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Hi Spunky!

It took weeks for me to stop feeling any pain when my LO latched on, partly because I had thrush and partly because I had HUGE cracks that took forever to heal. I had to use shields for what seemed like forever til things healed a bit, although I would give the odd "naked" feed just to see if things were improving yet. I'd say that it took me probably 3 or 4 months thanks to the thrush to actually get no pain at all when I fed, but I am an extreme case! For most women I think things tend to improve at around weeks 6-8 so you're almost there!

Are you using Lansinoh? I swear that this stuff is a little purple tube of magic. You can also take paracetamol or ibuprofen around half an hour before a feed and I found that helped to numb the pain a little bit. Oh, and hot baths helped me too (if you have a shower this might work better for you so stop any ducts getting clogged and causing mastitis).

Keep going, I promise that once things click into place it really is the easiest thing in the world! :hugs:

I only use the nipple shields until my nipples are healed and then go naked :haha: How would I know if I have thrush? I don't think I do, but I read that it can feel as if nipples are burning and they do feel like that occassionally. Thank you so much for the reply and encouragement, I'm trying, it's just hard when you hurt :hugs: Thanks again
I agree with you, and I think it is really pedantic of your HV to get the GP involved because your LO had gained half an oz less than she said would be acceptable (or at least this is what I understand from your post). As I said overall your LO has gained on average 4-5oz every week since week two if you divide it all up; your LO is not currently on the charts but would have been born just above the 2nd centile, if your LO was born say on the 50th they would not have been so funny if they had fallen to the 9th or the 2nd. I am not saying formula top ups are not needed in extreme cases but almost every case I have seen like this; either the baby is healthy but just a small gainer naturally but by the time this is realised formula has completely taken over; or there is an underlying cause that is not helped by just glossing it over by giving formula top ups and again by the time this is realised it is often too late to return to EBF. When a FF baby has trouble gaining weight its not assumed the feeding method is to blame or the baby is not getting enough, and on the rare occasions it is the HCPs are relaxed about it and say just feed more often and see how things go; when its BF involved low supply is always blamed without any basis and top ups are always seen as the first course of action :(. Imagine the uproar if a FF baby had this problem and a doctor said they think the mum should try topping up with donor breastmilk as a solution?

Sorry I wasnt clearer, the doctor came in to give bubs his jabs, but while he was there I then felt 'ganged up on'

The doctor that checked DS2 for prolonged jaundice at the hospital did look at DS2's red book and even he said that DS2 was just gonna be a baby who slowly put the weight back on but again the HV counters that by saying the hospital will ask why I have done Formula top ups....I just feel stuck in this vicious circle with no end.

The doctor saw us just the other week, there was concern that bub had silent reflux, but we had been giving him gripe and that seemed to help. We still give him gripe regularly, the HV told us to give it at every feed. Again though I even question that now, is there something else that gripe is hiding?

I knew he was below the bottom centile, but I pulled out all of the older children's red books and she saw for herself that none of my others have been in the higher centiles, they are all relatively small.....H and I are only 5ft4 and 5ft2.

I get frustrated at the lack of active help they are prepared to give me, I also feel that sometimes Im not offered the help (for example) a first time mum would get! I feel that just cos I have others that I breast fed Im not expected to have problems and when I do I should 'just get on with it' Every child is their own person, so why is it expected that I should know how to deal with problems?

Summer rain your comparison is so right, I never thought of it that way before.....I just feel that the HVs in this new area are so quick to force FF as opposed to offer active BF help, like its an easy answer, it isnt them that has to keep isnt them who has to do the work!

One other thing I wanted advice on (I do hope its my paranoia and not a problem) but DS2 seems to latch on 9/10 times easily, but then pulls of screaming. We have to try to calm him down a bit to try to get him back on, normally if I can get him back on he feeds fine, but only for about 10-15 mins (is this normal?) other times he refuses to go back on and just gets himself all wound up......any advice or suggestions as to why he is doing this?
I had started to relax thinking that he was latched on for less time due to getting the hang of it, and just getting the milk out more effectively, however after Fri Im back to trying to second-guess myself and thinking that this is the sign of another issue!

Sorry and thank you again so much for all the help and advice
Sorry I know I do tend to ramble, H says that I am over analyzing things too much now, but I cant help it. I feel like I have 10 days to get DS2 up to whatever weight she thinks he should be, and if he isnt then I wont have any say in it....I just sometimes feel like my head might explode with all the stress, then the HV tells me to stop worrying about it and just enjoy can I when I feel she has me playing her numbers game!

