Fraid I can't join in on that conversation since this is my first baby.
My husband is not joining my bandwagon though. We're always making two different meals and its driving me crazy.
I feel like I'm sort of "getting used" to eating like this... I'm on my 16th week with GD now and as much as I hate to say it, I feel like its becoming a life style. I think I could probably keep going as long as I had a more "relaxed" diet and didn't have to check my sugars 4 times a day.
So all my doctor appointments went well today yay! My OB appointment was funny cause the nurse (whom I've become quite friendly with) took my blood pressure as soon as I sat down in the chair... I'm like seriously? And of course it was high... 136/94 - so, I look her in the eye and said you will sit there and wait for a few minutes while I rest in the chair and then you will check it again.
She obliged me and proceeded to take it a second time ... which turned out to be 118/78. Gee, so much better! I told her you can't just take someone with high blood pressure and take it when they just get up or down.
Then, I had my high risk appointment this afternoon and got to see the baby on the big screen. Fluid levels are great and he's active and moving around. I'm apparently having contractions that I can't feel as well.
I hate to say this with some of you having bad sugar days, but I had a good one. I took a risk and ate a 6 inch sub from Subway today. It was on whole wheat bread and loaded with Pastrami yummm....
An hour later my sugar was 111.
Babi, grats on your HCG numbers! You're pregnant.... woot woot.
Once you get your insulin, I'm sure everything will work out.
Oneway, thanks! I am interested to see where things end up after we recover as well!