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Im at my wits end.. I need to find the money for an LC around here I think. My lo just turned 7 weeks and she just within the last week has started giving me the "lipstick" nipples again :wacko: Ive tried everything I can think of to make sure she has a good solid latch thats deep enough, but Ive realized that shes clamping down more than just suckling :( HELP!!

Baby blanching the nipple can be caused by a number of things.

Does she clamp down the second she latches? Just after let down? After feeding for a while?
My LO is 2weeks on monday and I've been breast feeding him. I want to continue to give him my breast milk but as I have a 2 year old that needs my attention too I need to express. Can I just express? I did all day yesterday and he didn't feed from me once and I've noticed this morning I've not been able to express so I've popped him back onto my breast again. is there anyway around this. I really don't want to have to put him on formular but I really can't keep breast feeding him as its sooo time consuming. All he does is feed at the moment. Would be really greatful for any advise x
Hi bellaloo, when I am feeding my newborn I give my two year old an activity that she can do with me whilst I feed sitting next to me on the sofa such as a book, sticker book, fuzzy felts, colouring etc. not sure if this will help but just thought I'd share. Hope it works out for you, I can honestly say it gets a little easier every day xxx
This is my 3rd child I have EBF, but the first time that I will be returning to work and will be expressing. I am trying to figure out how much I should need to leave with his daycare provider, and will he still want to nurse when I get home? I am heartbroken, I am afraid he is going to want to continue on the bottle as it may be easier. :cry:

How old will baby be when you return to work?

Don't worry it'll be fine - we can come up with a plan of action :hugs:

He will be 6 weeks. :cry: I'm not ready.....but financially I need to go back.

Ok, how are you feeding at the moment? On demand?

Will he happily take a bottle of EBM?

Are you going back full time / part time? What hours etc? :hugs:

We are feeding on demand right now, I have started pumping in between feeds to have some supply of milk. I usually pump around 5 oz at a time. I will be working 8 hr days, from 7am-3pm. He takes a bottle of my milk okay, but gets fussy and gassy afterwards.

Ok, I would carry on feeding on demand when at home. :thumbup:

When you're pumping, set times - a routine. That way it will be easier for your body to know when to have the milk there. The more you pump the more you will produce. Be careful to be consistant though (every day where possible) as not to create oversupply issues or blocked ducts. :thumbup:

Have you approached work about you expressing whilst there? Have they given you set times or can you give them a schedule? :hugs:
I am allowed to express as needed, they are even in the process of adding on a nursing room at my request! :happydance: I think I will pump every 2.5 hrs, and nurse on demand at home. Thank you!!
This is my 3rd child I have EBF, but the first time that I will be returning to work and will be expressing. I am trying to figure out how much I should need to leave with his daycare provider, and will he still want to nurse when I get home? I am heartbroken, I am afraid he is going to want to continue on the bottle as it may be easier. :cry:

How old will baby be when you return to work?

Don't worry it'll be fine - we can come up with a plan of action :hugs:

He will be 6 weeks. :cry: I'm not ready.....but financially I need to go back.

Ok, how are you feeding at the moment? On demand?

Will he happily take a bottle of EBM?

Are you going back full time / part time? What hours etc? :hugs:

We are feeding on demand right now, I have started pumping in between feeds to have some supply of milk. I usually pump around 5 oz at a time. I will be working 8 hr days, from 7am-3pm. He takes a bottle of my milk okay, but gets fussy and gassy afterwards.

Ok, I would carry on feeding on demand when at home. :thumbup:

When you're pumping, set times - a routine. That way it will be easier for your body to know when to have the milk there. The more you pump the more you will produce. Be careful to be consistant though (every day where possible) as not to create oversupply issues or blocked ducts. :thumbup:

Have you approached work about you expressing whilst there? Have they given you set times or can you give them a schedule? :hugs:
I am allowed to express as needed, they are even in the process of adding on a nursing room at my request! :happydance: I think I will pump every 2.5 hrs, and nurse on demand at home. Thank you!!

That's brilliant! :thumbup:

Sounds like you're all planned. :flower: I hope it goes well. :hugs:
My LO is 2weeks on monday and I've been breast feeding him. I want to continue to give him my breast milk but as I have a 2 year old that needs my attention too I need to express. Can I just express? I did all day yesterday and he didn't feed from me once and I've noticed this morning I've not been able to express so I've popped him back onto my breast again. is there anyway around this. I really don't want to have to put him on formular but I really can't keep breast feeding him as its sooo time consuming. All he does is feed at the moment. Would be really greatful for any advise x

Id suggest to start baby wearing, then you can nurse while playing with your toddler, outside, everywhere basically!
Your baby is still small, so he needs to feed frequently/on demand.
I wouldn't advice exclusively pumping , that's more time consuming than just wearing your baby and let him nurse whenever.
turns out that the pain I thought was her clamping down is actually pain associated with thrush :sad2: now Im trying coconut oil on me as well as probiotics and sanitizing everything at every feeding.. Im also going to start grape seed extract and gentian violet.. hope it works, any one use these?

