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Getting Fit Before Baby

IRYM, it doesn't seem to me that they had any reason to be bringing up ectopics yet. That seems wreckless and hasty, given you don't have ANY symptoms of a freaking ectopic pregnancy. I mean, I suppose it could happen, but I'm not sure why they jumped to that conclusion. I hear all the time about them not seeing baby in early scans and it doesn't seem to mean a thing. I'm sorry you're feeling that worry. Really hoping your next high quality scan goes well.

Swimmy, agreed! One workout should just blast the fat right off. Lol. If only!

I didn't exercise over the weekend as I had a sick baby attached to me like velcro and minimal sleeping. But today I'll be back on for working out before I pick him up from daycare. :)
MissDoc - Thanks, lady! I don't know why they jumped to that conclusion, either! I even asked my OB about it. I said, "If my numbers are doubling as they should, and I don't have any pain or bleeding, why are we concerned about an ectopic? Don't ectopics have low and slow rising numbers?"

She only said, "Well most of the time they do, but sometimes they don't."

Does she not realize that she's essentially told me I probably have a life threatening problem that could rupture and cause me to bleed out at any moment? Does she not realize that ectopic pregnancies are 1% - 2% of all pregnancies and that I don't have any additional medical history to increase my chances of an ectopic? It's all so frustrating. I've been telling myself "It'll be alright" all weekend just to keep myself calm.

Anyway.... Sorry to hear your LO was sick! That's so stressful, and you've got to be exhausted. Kudos to you for jumping back on the workout wagon so soon after tending to your little guy! I don't think I'd have the willpower to get back to it without a day or two of extra sleep!
Ugh. You guys, I'm seriously irked at how this Kaiser company is handling things! I just got a call from their radiology dept, as I was expecting to, only the nurse on the line was scolding me for not showing up at an appt last Friday. An appt I never made! Turns out the OB I saw put me in for an "emergency, same-day" scan in radiology without telling me so! So I cleared that up with her and explained that the OB had told me we were to schedule it for sometime this week.

Then she goes on to ask me if I'm "still having pain or bleeding". STILL? No, I've never had any pain or bleeding! So apparently the OB also told them I'm having symptoms of an ectopic when there are none to date, including the fact that my hcg numbers are rising appropriately. She is so dead set on this being an ectopic that she's making up symptoms to get me seen by the radiology specialists!

I'm so irritated by all of this. :growlmad:

I explained to them that I'm getting a private scan done Thursday and don't need theirs, and they're still demanding I come in and see THEM on Wednesday. At this point I'm inclined to go into their radiology dept just to get them off my back. And aside from the obvious, I really hope it's a regular ole intrauterine pregnancy just to rub it in the OB's face. Ugh!

Sorry to bring this here, but I just needed to vent. As if I didn't already have enough stress weighing on me, the OB is telling people I'm an emergency case and need treatment ASAP.
That is incredibly frustrating IRYM. It seems like they are handling things so poorly. I hope your scan this week goes well and shows a happy little baby.
Definitely had a stomach bug ughhh I hate being sick. AF should be here soon. I keep having dreams of bfp - darn baby brain!!! I had to work on the nursery floor the other night at work. They just had me rock, change and feed newborns all night. It was an ovary explosion hahaha. Totally didn't help my baby brain at all! I fell off the wagon this weekend with healthy eating. But getting right back on! Went to the gym for an hour today yay!!!

Irym - it's not too early to be hungry! Going through my pregnancy journal around 6 weeks I was hungry every few hours until I started getting sick. But even with getting sick I was always munching in crackers or fruit. Try and keep low carb snacks around, or a few crackers next to your bed during the night. I would be super pissed at your doctor! That is not ok!!! I started refusing scans/testing at the end of my pregnancy.
Your doctor had no right to lie about anything!! I would probably end up going in for a scan with them anyway so they don't have a reason to drop you as a patient. Do you get to switch doctors when you get your new insurance?

Doc - I'm sorry about your kiddo getting sick :( Lizzy has another yeast infection and she's been miserable too. It definitely makes going to work out harder when they are stuck like glue. Hope he feels better soon!
Krissie - Thanks!

Swimmy - Aw man, stomach flu royally sucks. You're feeling better now, right?

It sounds like you definitely have a case of baby brain! It seems like people are just rubbing it in when they make you work the nursery floor. :haha: I hope the crazy BFP dreams move on and let you sleep!

AFM - They can't drop me, but could transfer me to a different OB in the same department. Unfortunately there's no guarantee a new OB would be any different. Once we switch insurance, I can go to any doctor I choose that accepts my plan, not only ones that work in Kaiser facilities. So that'll be nice, especially since there's a birth center 5mins from here at the local hospital and I won't have to drive over an hour to get to a Kaiser facility.

