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Just wondering do you always burp baby cause mine gt a looooooooooooooot of gaz and sometimes its really hard to get a burp whn he sleeps and iam really scared that he vomit while m asleep ....any advices?

Lots of gas is typical for a baby whose mom has a fast let down. :dohh: Both my kiddos have the same problem.

Once my kids got to about 3 months old, I found sitting them up worked best for burping them. I sit them sideways on my knee/thigh with their legs hanging over the side of my leg. I use one had to support them, usually holding onto their chest and under their arm. When they didn't have good head control yet, I would hold them under their chin. I use my other hand to pat their back.

It can take AGES to get a good burp up. :roll: Also, laying them on their belly seems to help, too. If I can't get DD to burp with patting her, I put her on her belly and get her to lift her head up. This makes her arch her back just right and often she will bring air up.

As for when they are sleeping -- yeah that's hard! I don't tend to get good burps if they fall asleep while nursing. :nope: I never burp them at night as we co-sleep and I don't wake enough to burp them. :haha:

Do you have LO in the same room with you when you sleep? What are your arrangments? How does LO sleep? (Back, belly, blankets, etc)

He sleep in my bedroom in his cot on his back with one blanket on him or with his sleeping bag i tried the co sleeping but iam too scared to forget him even now i surprise myself burping the duvet while iam asleep when hes in his cot ( yeah iam traumatised lol)
I wouldn't worry too much about him vomitting and having problems with those sleeping arrangements. They are very unlikely to choke on spit up when they are sleeping. They usually tilt their heads to the side and it will just dribble out. If he happens to have his head facing up, even then it is really hard to choke on or aspirate the vomit. It has to do with the position of all the parts of the throat and is sort of hard to explain. But basically, the vomit would have to defy gravity to get into their lungs. If he vomits enough that it bothers him, he'll complain and you will hear him because he is in the same room as you. So, I wouldn't worry too much. :hugs:
What are your symptoms that get worse? What are the baby's symptoms exactly?

Do you express? I am pretty sure you can get acidopholus in drop form and add it to a bit of ebm and give it to your baby everyday.

Make sure to take acidopholus yourself, too.

Cut down on sugar as much as you can. The less sugar you eat, the less likely you are to develop thrush.

Eat probiotic yogurt everyday. When LO is older and on solids you can feed him(her?) probiotic yogurt, too.

Let your nipples air out and dry after each feed. Give your nipples and boobs as much air time as possible -- if you are at home alone, literally shut the blinds and walk around the house with no top or bra on.

I really hope you can get this sorted and not have to stop BFing!! :flower:

My symptoms - red painful nipples, deep shooting pains, baby has only ever had a mild white sheen in her mouth and nappy rash - thankfully her symptoms never seem too bad. When I use the cream/gel/tablets my nipples go back to normal and the shooting pains become very infrequent and mild. But never completely go!

I have been taking acidophilus for about 8 weeks now, cut out as much sugar as possible (which is really tough!), wash bras in vinegar then boil wash along with bedding and anything else, never use a towel more than once, eat lots of probiotic yoghurt, and air dry nipples as much as possible. I have trawled the internet for any other suggestions!

Realistically I can't keep going like this :cry: Any and all advice appreciated!
Wow. TBH, I've never heard of thrush being so hard to treat and hanging on so hard. :nope: Especially when doing everything that you are. And the docs all think there is nothing more to be done??

There HAS to be something... :-k

I will keep thinking and looking around and see if I can come up with anything.

Have you seen these links?

Have you tried the Gentian Violet? I know of one other lady that couldn't get the thrush to go with anything else.

Hae you seen this?

:hugs: I hope someone finds an answer for you! I will keep thinking, too. :hugs:
Just wandering in here. Katt, has your LO been checked for posterior tongue tie? PTT can be associated with persistent thrush. Unfortunately you need a real expert to diagnose it, an IBCLC or ENT specialist (ear nose throat).
Thanks people, your help is much appreciated. I have been referred to hospital so, as long as they don't just refer me back to hv, I may get some answers!

Will ask about PTT, definitely worth exploring.

I think gentian violet is the only thing I haven't tried so far...maybe the one thing that makes a difference!

Thanks again people, I don't feel quite so miserable now. Sometimes a problem shared etc! xx
HELPPPPPP!!! Baby chocked again i tried to make pauses even tho it was hard to listen to him crying i tried burping him and making pauses when he started to drink faster but he get upset moved and swallowed the wrong way iam desperate but dont want to give in iam so lost :cry::cry: Was hard seeing his little body becoming hard and him trying to breathe and burp at the same time
I don't have much advice other than to say keep at it. He'll figure it out. He really isn't in that much danger, IMO. Otter "choked" like that at EVERY feed for WEEKS. When it would happen, I would just sit him up, pat his back, and watch as he coughed and spluttered and caught his breath. It wasn't fun. :nope: But he eventually got through it and stopped doing it. He was probably around 10-12 weeks before he stopped completely. It was at its worst from about 7-9 weeks (give or take a week on either side).

