Get your own personal BnB BF Champion and one-on-one BF support here!

Oops, sorry for typos, I'm in bed feeding, using my iPhone with an over enthusiastic spell checker!

I hope this is the correct way to get in touch with a BF champion? I need some help!

My little girl is four weeks old and has always fed frequently and for long sessions. The last few days have been tough, she is needing to feed constantly, crying within ten minutes or less after feeding, and only ceding will stop her crying. She seems to be taking milk in, my health visitor said her latch was excellent, and she does plenty of wet nappies and poops after each feed. Today her poop has been dark green, which suggests that she's not getting sufficient hind milk I think.

When not feeding, she is very alert and seems healthy. I have developed thrush in my breast, which jam trying to put cream on between feeds, but there's not much chance as I have to wash it off to feed her again. I saw two Drs about the thrush and they said my LO seems fine, no thrush symptoms and gaining weight slowly by acceptably. My healthvisitor is concerned about her weight gain and has been encouraging me to express and give her extra. I've only tried expressing in the evening due to no gaps in feeding earlier, and managed to get just under an ounce, which she wolfed down. I'll try again in the morning when there should be more milk.

I'm concerned that she is not sleeping enough as she us nearly always feeding. She's only had a couple if short naps today. I'm determined to keep feeding her, but my mum and MIL are both suggesting it's time to FF. I don't want to be stubborn and harm my LO by underfeeding her, but I just need help to get through this stage.

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to give as many details as possible.
Thanks in anticipation!

:hugs: Hun I promise it does get better, I have definitely had this before.

If she's pooing and weeing regularly she's getting enough milk, so that's a very positive sign.

Can you get yourself to a breastfeeding group in your area? You may find you get better support here?

Has the green poop started since expressing? It's quite common to only express foremilk.

How long has the constant feeding and poop been going on?

There's a few things can advise to help just after a bit more info. PM me if you would rather talk privately completely up to you xx

Thank you so much for replying. Today we had constant feeding all morning, a big break with a few small feeds, then constant again this evening. Better than yesterday, but her poop is still quite green. I have only managed to express a tiny amount, 1oz today, less yesterday. I don't think there's much milk or time left after feeding so much. She wolfed it down! But it can't be that causing the green poop, it's not enough.

She has always taken ages to feed, she usually feeds for a while, finishes, cries to be fed again within five mins, feeds, and this can be repeated three or four times until she is full- usually taking an hour or two. However, the last few days this had been repeated almost continuously. We are both tired and my breasts are sore. We are going to a breastfeeding group on Thursday, but that seems ages off.

I really hope my supply increases enough and soon, I am worried about her development if she doesn't get enough, plus as she's feeding all day there's little time for sleep or play.

Any suggestions are most welcome!

Thank you so much for replying. Today we had constant feeding all morning, a big break with a few small feeds, then constant again this evening. Better than yesterday, but her poop is still quite green. I have only managed to express a tiny amount, 1oz today, less yesterday. I don't think there's much milk or time left after feeding so much. She wolfed it down! But it can't be that causing the green poop, it's not enough.

She has always taken ages to feed, she usually feeds for a while, finishes, cries to be fed again within five mins, feeds, and this can be repeated three or four times until she is full- usually taking an hour or two. However, the last few days this had been repeated almost continuously. We are both tired and my breasts are sore. We are going to a breastfeeding group on Thursday, but that seems ages off.

I really hope my supply increases enough and soon, I am worried about her development if she doesn't get enough, plus as she's feeding all day there's little time for sleep or play.

Any suggestions are most welcome!

RE the green poop, do you feed from one boob, swap boobs etc? How long on each boob? Does she unlatch herself or are you unlatching her?

I found with James that he would drink, pause, and then just sit there for what seemed like forever until the hindmilk kicked off. Like a second letdown? It took me a while to figure all this out though!

Have you been looking after yourself? you need to keep well hydrated and fed as this will severely effect your supply, everytime you sit down to feed have a glass of water next to you to drink. I know its easier said than done when you have a newborn, but it really will make a difference!

