General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Yeah I definitely miss the activity. I also don’t think Dobs has been on since the election, I know she was having a hard time with that. I miss her posts.
high key had a mental breakdown. In therapy. On meds. Slowly healing. I do still pop in from time to time to read up on how everyone is doing. Probably a solid month or two from being ok and back to checking in more regularly.
Dobby!!! I've been thinking about you <3 I'm so glad you popped in, even with a short update. I miss hearing your life updates. I'm so sorry to hear about the "menty b" (isn't that what the youth call it these days?) but really happy to see your seeking help. I hope nothing but the best for you and hope to see you on again soon, when you're ready <3

Jules glad you're not moving too, too far but that's too bad about the school change for the kids. With it being so close, could the school just add a stop temporarily? I suppose that's asking a lot though...When do you have to officially be out of the old place and into the new one? Glad you have some time to transition slow-ish. When we moved into our house we had rent overlap by a month and that was much nicer (vs. our last move where we had to move 2 hours away in a weekend....that was rough!)

Shae, that husband of yours needs a confidence boost! I'm sure if they contract with him, it's because they believe in his capabilities. He needs to believe in them, too! I am so excited that you may just get to ttc in 2025 ahhhhh that's so exciting!! And yay for not having the genetic issue! I know that was weighing on you. Would you still be able to pass it along to offspring or no?

Afm...I had my last ob appointment the other day and it was rough. Despite trying to improve my diet, I gained another whopping 10lbs since the last appointment. This is the first time the ob brought it to my attention (a different ob this time because it's a group practice, but still). I had my GD test but haven't gotten results back. Anyway I have no idea why I'm gaining at such an alarming rate, despite trying to not be super horrible about eating. I'm still eating junk here and there though so now it's time to seriously cut it all out. I'm keeping a food journal now as well. On top of all this I'm measuring about weeks ahead. Ob set me up with a growth scan in 2 weeks to see how big baby is...I suppose this information may be useful to surgeons for a c-section so they know if they are going to be expecting a larger baby or not. I mean a larger baby isn't unexpected (my first two were 9+lbs) but I guess it's information they'd like to have. So if I'm up another 5lbs by next appointment despite really dialing in my food, I don't know what I'll do except just ride it out and deal with the weight after baby's born. Wouldn't be the first time (I gained 60lbs with ds1) so this may just be a thing my body's doing against my will and efforts. But it sure is depressing. I feel and look huge. My face has gotten so pudgy. I think on the whole I'm up about 35lbs and still have, what, 11 weeks to go or so?

crazy though...11 weeks!! time is FLYING. I am so not mentally there yet to have a baby lol. I get there some days but most days I'm panicking about how the heck I'm going to manage life. We're always so busy as it is...although I do it to myself really. Especially with all the fish. I have too many animals lol
Praying it all goes smooth and quick! It’s sucks being in limbo, but he’s going to do great. I don’t think PA had short term disability. I use fmla and can get up to 16 weeks, but it’s not paid. My company gives me 2 weeks paid then I use sick then pto. My plan is 12 weeks this time around.
Ah geez, I didn’t realize it depended on the state. Well, we’ll see what the rules are wherever we end up. No updates yet on the job.

It’s been a year since I last checked my AMH levels (indicator of egg reserve), and given that they were borderline last year and had dropped from the previous year, we decided to order another Modern Fertility test to check them again and see where I’m at. It has to be taken on CD3, so I won’t be able to take it for a few weeks, I’m CD16 and my cervix just rose today, so I’ll probably ovulate in a few days. It tends to rise when my estrogen rises, so it gives me a few days advance warning if I bother to check lol. Otherwise I just get a ton of EWCM and take an OPK lol.


