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Getting Fit Before Baby

Krissie[/b] - Why only gain 15lbs this time? Are you in the obese BMI category too?

Yes, I am!! I primarily don't want to gain too much extra because of how miserable I was with my son. And maybe that was just end of pregnancy but I thought maybe this time I could head it off some. I also had a ton of water retention at the end of my pregnancy that lasted a good two weeks until I had him. Granted it was the hottest part of summer so that probably played a part in that.

How are you feeling IRYM? That is terrible you have a large cyst. I had one about half that size the start of this pregnancy and it bothered me for a long time.
How are you feeling IRYM? That is terrible you have a large cyst. I had one about half that size the start of this pregnancy and it bothered me for a long time.

I am battling pretty gnarly nausea all day long. I've been taking ginger root capsules, but all THAT does is prevent vomiting. The nausea is still there in full force. Ugh.

The cyst doesn't bother me unless I'm overdoing it with housework, walking too fast, or sleeping on it wrong. I hope it doesn't get any larger! I'm so bored not being able to do anything around here. Lol

I was super exhausted last week, took 4+ hour long naps during the day. With my PCOS hormonal imbalances, Im tired all the darn time ANYWAY... so pregnancy just adds to the fatigue. This week I'm managing with two separate one hour naps and a regular night of sleep. So it's improving slowly, but I sure wish the nausea would go away! :dohh:
Wow so sorry I've missed so much. Admittedly I haven't read everything but I am so so so happy for you IRYM. I did read one part where you said you have Kaiser and didn't like it. I also seem to remember we live close-ish. I also have kaiser and delivered at Kaiser Roseville (I hate south sac) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my doctor. I went through soooo many before I found her so if you're looking for recommendations let me know.

Weight loss is going okay for me. I've lost about 15 pounds so far and I'm not doing a struck diet and only some light cardio so I can't complain. I basically diet all week and most weekends but I also allow myself to have cheat meals.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Yea, I never found anything for the nausea. I ate crystallized ginger.

The exhaustion is borderline debilitating. It let up at 12 weeks for me. But it's creeping back. I suspect it's related to low iron now. I'm working to boost that so hopefully it helps.
Mrs Green - Aw, thanks! We live in Placerville now, so unfortunately Roseville isn't doable for us. It takes me over an hour to get there from my house. We're trying to switch insurances entirely, but DH's work says we aren't ALLOWED to switch because there's a Kaiser building half an hour away. Ridiculous.

Krissie - Man, I wish there was a safe, natural remedy for the nausea too! I'd be ALL over it. Lol

In the meantime I mostly just lie down in a dim room and hope for the best.
Raw girl - welcome!!!! I'm also a stress eater it is soooo hard to break that cycle! im also a bored eater (luckly a child makes it almost impossible to be bored hahaha). A tip that has worked for me with stress eating is before i eat something when im not hungy i ask myself will this really make me feel better? or will i just feel guilty for eating it later? I started my last pregnancy in the obese range. I didn't gain alot (i had nausea the whole time ughhh!) but afterward having her i gained almost 30lbs. As for losing weight in your first trimster my OB recommeneded it for me. nothing dramatic but like a 5-10lbs loss was my goal.

Krissie - 15lbs is a great goal!! thats pretty much baby, water and placenta :)

Green - way to go!! keep up the good work!!

--- I am loving all of our good luck on this thread lately!!! its good to come here and see all the happy news :hugs:

Afm - please don't judge the pictures lol i'm still pretty embarrased by how much weight loss i have to go. But i wanted to share my success pictures. they are taken about 1 month apart. I was getting really frusterated because my scale wasn't going down as fast as i wanted. I've gone from only being able lift (in work outs) 30lbs of weight to 80lbs! and I do about 30-40 mintues of cardo on moderate intenstiy (i remember barely being able to do 20 on low :blush:)
(the black pants are now). I've replaced 1 meal a day with protien shakes and that seems to have given me the boost i needed.

As for ttc - i really do think im gonna wait a few years before thinking about it again .... my dh keeps bringing it up and wanting to remake our appointment but i just don't know where we are going or if i will ever be able to trust him enough to have a second baby. I'm not saying no im just saying no for now. hope you gals don't mind me sticking around and enjoying all your good news though :hugs:


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Raw girl - welcome!!!! I'm also a stress eater it is soooo hard to break that cycle! im also a bored eater (luckly a child makes it almost impossible to be bored hahaha). A tip that has worked for me with stress eating is before i eat something when im not hungy i ask myself will this really make me feel better? or will i just feel guilty for eating it later? I started my last pregnancy in the obese range. I didn't gain alot (i had nausea the whole time ughhh!) but afterward having her i gained almost 30lbs. As for losing weight in your first trimster my OB recommeneded it for me. nothing dramatic but like a 5-10lbs loss was my goal.