I was so frustrated yesterday that I called the RN hotline and talked to the nurse there. I laid everything out: my long cycles, how the dept insisted I was 8 weeks when I was probably only 4ish, how the OB jumped to the ectopic conclusion despite appropriately rising numbers and a lack of other symptoms, etc. The nurse said given everything I've told her, there's NO REASON for me to have to worry about an ectopic at all.

I said, "Then why is this OB jumping to that conclusion and making me stress about it all week?" and she covered for the OB by saying that she's "just being extra careful."

It was a little bit of a relief to hear the nurse say I shouldn't worry about an ectopic at all, but the seed of doubt has already been planted. I worry about every twinge, every pinch or pull, every least little thing that feels new or slightly uncomfortable.

This morning when I woke up, I didn't feel nearly as nauseated as I did yesterday, and now I worry that maybe something's wrong. It's awful, they've really screwed me up with this!
Swimmy- That does seem a little mean to put you on the baby floor. I am sure that wouldn't help your baby fever at all. I hope it eases soon. Great job staying on track (and getting back on track!!)

Doc and Swimmy- I hope your babies feel better soon. Sick babies are so rough. :hugs:

IRYM- That is good the nurse at least confirmed there was no reason to be concerned over an ectopic. My hospital covers for each other too. It can be frustrating!!

I found in the early days of pregnancy I was very hungry. It probably lasted until 6-7 weeks. I also know my nausea came and went from day to day. There never was a consistent pattern to it. I don't think it fluctuating really can be a good gauge on how well the pregnancy is doing since there are so many other variables. I did find having a snack handy did seem to help quite a bit though.
IRYM - i seriously drove myself insane thinking something was wrong when my nausea would go away for a few days. sometimes i would go 3-4 days without feeling sick and even once i went to the ER sure that something was going south. Nope all was fine. I know its impossible but unless your bleeding bright blood i would try and stay positive. :) (im waiting very impatiently for your scans lol)

i took a test today .... ummmm guys??? is this an evap or something???


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i took a test today .... ummmm guys??? is this an evap or something???

That top picture looks really dark to be an evap. The evaps I've always got on wondfo have a ways been pretty faint. Plus it looks pink to me!
ugh ok sooo i took a test to work this would have been about 7 hours without peeing and its completely negative. I think the other test was just faulty or something. ---- im really annoyed about it lol :dohh:


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I agree, that previous one was WAY too dark to be an evap! I saw color too!
IRYM-- Oh man, I'm so annoyed at your doctor! I bet you'll be so relieved when you change insurances. Thursday can't come fast enough for your "good" scan at the fertility doc. I bet you have a beautiful little bean sprouting in that uterus. You should take some reassurance from the nurse stating there's no reason to consider ectopic, but I totally get the fear and doubt. The early days are so so stressful and hard anyways when you've struggled to conceive. Every little thing feels like a threat to your baby, and that's without a jerky doctor stressing you for no reason! Good luck to you getting through today and making it to tomorrow for your scan!

Swimmy, I'm so sorry for your kiddo's infection. That sounds just awful. Hopefully it clears up soon. Took my guy to the pedi today and doc just said he seems to be getting back to back colds from adjusting to daycare germs and nothing to do but ride it out and saline and suction like crazy for his snotty nose and congestion. Bleh.

If I were you I'd be taking HPTs every morning with FMU for a few days. That test was convincing! Maybe it's so super early that only really strong urine will catch it? IF it's an evap, then booooo to that. Those false positive piss me off!

So I have 1 week of attempted healthier habits under my belt. I exercised 3x in the week and had 5 days of at least some caloric deficit. Hoping that this week I can do the same or better!
I think it was a CP I took a test this morning and it was + but 2 hours later I started bleeding. I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I know right now is not the time for us to have one I've just been careless thinking no way it could happen without fertility treatments. Maybe this was my wake up call lol.

Monday me and DH are going on a horse therapy thing. Hoping that will be fun, I really like horses but he has never really been around them.

Doc - yay for eating better!!! I fell off the wagon and need to get back on. (Easier said than done esp when I'm on my period haha)

Irym - dying for some good news on your scans! Fingers crossed!!!
Sorry to hear that swimmy. :hugs: The horse therapy sounds interesting, I hope you guys have a good time.

Doc- great job on the healthier eating and exercising!!

IRYM- I hope your scan goes well today.
Aw, bummer, Swimmy! Sorry to hear it's a CP. I hope the horseback riding goes well. I'm a horse crazy girl and have been since childhood. I LOVE riding. I hope you both enjoy it!

The scan isn't for another few hours, but I'll be sure to fill everyone in as soon as I know anything. Thanks for the well wishes. :)
Just got back from the clinic, and it's good news! Definitely NOT an ectopic and we got to see the little heartbeat and everything!

I'm measuring 6w2d and the heart rate is 119bpm. Yay!
Yay! Such wonderful news irym. So happy little bug is doing well.

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