Dobs oh geez, what did wound care say? Is it healing well?
Flueks when is your road trip? What state are you visiting, anything exciting?
Pretty how has the first week with baby Victoria been? Are the older kiddos adjusting well?
AFM, currently in a TWW

DH and I got drunk on ovulation day and did the deed, and while I didn’t get a full deposit, I did get a partial one (of semen, not just precum). Oops. My boobs have been hurting since O+1. They feel heavy and on and off achey. They don’t normally hurt in the early luteal phase, so this is odd, but Google says it can happen due to estrogen in the early luteal phase, so while it’s not my normal, it’s not abnormal either. And of course I’ve been spotting since O+2 like I have been the past 3 cycles, which worries me a bit.
I ended up going to the gyno because I found a rough area on my cervix, and the bleeding the last few months on top of it concerned me. I got the all clear, she said I have a very mild cervical ectropion, super common in women under 30 and totally benign, basically the “wallpaper” of the cervical canal poking out of the cervix a tiny bit, and it can feel a little rough. She said my cervix looks perfect, so that worry is taken care of. I got in fast due to a cancellation, and it was of course on our 1st anniversary

DH came with me and was great, he held my hand during the pelvic exam cuz he was worried I’d need support, I was like “are you good?” Cuz it’s not exactly my first rodeo but he’d never been to one of my gyno appointments, and he said he was just worried I’d need his hand, he was totally unbothered. Makes me feel confident that he’ll do well during birth (at least if he’s by my head lol).
ETA: Dobs a barndo can be a converted barn but is more commonly referring to a house that’s a new construction made with a steel frame instead of traditional wood, and shaped kinda like a barn.