I’m pretty nervous about the AMH level, considering how if it drops nearly at all from last year it becomes low, which indicates early ovarian failure or some other issue with egg reserve. Considering my mom didn’t hit menopause until her 50s and my grandmother had a few miscarriages in her early 50s, I’d be pretty shocked if I ran out of eggs in my 20s. But who knows what I could’ve been exposed to, from harmful medications at work, to microplastics and artificial growth hormones, to who knows what else. Every day we find out another thing is poisonous, and also that it’s everywhere and we can’t avoid it. All that said, I know it’s totally possible to have a slightly low AMH level and have no difficulty getting pregnant. So, prayers that regardless of my level, everything will be okay.
I forgot to hit post last night and just hit it now without refreshing… and then the new posts loaded in.

high key had a mental breakdown. In therapy. On meds. Slowly healing. I do still pop in from time to time to read up on how everyone is doing. Probably a solid month or two from being ok and back to checking in more regularly.

Ahhhhh I’m so happy to hear from you, but I’m sorry you’ve been struggling so much. I’m glad you got help and are slowly improving. Sending so much love to you and A.

Gigs aw sorry about the weight gain. Hopefully it’s just your body doing its best to grow baby and that there’s no other issues. I know the recommendation is 25-35 lbs, but I’ve read that it’s perfectly fine to go over that and it’s way better to gain more than the recommendation than it is to gain less. I’m sure you look beautiful <3

DH for sure needs a confidence boost, he’s always struggled with that. He’s a perfectionist, he never sees himself or his work as good enough.
As for the genetic issue, I cannot pass it down, it’s just one variant and I don’t have it :thumbup:
I kept forgetting to check this website! whoops.
Glad to hear the genetic issue is not a concern! yay! Also I wouldn't worry about the egg reserve business until it proves to be a problem. You know how many times I've read stories of even doctors telling women they're very unlikely to get pregnant, only to get pregnant with no issue? I'm sure it would be discouraging to hear but don't fret. Or maybe use it as fuel to start the ttc journey earlier ;)

Thanks about the weight, the weird thing was I weighed myself at home like a day or two later and my home scale said I was only up 2-3lbs...? Who knows. I have another appointment Friday so we'll see what the new total is, and also about how big baby is measuring.

So much for the food journal. I kept it going for about a day and a half :rofl: but I HAVE been more mindful about my food intake and feel like I've been doing much better.

I'm sad that winter seems to be over :( I was hoping for one more good snow before it started to warm up but it's March now, I guess I should be thankful for the storms we got. And I got some cute pictures of the kids in the snow, so success!
Gigs if you want never ending snow, move to a state on the Canadian border :rofl: we live in a valley in VT, and it feels like it snows every day in winter. It’s actually ridiculous. We are so sick of snow and so ready for warm weather. It can keep snowing here until late May. They tell you not to switch out your snow tires here until Memorial Day weekend.

No news yet on DH getting a contract. Boo. We can’t TTC until after we move, it’s just not a good idea financially, so we’re waiting on the company. We agreed that if he doesn’t get a contract by summer, we’re going to give up and move on to something else, and move back to where we used to live. We loved it there.

Unrelated, I’ve decided to give up social media for Lent. No more mindless scrolling for hours on end, or ignoring DH because I’m watching a reel and my brain can’t focus on two things at once. I’ve never given anything up for Lent before, but I think this is a really good thing to give up. I had been thinking about doing a social media break because I don’t like that I don’t know how to be bored anymore, I just consume rather than create. At least if I consume, it should be a book, not a stream of short instant gratification video clips. I also decided to do a program where I read the entire Bible in 90 days. I’ve never read it from cover to cover, and I’d like to change that. If I have time and/or energy, I may try to read it at double pace so I can finish it by Easter (so, in 45 days), but that would take a LOT of discipline.
Oh I love that!! I think that’s a fantastic thing to give up for lent. I bet you see a real improvement in your life. Do let us know how it goes! Fx for a contract, too.

We have talked about moving further north in the future actually ^_^ We’ll see. Maybe we die in this house many many years from now but part of me can’t help but feel like this isn’t the last place our family will be in. We’ll see.

I had my appointment today; we have another biggie baby in the making it looks like! No estimate on size at birth but he’s 90% right now, so I think on par with his 9lb+ brothers.

