Getting Fit Before Baby

Everything is good on my ultrasound! Baby was measuring right on, little heart beating at 188. No sign of the subchorionic hemorrhage so I'm hoping all the bleeding was it resolving. Yay!
I'm so glad everything went great with the ultrasound! (I'm betting a girl hehe)

My opks stayed very dark + for 3 days I only bd once so not much hope this cycle. I'll just be glad to get af back hahaha

Also doing much much better on meal prep this week. I don't like wasting food so if it's all ready to go I would rather eat that then go out. :) except for nights I work. That is still my downfall of eating really bad
I would love another girl! I don't know what to do with boys lol. I don't have brothers, neither does DH. I know I'd be fine lol. What's funny is before I even knew I was pregnant, I was walking at work and got this strong feeling I was pregnant with a boy. That sure feeling hasn't continued, though. With Nora I felt the whole time that she was a girl.
♣♣♣ Happy St. Patrick's Day, gals! Hope everyone's wearing green. Don't wanna hafta come over there and pinch anyone. ;)

So glad to hear that everything's okay with your little bean, DrJo.

AFM -- I think I forgot to mention that I started taking Myo-Inositol about a week ago. Two 750mg pills a day, one at breakfast and one at lunch. Thus far the biggest change is that I don't feel that overwhelming brain fog that made everything seem 10x more difficult than it actually was, and made me feel like I was always utterly exhausted.

In point of fact, the day before I started taking them, I slept from 10pm the previous night til 10am the next morning. Woke up, had breakfast, went back to bed at 12pm and slept til almost 3pm. Did my few chores and errands, came back home and went to bed at 930pm and slept through the night. And the whole day I felt so so so tired.

That was a regular occurrence, even with the help of caffeine. I have learned that that's because of the insulin resistance and my body not being able to fuel itself with what I'm eating.

Well, the inositol seems to be solving that. I only need 1 cup of coffee a day now, no afternoon energy slump, I can get right out of bed in the morning and feel rested, and I have no problem staying awake later than 930pm on a regular basis.

So it's looking up! I'm hoping it will help with weight loss too. We'll see.
IRYM - that is great! i know what you mean about having low energy. I swear I could sleep for 16 hours at a time if someone let me. I've been seriously considering trying Thrive. one of my friends sells it and has had a ton of successful weight loss with energy boost. the cost is a lot though and I don't love that idea. 150$ a month yikes!

I finally got out for a hike yesterday. It was perfect weather! I didn't realize how much I really really missed it until I was out there. It felt like all of my worry and stress was just gone :) hoping to go at least once this weekend again if the weather behaves. Im est myself to be at 8dpo right now fingers crossed i should see AF in like 3-4 days!
Well AF showed up and is here with an insane vengeance. I don't think i've ever had a period this bad. Or been this moody, I seriously was soooo mean to my DH today. Just everything he said set me off. ugh work has been total crap the last few nights. Looking forward to having 4 off and going to a concert with my mom today :) goal of only having one beer and splitting a meal before hand. Shes trying to lose weight too.

hope everyone is doing well!
Swimmy - I hope AF gets the heck over with and leaves you alone for a good 9 months. :D What concert are you going to?

AFM -- DH and I both came down with the flu a week ago. Mine turned into acute bronchitis, and here I am, hacking and coughing and pretty much miserable. Forget any kind of exercise, just having a conversation with DH leaves me winded. Ugh!

On the upside, the side effect of the expectorant I'm taking is severe dry mouth, which has me drinking probably 2x the water I was before all this. So I'm sick, but well hydrated. :dohh:

How's everyone else doing?
Hi Ladies! :flower:

I've been completely off the boards for awhile (mostly just on Facebook), but I thought I'd check in. My baby is due any day now (due date is this Wednesday, the 29th), and man I'm definitely gonna have some weight to lose once this is all said and done. I went back on carbs after I got pregnant (as I'd read lots of conflicting stuff about restricting types of food during pregnancy, and I didn't want to risk it), and that combined with the fact that I stopped taking Metformin at 12 weeks (standard practice here in Denmark) meant man I've been struggling. Plus the last few weeks, well, I had no idea that it would be so hard to have decent self-control. I was lucky that through the pregnancy I didn't get gestational diabetes, which they were worried about due to my PCOS and BMI when I got pregnant. But I'm definitely going to have my work cut out for me, so I'll be back soon!

