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Thats excellent to know, thanks. I never considered that one boob can feed and one can stop. Thanks again :) I also will try extra feeds when im off. See if I can get them more milky. I am lucky really. Josie has been a pleasure. I dare-sent have another as I know it will be 'THE DEVIL' lol
thank you for your replies, she is having plenty of wet nappies and poos at every nappy change lovely toxic mustard, but she is not really awake, maybe 10-15 mins after a feed and then she starts to yawn so i settle her to sleep, do you think i should have a word with my hv? x x x
I started on domperidone, 80mg a day two weeks back.
I felt a surge few days back & me & my 5month old boy were happy. I felt engorged those 3-4 days.
But suddenly a drop since yesterday and we are back being sad.
Breasts feel empty & baby fussy. Just FYI, I have a congestion for last two weeks which improved around the same time my supply upped & is back since yesterday.
He is exclusive breastfed- no bottles. I don't want to pump since I can't handle pumping, nursing & taking care of my two year old.
Another thing- I had great supply fir first 3 months & supply fell when he got an ear Infection or so I think.
Jack Newman suggested I should up the dose to 120mg/day & start solids if that doesn't work in few days.
I just would love some hope & your stories, dose, time it took to take effect, peak & wean domperidone. I am not comfortable increasing the dose but don't know if I would be able to give up w/o giving it a shot.

Thanks for your time in advance!
I started on domperidone, 80mg a day two weeks back.
I felt a surge few days back & me & my 5month old boy were happy. I felt engorged those 3-4 days.
But suddenly a drop since yesterday and we are back being sad.
Breasts feel empty & baby fussy. Just FYI, I have a congestion for last two weeks which improved around the same time my supply upped & is back since yesterday.
He is exclusive breastfed- no bottles. I don't want to pump since I can't handle pumping, nursing & taking care of my two year old.
Another thing- I had great supply fir first 3 months & supply fell when he got an ear Infection or so I think.
Jack Newman suggested I should up the dose to 120mg/day & start solids if that doesn't work in few days.
I just would love some hope & your stories, dose, time it took to take effect, peak & wean domperidone. I am not comfortable increasing the dose but don't know if I would be able to give up w/o giving it a shot.

Thanks for your time in advance!

Is LO getting multiple wet & dirty diapers? Moist, not sticky, mucous membranes? It sounds more like your LO maybe has another ear infection since you were also sick, or might be teething, or fussy for another reason. It is very odd to have a "sudden drop" in milk supply. Your supply just does not suddenly dry up or disapear, unless there is another factor influencing- like a new medication or severe illness.

How is your diet? Enough protein & calories? Are you staying well hydrated? Atleast one ounce per kg daily of liquids.

After about 3-4 months most women dont feel "full" or feel engorment anymore (unless it has been quite a few hours). I know in my experience I dont feel any fullness in my breasts anymore. Have you been taking anything for your congestion? Because antihistamines can cause supply to decrease. I have never taken domperidone and it is not generally given in the US and I have never heard of anyone taking it for lactation. Although, I know it is commonly given in other countries.

Sorry I dont know much about the domperidone but I am thinking there are other factors affecting your supply, or perceived decrease in supply. Is your LO losing weight? Or just generally fussy? It can be so frustrating trying to figure out what is going on with them when they are fussy for no reason! There are couple growth spurts/wonder weeks at 5 months too. HTH!
Def teething for a while now. I always am confused by wet diapers since I compare the wetness to his first three months, where they were drenched. Now they are just wet bur if I weigh a wet diaper, it is 2-3 oz. He is not losing weight- he is still gaining. It's just that the combination of his fussiness at my breasts, my breasts feeling so empty & confusion about diaper wetness is making me very frustrated. It could very well be that I have developed a slow flow (but enough milk) & he is used to fast flow.
I will Likely get his ears checked end of the week. He just got over a cold before this one & his ears were fine. My two year old ended with an ear infection.
I think I will not increase the domperidone dose & try to see how adding fenugreek & getting enough proteins & fluids help.
Thanks for your reply- nothing like talking to another mommy;)
As they get older they do pee roughly the same amount overall but less times a day; so that can make it seem like they are peeing less-2 to 3oz in a wet nappy sounds fine to me xx
Have had latching issues with lo since birth. Saw the hospital lactation consultant who basically said she didn't know what the problem was and to just keep trying. Saw the pediatrician who was concerned with the weight loss so we started bottle feeding with expressed milk and formula to supplement if needed, also went to have tongue tie assessed. ENT said tie was not enough to be concerned and shouldn't be an issue. So now we are 4 wks and we try every day multiple times a day to latch and feed. She actually did two days ago, I didn't want to move or breathe!! She feed for 20 min after fussing at the breast for 5 min or so. Tried again when she woke and she just screamed and kicked. Have been trying since, she latched one other time after fussing again, and since will not latch just sucks two times and starts crying. Okay 1. Any advice?? I am still pumping but I hate it and it is alot of work and 2. In the US how do you get a consult for a lactation consult. The hospital one said we could call but she was no help. Thank you!!
Lactation consultant:
Google "lactation consultant in your area
Hi everyone.

Need a bit of guidance, maybe some encouragement too.

