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Getting Fit Before Baby

omg that HCG is amazing!!! im wondering if your over 4.4 weeks. I don't remember off hand what my HCG levels were around that time but i remember not being able to see anything on the ultrasound at the 5 week scan but at around 6 weeks i had a little blob with a flicker heart beat. I love the progression of your lines!!!!

My fingers as super super crossed you need a sticky bean.

was it an abdominal ultrasound? cuz even at 10 weeks i could barely see anything on my abdominal one but the vaginal one was perfect
It was a vaginal ultrasound, and I suppose I could be at 5 weeks-ish? Since it's been so long since an actual AF, I really just had to make an estimate. I go for another blood test tomorrow. So nervous!
let us know how it goes. fingers are super crossed!!! also if they have an old crappy machine sometimes that doesn't pick up like it should.

Idk why but i am having super baby fever this week. we are still doing therapy and that is going well. today my DH brought up having a second baby ... its like he could read my mind that i was feeling weak hahaha. I'm on a weight loss stall and i hate it!!! I know im building muscle though, really working my upper body and abs. I've had 2 people i haven't seen in about a month flat out ask me how much weight ive lost so that made me feel better. :)
Also i was thinking with you HCG that high it won't usually double in 48 hours at this point i think its 72??? i could be wrong though
Also i was thinking with you HCG that high it won't usually double in 48 hours at this point i think its 72??? i could be wrong though

Yes, I was gonna bring that up too. Doubling time should be slowing down.

Swimmy- sorry you've had a stall, but it sounds like you're still doing awesome!
IRYM, I hope that first number gives you some solid hope. That's awesome. STRONG baby! So much goes into whether they see it or not, including angles, skill of technician, where it implanted, etc. But clearly it's strong! When do you get a repeat US?

Swimmy, way to go on working your upper body and it being noticeable to others. That's the best! Hopefully the scale starts moving soon.

I FINALLY made myself exercise yesterday, and boy is my lower body sore. It wasn't fun to realize how weak and out of shape I am, but it felt good to finally be doing something about it. Going to exercise again today!
Good luck with keeping up the exercise MissDoc.

I need to start going for walks again now that the weather is cooling off some. I have been feeling really miserable lately.
I think the OB only called it "doubling time" because she figured my numbers were going to be low. Seeing them this high, she probably knows to adjust accordingly. At least, I hope she does. As I've said numerous times, Kaiser's medical system is horrible.

Their ultrasound machine is the WORST. You can barely see anything on the screen, unlike at the fertility clinic where everything's crystal clear and even I, an unskilled civilian, could tell what was what. When the Kaiser OB showed me the ultrasound screen in her office on Tuesday, there was just a vague gray fog. No clear lines, no variation in color, nothing to help define the uterus and lining. And I thought I saw something on screen, but she spent maybe 2 minutes looking and gave up.

Swimmy - Oh no, baby fever is the worst! I hope you pull through it okay. It's interesting how DH seemed to know what was on your mind and how he brought it up himself.

MissDoc - I can relate! I always think I'm strong, and then I do a workout and my legs turn to jello, and it reminds me there's always room for improvement! :haha: But good job starting up on your exercise routine again!
Irym - any news on your hcg results? I'm seriously betting it was their machine.

Doc - ooohhh the first few weeks back at working out are the hardest! I had to skip arm day today lol they hurt too bad. I wish I could just lift for like a day and the arm fat just fall off hahaha
Nope, no news yet. They don't release the info to me for some reason, I have to wait for my OB to call and tell me. And since it's almost 6pm, it's too late to expect anyone to call. It's so frustrating.

I hope she calls me in the morning, rather than making me wait all day long for results!

And I hope you're right that it was just their crappy machine that couldn't see anything, and not because I have an ectopic pregnancy!
IRYM- CONGRATS!!! Great news!! I strongly doubt that you will see anything that early. Even my fertility dr who tests hcg super early (from 12dpo!) only does ultrasounds from 7-8 weeks.

In other news, AF started yesterday so we're starting FET! I'm nervous as hell. I hope it works but at the same time I'm so scared to have 2 babies.
Well, the numbers from my second blood draw came back just now: 7195!

But my Kaiser OB thinks that, since we couldn't see anything last Tuesday, this pregnancy is ectopic and has referred me to the radiology lab to be looked at on the "good" ultrasound machines. She even told me that if I have pain or bleeding, to go to the ER.

I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, I think her crappy machine combined with how early it was on the 15th was why we couldn't see anything. On the other hand, if my levels were so high, why couldn't we at least see a little blip?

Does how far along the pregnancy is override HCG numbers? So what I mean to say is, should we ignore the numbers in favor of how far along I believe I am? If I'm around 5 weeks, is that too early to see anything, regardless of what my HCG levels are?