No you were clear; but it was out of order for the doctor to side with your HV on the top ups issue, silent reflux could indeed be a possibility especially with the behaviour you describe when on the breast, and some babies with either kind of reflux do gain more slowly; the other lady who was on here who had similar problems had her concerns DS had silent reflux and posterior tongue tie ignored for 5 months :(. I would have asked the HV what amount of weight she expects him to gain in the next fortnight, if its 8oz or something else fairly sensible then I would just keep doing what you're doing now and wait and see, you may be pleasently surprised. If its something ridiculous like 2lb and/or expecting your LO to get back on the chart in that time or even to one of the middle centiles then that is unrealistic for any baby and I would just not go back and if asked explain what your HV expected was totally unfair and unrealistic. I honestly think you should press for a referral from your GP, you can see your GP seperately or if you feel he is not supportive; then change GPs, sorry if I am repeating myself but hun it really is that simple. If you don't feel top ups are right and you are worried about the HV reporting you in some way; she will probably have to get the hospital involved at some point and I am sure when asked they will say that your LO isn't expected to gain so much and that they think he is fine. xx
Hi Spunky!

It took weeks for me to stop feeling any pain when my LO latched on, partly because I had thrush and partly because I had HUGE cracks that took forever to heal. I had to use shields for what seemed like forever til things healed a bit, although I would give the odd "naked" feed just to see if things were improving yet. I'd say that it took me probably 3 or 4 months thanks to the thrush to actually get no pain at all when I fed, but I am an extreme case! For most women I think things tend to improve at around weeks 6-8 so you're almost there!

Are you using Lansinoh? I swear that this stuff is a little purple tube of magic. You can also take paracetamol or ibuprofen around half an hour before a feed and I found that helped to numb the pain a little bit. Oh, and hot baths helped me too (if you have a shower this might work better for you so stop any ducts getting clogged and causing mastitis).

Keep going, I promise that once things click into place it really is the easiest thing in the world! :hugs:

I only use the nipple shields until my nipples are healed and then go naked :haha: How would I know if I have thrush? I don't think I do, but I read that it can feel as if nipples are burning and they do feel like that occassionally. Thank you so much for the reply and encouragement, I'm trying, it's just hard when you hurt :hugs: Thanks again

Check your nipple for any white flaky patches, and check LO's mouth too. If you find any on either of you go to the doctor and you'll both need treatment, even if only one of you have it, to stop cross-infection.

If you have it the best medicines to get are fluconazole for yourself and miconazole gel for LO. Some doctors don't like to prescribe fluconazole though so be prepared to do battle!

Whether or not you have thrush it's worth getting some Acidophilus from a health food store as it can help to get rid of thrush and also guards against you getting it. I take it everyday without fail now!

I know that just a little bit of encouragement when it hurts so much that you cry during feeds makes a world of difference :hugs: You're doing a fab job so don't get too down and focus on how well your LO is doing! :hugs: :hugs:
lexi seems more content after a feed... she is latching n we are expressing. hopefully there will be weight gain tomorrow
Hey you guys...

I have a question regarding thrush, I dont feel as if I have it, but I know Zyrah has it. Shes extra fussy, gassy and has had on and off diaper rash for about three weeks now. Her mouth has the white patches, it's been on going for about a week now. I tried the sodium bicarbonate (club soda) remedy, which seems to work a far bit, but it seems more like it is just moving around to other places in her mouth.. What other home remedies can I do? Someone told me to swab her mouth with Kiefer (pro biotic yogurt drink) but I don't know if she is too young to handle that? Her digestion has already been upset with the swabbing of the club soda, It seems to make it more difficult for her to poo.I can't take lo to the dr's now, as I'm waiting on insurance to go through :( I'm hoping to get rid of it by doing just home remedies, though if she gets worse I will have to take her of course!
Is there anything I can take orally that will pass through my milk to help her, and to keep me from getting it as well?

To try and stop getting thrush yourself, and to guard against getting it again, you can take Acidophilus (you can get it from health food shops). I believe that you can also get a safe version for babies too and it can help to get rid of thrush if you already have it. It doesn't get into your milk though so you will need to get both types if you want to give it to LO.

Here in the UK you can buy miconazole gel for LO over the counter (brand name is daktarin) so it might be worth checking with your pharmacy. Get yourself some miconazole cream too - even if you don't have any symptoms you need treatment to stop re-infection in LO. Remember to wash it off before a feed though!
The probiotics for adults are usually safe for all ages but there are now special children's versions available; its more so that they are easier to give to babies/kids (usually they come in sachets or in loose powder as opposed to in capsules) than that the adult ones are unsafe. When my second youngest was small the kids' probiotics were not widely available so I had to break open the capsules and give the powder to him that way xx
Definitely acidophilus! Also wash yourself with vinegar after feeds - it kills the spores, but it does make you smell funny! I have heard good things about grapefruit seed extract too. Oh, and sunshine. If it is warm where you are, go topless sunbathing!
When you recruit the next lot of bf champions could I be considered please. My ds spent 3 days in scbu at 5days had major surgery I ebf till op when I had to EE and had to teach ds how to ebf again an wean from bottles. I now ebf we've battled oversupply, forceful letdown, poor weight gain, blocked ducts, thrush and late diagnoises of an upper lip tie. Plan to do blw and self weaning
Hey you guys...

