Getting Fit Before Baby

So we are currently ntnp. I don't hold much hope for it. But I've had great cm the last two days and an almost positive opk. I guess we'll see what happens as this is a natural o and I'm on CD 14.

The picture isn't great it actually looks darker in person.


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ooohhh that looks pretty close to me! .... i think i would bed lol sense your not preventing or anything hehehe.
ooohhh that looks pretty close to me! .... i think i would bed lol sense your not preventing or anything hehehe.

Lol.. Yea we had a date night Saturday and got a good couple sessions in. I think af will be due June 5th.

How are things going for the rest of you ladies?
bad news on my end my god father was in a motor cycle accident today and is icu many broken bones. :( i was planning on going up north to my cabin for the holiday weekend but now i feel like i should go back to my home town to see him.

I'm in the TWW. it says im on 5dpo but idk looking at my temps i swear im only on 3dpo at most. the only thing throwing me off is the + opks. here is to hoping my LP is longer this time!!

can't wait till next week when i meet with my OB fingers crossed she will give me the clomid and progesterone!

IRYM - how are you doing? hope all is well with moving :)
Oh no swimmy I'm so sorry about your god father. :hugs:

I think ff is right and you're 5 dpo. With the opks that's the logical answer. Sometimes I get a slower rise like that too.
Hi Ladies, I'm still pretty new here and trying to get the hang of things. Was wondering if I could join your support group... Here's a little about me... I am 30 years old and DH is 28. I have been on birth control since I was about 16 years old and in October quit the birth control. In November DH and I began unprotected sex and I just assumed I would get pregnant no problem. After spending half of my life preventing I thought it would happen right away. Unfortunately that was not the case... so as suggested by a friend I bought an ovulation predictor kit and never got a positive during my suggested fertile window in November. I was so discouraged I pretty much quit trying for the next few months. We continued to BD but there was no scheduling around when I was supposed to be fertile or ovulating... and still nothing. So when my cycle began again March 10 I decided it was time to get back in the game. I bought a big pack of ovulation kits and after 14 days of negative during and way past my suggested fertile window I finally got a positive LH surge on CD 24 & 25. I was also taking my BBT every morning and had a dip and rise so Fertility Friend determined my ovulation day to be CD 25. DH and I were BDing every 3 days and when I got the +OVK we did that day too. I was sooo sure this was it... but nope. So I know it could be a number of reasons but I figure I will do what I can to increase my chances and something I can definitely work on is my weight. I'm constantly up and down with it. In October I was down to 173 pounds and now I'm back up to 205... I'm 5 ft 2 in so I know its tough on my body and could be partially to blame. I also noticed that the first few months off of my birth control my cycle was lasting 28 to 30 days and once I started gaining more weight my cycles got longer. Last cycle was 36 days and this cycle I'm at 39 days but AF should be here tonight or tomorrow. Sorry so long... I think I might have needed to do a little venting along with introducing myself. So I'm open to ideas and suggestions and would really appreciate it.
Hey Praty - we would love to have you in our group, and venting is important :) Im sorry to hear about your ttc struggles :( how many days from ovulation to getting your period do you have usually? having a short Lutial phase can make getting pregnant harder. do you get the egg white discharge around ovulation? If you google vitamins for you and you DH to take to help getting pregnant that can also be helpful to some people. I had my husband taking vitamin B12, C, D and E and it increased his count and motility.

AFM - my LP was only 8 days this time :( not loving that at all! meeting with my dr on thursday. I might wait until my aug cycle to take it though (idk keep flip flopping). Also my dieting seems to be working im down again this week yay!!! i've started doing shakes and eating a ton more veggies. I had a full body scan and my ideal weight is around 170 (if you went my BMI it would say 120 ... i haven't been that sense like middle school lol). right now im down to 235 so i have a long way to go.

Krissie - how have you been doing anything new?
Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA! This house stuff has been kicking my butt! My updates will be at the end after I address what I've missed!

Krissie - Is it harder to NTNP after TTCing for so long? For me, I see the +OPK and even though I know we can't conceive without help, I want to drag DH to bed! :haha:

Swimmy -- Aww, sorry to hear about your god father! I hope he gets out of ICU soon and can come home not long after. Motorcycle accidents are no laughing matter.

Praty - You're definitely welcome to join! :) I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with TTC, too. It's such a difficult thing to go through. Swimmy has some good pointers, but I'll repeat them here (and add some of my own!) so there's less chance you'll miss them!

1. Count the number of days from ovulation until the first day of your period (AF, Aunt Flo -- or CD1 for Cycle Day 1). You should be getting 14 days. Fewer days means less time for an egg to implant. More days just means it's confusing knowing when to test for pregnancy. My personal average is 15 days, for example.