My milk has just started to come in finally and i have noticed my baby is having a lot of painful wind where she just screams till it passes. Is this something to do with the new milk coming in and getting used to it etc?

My milk has just started to come in finally and i have noticed my baby is having a lot of painful wind where she just screams till it passes. Is this something to do with the new milk coming in and getting used to it etc?

new babies tend to suffer with wind sadly :(, no matter what type of feed their on. some things can make it worse, i.e. if i ate onions it seemed to make LO worse, so maybe try noting what you've eaten and see if its affecting her. Also try bumping between boobs, or even before you feed her initially. In the end with my LO I ended up giving him infacol but that was after i'd tried a few other things first :)

Congrats on your daughter! xx
This is my 3rd child I have EBF, but the first time that I will be returning to work and will be expressing. I am trying to figure out how much I should need to leave with his daycare provider, and will he still want to nurse when I get home? I am heartbroken, I am afraid he is going to want to continue on the bottle as it may be easier. :cry:

I also returned to work when my DD was 6 weeks old, and I have not had a problem with her having any nipple confusion. She is still very much a booby baby and sometimes resists the bottle when I gone. So try not to worry.
I'm not sure what your hours will be but this is how I do it. I breastfeed her at 7:30am before I leave for work. Then she has a bottle of EBM every 3 hours while I'm working (usually 9:30, 12:30. 3:30) Then I nurse on demand from the time I get home and all night, and I still nurse on demand on the weekend. At six weeks she was taking 4ozs a feed, so I packed 12oz a day. At 16 weeks she started taking 5ozs per feed (15 ozs per day)
At first was I was having trouble pumping enough at work, so I also pumped at night after she went to bed. I started taking More Milk Plus (bought from Amazon) and that upped by supply enough to just be able to pump enough at work.
Good luck and try not to worry. I'm sure he will still be a booby baby!

This is such great advice! Make sure to nurse on demand at home and all night if he needs it and he will stay on the boob! :) it will be tough waking often at night ro nurse now that youre back to work, but it will be worth it

My milk has just started to come in finally and i have noticed my baby is having a lot of painful wind where she just screams till it passes. Is this something to do with the new milk coming in and getting used to it etc?

Its very common for new babies. I found chocolate and broccoli both made my son very very gassy so i have to avoid those foods :(
I'd like to be matched! A little about me: I have a 2 month old who was born 5 weeks early and was in the NICU for the first two weeks of his life. I pumped throughout that time and he has received nothing but EBM. However, because he was early and (I think) due to some of the nicu procedures, he had a hard time breastfeeding at first. I started on a shield while he was still in the NICU, but I was so scared he wouldn't gain weight that I didn't focus on bf'ing while he was still there. When he finally came home, I started work on moving from bottle to breast. It was a struggle, getting him onto the shield and then transitioning from the shield to just the bare breast. We succeeded and he's been EBF ever since, which was around 4 weeks I think. He's nursing well and growing like crazy, but he still has a bit of a lazy latch and tends to pop off easily. It doesn't bother me all that much at home, but I'd like to be able to comfortably nurse in public and that makes it challenging. I also have large breasts and large/kind of flat nipples, so while I don't have issues with that in privacy because I can sit in my comfy chair with a breastfeeding pillow and support my breast for my baby, it's hard in public. Anyway, that's my main issue -- I'd like help with getting more comfortable with NIP. :)
I'd like to be matched! A little about me: I have a 2 month old who was born 5 weeks early and was in the NICU for the first two weeks of his life. I pumped throughout that time and he has received nothing but EBM. However, because he was early and (I think) due to some of the nicu procedures, he had a hard time breastfeeding at first. I started on a shield while he was still in the NICU, but I was so scared he wouldn't gain weight that I didn't focus on bf'ing while he was still there. When he finally came home, I started work on moving from bottle to breast. It was a struggle, getting him onto the shield and then transitioning from the shield to just the bare breast. We succeeded and he's been EBF ever since, which was around 4 weeks I think. He's nursing well and growing like crazy, but he still has a bit of a lazy latch and tends to pop off easily. It doesn't bother me all that much at home, but I'd like to be able to comfortably nurse in public and that makes it challenging. I also have large breasts and large/kind of flat nipples, so while I don't have issues with that in privacy because I can sit in my comfy chair with a breastfeeding pillow and support my breast for my baby, it's hard in public. Anyway, that's my main issue -- I'd like help with getting more comfortable with NIP. :)

Hi there! :hi:

I think it maybe a good idea to match you with Summer rain. :thumbup:

She has experience of dealing with oral issues / poor latching also BF with flat nipples and large breasts and I'm sure she'll be more than happy to cheer you on with your NIP. :hugs: Pop her a pm. Any problems give me a shout. :hugs:
I figured I would add this in here. I am 8 days away from my goal of BF! 1y7w. Seems a random goal, but I wanted to do 1 year, plus make up for my daughter's prematurity (7weeks). I I pumped exclusively for 1 year while trying to get DD to nurse/latch. She has finally gotten good enough these past 6+ weeks for me to EBF and only pump once while I am gone during the day. I am really proud of myself to keep pumping, while in uni full time, with recurring blebs, and moreso that baby finally got to nurse. What kept me going those tough nights (with a strict pumping schedule) was a promise I made my sweet girl when I was diagnosed with IC and was put on bedrest for 3 mos - I would do anything and everything in my power to make her healthy.

