotte plus the other two are MORE than I can handle. I see a newborn, and my old ovaries attempt to fire out a dusty 'ol lady egg. It's way dumb. I'll never NOT want another baby, even though my sensible self knows we are done in every way possible.

Pretty, I didn't know you were trying for a homebirth, either! Did you have your older child at home as well?

Shae- The spinal looks a heck of a lot worse than it actually is. I've had 3 of them, and honestly, they're not outrageously painful...there's a stick and a burn, and the feeling of the huge needle in there, but it's not the worst thing. It kicks in in a few short minutes, and then from boobs on down, your about as numb as can be. You feel stuff happening, you hear everything, but there is no pain. A ton of pressure when baby is being pulled out. Orherwise, from this patient's perspective, it's pretty easy. It is the recovery that can be more challenging, and then there's the newborn learning curve, and learning how to breastfeed on top of the painful recovery. I found my first c-section to be a very tough recovery...the 2nd and 3rd were easy in comparison.

Anyway, it's a lazy day here. Big kids are tearing around outside with a neighbor friend, and Char is napping. Got the kids' summer wardrobe packed up, and drug the fall stuff out. Phew.
CB nope didn’t pass out with the spinal, thank goodness!

Breeaa nice to hear from you, hope all is well!

Wooks you’re braver than I am, I just can’t fathom the huge needle in my spine aggggh
Definitely time for fall clothes here. I went out and bought a sweater, jacket, and boots today for fall. I managed to lose my hoodies since spring.

So the Halloween party got cancelled due to the landlord saying no lol, so my clinical group is just getting dinner together after clinical on Friday (it’s our last one!). It’s gone by super fast, it’s crazy. My other classes will only be halfway done though, so I’ve got a ton going on at once. My labor and delivery reflection paper is due tonight, and I have a humanities paper due Tuesday night. I’m a busy bee.
Shae sorry your Halloween party got cancelled. I enjoy getting dressed up and having some drinks with friends.

Also, agree with Wooks. Epidural isn't bad. I don't think I even felt it through the pain of contractions. I was really unprepared and frightened with Vs birth though so my pain seemed worse. The contractions were painful but manageable with S. The worst was the very moment I was ready to start pushing. When she engaged my cervix, wow!!! I felt like my whole pelvis was on fire.

Pretty sorry you are GBS positive. I'm glad you can still have a home birth. Sounds like a good idea with your friend helping you. My DH was encouraging and that helped me out. Oh and how funny we will probably be ttcing again at the same time. I look forward to having a ttc buddy.

CB I'll take it if you want to share but if not I understand. S seems to be doing better. She's been wakingat 530 or 630 to eat so no motn wakings. Definitely hoping this continues. I'm sorry he woke you at 3 a.m. and did he want to stay up??

Kitty happy 6 weeks!!

Wookie way to go on switching out wardrobe. I'm looking forward to fall. We've been in the 90s and 80s still but tomorrow is supposed to be 70s! I'm also a bit worried that broody feeling won't go away after a third but I know we are done after three.

Dobby how was court?

AFM celebrated our anniversary and DHs birthday over the last several days. I had a glass of wine Friday night after S went to bed and I had a margarita yesterday, yum!! S is sitting up by herself now and trying to stand, puts her feet flat and raises her butt up in the air. She is growing and developing by leaps and bounds now. V wanted to wear one of my cooking aprons after I put one on. She got a kick oit of wearing it. She is much better behaved now. Her speech is improving too :)
Flueks yikes, pelvis on fire does not sound fun :shock: Congrats on your anniversary! Yay for S trying to stand, she’s 7 months today, right?

Looks like everyone will be done having babies by the time I start trying :rofl: ah well, not much I can do about it. Hopefully the thread will still be going when I finally start TTC. And especially since I told SO once we’re married it’s his job to prevent, maybe I’ll be getting pregnant around December 2022-January 2023? We’ll see. Knowing him he might be good at preventing without using condoms.
wookie - No, I had my first son in the hospital. I had an OB, so home birth wasn't an option. And there's so much I've learned in the last 2 year that I wish I'd known the first time around, so maybe things would've gone better. Basically, my main reason for wanting to birth at home is cuz I clearly can't be trusted to not get an epi if I'm in a building full of drugs. lol
I been putting away and pulling out some of Alex's seasonal clothing too. And I just went through a bunch of his baby stuff and started building the new one's wardrobe.

Flueky - Glad to hear your girls are doing so well. Alex has added a bunch of words to his vocabulary recently and it blows my mind. As for my support team, I dunno if I can expect more from SO compared to last time, but my mom is fairly against a home birth, mainly for the what-ifs and emergencies and whatnot. I understand that, but hearing "you're crazy" and "I don't agree with it" is not stuff that I need to be hearing right now.

Re: home birth with GBS. I can still have a home birth (assuming nothing major happens between now and then). The MW can administer an IV with the antibiotics, which is already at my house. I just need to let them know ASAP when my water breaks (as oppsed to just when I'm 5-1-1).