If you're getting 12 or fewer, a good B Vitamin complex supplement should help lengthen that to healthier ranges.

2. Check for stretchy, clear discharge (EWCM, which stands for "egg white cervical mucus") during ovulation time. If you're not getting it, it can indicate hormonal imbalance. EWCM is what helps sperm swim through your cervix and into the uterus. You can use a conception friendly lubricant like PreSeed to help without needing a prescription.

3. Start taking a prenatal vitamin NOW if you can get them. Some places require a prescription for them, but they will do wonders for your overall health. DH ought to be taking a multivitamin, too.

4. Avoid more than 8oz of caffeinated beverage a day.

5. If DH is wearing tighty whities for underwear, he should switch to a loose fitting kind. Sperm prefer to be cooler than the rest of a man's body, which is why testicles are on the outside! :)

Bear in mind that any changes you make nutritionally, or with underwear, will take up to 3mos before you start seeing positive results. Don't lose hope! :) And we're here any time you need to vent!

AFM -- Sorry again for being MIA. I've been so exhausted with house stuff, it's nuts! DH and I spent a leisurely weekend not doing much at all, and I'm back feeling rested and ready to go. Our close of escrow date got moved on the new house from June 9th to June 13th, boooo. So it gives us less time to move in because we can only stay in the old house until 6pm June 15th.

What a bunch of hooey! lol

I had my consultation with the fertility clinic on May 23rd, and if you recall I was going to demand to skip the other medication options and go straight to IVF. Well, my doctor said, "For your case, we recommend going straight to IVF" which was not what I'd been told previously. I'm so relieved!

I have my first of many appointments tomorrow, which is a Saline Sonohysterogram to make sure I don't have polyps, scarring or other issues in my uterus. I need 2 updated blood tests done, and then my next cycle we start birth control. Then the following month is stimulation and egg retrieval, and the month after THAT is implantation! :O

So I could be pregnant in September, after all these years! It's SO exciting. We will be doing the genetic testing for my own peace of mind, and freezing the remaining embryos for baby #2 (If I don't end up with twins) down the road.

So having this visible, nearby goal to work toward has really helped me jumpstart my diet and exercise routine again!

I'm on day 2 of this challenge:

PLUS an extra 30mins of cardio a night, enforced by DH if I don't do it myself, PLUS 2 - 5mins cardio after every bathroom break, AND hunkering down on the low carb meal plans again. I don't know if I'll be able to lose anything by September, but I hope so.
Swimmy- that sucks your lp was so short. Are you gonna try anything to get it longer?

Irym- it's so hard to ntnp since I know all my fertile signs. But oh well. This cycle I did opks when the ewcm started. I ovulated on cd 17 and so at is due June 6th. I even tried pineapple core so we'll see what happens.
Irym- that is great they are going to jump straight to ivf. Hopefully all the tests go smoothly and you get a lovely bfp soon. September is really not that far off.
Irym - welcome back! Your house stuff sounds so over whelming! I'm not looking forward to putting my house up for sale in a few years. I'm so so so excited for your IVF your new doctor sounds so great!!!! I cant believe that by September you could have your bfp!!!! That callenge looks hard. It's good your DH helps push you and keep you on track.... mine brings home pizza hahaha.

Krissie - I meet with my dr tomorrow I'm pretty bummed that I'm gonna miss being able to take clomid this cycle by 2 days. But I really really hope she will give me clomid and progesterone. I've read on a few blogs that you lp can be really short and it can take months for it to regulate post breast feeding and getting your period back.

Afm - feeling really great doing my shakes and eating smarter. It's only the 3rd day though and I need to keep up the motivation to stick with it. I wish you could just decided to diet and drop like 10lbs lol.
Thanks, guys. :)

Swimmy - He's not a NEW doctor, just the one I like best at the clinic. The way it works is that they have a rotation of four or more doctors on staff. Whichever one is working the day you come in is the one who does your procedure. It seems as though most days I come in, I end up with the doctor who has the least pleasant bedside manner and is always in a rush to just get me out the door so he can move on to the next.

I know they have people waiting who also need treatment, but geez, I'm not a cow at an auction! lol

My Saline sonogram came back all clear, which is a relief. I was worried that years using an IUD would have left scarring, and it doesn't appear to have done that.

Additionally, we should hear back from DH's HR department on whether or not our move to a different city qualifies us for an insurance switch. If it does, the new insurance will cover up to $10k IVF expenses, and the clinic we're using is in their network! :o Keep your fingers crossed for us on that one. I'm really hoping we could make it happen. If they can't, the nearest in-network emergency room for our current plan is 45mins away. Not good.