I really dont think you need to worry about her not getting enough if shes weeing and pooing well, she is getting it! As for development, shes so young, dont worry, your following her lead and giving her what she wants, at this stage this is way more valuable! Although if shes tired she could be comfort eating?

It really really sounds like the 6 week growth spurt the last few days, I know how awful it is, but it will get better. Have you got any cream for your nipples if they are sore?

Your doing really well! Have you tried feeding lying down so you can at least get some rest during these periods? or even co sleeping? xx
Thank you! The boys are doing as well as can be expected and have made some good progress already, especially with their breathing. It's the feeding thing that now needs sorting out so they can take another step forward. Both boys have now been put on a different formula, which is supposed to be kinder to them, so we'll see how they respond to that but I am still keen to give them some breast milk to help fight the bugs as it's much harder for them.

I have been told a few different things to try so it's starting to get confusing! Generally, people are telling me to express every 3 hours for about 10-15 minutes on each breast and to do it a couple of times in the night too. I have tried to do this but it hasn't made any difference. It was also suggested that I massaged my breasts before expressing and starting them off (expressing wise) before putting the pump on, which I have been doing since then and it seemed to be helping but last night and this morning I seem to have gone backwards with the amount I'm producing rather than forwards.

I have been using the hospital pumps when I am there and an electric one at home whilst I wait for one like at the hospital to be delivered (I have arranged to hire one but they couldn't get me a proper one until this weekend so gave me a different electric one in the meantime). I've tried double pumping but I can't get on with it at all. I feel like I need to be an octopus to hold on to and do everything! I know that it would help make expressing sessions quicker though.

How much do you consider 'loads' to drink? I have always drunk quite a bit and am probably drinking about 1.8-2 litres a day. I don't drink tea or coffee anyway so mainly drink water with a glass or two of juice a day.

I've never heard of Reglan? Is that a US thing or is it also available in the UK? When I have mentioned the milk situation to nurses and midwives they are all still saying to keep going and that it will happen but it's been 1 1/2 weeks now since giving birth. It is hard to get an appointment with my doctor so by the time I would get one it would probably be too late. I will have a look into Fenugreek and up my protein intake too.

Thanks for your help.

I would say "loads" is probably 2-3 liters per day. I think you are probably drinking enough, but more won't hurt and might help.

I guess there is a better scrip than Reglan. :thumbup:

bky had good advice:
Ask for domperidone. They prescribe Reglan in the US because the FDA is funny about domperidone. Domperidone generally works better with less side effects. I gather you can buy domperidone (motilium) over the counter in the UK, though you only get a little bit at a time.
If you need info for your Dr you can give them this

I'd try to get the domperidone.

Pumping both at once can be challenging, but you can do it. Just keep practicing. I usually get everything set up, get comfy, then place both devices on my boobs. Then I sort of use my left hand to hold the device on the right boob and use my left forearm to balance the one on the left boob. That frees my right hand to turn the machine on. Once I turn the machine on, I use one hand per device and reposition them if necessary.

You can also get a hands free pumping bra or support. Just google hands free pumping to get UK sites. But they look something like this:
Hi girls,

I really hope someone can help me, I am at the end of my tether and very tired out!

My LO is 15 weeks old and is growing really well, I was really pleased with myself, but then out of the blue he started to really fuss at the breast, turning his head away, going rigid, crying, pretty much every time I tried to feed him. He only seemed to do it in the daytime but not the first morning feed in bed. Nighttime though is a different kettle of fish. As he does not feed properly in the day, despite me trying things (a dim room, white noise etc etc) he wakes VERY FREQUENTLY at nighttime - sometimes every 1.5hrs :( !!! This means I am VERY tired and just at a loss what to do. The silly HV came and told me that he has got into bad habits of "snacking" and to feed him every 3 hours in the day, and only 2 feeds at night. (he was previously fed on demand which was also every 1.5hrs or so at times). Thats fine but of course he then woke every 3 hours at night or less!!!! There is no way he will only have 2 feeds at night! By the way he feeds better at nighttime, seems like he wants the milk, so unlike in the day.
Anyway it has got worse, these last few days he doesn't seem to enjoy feeding, I think he is hungry as I wait around 3hrs but he cant be or he would be ravenous on the breast wouldnt he??? He just does not seem interested!!!
At first I assumed it was cos he was ready to be weaned, but how can he be when he wont even eat much???
I even tried to give him 1 bottle formula before bedtime but he howls just the same as with the breast, turns his head, spits it out etc etc. Its so upsetting because I know that his poor day feeds mean a bad nights rest for us both.
I am just at the end of my rope, have been crying all day, DH is as much help as possible but what can he do, its not his fault love him :(

