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Getting Fit Before Baby

Thanks, Krissie. I'm SO relieved after all this stress and bother!

Oh yea I have no doubt! It's pretty unfair how your ob treated it. But at least now you know things are good. What does that make your due date? I'm guessing April?
omg yay!!!!! that makes me sooo happy for you! lizzy's first heartbeat scan at 6 weeks was 120.

Any hopes for a boy or girl?
Omw congrats irym!!
19 days left until we TEST after this FET, feels like time is flying by! Hope we can be bump buddies!
I still haven't lost the baby weight from the previous bub so I'm not allowing myself to pick up much with the next one! Will need accountability :)
Ftx your transfer is successful fern. It will be lovely to have a little surge of 2018 babies.
FX'd, Fern! :dust:

Swimmy - I'm hoping for a girl. I have more experience caring for girls and it'd make me feel much less overwhelmed, I think. I mean, I'll still be overwhelmed at first, but it won't be as bad. :haha:

Also, my mom has far too many grandsons and only 1 granddaughter right now. Lol
i always thought i wanted a boy but i wouldn't trade a having a girl for the world now lol. honestly if I had another i would hope for a girl hahaha.

IRYM - are you going to do the genetic blood draw at 10 weeks and find out the gender?

also as for weight loss i need to kick my butt back in gear i've been way to liberal with eating. sure im still working out and my cloths are fitting better but i think i would be losing weight if i cut more crap out. ughhh sooo hard i love ice cream and chocolate :(
I always wanted a girl. I was disappointed when we found out we were having a boy, but now I couldn't imagine it any other way. He's so different from what I know, but it's lovely seeing the world from his perspective.

I won't lie, I do hope more for a girl this time. But if we end up with a boy at least I know it will be okay. I'm not so desperate for a girl now that I'll try for a third.
Yay IRYM! And Fingers crossed, Fern! So much going on here!!!!!!!

It's so funny, before I got pregnant, and all my life, I wanted a girl. But once I was pregnant I felt so strongly that I knew it was a little boy from the very beginning that I bonded with that idea, and I was right. Now I love it so so much that if we are lucky enough to have a second I would be really happy with a baby boy. They are just so so sweet and snuggly with mommy, and the idea of a little brother for my son is a nice one to think of. Weird though, I never would have expected I would feel that way. I always thought I'd be perusing the gender disappointment threads if I had only boys-- now I think I may even prefer only boys. So strange how we adjust our expectations and wants once those little balls of wonder are in our arms.

As for health, uggggggh, I totally fell off the wagon. Was going so well too. Trying to get back in gear today!
My boy use to be so snugly to mommy. It was so nice. About 3-4 months ago he became daddy's boy. I think its because daddy relates to tractors and bugs more than mommy. I do look forward to if it is another boy having a brother for DS. I think he would bond well to another boy, which I find important given the larger than desired age gap we are going to have.

I was convinced my first was a girl I started a pink and yellow owl baby blanket. I need to finish it and give it away if we are having another boy.
I also hoped for a girl IRYM and tbh I had gender disappointment when I found out G was a boy. But now I can't imagine it any other way. He is so easygoing and my special buddy :).
I would love a girl next just because I have a name picked out lol and would love one of each... but on the other hand if G has a brother it will be great! Best buds :). Ok so all my :) explained - we have a transfer date! Next Tuesday 5 Sept 9Am. Then bHcg a week later!!
Swimmy - Have you tried some of those ice cream recipes that use frozen bananas as a base? Much healthier than regular ice cream AND you can add cocoa powder for a chocolate version, too. :) I make it occasionally.

MissDoc - Don't consider a little setback as falling completely off the wagon, look at it more like it's a temporary relapse or a minor hurdle. You're doing just fine if you get right back up and keep going! :hugs:

Krissie - Maybe you'll get your girl this time around! :)

AFM -- I'm on the fence about finding out the gender at 10 weeks. My mom is insisting that we seal the results and send them to her so she can plan a big gender reveal bash, but I half suspect the test results would just be sent to my medical inbox and I'd see them and spoil the surprise! lol

It's an automated system... So I wonder if I could ask them to mail me something instead, and mark it with "GENDER RESULTS" on the outside so I don't open it. lol
Fern - How exciting! :dust:

I want one of each gender too, so I suppose it doesn't matter too much which one we get first, but I love the name we have picked out for a girl too much to hope for a boy first. lol!
Fern!! How exciting. That seems so much sooner than I was expecting.

IRYM- That is fun your mom wants to do something. Hopefully if you want to do that you can make something work with the results.

Yes, I always thought I would have one of each. We have a girl's name. If we have a boy I am afraid he won't have a name for awhile. We just cannot agree. And to be honest I think part of it is because I just don't want to think about it right now.
Just got back from the clinic, and it's good news! Definitely NOT an ectopic and we got to see the little heartbeat and everything!

I'm measuring 6w2d and the heart rate is 119bpm. Yay!