AFM, been getting a fair amount of insomnia due to heart burn and discomfort. I literally got less than 4 hours of sleep total last night. It was the weekend and I have a toddler and I'm about to have a new LO very soon. Mama needs her sleep. My MW suggested taking Gravol in my early labour and resting, if I can. My immediate thought was "well, I dunno why I'd take that this time. I didn't throw up when I was in labour last time." But I'm now realizing she probably suggested it cuz it makes you drowsy. So, I'm gonna ask at my next appt (on Thu) if I can take it as needed til I deliver. I want some proper sleep. -.-
I went through Alex's old baby clothes on Friday, so I now have a large pile of stuff that I'm gonna start washing this week. I also got pretty well caught up to all the laundry at SO's place. The new washer and dryer are so nice.
SO was looking up male baby names from the Star Wars universe today. Unless there's a character named Matthew, I don't care. lol
Dobby I hope court went okay, I’ve always got my fX for you.

shae I’m sure they’ll be a few of us having babies or ttcing when it’s your go!

I’m having an okay pregnancy, bit over emotional though, broke down crying about 4 times during happy feet 2 :rofl:
I need something to do to pass the time so I'll post here. Hi
Pretty sorry about the heartburn and insomnia :( hopefully the meds help you catch up on some much needed sleep.

Kitty hopefully someone will, more likely if I get to start TTC right after I get married.
Have you been having any morning sickness? Sorry about the over emotional thing, but at least it can be a bit funny. I’m sure SO will die laughing if I cry multiple times during a movie while pregnant (which I definitely won’t appreciate lol)

AFM I had asked SO about us going to look at engagement rings, which I’d mentioned before, and he told me he’d rather I go look at rings with a friend and have my friend send him pictures of what I like so that it’s not me asking or telling him what to get lol. He’s weird. Anyway, I’m planning on going to try on rings with my roommate at some point, I asked if she wanted to go with me and she said sure. Speaking of my roommate, we get along pretty well so far, thank goodness.
Sorry life is just too much.

Court was ok. I’m short 2k this month with no immediate solution. But with the ways things were worded I shouldn’t have to go back to court again. My lawyer can handle it.

Sorry just overwhelmed. Exhausted.

And now we have this stupid PGE bull shut off. I get it but I also can’t help but think they’re stupid so you know whatever can’t win.
Dobs sending love your way <3 it’s such bullshit that you have to deal with all this.
Having a real shitty mental day and idky so send love and good vibes my way. I’m just tired and sad and want to cry for no reason. Super fun. Seems too early to be PMS so idk what it is. Just an off day I guess.
Shae just popping in to say two things to you:

1) ive also had a shitty, emotional, crying-at-the-drop-of-a-hat day today. I’m not sure why either, but it’s the worst I’ve felt in a long time. Much love to you.

2) your TTC timeline is the same as mine! I legit won’t be TTCing till 2022 at the earliest.

Gigs I hope you’re okay.

Sending love to all you ladies, just coz. Must sleep now, so exhausted.
Kitty thank you :hugs: <3

Jez huh maybe there’s something in the air (or the moon, or the stars, idk lol). Love to you as well :hugs: <3
I thought you were sticking with being a mom of one, I totally missed that you were planning a far future baby #2! Well, maybe we’ll end up TTC at the same time (or within a few months)! Who knows?

Okay, I have clinical in the morning and have alarms starting in 4.5 hours sooo I’m gonna go to bed. Goodnight all!
Ya girl passed maternal/newborn clinical! Now to pass the final and the ATI exam (testing system my school uses) and then on to pediatrics! My instructor was so nice during my evaluation, she said I was gonna be an awesome nurse and put lots of nice stuff in my written eval (which we can use to try to get hired after graduation) and I’m just pretty happy about it, she has much more confidence in me than I have in me lol
So I'm officially testing in the morning. Af is now 2 days late and I've had a little bit of heartburn and have been super hungry today (which is odd, normally I eat like a bird) in addition to the headaches, moodiness, fatigue, and fluttery feeling and occasional mild cramps of the last few days. I also had a very odd, vivid dream last night that involved children with bat wings and a talking dog, and have had trouble sleeping well. Boyfriend still doesn't think there's much chance based on timing and attributes everything to stress (which is fair, work has been stressful lately) but is getting more convinced by the day.
Congrats shae that sounds awesome!!! And it really does help having a really positive eval when it comes to job hunting! I’m so excited for you!!
So I went with my little sister to Zales to try on engagement rings this evening! I was surprised at what I liked. In pictures I really liked princess cut diamonds but irl I didn’t like them much on my finger. The sales lady had me try on one ring that I wasn’t expecting to like and I LOVED IT like I want it so much and it’s a real diamond and only $1,499.99 for the whole ring cuz it’s low carat weight, it doesn’t look tiny though to me, she measured my ring size and turns out I’m only a size 4 (the sample rings are all size 6-7 so the band is way too big in the pics)! So my fingers are so skinny it looks bigger. I wanted a smaller one anyway, something delicate. Anyway, here’s pics!


The pics online show it turned the other way but I like the point facing up better. It’s the “Enchanted Disney Fine Jewelry Collection” by Zales, and it’s one of the Merida ones so it has a little gold bow in the setting:
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