Please help x
Hi there! I'd love some help from a champion if at all possible?

I'm 29 and this is my first baby (now 3 weeks and 2 days old). I want to carry on breastfeeding but I'm really struggling with feeds on my right breast and have started to consider giving up, which upsets me because I want to carry on if at all possible.

After a couple of days where my LO didn't want to feed/wouldn't latch properly I thought I'd cracked the BFing but after a week my nipples became very sore. Someone recommended Lansinoh and this improved matters with my left breast no end but didn't help at all with my right - the pain just got worse and worse. After 2 weeks of this my midwife suggested using nipple shields as a temporary measure to give the right nipple a chance to heal.

It's now a week since I started using the shields so I thought I'd try without them tonight and OUCH!!!!!! The pain is as bad as ever, plus LO made my breast bleed yet again (it had stopped while using the shields). The pain is worst for the first minute or so of feeding (so bad that I want to throw LO across the room - not that I do of course!), then eases down a little, but I feel pain for at least an hour or two after LO has finished feeding.

Please help - I don't know what else I can try and am in tears when it comes to feeds on the right. :(
First, :hugs:

Wow, this sounds like it might be a complex one. But we can certainly work on it!

My first thought and question -- does he show signs of reflux or silent reflux? (Go down to GERD)

His aversion to eating makes me wonder. He may eat better at night because the milk is different than milk produce during the day. It may sit better in his tummy.

Let's start there -- look over the lists of symptoms and see if you think they match.
Hi there! I'd love some help from a champion if at all possible?

I'm 29 and this is my first baby (now 3 weeks and 2 days old). I want to carry on breastfeeding but I'm really struggling with feeds on my right breast and have started to consider giving up, which upsets me because I want to carry on if at all possible.

After a couple of days where my LO didn't want to feed/wouldn't latch properly I thought I'd cracked the BFing but after a week my nipples became very sore. Someone recommended Lansinoh and this improved matters with my left breast no end but didn't help at all with my right - the pain just got worse and worse. After 2 weeks of this my midwife suggested using nipple shields as a temporary measure to give the right nipple a chance to heal.

It's now a week since I started using the shields so I thought I'd try without them tonight and OUCH!!!!!! The pain is as bad as ever, plus LO made my breast bleed yet again (it had stopped while using the shields). The pain is worst for the first minute or so of feeding (so bad that I want to throw LO across the room - not that I do of course!), then eases down a little, but I feel pain for at least an hour or two after LO has finished feeding.

Please help - I don't know what else I can try and am in tears when it comes to feeds on the right. :(


Did your nipple heal before trying again today? Also, keep in mind that it is sort of like starting over on that side and will take a while for the pain to stop.

How is LOs latch when on your right side? Have you tried different feeding positions? Try a X-cradle, cradle, side by side, and/or a rugby/football hold and see if it helps. Different holds will create slightly different latches and might help with the pain.

Can you get in touch with a BFing counceler? I think they are pretty available where you are. That might be a load of help.

Also, you know you can put the lanisnoh on right before a feed, too, right? It won't hurt baby. Try that.
The only way LO will latch on the right is to cradle him. For some reason he just screams and screams when I try other positions. :( I've had midwives check his latch in this position and they are all happy.

My nipple seemed to have healed a bit which is another reason why I thought I'd try without using a shield, but after 1 feed without it the crack seems to have reopened. Should I go back to using the shields?

