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Jammers- I think everyone else has pretty much summed up what I was going to say.
However, having short and flat nipples and large breasts, I just wanted to share a few things that helped me immensely in the beginning. .. I used a medela nipple shield to begin with which eventually DS was fine feeding without. When feeding DS, I use either the sidelying position or a football hold as these were easier for him to latch onto my breast. I also did a lot of looking into biological nurturing as I found that it helped him to latch a bit better too.

Other than that, sort of smooshing your boob into a "c" shape when feeding so it's like a hamburger in the baby's mouth really helps with them getting a bite on if there's not much nipple there. You may have to continue to hold your breast like that though. Every baby is different and I find it depends on how engorged I am when feeding if I have to do that or not..

Also, I use an electric pump to help draw my nipples out a little bit before feeding if DS seems to be having a really hard time latching that day. .. Hope that helps somewhat.

mOus3- How often are you feeding your son? My LO did that a while ago to me. I would actually take him off the breast when he did this and leave him for a bit. If he was really hungry he'd start crying right away and I'd come back and have better results. If he wasn't really all that hungry and just wanted a minor snack he'd fuss for a minute and then go back to being his happy giggly little self or fall asleep. He does that to me when he's tired but hungry too. .. Usually he'll then nap and wake up hungrier and then eat without crying.. Another thing you can try is giving him a toy to hold onto while he's eating.. he may just want to both eat and yet is distracted by wanting to explore things and holding a toy may help. .. or it's a growth spurt thing. It's hard to say. Hopefully
I wonder if it's okay for me to post here? I am just entering my second tri, but I want to BF so badly, after a disappointing experience trying with my twins. Is it okay for me to ask a few questions?
I wonder if it's okay for me to post here? I am just entering my second tri, but I want to BF so badly, after a disappointing experience trying with my twins. Is it okay for me to ask a few questions?

Go ahead :) you sound like me, when I was pregnant I was so excited about BFing and I asked a lot of questions, it really helps xxx
jammers - something else to consider with the nipple shield is they come in different sizes! I had no idea and originally purchased whatever they had in stock, which was i think 20mm (medela). it was awful and didn't help my flat nipples at all! But then a nurse gave me a different size (24mm i think) and it worked perfectly! so if you find one type of shield size to be ineffective, maybe consider a different size.
Ask away duckytwins :D

Also jammers.. like CanadaMom said, yes it's important to check the size on the nipple shields. I didn't think of that, but if they're too small they can actually slow down the milk flow as they are somewhat constrictive around the nipple.
Question - where do you get the milestone badges?!
Okay, here's my back story and then my questions. Thanks for letting me ask!

I had twin boys almost 7 years ago (yikes) and wanted desperately to breastfeed. At 36 weeks, I went into the hospital with pre-eclampsia. My water was broken on baby A and I was given Pitocin to try and make me go into labor. I had contractions all night long, but they didn't hurt, they were just uncomfortable. The nurse kept coming in, asking why I wasn't asking for an epidural. So the third time she asked, I said, fine give it to me.

The epidural caused my heart rate to plummet, which caused me to take baby B down with me. It then happened again and my doctor said I'd had enough, I'm going for an emergency c.

The babies were born that afternoon and whisked away to the NICU. Alex (baby A) was born "singing" - he tried to cry, but nothing came out. He was put on a vent. Jonathan (baby B) was okay, but very tiny (born at just over 3 pounds). I wasn't able to see them, hold them or have them until the next day (and the more I think about it, I don't know why). So needless to say, I couldn't start breastfeeding right away. I wanted to, so I told the nurses I wanted to try. I got very little milk. They lent me an industrial breastpump and I pumped like a crazy person. The hooked up some tubes and contraptions to me to try to get the babies to latch on so my milk would come in, but it didn't work. I watched my milk go from barely there to non-existent. I was devastated. I was told it was over and had to go to formula. Little did I know there were resources out there to help me.

So here are my questions. I want desperately to try again with this baby. Because I had a c-section with the boys (and they told me there was no way I would have gotten Alex's head to fit through anyway), I will be having one again. Is it more difficult to breastfeed after a c? Should I be adamant about them giving me baby as soon as possible to give me the best chance? What should I know, do, ask for, demand, etc?

And here's a weird one. My bbs never hurt when I was pregnant with the twins and they are so sore this time around, I actually have to wear a bra 24/7. Does sore bbs mean I will have milk this time? Or is it just a symptom I just didn't have last time?

