Sarah, thank you for your lovely reply
Sounds good that the integration courses start basic - I have done 2 years at school, but that was a long time ago! I will have to pay 1 Euro an hour I think... How was day 2?
DH was a bit more sympathetic last night. I guess it's disappointing for him too, and I didn't really take that into account with my reaction yesterday.
I really hope your feeling crapness is a good sign, despite the BFN this morning... like you said it's still v early days, and even a very sensitive test mightn't pick it up yet!
That's pretty rubbish to have to be off the antihistamines for the 2ww. Are there any alternatives your doctor could prescribe that are safe in pregnancy?
I had the full rigmarole of paranoia, hope, disappointment yesterday in the end - I never managed to see my tests at the ten minute mark, so I didn't see how they developed, looked 2 hours late, and had the most evil evap on one - gorgeous pink line!! I tested again at lunchtime very carefully (timer set for 10 mins then they were in the bin!) and got two perfect BFNs. so at least now I can stop fantasising about this month!
I had a 27 day cycle this month after 30 days last month, so will have to keep on time of my O signs... but if it's another shorter cycle, I could be testing on Christmas day
Actually that could make it really shit if it was another BFN!!
Who knows. Anyway missus will be looking out for your BFP in a day or too - and hopefully the sprachschule will keep your mind off testing!