A counsellor sounds like a good idea - how do I get in touch with one?

Oh, and yes I have been using Lansinoh before feeds - a friend told me about that and it saved my left nipple! :)
Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with how things work over there. :blush: I'm a Yank. But is seems that all the UK ladies have access to great BFing support.

I would do two things...
1. Check here:

2. Post a thread on the main BFing forum asking the UK ladies how to get in touch with help. If you are comfortable, even give a general idea of where you live. You might be suprised and someone will know exactly who you can contact or a support network where you live.

I'd use the shield again for now. At least until you can get more support in person. TBH, I think it would be best if you had someone actually look in person and work with you with holds and latches. Some mws and hvs can be helpful, but most are only okay at best. It will be most helpful if you can find someone that specializes.

You can also get in touch with your local LLL. They usually have women that will come to you and help you in your home. Or you can go to them. Check their website:
CDJ; it sounds to me like it could be a few different things. When i was reading your post it took me back to the time my daughter did a similar thing and it was nothing more than she was just getting to bloomin nosey at everything else going on around her lol! She'd have a bit of milk then start pulling away, sometimes with my boob in her mouth (ouch). I take it you have tried all the usual suspects such as wind etc? Reflux is another possibility as said. Have you tried a dummy to see if that helps any? It may just stop the pure comfort suckling. HTH's
Nervous1; I'd keep the sheilds until the wound is compeletely healed is probably the way to go. Is it just the nipple that hurts or is it your boob too? Can you kind of feel it inside the veins iyswim? Have you checked you haven't got any kind of blockages or displaying any signs of mastisis?

Where abouts are you located. There is a site called little angels who have support workers in a few areas, if you aren't covered by them could be worth dropping them an email to see if they know anyone in the area you are
Help! Just found out I am pregnant, and Emma is only 7 months old. We have started solids, but she is still feeding 6ish times a day. I am feeling exhausted (not sure if that is pregnancy, breastfeeding or both) and feeling unsure about whether to put Emma on formula or not.


Congrats on your pregnancy!! :flower:

TBH, it is entirely up to you what you do. I'll give you my experience.

I had an "oops" when DS was 5 months old and still EBF every 2-3 hours around the clock. My BFing goal for him was to never give him formula (just a personal goal), so I decided to BF through my pregnancy. It wasn't always easy. But we made it. DD was born when DS was exactly 13 months old and still nursing at least 3 times per day. I have tandem nursed them both for 5 months now. It has been wonderful. :cloud9:

There are pros and cons to both.

If you want to continue to BF, you can and your body will manage just fine. Both Emma and your new baby will get everything they need. You'll just need to make sure to listen to your body, eat when you are hungry and drink loads of fluids.

Your body will start to change the milk when you are about 14-16 weeks pg. You will probably see a drop in supply and your milk will start to become colostrum. But you can nurse right through that, too. Emma will get what she needs.

A couple of days before the new baby is born, your milk will become entirely colostrum. Emma will probably notice the change, but is likely to nurse through it. The baby will come, and your milk will stay colostrum for the usual 3-5 days. Your milk will come in again like before and you can continue to nurse both of them for as long as you'd like.

Tandem nursing can help cut down on jealousy issues with your older baby and also provide some much needed, special time for just you and Emma when the baby is here and demanding most of your time.

The drawbacks: BFing while pg can be very painful and exhausting. Every mom I have talked to that has done has been completely and totally drained for the first tri and often the first half of pg. It is emotionally and physically exhausting like little else is. :( It also frequently hurts. My let down became painful and remained that way through pg. You will get the normal painful pg nipples and that makes nursing painful.

If you have a history of premature contractions or labor, talk to your mw or doc before committing to bfing through pg.

So, it is up to you. You can make either choice -- it just depends on what you feel is best for you and your babies.

