Hi my lo is 1 week today. i was just wanting some advice please. I have a few questions.
Josie only feeds a few times through the day (max 20 min), but feeds for up to 2 and a half hours on an evening. is this normal. She wont settle either (unless I cosleep and feed) on an evening but sleeps thorough the day champion. I understand its early days but the cosleeping is not something I wanted to do. But I just need sleep. A few friends have said that I could smother baby if she sleeps with me.
Also I have Lansinoh but my nipples hurt real bad!!!! I know she is latching on right now, but they are still sore from the first few days when she was not.
Any help would be great. I am really at a crossroads, Im so tempted to stop but the closeness I feel when Im feeding her and waking up seeing her trying to latch on makes my day and is really the only thing I am clutching onto at the moment.
!! You are doing really well so far, hon.
It sounds like what you are experiencing is generally normal. She should be feeding anywhere from 8-12 (or more) times per day. 20 minutes at a time sounds good, too. The evening thing is called cluster feeding and is completely normal. Most babies do it. My DS cluster fed in the evenings (which is the most common time). My DD likes to cluster feed in the early hours of the morning (from about 3am to 630 am!
The pain is also normal. It takes about 2-3 weeks for it to go.
It's really bad for that time, but does get better and then you won't remember it at all.
As far as co-sleeping, I know exactly how you feel. I didn't want to co-sleep because I had heard so often that it was very dangerous. I was terrified of it. However, my son had different ideas.
He absolutely insisted on co-sleeping. I struggled with the situation for about 11 weeks (spending my nights dozing in the livingroom recliner with him in my arms, which is VERY dangerous) trying to figure out how to get him to sleep in his cradle. It didn't work.
Finally, I decided to follow his lead and embrace co-sleeping. I got an Arm's Reach (
www.armsreach.com) and also researched how to bed-share safely. https://www.askdrsears.com/html/7/t071000.asp
I have to admit I am so happy I did that now!
I co-slept with my DS until he was 10 months old and sleeping through the night. He then transitioned to his own crib in his own room without a problem. I have co-slept with my DD since the day she was born. It works really well for us and I wouldn't change it. It is the only way I get decent rest. And it is reassuring to me to know they are there, safe, and happy. There is also evidence that co-sleeping (at the very least having the baby in the same room with you for 6 months) reduces the risk of SIDS. Co-sleeping seems to be safest for moms that breastfeed and it seems BFing moms often end up co-sleeping because their babies demand it.
Research it, hon, and don't be afraid of it. Just make sure you do it safely. There are ways to be safe with it and ways to not be safe. Keep all blankets and pillows as far from baby as possible. Don't do it if you smoke, use drugs that make you sleepy (prescription or otherwise) or are too over-tired. In those cases the Arm's Reach would still be fine, but bed sharing is dangerous. If your OH does any of those things, don't let baby sleep next to him.
For me, DH takes a scripted med that makes him sleepy. So, I have an Arm's Reach on my side of the bed that baby uses part time. I also bed-share at least half the night, and baby sleeps between me and the Arm's Reach. That way there is no chance that DH can roll onto baby. Unless he rolls over me first, which I am sure would wake me up!
If you have any more questions, ask!!