I hope to read through some of the recent pages and try and catch up with everyone. :hugs:
MrsTigger - Aww, baby's almost here! So exciting! It's good to hear from you. I can understand not wanting to restrict your diet if it might've caused your LO some issues.

We'll be here offering encouragement and support when you're ready to get back to it. :)

AFM - Looks like I might've ovulated early this month! :O Not taking any fertility meds, just the myo-inositol and it looks like I O'd CD16 instead of 21+. Awesome.

I've just about kicked the bronchitis and I hope to get back to fitness soon. Wish me luck. :haha:
Good luck Mrs. T!!!

IRYM- that is great news!! Fx for you hun.

Afm, just been super sick the last 1.5 weeks. I have not been motivated to do anything. My fitness level has been couch potato. Hopefully I start getting better soon. DH and I have almost entirely cleaned the house of "bad" foods and are starting to move towards eating healthier. I think it will do us both some good.
Mrs tigger- so excited baby is almost here! I hope it goes smoothly for you.

Iread- yay for ovulation!

Afm, I've had 2 more bleeding episodes and some additional spotting. I'll be having another ultrasound this week to check on things again. It's just so nerve-wracking. I feel like I can't relax and enjoy pregnancy since I lost my first. I have a doppler and have caught baby's heartbeat a few times, but usually I just hear a ton of movement. This morning I heard no movement but found the heartbeat for about a minute. I'm on pelvic rest and a lift limit of 20lbs. I want to exercise but that's definitely out. I can't even swim bc of the bleeding.

We still haven't been able to tell my step-dad I'm pregnant. He's had to miss the last two family dinners we planned due to my grandma's health issues. He's her power of attorney so has to be at the hospital for anything important. We're hoping she'll be transferred to a rehab center tomorrow, and maybe things will settle down a little. She still hasn't met Nora, but I don't want to take her while grandma has pneumonia (which is only one of several issues).

And as if anything else needed to be happening, my oldest dog is chronically ill and takes 6 different medications every day. He was supposed to only live a few more months to a year...that was over 2 years ago. We've decided to stop all meds as we run out of what we have, except his diuretic to keep the fluid off his lungs. The meds are about $300 a month, but we've been making it work. Now he's lost a ton of weight, doesn't play like he used to, and can't hold his bladder very well. He's coughing more and he has to work harder to breathe more often. The ground is thawed now so we can bury him when he dies. I just hope he doesn't die right before or during Nora's birthday party. That'd really put a damper on things.
IRYM - yay for ovulation! i love when the body does what its supposed to do and on time!! hehe

Mrs. T - so good to hear from ya! hope everything goes well with delivery :) cant wait to see a picture!

Krissie - I wish i could get my DH to cut junk food. He talks about how he needs to eat better and will do it with me ... then bring home a pizza or buy crap from the store

Drjo - i'm so sorry the bleeding keeps happening. That is so scary. I'm sure everything is fine. So glad you are picking up stuff on the home doppler. I couldn't find anything until like 12+ weeks. Fingers crossed this scan goes well! I'm sorry to hear about your dog. We stopped med treatments on our lab also. It just wasn't fair to him to keep him going when he was clearly miserable and kept getting sick. So the last time he got really sick we took him in to be put down. I miss him a lot but I know it was the kindest thing to do. sending hugs

AFM- af was soooo crampy this time. I'm not usually a pain wuss but omg I vomited a few times they were so bad. going to start ovulation testing in a few days just to see what day i ovulate at. and if this LP is really short again. I am ashamed to admit that today before work i ate 1/2 a big bag of chips to myself :( idk whats wrong with me i need to get this under control!
Everything looks good on my ultrasound, no reason found for the bleeding so I must just have a friable cervix. Baby was moving around like crazy. Heart rate 170. If the Ramzi theory holds true, this will be another girl. 😊
Thanks, ladies!

Krissie - Ugh, you've been sick too? That sucks! It's definitely going around. I hope you feel better soon!