So I've just read from July to now, biting my nails for you, and hurling imaginary curses at your OB. I'm very relieved to have gotten to the this post and that everything is okay.

I started reading this thread because I am obese and hoping to lose weight before getting pregnant (and/or during my first trimester if I get pregnant this cycle) so as to not be obese for the rest of the pregnancy. I've read several articles online about doctor's now recommending obese women to lose weight in the first trimester and/or to maintain their during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. So, I was just wondering if any of you pregnant ladies have been told that by your OB. Or if you lost weight or didn't gain during a previous pregnancy, how did it go?

I ask all this because my last pregnancy (at 37) was very difficult, I got pregnant in the overweight category and gained 30 my first trimester and another 30 over the 2nd and 3rd. I was in so much pain my 3rd trimester that I could barely walk my last month. Also, they ended up inducing me a week early because my son was so big (he was 9.6 and would have been over 10 pounds if I'd delivered on due date). And his shoulder got stuck (he was fine, thank God!) but instead of giving him to me directly as per my birth plan for skin-to-skin, they had to whisk him away to ensure his shoulder wasn't out of socket.

Fast forward to a year later, and I've still not lost any of the weight due to multiple different stressers (from house damage, to beloved cat dying, to new job, and a move) and am now TTC at an obese weight. If I started out last time in the overweight category, I am terrified of the weight gain starting in the obese category. (Also, this will be 3rd pregnancy, I have a son who is now 19 and I also gained 60 pounds with him, I just was lucky enough to have started in the healthy category with him. Point is, I seem to gain 60 pounds every pregnancy.)

My TTC Journal



RawrGirl - Aww, thanks so much! There's still lots of idiocy going on with my OB's office, but hopefully things will smooth out soon? I hope so, anyway.

Welcome to the group! :) I'm in the same position as you, starting this pregnancy in the Obese category. I was told to only gain about 10lbs the entire pregnancy. Ironically I was doing really well on a diet the week before I found out I was pregnant, and had to stop doing it... Go figure, right? lol

I'll tell you some of the things that I'm trying so that I don't gain too much weight:

-- Eat bananas with breakfast. They're kind of like a "slow release" food, which helps keep your blood sugar levels evened out. Also, the potassium in 'em is great for preventing muscle cramps!

-- I bought 100cal protein bars to eat as snacks between meals. They're also low carb, which is good for me since carbs are my enemy. But the protein in them should help keep me full. And it's a healthier snack option than a bag of chips, cookies, etc. which I am prone to inhaling like there's no tomorrow. lol

-- Lastly, I'm trying out Special K's Protein cereal for breakfast in the mornings, too. Right now, eggs are so disgusting to me, I can't stand the thought of them most mornings. But I do love to eat the sugary cereals! It's just that they don't sustain me and I'm hungry again in less than an hour. So I'm hoping this protein stuff will help keep me full longer.

I've only been pregnant 3 weeks now so I haven't really had the chance to see how well this works, but I will be able to update you after my next prenatal appointment. :)
I only gained 25 lbs in my first pregnancy. (Same start weight as this one). A lot of it was by following a gestational diabetes eating plan. I had 15-20 carbs at breakfast, 20 for mid morning snack, 45 at lunch and dinner, and usually a veggie snack in the afternoon. Sometimes I would have some greek yogurt with strawberries or blueberries before bed.

This time I am hoping to only gain roughly 15 lbs for the entire pregnancy. But I am also on a different medication regimen for the blood sugar issues so I am hoping that will help.
Unfortunately, I don't like bananas. But i do buy the Special K Protein and Protein Cheerios. I even buy Fairlife milk because it has 2x the protein and half the sugars of reg milk.

My problem is emotional eating. As soon as life gets stressful, I ditch the healthy cooking and order pizza and gorge on chocolate. *sigh*

I had been pretty active before pregnancy, but now am so out of shape and heavier than I've ever been that it's hard to get back into it. Especially since I can do so much less. However, I did find a DVD that I actually like (which is amazing because I hate cardio DVD's). It's only 10 minutes long and High Intensity. I can barely do it as I'm so out of shape, but because it's only 10 minutes I can usually talk myself into it, lol.
RawrGirl - Do you have a friend or family member who can be like your fitness drill sergeant? I have hubby keep my bored/emotional eating in check by reminding me that I am trying to reach a goal and I won't if I cheat on my diet. It does help having someone to keep me accountable.

Good job talking yourself into that 10min DVD! I'm the same as you, I don't care for cardio videos. Half the time I feel silly prancing around the room, and the other half I don't have the space proper equipment to get them done either! I just can't win. :haha:

Unfortunately, I have an enormous 5cm x 5cm cyst on my right ovary right now and the OB has forbidden me from lifting, carrying, high impact exercise and even BDing until it disappears! So even if I was able to find a workout I enjoyed, I wouldn't be allowed to do it. Boooo!

Krissie - Why only gain 15lbs this time? Are you in the obese BMI category too?

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