Thanks for the warm welcome! I have tried that tip, but it doesn't usually work for me. It's almost like I go on autopilot when I'm stressed and just shovel the food in. :( I've never been this heavy without being pregnant before. It's really discouraging. The only time I seem to do a good job is when I do a Ketogenic diet but I didn't feel like cutting my carbs so drastically, esp since I can't if I get pregnant anyway. But I do much better on that rigid of a diet. Ugh. Must learn self-control/discipline. I've seen shirts or memes that say I run because I eat or I run so I can eat. Something like that. Anyway, that would be me. Except I don't run enough, lol. The problem is, I LOVE food. I love cooking food. I love cheese. And wine. Fortunately, when I cook, I cook healthy (low carb) -- and make really yummy meals. But when I get stressed, I have no desire to cook and order pizza.

Anyway, your before & after pics are looking great! Maybe I will be brave enough to post some tomorrow.
Rawrgirl- I found sometimes putting a reminder on the cupboard and fridge would help me stop. But I also know after awhile it was just there and it stopped being effective.

Swimmy- I can definitely see a difference!! Great job at sticking with it. I am sorry DH keeps bring ttc up right now. I definitely think you need more time. Is that something you maybe bring up during counseling? :hugs:

Afm, I feel sick today. I hope I am not getting sick since DH and I are planning a short trip this weekend.
Krissie- oh the exhausting, I don't miss that. I hope it subsides soon for you.

IRYM- crazy!! There's a kaiser facility near you (Folsom) but no hospital the closest one is Roseville! Also- we almost moved to placerville but it was expensive so we looked in pollock pines which we like too but now we're renting in our home town *yuck* down near Elk Grove. Hopefully you can get rid of kaiser soon.

Swim-you look great! Keep up the great work and I totally get the ttc front just do what feels best for you.
Hey ladies! I hope you are all having a good weekend. We have a long one here. I decided to find the motivation to finish the quilt for my friend's daughter. I want to give it to her for Christmas and I'm glad I finished it now. I was struggling crawling around and bending getting it finished yesterday.

We are going out of town tonight. I can't say I'm excited but I at least hope it turns out to be a nice trip.


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Not doing so well on the diet this weekend. Not doing horrible, mind you, but ordered pizza last night, plus went out for burgers Friday night. And now getting take away on way to lake. O well. At least I've been working/exercising...sanded bookcases yesterday and gonna stain them tomorrow.
Krissie - hope the trip goes ok

Rawgirl- I also didn't do so great this weekend. I had a friend came out and we ate out for lunch and dinner. Ugh regretting it today, I feel so yucky. Gonna hit the gym in the morning after work tonight though and today I'm sticking with protein shakes.
Swimmy- your improvement is quite noticeable girl!!

Irym how are you feeling?

Krissie I LOVE that quilt! I love quilts in general and that one has such nice colours and so neat!

I'm really suffering with eating well. I'm taking SEVEN hormone pills daily and both the oral estrogen and progesterone has "unusual and fast weight gain" listed as common side effects. Plus I'm really hungry & think that might also be as a result of the enormous amount of progesterone because I felt this way in early pregnancy.

Anyway rawgirl, hi!!
I always find that having lots of healthy food already in the house helps me avoid takeout & junk food. When I really successfully dieted last year before ivf, I used to make healthy meals for myself in bulk (lean protein & veg, and then just add very LITTLE olive oil or shallow fry veg in a LITTLE coconut oil for those healthy fats.) Then I would freeze those meat& veg in portions for myself and it's even easier to just defrost it than going out to buy junk food!! And have lots of veg, greek yogurt, carrots, avocados and cooked eggs etc in the house for during the day.

Having said that, I'm desperately unsuccessful now. I'm so nervous for my FET tomorrow and for some reason last year before IVF I was motivated to eat & work out "perfectly" for 3 months prior; this time I'm just motivated to comfort eat urgh.
Read back now, good job on the weight loss after your twinnies green!!

Irym- oh I see you're suffering from nausea and sleepiness. The yucky progesterone supplements probably makes it worse. I never had nausea but I got tips from well meaning people like eating green apples/ chewing on bland crackers to help keep the nausea at bay. There are also pregnancy safe meds that you can take if it gets too bad. Good luck!
Krissie, I really like your quilt. How pretty! I wish I had your talent! Great to get it done now before you get to the big and super uncomfortable stage!

Fern, Reading about you lost weight in the past with meal prep makes me feel like I really need to be doing that. I think that is probably such a key for me. If eating well is EASY and readily available I will probably do it. But if I have to work for it at all, I grab poptarts and cheese instead. Haha! So sad. Sorry you're struggling right now, I bet it feels quite difficult to make any changes with all those hormones working against you!

Rawr, I'm the same way. I'm a freaking psychologist and I KNOW I should stop and think through my choices and actively make decisions about food, but I just don't. It's autopilot. I eat pure crap then the thinking kicks in afterward!

Swimmy, your pictures are really motivating. You've made visible changes to your body. How awesome! I don't blame you for wanting to wait until you feel more secure and trusting in your marriage.

