Eeeek, crap weather! It's chillyyyy.
The footmuff has been officially whipped out. Problem is it doesn't fit right with the Mura! Not sure if you've gotten a footmuff for yours yet Whisper but I'd go for the Maxi Cosi one for Muras because standard fußsacks won't work well in it we've learned. We got the Mura for our second mainly anyway so it's not a huge problem as we'll use the Jeep with Aurora but next winter we'll have to invest in the Mura one I think. Will probably get it used on Ebay or Kleinanzeigen because the new price is a bit hefty.
By the way, what's up with bike riders on sidewalks?! I'm not talking about little kids, but grown adults! When we come out of our little back street it's a blind corner turning onto the sidewalk and one lady flew past us with her bike. Had my husband been a touch faster our baby would have been hit! Then today we were walking and out of no where another lady zipped past us, silent, no bell or warning, and if my husband were a touch more to the left side our baby would have been hit head on! I'm seriously angry about this! What makes grown adults think it's okay to ride their bikes on pedestrian sidewalks, NOT bike paths?! Very dangerous. There's a danger around every corner when you have a baby it seems. Frustrating!