Getting Fit Before Baby

Welcome aerith! Anything your doing to try and lose the 15lbs?

Afm - This week has been really stressful. Lizzy has a drs appointment to go over some "conserning" labs (the staff wouldn't tell me what over the phone which is making me worry worse!) they want us seen right away so we are going in tomorrow morning. On a happier note my anniversary is on Monday. Hopefully having a date night Saturday. And I purged the house of "bad" foods! Yay!!!!
Aerith - Welcome to the group! Are you a FFVII fan by any chance? Love your username! :D

Swimmy - I hate when the dr's office does that! If they know it's you over the phone by confirming your personal details, why can't they discuss things with you there instead of in the office? It just doesn't make sense to have to pack up your baby and make the drive over when they could easily relay information by phone.

I hope it's nothing serious. :hugs:

And happy early anniversary!

AFM - AF is supposed to start today. My temp dropped steeply to match that "supposed to start" date, and I woke up feeling a little crampy. I'm a little excited over what the MYO-Inositol did for me! CD16 ovulation AND a 14 day LP? That's great!

Start sending me all your sticky bean vibes because I really want this next IUI to work!
Welcome aerith!

Swimmy- I hope everything turns out okay with the labs. How frustrating they wouldn't talk about them. :hugs:

IRYM- What great results with the myo-inositol!! Fx your IUI works this cycle.

Afm, I am still trying to get over this illness. I think now it might be morphing into allergies. So not quite as bad. I am almost done with my first month of birth control. I plan to do one more and then we have decided we will try 6 more months for #2!! I am nervous/excited and it seems so bizarre to be thinking about it again.

I am currently doing a low carb diet hoping to lose some weight and hopefully get my pcos a bit more under control.
Krissie - Don't you hate it when it becomes hard to tell the difference between allergies and an illness? Sometimes for me, even with allergy medications I'm sneezing and have a sore throat, and feel like it might as well be another cold! Ugh.

I'm glad you and DH reached a decision about the TTC subject. 6 more months after this next round of BC sounds good to me! Good luck!

AFM - Minor update: AF started today, a couple days later than I expected. But that's okay, 'cause now I'm not too worried about missing out on family Easter plans because I'd have to be at the clinic for a trigger shot or something. lol

Just waiting to hear back from the clinic this morning and see if they agreed with my request to bump up to 10mg of letrozole instead of 7.5mg again. I want more than just 1 good follie and 1 iffy follie in there this time!

Meanwhile, I finished another art piece that I'm particularly proud of. Thought I'd share it with you ladies. :) My little art business seems to be picking up, which is awesome. I've worked really hard to get it going. It's taken time, but things are starting to improve.



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Irym- fx for this cycle!

Your art is beautiful. <3

Afm, I'm considering just starting this coming cycle. The due date would be Jan which I'm not fond of but dh wants as many opportunities to try as possible. And at the end of the day a healthy baby is what matters.
Wow that art work is amazing! Irym seriously! I have zero art talent lol. Fingers and toes crossed! And doing lots of baby dust dances!!! You need your rainbow baby!!!!

Krissie - I would probably side with ur DH better to just try than not try lol. That being said I wouldn't really want a aug baby again omg that big and hot wasn't much fun!

Afm - we have to meet with a peds oncologist on Tuesday and getting an MRI/pet scan with sedation on Monday. They are concerned and want to rule out cancer/lymphoma .... I just can't picture it. My gal is such a happy baby. My peds doctor said a few times she doesn't think that she has cancer she only flagged 1 lab marker but They want to be sure. Leaving her today for a few hours I was a reck. And it made my mom and DH pretty mad :( but I just don't want to leave her until I know more info. I don't think that's selfish do you? And it's not like I refused to go out I just didn't want to be gone all day.
:hugs: That must be terrifying swimmy. Hopefully Tuesday's results show everything is completely fine.

I think you're reacting fine given the circumstances. Definitely love on that baby all you need.
Swimmy - No one should be giving you trouble over wanting to stay with your baby in a time like this! Why on earth were they mad at you for doing what you needed to do?

I hope all the labs and scans come back clear and your baby is fine! :hugs:
I kind of exploded on both of them for being mad at me. My mom was annoyed that I didn't "trust her" (clearly that was not the issue! Lizzy has done a 2 night sleep over before). And my DH was mad that I was ruining our anniversary night (I very bluntly told him our daughter means more to me than him getting laid hehehe) he didn't like that comment but seriously they both needed to realize it wasn't about them. I'm at work tonight then going for her scans. Im gonna be crazy tired lol oh well.
Also ovulating is looking like it's gonna be super late but I haven't been great on testing this time :(

Irym - I forgot to ask is your art on etsy or is it for a company?
Swimmy - Good for you standing up for yourself when they were being jerks! I don't see how they could honestly believe YOU were being selfish when this was all about your child! Ugh.

I do occasionally post things on Etsy, but I don't have a lot of luck there since my stuff's digital rather than on canvas. Most of my commissions come from Facebook and DeviantArt, and then the occasional family member or friend.

My main galleries are here:
and (my personal site, but it's under construction)

You gals are all welcome to add/like/share/favorite/whatever my art. I'd appreciate the support! :flower:
IRYM - added on FB :) I really would like some art for lizzy's room, but i'm not sure if what I want would be copy right or not (def do not want to get you into trouble!)