LO is 4 days old, he's a big baby and found his demand for food hard to manage. Supply was low so felt forced to supplement his feeds with formula as he was losing too much weight. Day 4, boobs are hard and stupidly painful. Had a good couple of feeds in the day but still feel we're having to give him bottles to settle him to sleep. It's getting increasingly difficult for him to stay latched, he just doesnt seem interested.

Can't seem to express either so just left with this pain, can't touch them at all.

Frustrated and upset that I've failed with BF : (

Any experience or tips? Thanks ladies xx
He may be uninterested from the bottles. All babies act like they are starving those first few days & usually couple weeks. That is a great sign that you are feeling fullness on day 4. If your breasts are hard it is hard for them to get a good latch. Help him buy holding an inch or 2 behind your aereola and pulling back towards the body and squeezing a bit. This will help your LO get a better latch. You might have to hold it for a few minutes until some milk drains. You may have to hand express a bit to take some of the fullness out.

The best advice I can give you is to throw the formula out! The sooner you get him latched on, the sooner your supply will get up to where he needs it. His size has nothing to do with it, the hormones have to regulate and get your supply going. My LO nursed every 1-2 hours for 15-60 minutes until he was about 2 weeks old. It is normal!

Try to get to a LLL or lactation consultant to help with the latch if the above does not work. He should be able to latch on but is prObably having a hard time from how full you are. If you can't find local help there are tons of videos that may help. Have your OH or mom sit down and watch them and help you.

Those first couple weeks are frustrating and very demanding. This is a hard time for any mom with a newborn. Get your latch straightened out and let him drink as much and as often as he wants. It gets better- I promise!! :hugs:
That's wonderful advice, many thanks : ) i'll keep trying. is the fullness always so painful?
I think some women complain more about the fullness than others. I noticed after about 2 weeks I didnt get the fullness all the time, only after are few hours of not nursing. And that will regulate itself as well. For instance, my LO started sleeping 8-9 hours in a row, literally overnight. For 12 weeks he was up every 3-4 hours, one night I woke up and it was 9am. My boobs hurt like hell! The next couple nights he slept the same. For a couple nights I woke up with that pain/fullness. After a few days it straightened out and I can go those 9 hours and wake up feeling like normal. If I dont have a chance to pump at work for a few hours, I still feel full, but not nearly as painful as it was the first few weeks.

So your body is getting used to these new routines and hormones and will regulate as time goes on, some quicker than others. So a shorter answer, yes it gets better, but through your nursing "career" it will probably return with longer times in between nursing.

Were you able to try latching LO on?
Well you can add me as a champion again my LO arrived on Friday morning at 3.20am at home caught by his daddy since the paramedics didnt arrive in time and the Midwifes didnt show up lol, Hes toungetied but we are waiting on getting it snipped for now as we are coping just about lol hes a bit jaundiced too but a good sleeper Im just getting used to the sore nipples ( one is cracked from the tounge tie ) and engorgement again as with the TT hes not draining the breast so well so having to express off a bit in the morning to allow him to latch and ease the fullness a bit
hi, need some advice. How do i stop feeding. My shifts at work have changed and i will be away from her for days at a time. Gutted as i was going to try and feed her until she self weened. I fed her yesterday afternoon but have not fed her since. I was at a staff party last night and normally would express and swill the milk due to the alcohol i drank. But i think maybe now is as good a time as any to stop. Do i just stop and leave them alone? Not really sure.
I'm back ladies. BFing is going well but I think she is either sucking much harder and getting full faster (sometimes 10 minutes instead of 30). I just barely feel her when she's eating but my nipples feel like they played tug of war when she finishes sometimes and now. I don't think there is a latch issue because it doesn't hurt during feeding. Does this sound familiar?

Update: I fed her again and noticed that she didn't have the majority of my circle in her mouth so I forced her to open her mouth wider by shoving it in more and held it. That seemed to help. How do I train her to put more in?
hi, need some advice. How do i stop feeding. My shifts at work have changed and i will be away from her for days at a time. Gutted as i was going to try and feed her until she self weened. I fed her yesterday afternoon but have not fed her since. I was at a staff party last night and normally would express and swill the milk due to the alcohol i drank. But i think maybe now is as good a time as any to stop. Do i just stop and leave them alone? Not really sure.

when i stopped feeding ds1 then we dropped it a feed at a time over a couple of weeks, ds2 stopped himself but he had dropped down to 1-2 feeds a day anyway by that point at 14 months old
hi lynnikins gr8 u had ur homebirth :), would love to be a champion, have bfed all my babies my wee one is 3 weeks old today! i had bad mastitis and my full nipple was engorged and blocked the pain was soo bad when feeding i was convulsing! but over now and really loving breastfeeding now :) feel free to add me if uv got any problems or just to chat as i dont know anyone else that bfeeds lol
Hello ladies! I'm pleased to say that BF is going very well (considering it only lasted 3week's with my first, mostly due to poor latching, and such a high feeding demand I couldn't cope emotionally or physically with it) and has been on demand since the day Ely was born :happydance:

However, I'm hoping to give expressing a go so that my OH can try giving him a bottle in the evening's so I can get an early night in bed, and have some uninterrupted sleep! I have a rough idea on hand expressing (I dont want to buy a pump just in case it doesn't work out) though any advice on hand expressing is more than welcomed! My main question's are;
Once I've expressed, how do I go about storing the milk?
How long will it be good for?
What's the best way of heating it up ready for feeding?
When is the best time to express?

Thanx in advance :hugs:

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