If you decide to give it a go and have questions, let me know! :hugs:

I must admit, tandem nursing is one the accomplishments I am most proud of as a mom. I am very glad I got the chance.
Thank you so much! I think I am going to give it a try, and see how I go. My initial goal was to breastfeed for 6 months, but Emma and I both enjoy it so much that we continue!
I guess my biggest worry is that the baby will suffer if I try to breastfeed Emma through this pregnancy. She is still feeding so often that I'm not sure the baby can be getting enough nutrients. Should I increase her solids intake? She is 7 months now, so I don't think it would be harmful. Not sure if it would be helpful either...
Also, does your bond with the new baby suffer if you are still breastfeeding the older one? (please don't find that question offensive, it is a genuine concern) I remember the early days of just lying on the couch with Emma, feeding all day, and how beautiful that was. I guess I feel I would be cheating the new baby if it has to share...I don't know. I guess that problem is a long way away, have to get through the entire pregnancy first!
Thank you so much for replying so quickly. I think you are amazing- and if you are loving a 13 month gap, hopefully I'll love my new family as well!

Hi There

I've just noticed this thread!

To cut a long story short, I had to stop breastfeeding Joseph at 2 weeks old - he is now 18 weeks old. I would love some on to one support on relactating is possible!? :flower: xx
Hi There

I've just noticed this thread!

To cut a long story short, I had to stop breastfeeding Joseph at 2 weeks old - he is now 18 weeks old. I would love some on to one support on relactating is possible!? :flower: xx
Thank you so much! I think I am going to give it a try, and see how I go. My initial goal was to breastfeed for 6 months, but Emma and I both enjoy it so much that we continue!
I guess my biggest worry is that the baby will suffer if I try to breastfeed Emma through this pregnancy. She is still feeding so often that I'm not sure the baby can be getting enough nutrients. Should I increase her solids intake? She is 7 months now, so I don't think it would be harmful. Not sure if it would be helpful either...
Also, does your bond with the new baby suffer if you are still breastfeeding the older one? (please don't find that question offensive, it is a genuine concern) I remember the early days of just lying on the couch with Emma, feeding all day, and how beautiful that was. I guess I feel I would be cheating the new baby if it has to share...I don't know. I guess that problem is a long way away, have to get through the entire pregnancy first!
Thank you so much for replying so quickly. I think you are amazing- and if you are loving a 13 month gap, hopefully I'll love my new family as well!


The baby will absolutely get enough nutrients as will Emma. You don't have to worry about that at all. As long as you eat when you are hungry and have a healthy diet, all will be fine. Make sure to take your prenatal vits, too. That will be important. Your body will actually put YOU third... so both of your babies will get what they need before you will get what you need. So, the vits and a good diet are important for YOUR long term health, too. Don't worry about trying to get more solids into Emma. Let her decide. :)

As hard as it is, I would start to let go of the idea of having the same bonding experience with your new baby that you did with Emma. It won't be the same and there is nothing you can do to change that. :nope: BUT it will be just as strong and happy -- just different. The bottom line is both of your babies will HAVE to share you. Neither one will get all your attention once the new one has arrived. Whether you are breastfeeding both or just one doesn't matter. You won't have time for the long spans of just lying around nursing and cuddling all day with the new one because you will have a toddler running around and needing your attention, too.

I found I would take advantage of my toddler's nap times. I kept him on two naps per day on purpose. That way, I had two 2 hour chunks of time during the day for just the baby. I would take her to bed with me and nap, nurse and cuddle during his naps. We also co-sleep at night which is super important to both of us. During the day, I would often carry her around in a sling.

You can choose whether to nurse them at the same time or not. Even though I tandem nurse, I have never nursed them at the same time. That way neither of them share that mommy time with the other. Some moms nurse their babies together and love it and some don't. That is a choice you can make when you get there. I chose to keep it separate. I would nurse Otter in the morning when he woke up, before his nap time and before bedtime. Now he just nurses before bedtime. But it was always "us" time.

When I felt most guilty (and I did!) about not being able to give 100% to both babies all the time, I reminded myself that was one of the reasons I wanted 2 kids. I didn't want a "spoiled only child." I didn't want just one kid that never learned how to share and thought they were always entitled to everything. The first thing your babies will learn to share will be you.

The first few months are the hardest, but then it gets easier!

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