Remember that the bit of milk doesn't really block their airway, so he isn't really choking and in danger of not being able to breathe. He just "wrong pipes" the milk and it is highly irritating, just like when you "wrong pipe" something you are drinking. The natural reaction is to cough violently like that in order to expell as much liquid from the airway as possible. But it really isn't dangerous.

Have you tried different nursing positions? Cradle, cross cradle, rugby/football, side by side? Does he gag no matter what position you use?
SF, try these pages:
I used to feed him side by side but it happened less often.....Its so hard to see his little face turning to red i feel like its my fault and the worse is that after he was smiling ...Last time it happened to me i couldn stop thinking about the pain he must of felt i should be glad hes putting on weight but itd really upseting
I know it is hard. :( It was hard for me, too. But he will get better with it and in the end it will be worth it. Check out those links I posted and see if there is anything there that helps you. :hugs:
i have a few questions, really appreciate any advice :flower:

my baby is still feeding every 2 hours during the day, occasinaly he has a random bout of cluster feeding aswell, so sometimes i can be feeding him every 30 mins!
is this normal at his age? (11 weeks) he usualy always comes off the breast looking satisfied, however he is sick alot after most feeds. i dont so much mind when i am at home, but trying to go out and do anything is a nightmare if hes wanting 30 min or hourly feeds! :wacko:

Yep, normal. My DS fed every 1-2 hours, more often during growth spurts, until he was 14 weeks. Then he fed every 2-3 hours, around the clock, more often during spurts, until nearly 8 months. :wacko: My DD is 4.5 months old and has always fed every 2-3 hours and isn't showing signs of going longer any time soon. :sigh:

I can make getting out with them difficult. It helps if you just get comfortable feeding in public. Use a sling if you can. I use a ring sling (has a long tail) or my hooded mai tei. I can set them up to nurse, have at least one hand (often 2) free, and let them nurse without anyone being able to see them or my boobs. :thumbup:

and also, he is wanting to comfort suck alot, he'll cry like he wants a feed and when he gets on, he just comfort sucks and will cry when i take it away. he used to take a dummy but stopped a few weeks ago, and despite desperatly trying to get him to take one again he rarely does. is there anything i can do about this? as in shall i just let him do it, or should i refuse it and let him get out of the habit?

I had this same problem wtih my DS. He took a dummy until he was a few months old, but then rejected it completely. He used me to comfort suck for quite some time, but eventually discovered his thumb. What a relief that was! He's nearly 18 months now and still a MAJOR thumb sucker. :haha: He also still uses me to comfort suck at his bedtime nurse.

My DD is currently using me as a human dummy. :roll: She sorta takes a dummy, but not well and is growing to dislike it more and more. I'm battling her all the time with it, especially at night. She's becoming convinced she can't sleep without a boob in her mouth. :growlmad: Obviously, that doesn't work for either of us. I'm just doing my best to allow her a bit of comfort sucking, but try to get her in the habit of sleeping without it. So far she's winning at night. :dohh: But I will persevere and eventually win! :smug:

also i mentioned the sickyness. is that normal? it is usualy after every feed and if hes been feeding more frequently theres more of it. it will go down all over him down me and to the theres pleantly of it

thanks. xx

Bringing some milk up is normal. However, if you really feel it is excessive or it cearly seems to bother him, get it checked. It is possible he has reflux or some other problem. Try holding him upright for a bit after each feed and see if that helps. Also, when he shows early signs of being hungry, try to distract him with other things (toys, play, whatever) for as long as you can. This can help stretch out feeds, ensure they are not eating out of sheer boredom and cut down on overeating. :thumbup:

thankyou so much for your advice!
really appreciated.
i do wear him in a sling quite often and i sometimes feed him in it at home however the one i have isn't brilliant and i couldn't feed him in it in public, i have however just ordered a mei tai, so hope to give it a go in that!

heres hoping my boy will find his thumb! haha, hes sucked it twice once just after birth and randomly on new years day, he sometimes tries i think but cant seem to seperate his thumb from fingers hehe :lol:

once again, thanks! x
Hello, I could do with some help! My baby is one week old, I've been breast feeding, I was struggling with nipple pain but found out he's Tongue tied and got him latched better and so that's now better.
I'm struggling a little with night feeds, he'll feed around midnight, no problem, goes off to sleep fairly easily... He then wakes up for his next feed, but he won't settle afterwards. He seems to have absolutely loads - then is sick and then won't go back to sleep... He'll cry, and the only thing that will stop him is going back on the boob... Last night I was up from 3-6.30am before he'd finally go back to sleep. And all that time he was on and off the boob.
I am feeding him now, he woke just over an hour ago and fed for 15mins and was sick a bit, then I changed him and now he's back on but asleep, just sucking every 20 seconds or so...

I want to establish some kind of routine, I'm happy to feed on demand but not when the demand is 3.5 hours long!! How do I get him to feed for a shorter period then settle?

