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Newbie here too!

Really want to give back some of the support I have received. Still new to breast feeding compared to many others but have experience with some niche areas such as extended use of nipple shields, nipple dermatitis, reflux, slow weight gain etc. If you want any help feel free to ask away and I will reply with support and hopefully some tips :)
Another newbie :wave:

So glad to have the chance to help other mums with breastfeeding. I struggled so so much in the first few weeks, and having some support and information really does make all the difference

I've been breastfeeding for 6 months, and am going to continue until my baby self-weans, whenever that is.
I have experience of:

BF after emergency c-section (first feed over an hour after birth)
Exclusively BF - my baby has never had formula
Painful latch
Co-sleeping (my baby wakes several times a night to feed)
BFing with large breasts, and a c-sec scar (finding positions/holds to make feeding painfree)
Nursing In Public (I was terrified to start with)
Manual-pump expressing
Feeding lying down
Feeding in a baby-carrier, and feeding on-the-go
I'm on the lookout for a mentor - really struggling to keep bfing. LO wasn't able to latch on for hours after birth due to her being floppy and low blood sugars, they then gave her formula. I expressed for her for two and a half weeks due to latch problems and I'm now BFing.
I leak a lot and have issues with too fast letdown (due to pumping I think) and a fore/ hind milk imbalance. LO also tends to fall asleep at the breast and then wake up hungry again very quickly.

I'm v close to giving up.... has anyone been there and gotten through it? LO gets upset when feeding and kicks out (her latch is fine now - think it's because of letdown) and cries when feeding. She has terrible wind too and I have to give her infacol.

I worry that BFing issues are stopping me bonding with her as well as I dread her next feed :cry:
Big :hugs: Well done for pushing through these challenges so far.

Have you tried swaddling her during feeds? I had to swaddle my DD very tightly for all feeds for the first several months. She settled much better and fed better that way.

I also had oversupply and forceful letdown. My kids both had trouble with it for the first few months. DS would choke and gag on the spray, come off, and milk would go everywhere while he had a coughing fit. :dohh: DD had a poor latch and would gulp a LOT which caused her to be gassy.

Both of them got better about dealing with it around 3ish months. Also, your supply will settle some around 4-6 weeks and that will help.

Is she crying at the beginning/end/middle of a feed? Does it correspond with your let down?

You can also try to express just a bit before a feed and get the let down to pass so it doesn't overwhelm her. However, keep in mind this will prolong the oversupply problems. But it might make feeding easier for now, which is important.
Thanks hun, dh has sent me to bed with some malteasers and my pump to have some rest. She cries halfway through so I think it's during or after letdown (too fast or slow) she screams whenever we try and swaddle her - too fond of her hands for that (not good when she grabs my nipple lol)
i don't have experience with those issues hun, but just wanted to say you should feel very proud, you've had a lot to contend with and you're doing so well! We all have different issues to overcome, but trust me it does get easier. You and baby are learning a whole new skill, it takes time to perfect it.
jenni does your let down come quickly? and does your baby take a paci?

the reason I ask is that you can always let your baby suckle until you feel the let down coming, catch it in a container or just let it leak into a cloth while your baby has the paci and then try feeding. You can feed the milk you caught (if you chose to do that.) I had to actually pump one side with a manual pump while I nursed my son on the other side. I also fed just one breast to help slow the flow down and ensure the baby got fore and hind milk since I over produce in the first several motnhs.

good luck hunny
I'm a newbie as well! I was paired up with an expert BFer when I first started and I found it SO helpful so I want to be able to give back!

I've been breastfeeding for 4 months, and am planning on continuing til my daughter self weans.

I have experience of:

Exclusively BF - my daughter has never had formula (nor has she successfully drank from a bottle yet....I'm her primary food source!)
Painful latch
Gassiness/mild colic
Milk Allergies
BFing with large breasts
Nursing In Public (although I'm very modest so I don't actually nurse "in public"....I'm more of an expert at finding places to BF that are comfortable but private in public places! :) )
STTN at 2 months :)

If you have questions, please ask and I'll do my best to help!
My daughter is 8 days old. She was born very quickly (in 3 mins) which caused her to be very mucousy for the first 3 days she was very sleepy and only fed once the first day she also lost 10% of her weight. We pushed through expressing and cup feeding for a day and a half until she got all the mucous up then she woke up and is now feeding regularly and my milk has come in. Dd is tounge tied and I don't know if this is the reason she has a poor latch which has made my nipples very sore. She will feed for about 10-15 mins on one side then fall asleep wake about 30 mins later and do the same ... She does this all day and is worse at night I am really struggling with lack of sleep and seriously thinking a bout giving up if anyone could help it would be most appreciated
have you tried striping her down and changing her nappy etc... pestering her to keep her awake basicly when she falls asleep on the breast?