It's funny, I was trying to wean off the pump so I could quit BF, but now nursing is my DDs favorite. I don't mind it one bit. Glad to have a big thriving girl!
Today is my three month milestone. My daughter was weighed four weeks ago and was 10lb10oz and then again yesterday and was 10lb13oz. That's 3oz in four weeks. I'm really concerned. She started at 8lb6 at birth, between percentiles 75 & 90. At each weighing he has dropped percentiles, 50, 25, and is now between 2nd and 9th.
I am average height, 5"4/5 but hubby is 6"5. All our girls are long and thin. The rest were ff, except my toddler who was combi then ff. Mia is exclusively bf. and I know I shouldn't compare - but I do.
Anyway, she's being weighed again on Thursday afternoon, and if there's no improvement I feel I'll have no choice but to give her formula.
She feeds every 2-2.5 hours, feeds from both breasts some feeds, and comes off herself/falls asleep to finish. Usually between 10-40 minutes per feed. I also express 2-3 times a day as I am at college 4xmornings a week, so on those days she gets a 5oz bottle of ebm. I recently increased my supply with oats and fenugreek, but have stopped them now my supply seems better. My health visitor has suggested vitamin b12 which I will pick up soon. I really don't want to have to give up, I've struggled a lot with breastfeeding and have fought recurrent thrush, having no support and bf'ing after a cs to get here. But I can't just let her fail to thrive either. Help!
Couple of questions for you ladies!

My son is 4 weeks old and were still struggling with latching, there is no lacation consulants in my area and the closes one is an hour away and i cant drive.

my first question is to anyone who has used a nipple shield, how did you get it to stay in place? I have to tomme tippe brand but i find whenever he sucks on it that it falls out of place causing more pain.

Also does anyone have any tips on getting baby to take in a large amount of areola? He seems to do good for the intial latch but when i check after a few minutes he is mainly just on the nipple?

Thank you!
Can you call la leche league to see if there's a local group? I use shields and use a bit of spit round where it touchs the skin to stick it on. There's also a techniques where you can ten it inside out or stretch it out if you google you should find it.

Also have a look at exaggerated latch. My LO had a tongue tie and needed to use this even after he had a snip. I actually held the nipple flipped up as it worked for us (it'll make sense when you see the technique hopefully)

Any idea why the latch isn't ideal? Any issues with the birth or tongue tie?
Today is my three month milestone. My daughter was weighed four weeks ago and was 10lb10oz and then again yesterday and was 10lb13oz. That's 3oz in four weeks. I'm really concerned. She started at 8lb6 at birth, between percentiles 75 & 90. At each weighing he has dropped percentiles, 50, 25, and is now between 2nd and 9th.
I am average height, 5"4/5 but hubby is 6"5. All our girls are long and thin. The rest were ff, except my toddler who was combi then ff. Mia is exclusively bf. and I know I shouldn't compare - but I do.
Anyway, she's being weighed again on Thursday afternoon, and if there's no improvement I feel I'll have no choice but to give her formula.
She feeds every 2-2.5 hours, feeds from both breasts some feeds, and comes off herself/falls asleep to finish. Usually between 10-40 minutes per feed. I also express 2-3 times a day as I am at college 4xmornings a week, so on those days she gets a 5oz bottle of ebm. I recently increased my supply with oats and fenugreek, but have stopped them now my supply seems better. My health visitor has suggested vitamin b12 which I will pick up soon. I really don't want to have to give up, I've struggled a lot with breastfeeding and have fought recurrent thrush, having no support and bf'ing after a cs to get here. But I can't just let her fail to thrive either. Help!

Giving formula may well not help in this case as it sounds like you have a good supply and it's not possible for your milk to be good in supply but somehow of poor quality. It could be that your baby is just a very lean baby with an excessively fast metabolism. But another possibility is some type of milk transfer issue, in which case giving formula will make absolutely no difference whatsoever especially since you have mentioned her having larger than average bottles of EBM without a problem. Have you had her checked for tongue tie or lip tie as this could explain some of it. I'd try to get in touch with a specialist BF support worker, the NCT, LLL or similar organisation. HVs always see formula as the solution but aren't much help when it doesn't work and just kind of throw their hands up but usually by that time it's tricky to get back to BF again xx

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