I don't want to have to go to a closer ER and pay through the nose for treatment, or risk the 45mins drive (that's without traffic!) to go to the other one just so we aren't charged thousands of dollars for whatever it is we might need. Blech.
IRYM - that stinks with the doctor rotation! I would want to see the same doctor every time (unless its the mean one lol). I really really hope you can switch insurance 10K in IVF help would be amazing!!!! Our insurance changed sense having lizzy so I need to check and see if any fertility is covered this time. I know lab work and all that was 100% covered before and now its not we have a co-payment for them (not usually super expensive but annoying)

AFM - I was really shocked how well things went with my OB. She took a look through my folder from the fertility clinic gave me a script for the 100 dose of clomid and progesterone. I was sooo expecting her to make me start on the 50 like my old ob. She said if this doesn't work in 2 cycles she will jump to the 150 once and then refer to the fertility clinic again. She also called my DH's doctor and got an order for him to get a repeat SA. She said if its too low (under 18mil or his motility was under 50%) then to call her and she will just put in the referral now and not waste time. I keep feeling really excited and then overwhelmed.
Swimmy - That's excellent! Sounds like this OB is really on your side, and that's so important when it comes to your wellbeing in general, and not just fertility related stuff. So glad to hear she's going to skip the lower doses altogether rather than ignoring your medical history. :)

AFM - Finally heard back from DH's work and they ARE letting us switch insurance companies! So excited! We're on a high deductible plan so they won't cover the first $3,000 USD of bills, but since we had planned to pay for the entire procedure out of pocket, $3k is nothing! They'll also cover prescription medications, and that's a big portion of the costs too. I'm so relieved we won't be spending as much money and could potentially use the extra on a nursery. :happydance:
Swimmy- that is great your ob is being supportive. Fx clomid is all you need.

Irym- also such great news!

Afm, it's been a rough day. Our cat had to be put down today and it really came out of nowhere. I'm just so sad. We've had him for 10 years.
IRYM - omg yay!!!!! that is amazing! im soooo happy for you :) that will be such a money saver!!!

Krissie - I am so so sorry :( losing a pet is never an easy thing especially unexpected. sending lots and lots of hugs
Hi ladies
So exciting to see everyone's ttc plans! Yay for impending ivf IRYM, I really hope you are successful

So sorry to read about your cat krissie :( Pets are family and it's just heartbreaking.

So I'm going to see the fertility specialist on 20 June to discuss FET in September-ish. So excited, although I know we were incredibly lucky that IVF #1 worked and that it may not work again. I'll be OK if it doesn't. At least I have one perfect son already.
I'm really struggling to lose the baby weight. Am on a strict paleo/banting/very low carb diet and exercise but my weight stays the same. My body shape is slowly changing and I'm already looking better & losing inches but the scale doesn't really show a change. I've also started using a waist trainer and have a diet buddy, we motivate each other daily and are in friendly competition :) such a great motivator. My dr says my weight loss struggles are probably hormonal after the pregnancy. I'm not giving up though and planning FET is a great motivator to eat as clean & healthy as possible.
Krissie - So sorry to hear about your kitty. When you have them for that long, it's like losing a child. You're just heartbroken. Try to remember the happy things about your cat and it will help you get through this. :hugs:

Fern - So good to hear from you! Don't worry about what the scale says, especially if you're getting slimmer and your clothes fit better. You're most likely still losing body fat, but could be gaining muscle in its place. Losing inches is just as valid an indicator of progress as is watching numbers go downward on the scale. Keep up the good work!

AFM -- It's been a week since I started super duper cracking down on my low carb diet, and making sure to work out every single day. The scale says I've lost FOUR pounds since Monday, but I'm sure that's just water weight. Still, it's so nice to see that loss even if I know it's not body fat yet.

This IVF schedule is what has given me the motivation to really push myself. I want to lose as much as I can in time for IVF so that I'll be overall healthier when I get my sticky bean!
Thanks so much ladies. :hugs:

Good job staying on track Fern and irym. It's so hard. I have hormonal problems that really cause weight issues.

Afm, I got my bfp today. I'm a little in shock and just praying it sticks. I'm due on Valentine's and my first miscarriage started on Valentine's so it would be nice to heal that a little more.
Guess I fell off the wagon and then I was really busy focused on my graduate studies for my masters.

Hi ladies. I don't think most of you remember me if at all. But I'm trying again to get to a healthier me. I've been seeing a registered dietician/health coach for at least a year now so we've been monitoring my weight and bmi, as well as talking about my goals for myself. I finally got back on myfitnesspal too so I can track my water intake (this month's goal is to drink enough fluids as well as do 3 times a week exercise).

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