And also I didn’t gain any weight at all from my last appointment!! Yay!!!
I hope your husband gets the contract soon Shae

Giggs what was your biggest baby? My daughter was 10. Lbs 10 oz. I got the epidural with her thank goodness but it still hurt a lot LOL

I'm out of town this month for work during my fertile week but we are getting back to trying next month :)
Whelp, DH and I were about to book a 3 night vacation to an all inclusive resort in Cancun cuz we’ve got major cabin fever, and his recruiter called and said they expect contracts to start coming in for Q2, which starts right when the vacation would have been :rofl: no Cancun for us, but hopefully that means that next month he’ll get a contract.

Gigs oh boy, big babies! I hope I get all babies under 8 lbs lol, but DH was 7 lbs at 36 weeks :rofl: hopefully just from fluid from his mom’s diabetes. He was a puffy newborn lol, I’ve seen photos. I was much cuter at 7 lbs and 40 weeks :rofl: my mom got accused of photoshopping my head cuz people thought it was too round for a vaginal birth lmao, I even got stuck at one point so no clue how I didn’t have a conehead. DH cheated, he came out the sunroof lmao.
i just got out of hospital after a long stay, diagnosed with Polyhydramnios , on the verge of having preeclamsia again too. small baby (4lbs at 35 weeks). they have let me go home for a week, i see my gp monday for a bp check back thursday and they may keep me until induction at 36/37 weeks
its been a weird rough few weeks but least im at the finishing line now
Aww sorry to hear all that. I had polyhydramnios with my last baby but it started early at 20 weeks and I got so big. With a smaller sized baby, are the doctors saying anything about if the baby is facing the right direction? My baby kept flipping due to all the amniotic fluid; but i had triple what i should’ve and they did c section so direction didnt matter. You’re at the end though as you said. It’s all worth it!!
i just got out of hospital after a long stay, diagnosed with Polyhydramnios , on the verge of having preeclamsia again too. small baby (4lbs at 35 weeks). they have let me go home for a week, i see my gp monday for a bp check back thursday and they may keep me until induction at 36/37 weeks
its been a weird rough few weeks but least im at the finishing line now
Oh no! I’m glad you and baby are okay!
Gigs did you get fish? I missed that lol

Shae that’s a bummer about having to skip the vk but hopefully he gets a contract to make up for it

Red Rose, if it helps ease your mind A was small. He was only 5lbs 3oz when I had him. I did not have the polyhydraminos but he caught up on weight pretty quick. He started right away on neosure every two hours. He couldn’t latch so I was pumping anyway and he needed more calories than my milk provided so I’d pump and fortify it with formula.

Speaking of my cousin has been pregnant this whole time. She has polyhydraminos and they were supposed to induce her yesterday but sent her home. Shes like 37/38w, having her first girl, baby is over 9lbs already though. But yeah she only just told us a couple weeks ago and she’s not telling her dad because she’s still mad that he ran off to a new woman immediately after her mom dad.
Sorry to hear about the polyhydraminos .. you're almost done sending all my well wishes to you
Aww sorry to hear all that. I had polyhydramnios with my last baby but it started early at 20 weeks and I got so big. With a smaller sized baby, are the doctors saying anything about if the baby is facing the right direction? My baby kept flipping due to all the amniotic fluid; but i had triple what i should’ve and they did c section so direction didnt matter. You’re at the end though as you said. It’s all worth it!!
yeah she keeps going from head down to transverse and they are being abit annoying because i keep saying about being worried about going into labour at home as we live 2 hours away from the maternity hospital and obviously it can cause so many complications for the baby not to mention the BP and the prolapse. i want them to make a plan and i know it coudl change if something happens like bp spikes again but just to know they have thought about my wishes because i labour so quickly, id never make it up in time. saying that ive been having intense period cramps and constant braxton hicks so i dunno if that could be a sign of early labour soon as i know the prolapse can cause early labour
Oh wow, 2 hours is certainly a concern!
Baby will be in your arms very soon! Cant wait for baby’s arrival announcement, so keep us posted please!
Dobs oh wow, that’s crazy that she kept it a secret for so long. Although, I get her being mad at her dad. I would be furious if either of my parents did that. DH’s grandfather got a new woman like 2 months after DH’s grandmother died unexpectedly from sepsis. She is the worst, she got him to take up smoking which he hadn’t done in decades, and he’s got dementia so we think she probably is in it for the large amounts of money he has, and she goes “yeah he hasn’t been taking his meds cuz he forgets” but like, doesn’t remind him? When Nana was alive, he always took his meds. Why? Cuz she reminded him because she knew he needed help. This lady doesn’t give a crap. Also, she looks like a thumb. You know the thumb thumbs in spy kids? She looks like one of those.

