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I am at my wits end with my 8 week old. He has silent reflux and breastfeeding has become a nightmare. He pulls off constantly, kicks and wriggles, waves his fists and doesn't consistently suck (maybe 2 mins at most). He then falls asleep for 10mins then wakes up and cries. He is on me practically 24/7. I haven't left the house in a week cos I can't get out with him like this. He never sleeps either. Not uncommon for him to be up 18 hours a day. That I can almost handle it's the battle at the breast that is doing me in. I also have severe PPD and have been hospitalised for 5 weeks to try and sort me out. He was with me then and was a bad breast feeder from day one. I don't want to FF but I am going to have to start soon as he needs food! :cry:

Hello! And congrats on getting this far in difficult circumstances. I have no experience with reflux but I am trying to find a champion who can help.

Two things spring to mind. First, are you misreading his hungry cues? If he is tired and you think he is hungry, it might mean he only feeds a little then falls asleep.

Second, it might be a growth spurt. If so, keep at it, it will pass.

You say he needs food - does something make you think he is not getting enough?
Vivienne have you started any new medications with the PPD? Stress, depression, and medications can all impair letdown. Are things any better for you since you posted?
I am at my wits end with my 8 week old. He has silent reflux and breastfeeding has become a nightmare. He pulls off constantly, kicks and wriggles, waves his fists and doesn't consistently suck (maybe 2 mins at most). He then falls asleep for 10mins then wakes up and cries. He is on me practically 24/7. I haven't left the house in a week cos I can't get out with him like this. He never sleeps either. Not uncommon for him to be up 18 hours a day. That I can almost handle it's the battle at the breast that is doing me in. I also have severe PPD and have been hospitalised for 5 weeks to try and sort me out. He was with me then and was a bad breast feeder from day one. I don't want to FF but I am going to have to start soon as he needs food! :cry:

Babies with reflux will often feed little and often to ease the pain and it does feel like they are on you constantly. At 8 weeks my baby certainly was. It was hell, he'd go to sleep and wake screaming in pain within 10 minutes. First things first it WILL get better :) My son didn't haven't silent, but was incredibly sicky. I assume you have seen a doctor? Have you been prescribed any medication such as baby gaviscon or ranitidine? Is your baby gaining weight still?

He may not drink more milk from a bottle either x
Yes I am on several meds but they shouldn't interfere according to doctor. I do have a hard time reading all the different cues for hunger wind tiredness etc.
He has been prescribed gaviscon (backed him up), ranitidine didn't really see a difference and omaprazole (losec) which also backed him up. It's all such a mystery to me really?:wacko:

Yesterday he actually nursed and slept well, today, pure hell, would not nurse or sleep or take a bottle :cry:

He is gaining weight slowly so is getting enough food at some times and people say how well he looks but they don't see the battle to feed and sleep!!:growlmad:
^I hope it gets easier for you hun! My SIL was in the same situation; in her case she was combi feeding and thought it would help but her son started getting very distressed by the formula, so much so that he refused to eat any formula all day while she was out one day which was stressful for all involved. She realised then he was better on just the breast but at that point it wasn't possible for her to get back to EBF xx
Is your LO having any other symptoms? you said he was "backed up" with a couple of the meds inam wondering if it isn't from the meds and something else? My LO has a cow milk protein allergy which is pretty common apparently. Maybe something like this is causing his discomfort?