AJ has a tounge tie and hes gotten strong enough to master it and has gone from 1 hr feeds down to 15-25 min feeds in the last 3 days,

Make sure you have some Lanisoh or nipple cream and give your nipples air after a feeding too its good for helping healing although some nipple soreness is totally normal in the first 2 wks. if your worried about latch then try to get a lactation consultant ( your mw should be able to put you in touch with one ) to come watch a feed and look up some videos on youtube, it might take some holding/positioning of your boob to get a good latch.
thanks i do have to hold my boobs in position for her quite a lot. She is so stubborn lol when she is asleep then she is asleep there is no waking her. the mw is coming tomorrow to check her weight gain so i will ask about a consultant then :)
thanks i do have to hold my boobs in position for her quite a lot. She is so stubborn lol when she is asleep then she is asleep there is no waking her. the mw is coming tomorrow to check her weight gain so i will ask about a consultant then :)

do you co-sleep at night? Really helps!
I'm feeling a bit better today though I confess I've expressed her latest feed. I worry that she isn't putting weight on like she was when I was expressing and she seems grumpier though it could be because she's waking up a bit now she's older. I have to hold my boob in position for her too but I'm a cup size G so think that's why
it does get easier trust me! It's a labour of love! Gotta fight to get there, but once you do you'll know it was worth it :)
I am a G too lol I wonder if I'm suffocating her sometimes...I don't co sleep as I'm terrified me oh hubby's will roll on her or something not so much me but husband is a really heavy sleeper xxx
Ginaerhol - I continued to have pain issues with latching until we got my son's tongue tie clipped... I also have flatt-ish nipples. Some women/babies can master the tongue tie but some need to get it clipped (its really not a huge deal and they get over it very fast).

I have large breasts too and had to hold them in position until my son was quite a bit older and now we don't worry about it so much. One reason why I love feeding lying in bed is because the bed holds my boob, lol :)

The best way to keep from worrying about suffocating them is to actually tuck the baby's body really close to you... you want their chin tipped upwards (as if they were drinking from a cup) to eat which actually brings their nose mostly clear of the breast... I know its counter-intuitive to the fear of smothering, but it was one thing I was doing wrong that helped a lot. Pull them downward (well, sideways, but towards the 'down' of where their feet are pointing) and towards you to achieve the best chin tilt.
Hi I'm Becky, I volunteered to be bf champion reciently. I have been breastfeeding for 5 1/2 months, my baby was and is a frequent feeder, to start with she fed every 20 minutes to an hour, she now sleeps through, but still feeds every hour to two hours in the day, I also co sleep. I had problems at the start with thrush, I also dealt with my dh's family trying to pressure me into formula feeding. I nurse in public. I would love to give people support like I was given support at the start. I found it hard to start with but me and LO worked it out once we came home. I am happy to answer any questions so I can hopefully help people on here like I was helped
I also volunteered and am happy to help. Support and information got me through the early weeks and If I can help someone else I'd be very pleased.

My name is Laura. I have been exclusively breast feeding since birth (18 July 2011) and have experience of:

Tongue tie
Prolonged jaundice
Loss of latch
Blocked ducts

I'm happy to help if I'm able.
I also just volunteered to be a bf'ing champion. i have bf'd my daughter for 10 months now, and she still does not eat solids so i am still feeding her approx every 3 hours (day and night!)

For fast let down issues - i had similar problems but due to the fact that my tailbone was busted up during birth i couldn't sit down for more than 10 minutes for the first 3 months i had to nurse laying down and because you and baby are on your sides (facing each other) when the fast let down starts, baby is able to deal with the spray a little easier, as the milk isn't being "pushed" down their throats (if they are laying on their back if you are sitting). so that might be something for the mum's who have issues with a fast let down.

Also i always had to change J between boobs when she was young to rewake her during a feed. Also a lacation consultant showed me to take an index finger and stroke underneath their chin if the swallowing slows when baby falls asleep on boob. its just a gentle reminder to them to keep going and i found 75% of the time it worked.

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