i have a few questions, really appreciate any advice
my baby is still feeding every 2 hours during the day, occasinaly he has a random bout of cluster feeding aswell, so sometimes i can be feeding him every 30 mins!
is this normal at his age? (11 weeks) he usualy always comes off the breast looking satisfied, however he is sick alot after most feeds. i dont so much mind when i am at home, but trying to go out and do anything is a nightmare if hes wanting 30 min or hourly feeds!
Yep, normal. My DS fed every 1-2 hours, more often during growth spurts, until he was 14 weeks. Then he fed every 2-3 hours, around the clock, more often during spurts, until nearly 8 months.
My DD is 4.5 months old and has always fed every 2-3 hours and isn't showing signs of going longer any time soon. :sigh:
I can make getting out with them difficult. It helps if you just get comfortable feeding in public. Use a sling if you can. I use a ring sling (has a long tail) or my hooded mai tei. I can set them up to nurse, have at least one hand (often 2) free, and let them nurse without anyone being able to see them or my boobs.
and also, he is wanting to comfort suck alot, he'll cry like he wants a feed and when he gets on, he just comfort sucks and will cry when i take it away. he used to take a dummy but stopped a few weeks ago, and despite desperatly trying to get him to take one again he rarely does. is there anything i can do about this? as in shall i just let him do it, or should i refuse it and let him get out of the habit?
I had this same problem wtih my DS. He took a dummy until he was a few months old, but then rejected it completely. He used me to comfort suck for quite some time, but eventually discovered his thumb. What a relief that was! He's nearly 18 months now and still a MAJOR thumb sucker.
He also still uses me to comfort suck at his bedtime nurse.
My DD is currently using me as a human dummy.
She sorta takes a dummy, but not well and is growing to dislike it more and more. I'm battling her all the time with it, especially at night. She's becoming convinced she can't sleep without a boob in her mouth.
Obviously, that doesn't work for either of us. I'm just doing my best to allow her a bit of comfort sucking, but try to get her in the habit of sleeping without it. So far she's winning at night.
But I will persevere and eventually win!
also i mentioned the sickyness. is that normal? it is usualy after every feed and if hes been feeding more frequently theres more of it. it will go down all over him down me and to the floor...so theres pleantly of it
thanks. xx
Bringing some milk up is normal. However, if you really feel it is excessive or it cearly seems to bother him, get it checked. It is possible he has reflux or some other problem. Try holding him upright for a bit after each feed and see if that helps. Also, when he shows early signs of being hungry, try to distract him with other things (toys, play, whatever) for as long as you can. This can help stretch out feeds, ensure they are not eating out of sheer boredom and cut down on overeating.