Falling asleep at the breast can be a sign of slow flow or impaired letdown too. That was why I questioned the meds. Even if you are stressed it can affect that. Does that sound like that might be what is going on? This artile gives some more cues on slow flow near the end. I am always referring to it b/c it seems to explain a ton of nursing issues!
I hope you are doing ok with the PPD. it is tough trying to keep yourself and another human being cared for and well. :hugs: I hope it gets easier for you.
Gaviscon causes constipation, for me because the gaviscon worked it was the lesser of two evils, I was also prescribed lactulose to get him to go. Take him back to the doc if the ranitidine isn't doing anything.. it could be something else? xx
I had my daughter on October 7 and she latched on for about a minute within the first hour. After that it became a struggle. Her blood sugar was low and she became jaundiced within 12 hours. She was formula fed in the hospital and was also being offered the breast with each feed. Unfortunately I was probably overly medicated and having trouble understanding how to get her to latch on my own. The nurses had no problem getting her on but she wouldn't stay. It seemed like as soon as they left she'd pop off and I couldn't get her on again. I got very discouraged/depressed about breastfeeding in general, especially when DH would say "why don't you just let me give her a bottle." It got to the point that I stopped offering the breast altogether. When we left the hospital she was on only formula.
I conitnued to have crying episodes over my perception of myself as a failure as a mother for not being able to provide my baby with breastmilk. My husband suggested I get a pump so we could at least stop giving her formula. I went out immeadiately and got a single electric pump. It took a few attempts before I was getting anything out, but on day 4 my milk came in. I was able to pump 24-30 ounces a day and feed Emma breastmilk exclusively by the time she was 6 days old.
I started working on getting her to latch again and last week things started to work a little. The problem is that I can only get her to nurse for 10 minutes at the most and thats regardless of whether I offer one breast or both. Also she only eats every 3-4 hours. At the laction consultant yesterday she nursed for about 10 minutes, but her intake was only 1.2 ounces. That doesn't seem like nearly enough. After she is done nursing she is almost impossible to wake up. This morning she only nursed for 5 minutes and was still upset but was refusing to nurse. I gave up and gave her a bottle and she downed 3 ounces in no time and is just now falling asleep 2 hours later. I want to solely breast feed her, but she had issues with poor weight gain and has just now been given the all clear. I'm afraid we are going to slip backwards weight wise. I just don't know what the best way to approach this is. Any advice/insight would be greatly appreciated.
I post this way too much but it seems to pertain to alot:
Your LO is probably frustrated with how slow the milk is coming. You may have to wake her to eat more frequently. She may be tiring out and not wanting to wake. This should also help your body get used to a letdown stimulated by your LO and help your milk supply.

I just started taking fenugreek so I can pump extra to go back to work. It sounds like it also encourages milk flow so that may be another option. Hopefully some other girls with more experience come along!

does anyone have advise for nipple blanching. get terrible burning but only occasional have been advised latch good got great weight gain. but its only just started at 6w. my nipples are still sensitive not in bra but if i have a bath u can see they are slightly red raw and when getting out the bath if the towel crazes my nipple ouch....

i've been on to kellymom web and tried getting a deeper latch but ijust choked my poor baby and she got very upset. it still hurts ever so sligtly for a few seconds does this ever go?????

Do you think it could be thrush? This causes nipple blanching and a red raw look to the nipples even if your latch is fine xx
if it is what other signs are there to look for?
Well if its nipple thrush only, what you have said sounds like it could definitely be thrush, especially as it is something that has only just started recently and wasn't from birth. Thrush of the milk ducts would cause shooting pains deep within the breast while starting a few and sometimes, in between feeds, but if you catch it early enough then it shouldn't get to that stage (which is easily treatable but not pleasant to deal with)

I just made my way to the BF section and found the BF champion/support thread. I would love some help from someone that is having the same issues as me.

LO was born at 40w4d by emergency c-section because of complications we found out once she was born that were caused by a tight knot in her cord. I breastfed very soon after surgery, I would say 3-4 hours at the most ( I had the extreme shakes and could not even hold her until then) and she did well. I had one problem with a blood blister/bruise on my left nipple due to one improper latch but thats healed up nicely now but we did have to start supplementing in the hospital because of that and because she was crying constantly and was clearly hungry and not getting enough of just colostrum, making us both tired and miserable. I do have PCOS and have been told that this can cause problems with supply and stuff.

My biggest issues are a low supply and very sore nipples, I either give her breast first then once she stops I finish off with about an ounce of formula or I will feed her off both boobs for a feeding and then the next feeding I will do just formula.

We just got an Avent pump to help work on my supply and so we can store formula for outings and so her daddy/sitters can feed her if needed. I have been pumping and not even getting 1oz from both combined and have no idea if that is normal the first little bit once your milk comes in or not. She is not doing well digestion wise on formula, Enfamil Newborn (tons of blowouts, sometimes three within like a 30 minute period and horrid gas that doesnt hurt her but definitely smells horrid and so we want to get her off of formula as soon as possible. She had her first check-in appt today and she is gaining her weight back nicely, she was 8lbs5oz at birth, went down to 7lbs12oz when we left the hospital Tuesday, and is now back up to 8lbs1oz already.