Swimmy - I hate when AF is so bad you wanna throw up. Sorry to hear you're feeling so crummy! I hope it's all over now and you're on your way to ovulation. :) In regards to the carb bingeing, can you maybe get rid of all chips, crackers, and other carby snacks from the house? Only keep the things that need cooking or prep on hand? I find that it helps me cut back. If I can't just grab the item and mindlessly eat it, I do better. We keep dry brown rice, raw potatoes, and pasta on hand - but not chips, crackers, cookies, etc. as a general rule. Otherwise I will do the same thing!

DrJo - Glad to hear everything was okay in there! I'm interested to see if that Ramzi theory holds out. There's a reason things like that become old wives' tales, right? :haha:

AFM - This BEAUTIFUL stray kitty showed up at my house the other day. Never seen him around here before, and we know all the neighborhood cats because they're constantly starting scuffles with MY cats. lol

Anyway, he's starving - skin and bones! And he's very young. I'm determined to scoop him up and feed him. DH says he is okay with taking this little guy in, which I was surprised about. We'll get the kitty neutered, vaccinated, and see if we can't get him turned into a lovey house kitty. :) DH is going to swing by the feed store down the street from his office and get a live cat trap today, so FX'd we can save this baby!

Picture attached. Look at his lovely fur!


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IRYM- he is beautiful. Hopefully you guys can get him and give him a loving home.

Drjo- so happy everything is going well. I hope you can tell step-dad soon.

Swimmy- fx af is out and you are getting some practice in now.

Afm, yes this illness was dreadful. I am finally getting better I think. Today I feel mostly human.

It took a lot of years for DH to come around to better eating. I think one of the first times I went low carb he was forced into cause I do all the cooking. He actually felt so good on it he keeps insisting we start back. :haha:
Krissie- glad you're feeling better.

Swimmy- sorry about a nasty af!

Iread- I actually read several studies with large sample sizes about the Ramzi theory when I was pregnant with Nora. It's backed by evidence, and was true with Nora, so I guess we'll see! On my 6 week scan, the yolk sac was at my right, but the placenta seems to have formed on my left, so I still feel a bit up in the air about it.

Afm, my dog died yesterday. It's sad but I'm honestly relieved. It was time. We buried him today.

We did manage to finally tell my step-dad about the new baby, and he's ridiculously excited. His mom just got moved from the hospital to a rehab center/nursing home. She's still weak and can't get out of bed. He agreed not to tell her about the baby, since his brother is best friends with my mom's brother and no one in the family can keep a secret. However, if she starts taking a turn for the worse, I agreed to tell her before Easter, which is when I'm planning to tell the rest of the family.

I'm hoping things calm down a bit now. I'm starting to plan Nora's birthday party. Does anyone have suggestions for a 1-year-old Easter basket? We want to do something small for her.
Irym - that is a beautiful cat! Hope you guys can scoop him up, he looks like he could use a loving home. I usually do well with keeping junk out of the house. My DH is the problem he goes to the store after I do and buys chips and candy ughhhhh

Drjo - so glad the ultrasound went well :) I'm seriously betting girl lol.

Krissie - glad your starting to feel better. I have a horrible cold, feeling super yucky myself. I'm calling into work tomorrow for sure

Afm - Sad news on my end lizzy is in the hospital with rsv:( I hate that my peanut got so sick so fast. Seriously less than 24 hours she went from her happy self to being a lethargic floppy baby. I'm feeling so helpless. I can't even hold her because I'm also sick and they have asked me not to visit unless I'm dropping off breast milk. I can start visiting when my fever has been gone for 24 hours and I no longer have a runny nose/cough. I seriously sobbed dropping off my husband tonight who is staying with her. I feel like this is all my fault I probably bring home germs all the time from work. I don't hold her when I have my scrubs on and change shoes at work so idk how else to better protect her :(
Swimmy- I hope lizzy gets better quickly. That would be so scarry! :hugs: Sounds like you really do all you can to protect her, try not to be too hard on yourself.

I did a round of antibiotics and the day after I stopped them my cold started back. I'm pretty miserable tonight.
Hi ladies! Hubby wants a baby, but I'm not ready physically or mentally yet. Haha. I have two boys age 4 and 1 and I want to lose about 15lbs before trying for baby #3.

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