As for me, ladies. I really need to get my act together with food. It's really hard to exercise with full time work plus a 16 week old, but I don't have any excuse not to eat better. I just keep choosing crap. And then feeling guilty afterwards. I think I need to do some food prep. Make a few big meals that we can eat from for the week, have boiled eggs, veggies, small servings of cheese, apples and pb, etc. available to snack on easily. Drink more water. I've been eating a lot of convenience foods (kind bars, lara bars, string cheese) and processed crap or sweets (pop tarts, soda, ice cream, fast food). I NEED to lose 20 lbs. I WANT to lose more like 30.

We won't try for a second until our little one is at least a year old, likely more like 18-24 months, even though that makes me a little nervous with our fertility issues. But there is no darn reason I can't lose 30 lbs in 18-24 mos. Or at least not a justifiable reason. Just gotta get and stay motivated.
Hey, gals! Look at how busy this thread is! :)

I skimmed the last few posts to get a gist for what's been happening lately and it all sounds really good!

Swimmy - I love the pics! Good for you, putting them out here for us despite being shy about it! I love that we can see the changes you're making to your body. Keep it up!

Krissie - nice job on the quilt! I'm so unskilled when it comes to quilting, I envy your ability. :)

Rawr - Fern makes some good points. Meal prep makes it so much easier to avoid going out for junk. DH helps me on 1 weekend day. We go get all the groceries, then prep at least 1 week's worth of meals in a couple of hours. Then it's just a matter of popping something into the microwave or oven. You can make some pretty amazing comfort foods like that and they're healthier than takeout. Worth a look!

Fern - yeah I'm betting the progesterone and estrogen supplements aren't helping with the nausea! It seems to have lessened some the past couple of days, though, so that's a relief.

I think you're allowed to take it easy on yourself this time around with FET. It's a stressful time for you! :hugs:

AFM - I am still fed up with Kaiser. I emailed my OB with my ultrasound images and notes from the fertility clinic on Monday last week. When I called the office Tuesday to set up my next prenatal appt, they didn't bother pulling up my records and instead started trying to set me up as though their office had never seen me before.

After clearing that up, they wanted to set my appt for weeks from now, except the OB had indicated I'm a high risk patient and need 2x visits a month. So I contacted the OB, who told me they won't bother checking my cervix at all until I reach 14 weeks. But I don't understand why that is, because they check it with the same ultrasound wand they'll be using to look at my little bean with! Why refuse to check my cervical length and opening at 9 weeks if it doesn't take any extra work? I am on some cervical cancer support boards and have read stories about women miscarrying because their cervix dilated at 9 or 10 weeks. Something which can be remedied via cerclage. It's so enfuriating how this company is so disinterested in the wellbeing of their prenatal patients!

Then after all that, the OB says, "You need to send me all the documents the fertility clinic gave you". When I told her I already had, she didn't reply. It was like she didn't even realize those were from me to begin with, despite my name being plastered all over everything. Grrr.

In happier news... August 25th, DH and I went with my mother and her bf to a Pat Benatar concert, with Toto as their openers. That was a good one.

Then this weekend August 31st, we saw Tom Petty on his 40th anniversary tour. I was slightly disappointed in that one; Tom seemed bored and worn out at the end of a long tour. The songs were a little slower than they should have been, and he seemed to rely a lot on his backup singers. Still, it was a nice concert. Tom Petty probably won't tour again. He's 67 or older.

Pregnancy wise, I'm less tired and less nauseated these past few days. I was able to catch up on some house cleaning that was being neglected while I was so nauseated.

Still dealing with the ovarian cyst, which now feels pinchy and uncomfortable. I'm wondering if it's growing, but since Kaiser won't see me for another week or more, I won't know for a while.
I have a passenger on board! One blastocyst, same grading as baby G had. We'll see if it sticks! The other embie did thaw but was not great quality (12 cell morula) so seeing as we do NOT want to take the chance of having twins, we donated that embie for scientific research. I'm feeling so much calmer and better now that the transfer is done!! All the hormones are not helping my mood swings lol.

Irym that's ridiculous! When you switch your insurance, will you remain with kaiser?
Fern - Wooo! :dust: How many days til you test? FX'd!

As for Kaiser... how to explain? They are their own private company. You cannot use their doctors or facilities unless you're paying for their specific insurance plan. They do not accept any other types of insurance, and you cannot use their insurance anywhere else either.

They have a limited number of office buildings in the city, and not every building has every service, and there are only two of their hospitals in the whole county, both of which are over an hour's drive away from me.

I will definitely NOT be using their doctors and services when I switch insurance companies. I'd love to just find a good OB somewhere in town, so my drives are 10 -15 mins away instead of 45+, and be able to use the birthing center at the hospital 5 miles from my house. That's the ideal.

We can put in our request for a change in November and we'll officially be switched over by January. Right now, DH and I are considering paying outta pocket for OB care from a local OB until January, when they'll take our new insurance plan. :)

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