Thanks again! I want to be as prepared as possible now, so I can go in armed with everything I need!
Hello. I'm hoping you ladies can give me some pointers. Madeleine was born on Sunday and is now 5 days old. I was induced and it wasn't the greatest delivery with forceps etc. I felt unwell afterwards and although we had some skin to skin post delivery it was brief and she didn't feed. I was in hospital til yesterday night as Maddie was sleepy, a bit jaundiced and wouldn't feed. I have been trying to latch her regularly and sometimes she is brilliant but most of the time she just gets angry and frustrated and can't seem to do it. I have been expressing and getting good volumes - 70ml just now. I was trying syringe feeds initially but thn moved onto cups when then volumes increased. She and I did not get along with cups at all. After speaking to one of the hospital BF counsellors again today we have started giving her the EBM by bottle. She seems to think that Maddie will still get to exclusively breast feeding in the end but I feel totally demoralised and hate giving her bottles. I'm offering each breast at each feed both before and midway though the bottle (after pumping a bit off as I'm quite engorged and she's only 2.5kg). She will root but just then gets angry. We are doing lots of skin to skin but I'm just so upset. She is still pretty sleepy . I lost all control with the induction and labour and I just thought I'd be able to do this for Madeleine. My mood is low and I feel like a failure. Please tell me what to do.
Congrats on your daughter, bean. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. I wish I could help, but I failed with my boys. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck and offer :hugs:
Bean hunter: sounds v similar to our start. My LO was able to latch onto nipple shields whereas he couldn't directly onto the boob (we syringe fed for a week as well). And around 10w something changed and he could. I dont know if it was the induction or the sleepy start or what but he just seemed to chomp rather than suck.

A lot of skin to skin might help (think hours and hours, use a sling if you have one, something like a stretchy wrap usually works well with lickle babies). Have a look at rebirthing on google, there was someone on here I think where that helped - it's basically having a bath an getting all womb like then revealing baby to the world again.

Can you call your local la leche league leader for more tips, maybe they'll come out to you for a visit? I always found them v helpful.

Keep noticing what works and what doesn't, you're far from out of options! And realise that a lot of people would have given up already. You're doing SO well in the face of these problems!

And duckytwins, I dont have experience of any of that but I think ppl would say that all births and babies are different. Hope someone has some reassurance and tips for you
Hi duckytwins.

It sounds like you didn't get an awful lot of support or advice when it came to breastfeeding your twins. :nope:

Hopefully we can change that with this new baby :thumbup:

I had an emergency section with DD. I don't think it affected my milk at all.
Just let your surgeon, nurses and midwives all know that you intend to breastfeed (tell them you don't want any forumla offered) and you would like baby to have their first feed asap. Generally this is once you have been stitched up and are in recovery :thumbup:

Dependant upon if you have an epidural or a spinal will depend on how soon you can get up and about. Whilst you are imobile you will have a buzzer to get the attention of the midwives on the postnatal ward. Do NOT be afraid, embarrased or wary or using it. If your baby wakes and needs feeding. Buzz.
It doesn't matter if they only fed 15 minutes before - buzz the midwife to hand you your baby. :thumbup:

Don't worry about sore or not sore breasts. This is due to hormones whether they are painful or not and has no indication or bearing on breastfeeding.

Feel free to ask more questions if you have any. :hugs:
Hello. I'm hoping you ladies can give me some pointers. Madeleine was born on Sunday and is now 5 days old. I was induced and it wasn't the greatest delivery with forceps etc. I felt unwell afterwards and although we had some skin to skin post delivery it was brief and she didn't feed. I was in hospital til yesterday night as Maddie was sleepy, a bit jaundiced and wouldn't feed. I have been trying to latch her regularly and sometimes she is brilliant but most of the time she just gets angry and frustrated and can't seem to do it. I have been expressing and getting good volumes - 70ml just now. I was trying syringe feeds initially but thn moved onto cups when then volumes increased. She and I did not get along with cups at all. After speaking to one of the hospital BF counsellors again today we have started giving her the EBM by bottle. She seems to think that Maddie will still get to exclusively breast feeding in the end but I feel totally demoralised and hate giving her bottles. I'm offering each breast at each feed both before and midway though the bottle (after pumping a bit off as I'm quite engorged and she's only 2.5kg). She will root but just then gets angry. We are doing lots of skin to skin but I'm just so upset. She is still pretty sleepy . I lost all control with the induction and labour and I just thought I'd be able to do this for Madeleine. My mood is low and I feel like a failure. Please tell me what to do.

Ok, firstly - you are certainly NOT a failure sweetie! :hugs:

Secondly - It sounds like Madeleine is struggling to latch correctly. Have you had your latch checked by a midwife? It never hurts to get it checked. :thumbup:

I wouldn't advise bottle feeding the EBM at this point - granted it works for some babies but I wouldn't recommend it. Especially if your LO is having latch issues already. Keep on with the skin to skin. Be consistant in trying her at the breast. :thumbup: Keep offering. It really is a case of practise makes perfect in most cases.