They said whatever we are doing feeding wise is working but I just feel like we could be soo much happier and more settled if I could exclusively breastfed already but she is definitely not getting enough that way. Ive started the Mothers Milk tea so hoping that will help some but would love any ideas or advice on how to build my supply, like is there a good pumping/feeding schedule to follow or what?

Thanks for any help in advanced! :thumbup:
I also have PCOS and did not get milk until day 5. LO had lost over 15% of weight by 36 hours and was jaundiced so we supplemented. When my milk came in I stopped the formula altogether. No weaning, just stopped. The more you use the formula the more you are signaling your body that it is making enough milk. Just throw the formula away and feed on demand, no schedule needed. Offer both breasts at every feeding, let LO comfort suck as it increases supply better than any pump will, feed her as soon as she starts cuing for food, try as much skin to skin as possible, get used to feeding in different positions so you aren't rushed and uncomfortable.

Even with PCOS The idea of not making enough milk is a western thought. The human race existed for years on breastmilk as do many other mammals. So my advice, throw the formula away, get the laptop, a few good books, and lay in bed with your LO for the next 2-3 days. The first couple weeks were a challenge but trust that your newborn and your body know what they are doing!
mrs jerome - first of all well done for persevering with the bf. 1wk pp means you probably will not be able to express much til your milk supply is established at about 6wks so dont give up. remember that bf is supply and demand so try not to skip feeds as this turns into a viscious circle as your body thinks you dont need to produce as much. things will get easier but for the first 6 wks or so you will feel like baby is attached to your boob 24/7 a lot! :hugs: good luck!
thanks ladies..I dont mind B-feeding at all and Im a stay at home mom so its not problem to be up at night and I just take it day by day and hour by hour really lol...

wk pp means you probably will not be able to express much til your milk supply is established at about 6wks so dont give up.

thanks so much for putting this as I didnt know..I knew I wouldnt just be shooting out ounce after ounce but had no idea I would get as little as 1 oz from both boobs...but its nice to know that it will get easier to far shes doing well though...
thanks ladies..I dont mind B-feeding at all and Im a stay at home mom so its not problem to be up at night and I just take it day by day and hour by hour really lol...

wk pp means you probably will not be able to express much til your milk supply is established at about 6wks so dont give up.

thanks so much for putting this as I didnt know..I knew I wouldnt just be shooting out ounce after ounce but had no idea I would get as little as 1 oz from both boobs...but its nice to know that it will get easier to far shes doing well though...

I think the key to breastfeeding is just to nurse nurse nurse and nurse a bit more in the first few weeks. Chuck out the formula and keep an eye on your babies nappies. If there are plenty wet and dirty ones you know she gets enough.

For the first 6 weeks Sophie would feed constantly. Even after 1+ hour of nursing, she's cry for another feed 5 minutes later. Now she goes 3+ hours during the day. I thought it would never end, but now I miss it!!

About now being able to express much. I'm lucky if I can get 2 ounces out of both boobs together in 1 hour of pumping :). But Sophie is thriving and hasn't had any formula since 2 months old (Gave one bottle a day to give my nipples a rest).
I think what lauki said. I had an emcs and nicu stay and i tried pumping like mad that whole week and barely got a few drops - nurses even said that meant i wouldnt get any milk/be able to bf him :saywha: when we roomed in/got home we just nursed like mad and i took fenugreek, ate oats, drank loads, skin to skin, wore him, all that stuff. Even after a few months when I was expressing i never got more than 2-3oz at a time (combined) but LO's weight had gone up to where it 'should' be and kept going so it was obviously fine. We did do a couple of formula top ups at home (2 or 3 at most) but if you have been giving it regularly i think the advice is usually to cut out one at a time
You could be right about the digestive issues ... some lo's dont tolerate formula so well, I know my LO didnt, he was sick a lot in nicu (on the formula) and very gassy and they kept recordign that, but as soon as he became EBF he hardly ever was sick. He had aspirated a fair bit of meconium though so that could have irritated his stomach.
Anyway I would say you are doing fabulously and well done for perservering! Hope someone else knows a bit more about the transitioning to ebf more than me - i must say i dont knwo a great deal, we more or less went cold turkey :haha: (but that was with close supervision in the nicu and then at home by mw/hv!) Good luck xx

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