RedRose oh geez, 2 hours is a lot, especially with the complications. Prayers that everything goes smoothly!
Hi ladies! It’s been a crazy few weeks. We moved in last weekend. The old tenants basically refused to move their stuff til last minute and told them they cleaned…they did not. The house was def not ready so before we could set up rooms we had to scrub everything and paint because they patched holes but didn’t paint over the giant white plaster patches. We still have quite a bit left, but it’s feeling more like home every day. Then I got an upper respiratory infection…probably from the dust. Pregnancy-wise things are ok. We found out baby girl has a small hole in her heart so I have to go in 2 weeks for an echo with a pediatric cardiologist. They said it’s not life threatening and will most likely close on its own, but needs to be monitored. At my appt today my BP was a tiny bit elevated, but I’m hoping that’s just from the stress of the week.

@shaescott I hope he hears something soon!! I literally laughed so hard at your comment about your DHs grandpas girlfriend looking like a thumb!

@RedRose It will all be over in no time! I hope they can help you come up with a plan though, that’s hard being so far away from the hospital. How often do you have appts? I had that with my son. I was so round and he flipped around many times, they told me there was a good chance I was getting a c-section because he was sideways. Then when I was induced at 37 weeks he had flipped completely head down. It was insane how much water there was when it broke!

@gigglebox I’m good not being more north. I wouldn’t be able to handle the snow and prolonged colder weather. I’m in PA. The weather is bipolar here and the winter was really cold this year, but not even close to what they deal with. It’s going to be 73 tomorrow and I’m here for it! I’m glad to hear things are going well with pregnancy. At least you’ve had bigger babies so you know what to expect!
Jules8 prayers that baby’s little hole closes up! I know it does for a lot of babies. Sorry the house wasn’t ready yet, I’m glad it’s coming together!

Lmao I’m glad I made you laugh. We also laugh when we think about her compared to a thumb thumb :rofl: My BIL’s girlfriend immediately hated her when she met her and started giving her sassy (deserved) comments during conversation, she was the only one who had the guts to do it and it was hilarious. I’ve never seen her react that way to anyone to their face before, so you know that lady just sucks.

Yeah honestly don’t move up north. It’s 52 degrees today and we are thrilled. I’m in a dress with short sleeves. It was like -6 when I left for work at 6 am just a week or two ago. It finally stopped snowing every day cuz we’re in a valley so it’s just snow all the time. We can’t wait to not be here.
Omg Dobs, how did she hold that secret so long?? Especially measuring larger? That’s wild. Were you shocked to hear the news?

And yes, many, many fish lol…up to 9 tanks now ranging from a tiny tank that holds maybe half a pint of water? All the way to 125 gallons. I’m hoping to get one more set up before baby comes (we have an empty 75 gallon but it needs to be re-sealed) but that may be too ambitious. I’m honestly feeling like I can physically handle less and less every day.

Today I went to walmart and was so sore, and now I’m fairly sure I’m in predormal (or however you spell it) labor *eye roll* it’s rather annoying.

Shae yay for contracts coming!! At keast you have something of a timeline now. Maybe you jist need a staycastion, or a quick weekend getaway?

Jules yay for finally getting settled! Ugh what a bummer to have household projects as soon as you move in though. So sorry to hear about your little miss but hopefully the issue resolves itself!

Autumnal good grief you vaginally delivered a baby that large?! Kudos mama! You deserve a reward! My biggest was 9lbs 6oz and got stuck, and landed me in emergency c section that nearly took me out.

Rose so sorry to read this update. I truly hope you don’t end up woth full blown pre-e, you have enough on your plate!

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