I have a question regarding thrush, I dont feel as if I have it, but I know Zyrah has it. Shes extra fussy, gassy and has had on and off diaper rash for about three weeks now. Her mouth has the white patches, it's been on going for about a week now. I tried the sodium bicarbonate (club soda) remedy, which seems to work a far bit, but it seems more like it is just moving around to other places in her mouth.. What other home remedies can I do? Someone told me to swab her mouth with Kiefer (pro biotic yogurt drink) but I don't know if she is too young to handle that? Her digestion has already been upset with the swabbing of the club soda, It seems to make it more difficult for her to poo.I can't take lo to the dr's now, as I'm waiting on insurance to go through :( I'm hoping to get rid of it by doing just home remedies, though if she gets worse I will have to take her of course!
Is there anything I can take orally that will pass through my milk to help her, and to keep me from getting it as well?


As some of the other ladies have said - acidophilus is your best bet. :thumbup:

Can't offer help on the natural remedies as I got a prescription from the doctor. Hope you're sorted soon though :hugs:
When you recruit the next lot of bf champions could I be considered please. My ds spent 3 days in scbu at 5days had major surgery I ebf till op when I had to EE and had to teach ds how to ebf again an wean from bottles. I now ebf we've battled oversupply, forceful letdown, poor weight gain, blocked ducts, thrush and late diagnoises of an upper lip tie. Plan to do blw and self weaning

private message Tigerlady and she'll add you :thumbup:
Looking for some help/advice...

Hailey was born at 35 weeks through induction - I have a heart condition and due to some complications I had to be induced - so the actual induction was alright and the delivery was good (pushed for 8 minutes) but then all the fun started - I haemorrhaged and LO was put in the nursery. I was in no state to care for her the first couple of nights so she stayed there and she was given formula as she had jaundice. Since then I was told to continue supplementing with formula.

Hailey is a great BFer - she latches well and nurses well - I just don't know that I can satisfy her...

She has been eating ALL day! Well actually for the past couple of days she has been feeding all day! I know I said I was going to persevere with the BF, but man it is hard work! I am just worried that I don't have the supply she needs to satisfy her. Yesterday and today, I had to supplement with formula a couple of times - I would nurse her for about an hour - she would nurse, fall asleep for anywhere from 5-60 minutes, wake and want more...once she was "full" she would be all right for about an hour maybe an hour and a half and then she wanted more, and more and more....

Any suggestions, advice, words of wisdom? I just don't know if I can do it? Some one mentioned that it might be because it is her 6 week growth spurt and some one else reminded me that although she doesn't look it, and she was only in the nursery (incubator etc) for a couple of nights she is still a preemie (35 weeks)...

thanks ladies...
First of all STOP the formula!! Everytime you feed heer formula your body is not making milk for that feeding. Second, breastmilk is 80% water so sometimes your baby will feed every half an hour or so up to around 2 hours. My LO still feeds every hour and a half and she is 12 weeks. BF is a lot of work!! It's no lie, but I promise you it is worth it!! Just make a spot in your house that has everything you may need tv, remote, drinks, snacks, books, etc. and park yourself there :) I would also like to recommend co-sleeping (you by no means have to do this), it makes night feeding so much easier!! My LO and I share the same sleep pattern and I wake up each morning well rested. There is no getting up to warm bottles. We just use a side-lying position. It's great!! :):) Good luck and if you need any advice, I would be happy to help out!!
Thanks Roni...

It's not too late then, I can still produce milk for those feeds that I was FFing? I was not able to BF my first (for several reasons PND being the main one) so I would like very much to be able to BF Hailey.
thanks again - I will persevere and keep her on my boobs :)
You never run out of milk, even if they feed continuously from the same side so don't panic about not having enough. :hugs: From your original post it sounds like you are going through the 6 week growth spurt. The constant request for milk should calm down in a few days and your supply will start to regulate. Til then, feed, feed, feed! Good excuse to camp on the sofa in front of the tv :haha:
Thanks nervous_1 :)
my parents took my DS (3 yrs old) yesterday and are bringing him back tonight after supper so that I can do just that :)

I just felt yesterday that I couldn't satisfy her, but obviously I should be able to.

Another quick question - what do you ladies suggest- one boob for extended period of time ie - put her back on after she comes off or falls asleep, or alternate boobs within same feeding?

Thanks again for your help Roni and nervous_1 :)
Personally I started out block feeding (ie putting back on the same boob each time over a 3/4 hour period, then the other boob for a 3/4 hour period) because I found it helped LO be less gassy, and because one boob would fill his tummy. Now I need to offer both boobs each feed!
I put my LO on the same boob until she was finished, even if it took two feeds. I know she is finished when she begins to get restless, pulling off, acting a little fussy, and still searching. Then I start the other side, even if it's only for a little bit. I just begin with that side next time.

I was also in the same position as you are with the formula. My LO was eating about a can per day!! It took some work, but I managed to get rid of the formula alltogether. What I did was put her on the boob, fed a little less formula, the the boob again. I did this at every formula feeding to make more milk. I also took brewer's yeast. It took a few weeks, but we were eventually able to stop the formula completely. I am not sure how much you are giving your LO, so you may not need to get that intensive. Good Luck and let me know if you have any more questions!! :hugs:

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