AND, if this pregnancy was ectopic, doesn't that mean my numbers would NOT be doubling?

Fern - Will they not transfer one embryo at a time, if you're worried about multiples?
Fern!! I cannot believe its almost FET time. Fx you have another successful transfer.

IRYM- Those are great numbers. I have seen stories where ectopic numbers get that high, but it seems to not be as common. I definitely think another scan with better equipment is a good idea. To be honest (and I am a constant worrier) I wouldn't get too worried yet. I definitely think the dates of your pregnancy would be a better indicator as to what you see right now. :hugs: The early weeks are the worst.
I'm worried 'cause of my previous miscarriage. Didn't make it to 6 weeks. I feel like this is the best chance I've had so far, you know? And for the OB to immediately jump to conclusions... it doesn't make me feel all that optimistic!

I know ectopic pregnancies are rare, and I don't have any history of them or any risk factors to increase my odds of an ectopic, but I still worry. I'm trying to find positive stories about women whose numbers were high, but still didn't see anything until 6 weeks.
Oh I understand!! I had two miscarriages before 6 weeks. On the day of my 6th week I think I cried the entire time and slept. It was a relief and at the same time it was so worrying given my history.

I hope they can get you a scan soon!!
:hugs: MCs are so heartbreaking.

I've been doing my research and I don't feel any ectopic-related pains or symptoms, so I suppose that's a good thing. I do feel like I have an ovarian cyst (again) though. Always on my left ovary. I'm hoping that's all it is.

It's exactly the same ache that I feel every month on my ovaries, and I feel it on my right ovary too. I can also gently prod it and there's no additional pain. No dizziness, nausea, etc. either.

I just hate that the OB jumped to that conclusion without any reason to suspect an ectopic! My numbers are great, I'm still 5 weeks or less, and I have no symptoms. It's added stress I really don't need.

I wish they'd have listened to me when I said that even though my LMP was ages ago (June), I'm definitely not 8 weeks along, and to schedule my appt a little farther out. We could have avoided this whole thing! :dohh:
I seriously would bet that its their crappy machines is why they didn't see anything. My friend said some machines she had worked with can't see a fetus until its 10+ weeks! That's insane!!!

Other option for you hcg level being higher is multiples .... you were on birth control so your body can release multiple eggs after going off of it. As stressful as it is for her to be sending you to a specialist at least you will be able to see everything on a better ultrasound machine. Fingers very very crossed!!!!

I'm trying not to weird myself out but I think I'm gonna take a pregnancy test when I get home from my trip my boobs are killing me and I've thrown up the last 3 days
Swimmy -- Oooo I hope it's a BFP!

I called the fertility clinic and told them my concerns about the ectopic, but they said my numbers looked great and they wanted to see me at around 6 weeks. Since I don't know exactly when 6 weeks is, we set an appt for Thursday of this week.

I'm going to tell the Kaiser specialists I don't want to see them until after the clinic has done its own scan. I know the clinic has high quality machines, whereas Kaiser's machines are often outdated and low quality, AND they charge more for the scans despite my being insured through them. Ridiculous.

Do you really think it could be multiples? Wouldn't that be something!
i found a wondfo in my bag lol (yep im sooo crazy i actually found a pregnancy test in my bag haha) it was totally blank. Im anywhere between 7-9dpo i think?? i haven't really been tracking. I don't think there really is anyway i could have a BFP but then i think of you and yours came out of no where hahahaha and that scares me.

Im soooo glad that you are going through the fertility clinic to get a scan! its insane that its cheaper even without insurance!! can't wait to hear how thursday goes!!!!
Swimmy - Aww, bummer on the BFN. Do you think you just have a stomach virus, then? If there was enough hcg in your body to cause nausea, you'd definitely get a BFP by now..!

AFM -- Yeah, I agree it's stupid that it's cheaper to pay for a service out of pocket than it is to pay for one that's on my plan. I think it's because Kaiser counts it as a "specialty service". Not all of their offices have the "good" ultrasound equipment. We'd have to drive over an hour away for the scan and there's still no guarantee their machines are up to date or as high a quality as the fertility clinic offers. Oye.

In other news... I was woken up last night due to extreme hunger pangs. Like, no joke, I was absolutely RAVENOUS. I was so hungry it was also making me feel nauseated. I managed to fall back to sleep but woke up early and was just as hungry as before. What gives? Isn't it too early in the game to be this hungry?

I even ate a very late dinner last night (9pm!) full of protein and veggies, and even though I finished the whole bowlful, it barely seemed to last!

This is really going to harm my chances of keeping weight gain low as this pregnancy progresses. Have any of you gals experienced something like this around 5 weeks?

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