Also I seem to make a lot more milk from my left breast, is that normal?

X x x
Hello, I could do with some help! My baby is one week old, I've been breast feeding, I was struggling with nipple pain but found out he's Tongue tied and got him latched better and so that's now better.
I'm struggling a little with night feeds, he'll feed around midnight, no problem, goes off to sleep fairly easily... He then wakes up for his next feed, but he won't settle afterwards. He seems to have absolutely loads - then is sick and then won't go back to sleep... He'll cry, and the only thing that will stop him is going back on the boob... Last night I was up from 3-6.30am before he'd finally go back to sleep. And all that time he was on and off the boob.
I am feeding him now, he woke just over an hour ago and fed for 15mins and was sick a bit, then I changed him and now he's back on but asleep, just sucking every 20 seconds or so...

I want to establish some kind of routine, I'm happy to feed on demand but not when the demand is 3.5 hours long!! How do I get him to feed for a shorter period then settle?

Also I seem to make a lot more milk from my left breast, is that normal?

X x x

Hello :hi:

James had a tongue tie as well, so I know how much difference that makes so yay on getting that sorted!

Am I right in thinking your LO is 9 days old? If thats the case, I'm really sorry to say but its perfectly normal. In the early days James always had me up continuously from 2am - 6am, then would do a bit of a sleep! He is more than likely comfort feeding a bit as well, but its really important they feed at night as much as possible as this is when they up your supply. As for routine, what you can do, is make night time noticeably different. So at a certain time, start a bed time routine, and when your LO wakes in the night, keep fuss to a minimum, lights off or dimmed, little noise, minimum nappy changes, that kind of thing? Just to start getting him used to day and night.

Do you alternate which boob you start with? This will help regulate your supply, but I always found one was better than the other!

If your finding the long feeds hard, have you considered co- sleeping? or if thats not for you, feeding lying down so you can at least get some rest in bed? I found that really helped in the early days xx
Thank you pinkclaire...
He's only 8 days old so that's reassuring that it's normal! I think that helps, as long as I know it will get better.
I am co-sleeping at the moment as he won't settle in his Moses basket, I definitely think it's just comforting for him to be on the boob...
I do alternate between boobs, and yes I could actually time it so it's right boob for that feed so I can just lie down and let him get on with it!
I will make sure to do the other things too, keep it dark etc and minimum fuss...
Thank you so much I appreciate the advice :hugs:

X x x
no problem! It does get better, plus your body seems to adjust to it I'm sure! If you need any more advice along the way please come back, and hope the tips help for you xx
Im not sure if it is normal.. i havnt really looked in to it... but i saw this thread and thought that i would ask..

LO is almost 3 weeks and we have been sucessfully breastfeeding.. (although i do express pump so OH can chime in on the fun.. and this might be the problem)

I have recently noticed that my left breast always gets fuller than my right breast.
(My left breast will make 3.5-4 ounces and the right will make 1-1.5 :( )

Is there anything to help this? I try to put Shiah on my right side first and try to pump for longer but its been about two days and it hasnt been helping..

anything I can do?
Im not sure if it is normal.. i havnt really looked in to it... but i saw this thread and thought that i would ask..

LO is almost 3 weeks and we have been sucessfully breastfeeding.. (although i do express pump so OH can chime in on the fun.. and this might be the problem)

I have recently noticed that my left breast always gets fuller than my right breast.
(My left breast will make 3.5-4 ounces and the right will make 1-1.5 :( )

Is there anything to help this? I try to put Shiah on my right side first and try to pump for longer but its been about two days and it hasnt been helping..

anything I can do?

Perfectly normal. My right breast is often noticeably larger than the left even when I'm wearing a thick jumper!

Try feeding off the right side for two feeds, then one on the left, then the right side for two feeds etc. It should boost supply a bit, but sometimes you just have a better supply in one boob. LO can also affect this if they suck more efficiently on one side (due to more comfortable positioning etc) so they signal that breast to make more.
Im not sure if it is normal.. i havnt really looked in to it... but i saw this thread and thought that i would ask..

LO is almost 3 weeks and we have been sucessfully breastfeeding.. (although i do express pump so OH can chime in on the fun.. and this might be the problem)

I have recently noticed that my left breast always gets fuller than my right breast.
(My left breast will make 3.5-4 ounces and the right will make 1-1.5 :( )

Is there anything to help this? I try to put Shiah on my right side first and try to pump for longer but its been about two days and it hasnt been helping..

anything I can do?

Perfectly normal. My right breast is often noticeably larger than the left even when I'm wearing a thick jumper!

Try feeding off the right side for two feeds, then one on the left, then the right side for two feeds etc. It should boost supply a bit, but sometimes you just have a better supply in one boob. LO can also affect this if they suck more efficiently on one side (due to more comfortable positioning etc) so they signal that breast to make more.

Thank You..
do you think will it be enough for a full feeding? usually from the bottle she is satisfied with 4oz. and pumped it only makes 1oz.

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