If you're concerned she's not getting enough then offer the syringe or cup as you were doing. If she's still stuggling in a few days then maybe look into using a SNS. :thumbup:

I do know when she's latched as it doesn't hurt and I and hear her swallowing and afterwards I feel empty on that side. I can't go back to the cup as we were both rubbish at it. She's just fed from me for 15 mins though and seems much more awake and is weeing more so hopefully things are going ok. As long as she still sometimes feeds from me I'll know it's not all over.
Won't be seeing the bf consultant again til next Friday I think. It's a drop in group. Haven't heard of la leche - how do I find out if there is someone near me? I'm in south birmingham if that helps.
Hi ladies, wondering if someone can give me a bit of advice please? :) My son is usually a brilliant feeder, he LOVES his food lol but recently he will scream his head off if i try to feed him like he is in pain :( I am getting a bit worried as he never screams like that normally, i have checked his gums and they seem fine, he is breastfed, he wont take a bottle at all but that's fine with me, i love breastfeeding! I thought it may be down to wind pain maybe but he only does it when i try to feed him, and not every time, about 50% for the last few days :nope: If i stand and rock him while feeding him it sometimes helps but i can't do it for long as he is so heavy and i'm only little (4ft10) lol :) I have tried different feeding positions but no help so far :( Any advice will be gratefully recieved thank you!! :flower:

does he do this in the middle of the night too? if it were reflux or some sort of digestion issue then it would hurt him no matter what time, day or night. if hes only doing it sometimes then maybe he is going through a growth spurt and needs more milk so he has sucked you dry. try feeding more frequently to see if he is trying to cluster feed. Or.... maybe he is full and you could try spacing apart feedings. I know those are two very different ideas, but basically trust your baby and go by his hunger cues.

I noticed my son did this around 3.5 months because he prefered to look around the room and couldnt bothered to eat, haha. I found it was best to nurse him in a quiet room where he wouldnt get distracted then it could quickly go back to playing :)
Haven't heard of la leche - how do I find out if there is someone near me? I'm in south birmingham if that helps.

have a look here if theres no local group maybe call the helpline.
m0us3, the only thing I think to suggest is maybe try feeding him in a sling when he is like that? Then at least you can 'rock' him but not put your back out! See if there is a sling library near you that you can get advice from hth x

duckytwins, what an experience you had with your twins! I had an elective section with my dd and from what I gather it's a far more relaxed process. I brought a CD in for them to play, OH cut the cord, DD was placed next to me while I was stitched up and we had skin to skin as soon as we went through to recovery. So yes, ask for what you want and make sure you get it! It's not an emergency so you can argue your point. Personally I did think having a section made breastfeeding harder for me but it's not the same for everyone and I think if you're prepared it will make a big difference. The main things with me was that my milk didn't come in until day 4 (possibly could have happened anyway), I got an infection in my c section wound (should have been taking things easier) and we got thrush (I now take acidophilus everyday). Good luck and definitely get yourself on this forum after baby arrives, it was a lifesaver for me! x

beanhunter, I don't think I have anything practical to add but it sounds like you are doing brilliantly. Your BF counsellors are right, my dd often got bottles in the early days but we got back to exclusively bfing by around 4 months I think it was. Hang in there and hopefully it will get easier for you both soon x
beanhunter I had an assisted delivery myself (vacuum failed so forceps were used)
my LO would not latch to start with. I also have flat nipples so this made it even harder on me. He would have some good days to start but they weren't often.

After about a week and a half to two weeks in, we were fine.

Some things that helped me..
TONS and TONS of skin to skin. Also.. one of the nurses showed me an interesting trick. When I had bottles of EBM I would give DS a little bit if he was really upset and hungry as otherwise he would be too worked up to latch properly. (Also, his head was sore from the forceps so that made it hard for him to want to suck and in the beginning all that really worked was syringes and bottles which used to upset me quite a bit, but as he was in NICU for a week there wasn't much I could do).. Then, I would take the bottle and pour EBM around my breast and nipple area. I would give him a bit more bottle, then take it away and latch him onto my breast. I'd keep the bottle nipple right next to my nipple until he was latched and that way it was easier to latch him because of how close he was to my breast already. (Hard to explain.. hope I'm doing an ok job here..)
As there was plenty of milk around where he was going to latch he'd get excited and usually would be able to latch a bit quicker. .. He would fall asleep after feeding though so in the beginning I had to put cold wash cloths on him to keep him awake and feed him totally naked.

Don't give up, you're doing an awesome job and it will get better with time. :hugs:
Thanks everyone. We had a slightly better past 12 hrs. She fed from me plus a small top up at 7 and 10 pm and then although the 2 feeds after that she'd didn't she's still rooting really well so I'm hopeful. My main concern is that she doesn't really wake for the feeds - we have to wake her otherwise she'd happily go well over 4hrs which I don't think helps matters. Any more thoughts?

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