So lizzy's scans looked ok but her 2nd round of blood work still wasn't great. They want to do a repeat scan in 2 months and another set of labs in 1 month. The doctor/staff were amazing, answered a ton of questions for me. Gave me a list of things to watch for and to call them if i notice any of them. Reassured me that it's not uncommon for tests to come back questionable. most babies never need lab work so parents would never know. They also explained that medicine still likes to go off age for kids for "normal lab values" when every kid grows and develops at different rates. lizzy is a little on the bigger side now (89+ % for height and weight) so it would make sense for her lab work to be different than a baby who was in the 20%.... not gonna lie still nervous but not as ba.
Thanks gals for a good place to vent.

Also heck ya! down 5 lbs!!! i didn't even stress eat :happydance: and opk is looking pretty close to + today. I know I won't get pregnant but really hoping my LP will start getting longer again. The 7 days it was last cycle was just not long enough
Thanks for the Likes to those of you who checked out my FB. I really appreciate the support! :)

Swimmy - Feel free to message me on FB and let me know what you were thinking. I'd be happy to tell you whether or not it's doable (and permissible by copyright law). :)

I'm glad your LO is in such good hands with those doctors. It sounds like they really made an effort to put you at ease. And good job losing 5lbs!
Good morning, gals.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter (if you celebrate it)! I spent the weekend with my mom and my 3 nephews. My sister unfortunately spent her Easter in Pediatric Emergency care with the littlest of her children, my niece Ellie. She had a massive abscess appear on her tummy almost overnight. It started out as a small, pea-sized bump and within hours was the size of a deck of cards.

She's on IV antibiotics and fluids with regular cleaning of the abscess. We're hoping she isn't going to need it surgically treated, so keep your fingers crossed there. Despite being stuck in the hospital, she was very cheerful when we went to see her!

Anyway, just popped in to give everyone a minor update. I got a +OPK this morning and I'm waiting to hear back from the clinic to schedule my ultrasound and trigger shot tomorrow.

Wish me luck, gals! This is round #3 and the third time's the charm, right? :) I hope we have 2 GOOD follicles in there, since I'm not even done taking my estrogen pills this cycle (today's the last day) and already have a positive test.

Let's hope for at least 2 mature follies, maybe 3!
IRYM- How scary for your sister and niece!! I hope she recovers quickly.

Good luck with this cycle, I hope third time is the charm for you.

Swimmy- great job on the weightloss.

Afm, Easter weekend was lovely. DS had a great time hunting eggs in our backyard. He even showed us he can count so that was pretty fun to see. It is amazing all the things they pick up.

I decided to do birth control this cycle. The idea is to try next cycle. I guess I will see if I have the guts to do it. :dohh:
Krissie - Thanks! Last I heard, they switched my niece to a different type of antibiotics and are starting to see some promising results. Hopefully no surgery!

IUI Update: The clinic wanted me in today for the ultrasound and trigger, so I had to snag an Uber ride out there since I don't have a car when hubby is at work. They said they didn't have any later appointments available because there was a surgery scheduled at the clinic and apparently EVERY SINGLE DOCTOR was going to be in on it, so there wasn't anything else available today. Ugh. Stressful.

Anyway, made it there with a few minutes to spare, got in for the ultrasound and there's not a single good follie in there! The largest was 8mm. Grr.

Sooo they are giving me a second round of Letrozole to take starting today. I go back the 28th to see if that did me any good. They said they won't bump me up to 10mg Letrozole either, 7.5mg is the max dose they will administer.

After this, it's on to injectables. But if the cost is as high for that treatment plan as I think it is, I will insist on skipping straight to IVF instead.
Oh no, how disappointing IRYM!!! I hope this second round of letrozole helps produce a good follicle.

When I checked into injectables it was $1500-2000 per cycle depending on how much would be needed.
Oh no, how disappointing IRYM!!! I hope this second round of letrozole helps produce a good follicle.

When I checked into injectables it was $1500-2000 per cycle depending on how much would be needed.

Yeah, it's so pricey! And this clinic's success rate with a mixed injectable & letrozole cycle is only 24%! That's less than their success rate with Letrozole alone, which is 27%.

So this clinic charges $9,950 USD for the first round of IVF and I thought, why would I do several rounds of injectables at $2k each (for a total of $6,000+), and THEN pay $9,950 for IVF? That'd be a total of $15k, not including what I've already spent.

Why not skip right to IVF, you know? I'd avoid spending that extra money and wasting several months trying, too.

Sigh. It's a lot of money no matter what we do. I'll have to discuss it all (again) with DH this evening of course, but I'm fairly certain he'll agree with me.
Yes, I would say go for three ivf at this point. The success rate is so much higher.
Hi ladies I've been reading along but been bad with updating, I apologize!

Swimmy I'm sorry that you have to go through this stressful time with your dd. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. Geez I would also not want to be away from my son for all those tests. Love, hugs and prayers for little Lizzy. Xx

Irym- sorry about the failure with the letrozole. I would advocate IVF since it helped me after 2 years of clomid and everything else had failed. Good luck with a difficult decision.

Krissie- ah your son's egg hunt sounds so cute! Good luck with your ttc decisions too!

Hi to everyone else, hope you are all doing well.

I finally started taking my diet seriously (it's so difficult with a newborn and adapting to all the changes & hormones but it should not be an excuse....) I've lost about 6 lb but that's about a quarter of what I want to lose. I'm trying to cut out as many carbs as possible and I HAVE TO start exercising. I walked more when I was pregnant than I do now! Not good.

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