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Getting Fit Before Baby

Thanks ladies!!

Good luck today IRYM. I hope they can get you a better ultrasound today.
Nope, they didn't get a better one. They didn't use the internal wand this time and barely got a vague blob on screen. We did get to hear the heartbeat again, though, and it's in the high 160s, she said.

I was disappointed, I wanted a new pic to take home for my pregnancy reveal to the in-laws this weekend! Oh well...

Oh anD some good news, I haven't gained any weight so far and only 1 week left in this trimester!
Such a bummer!! But at least you did get to hear the heartbeat. <3

Yay for no weight gain!! Mine is not going so well anymore. :cry: I think I am right around 7 lbs. I am just constantly hungry or eating because I don't feel well.
Krissie - omg yay a girl!!!! So excited for you &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039;

IRYM - I hate that they keep using that crappy machine!!!! But at least they can measure a heart beat. Do you have a home Doppler? I loved hearing the heart beat. But sometimes it could cause anxiety if I couldn't find the heart beat.

Afm - going to my doctors on Wednesday. I think I'm gonna ask for a weight loss supplement and birth control lol. Idk if she will go for it but never hurts to ask.
Swimmy - I decided against getting a doppler for that very reason. I'd be so afraid and anxious if I couldn't find the heartbeat at any time. :\

What sort of weight loss supplement would you ask for? An appetite suppressant, maybe?
I have a home doppler from my son. I found him super early, like 9 weeks. This one it was 13/14 weeks. It definitely caused a lot of anxiety. I have barely used it for that reason.

Swimmy- good luck at your appointment. I hope that she is helpful.
Swimmy - How'd your appointment go? Did you get any weight loss meds from your doctor?

Krissie - How are things with you?

AFM - Things are still crazy around here. Our kitchen's being remodeled, so it makes it really hard to cook meals at home since we don't have a stove. I've been doing slow cooker meals where possible, and salads and lean options when we eat takeout. I hope that keeps things under control.

Pregnancy-wise, we discovered that my thyroid has swung from being slightly too slow (Kaiser won't prescribe meds because they deemed it an acceptable level), to being slightly too FAST. So I guess pregnancy for me causes a mild case of hyperthyroidism. It may explain why I haven't gained weight yet. And I'm guessing it'll calm down when my placenta takes over completely. I read that HCG is what causes the thyroid to speed up, and I had really high early HCG levels. So that's probably all it is.

I should be going in for my first glucose challenge tomorrow. Wish me luck, I'd hate to have GD!
IRYM - i can't believe your already almost 13 weeks!!! where is the time going!!! how did you GD test go? I hated drinking that crap it was horrible!!!

Krissie - how are you doing? buying anything pink yet?

AFM - my doc agreed to a weight loss suppliment yay!!! its an appitite suppressent i'm only taking 1/2 a tab for now just because i don't want to drop too fast then go off it and gain everything back. Also going to start on birth control this next cycle for like 3 months just to try and get my LP/cycles to hopefully reset. they are sooo all over the place though. It's a shame i'm not TTC right now lol i have gotten some serious EWCM that i wouldn't even need to take an OPK to know i was ovulating! almost a little too much its yucky.
Lizzy has been really sick the last 2 weeks. We did a few day stay at the hospital :( she caught a really yucky stomach bug and stopped eating and drinking. Thankfully yesterday her appitite seems to have come back in full force. I like having my good eater back (taking it slow on her tummy though).
I missed you guys :)
Irym- I experienced similar hormone shifts in early pregnancy. About 18 weeks that shifted and now they are back down. So it does sound like its probably the pregnancy.

Why are they testing glucose so early? My doctor told me anything before 20 weeks is considered preexisting and not gestational.

Swimmy- that's great your doctor offered some support. I think you're approaching it from a sensible point and hopefully it works well for you.

I hope Lizzy is back to her normal self soon. How scary she was in the hospital. :hugs:

Afm, my sister and mom surprised me and painted the nursery and my mom found a dresser and bed she also painted to go in there. It is so cute! Im excited now I can start organizing her stuff.

My mom has been going crazy on the buying stuff. She is so so excited. I've bought a little bit but not much.

I have my fetal echo tomorrow. There were no noticible defects at my 20 week ultrasound but I am still a touch nervous.
Swimmy - Aww, poor baby. That's the worst when they're sick, 'cause they don't know why they feel so awful and they're too little to understand an explanation. Glad to hear things are looking up, though! Lots of applesauce, toast and bananas in Lizzy's future!

Krissie - I don't know why they're testing so early. Probably only because I'm overweight. Doesn't matter that I've never had a blood sugar problem even with severe PCOS, they see a fat person, they assume the worst. Sigh.

That's so cute that your family is doing all this nursery stuff for you! :D

AFM -- Ended up not going for the glucose test because the nearest lab I can get to is closed on weekends! Unlike every other lab in the company. Grr.

My next appt is at a Kaiser office over an hour's drive from here, so I'm going to leave early and do the test at their facility since I'll be there anyway. Have I mentioned how much I dislike this company?

They have me "assigned" to the nearest birthing center available for them, which is over an hour's drive from my house! That is NOT ideal, nor is it safe. And if we get stuck in traffic or there's an accident that causes a detour, or road construction, or ANYTHING, that hour-long drive could turn into two and I could potentially end up having a baby in my car. I'm so done with these people.


On a happier note, we'll be revealing my pregnancy to my family this weekend! I'm excited!
Swimmy, so sorry miss Lizzy was sick. It's the absolute worst having sick babies! Hate it so much! Can't imagine having to do a hospital stay. Poor you guys!

IRYM, yay for doing your preg reveal! So exciting. Sorry for the stupid runaround you're getting from your health system. So happy for you that this pregnancy seems nice and sticky though. Every time I log in I am looking to make sure your pregnancy is still in a good place! You've waited so long for this and it's so amazing that you're now entering second trimester around now. Yayyy to that.

Krissie, how cool that your little girl's room is coming together. Does it still feel wild to be expecting a little girl and you'll get to have one of each? How cool is that?!

As for me, it's been hit or miss healthwise. In the past 9 days I've had 3 great days, 2 decent days, and 4 crappy days. At least it's not all bad. Lol. Still loving motherhood, even though my tiny little germ factory keeps giving me a cold that he brings home from daycare, and he's having some wacky sleep nights (some nights he'll sleep 8 hrs in a row, some he eats just 1x, and other nights, like last night, he was literally up for 4 freaking hours throughout the night). But he's adorable, and sweet, and silly, and that makes up for it. He is in the phase where he is delighted by his own feet, loves toys, and smiles or giggles if you make eye contact with him or smile at him. And the very best is while I'm nursing him in the morning he reaches up and puts his little hand on my face while staring into my eyes and nursing. Ugh. Heart just melts.
MissDoc- Don't you just love this time of year!! My son has been sick for over a week and had to share with both DH and me.

IRYM- So crazy you are at 2nd tri!! I hope some of the nausea/fatigue are lifting.

Yea, it is super crazy that we are having one of each. It still seems so surreal. But it is getting more exciting as I put her room together. I got some fabric on Monday to make curtains so I am hoping to do that this weekend.

We weren't able to do the fetal echo Monday. She was apparently sleeping and I couldn't get her awake so I have to go back on the 23rd. It just sucks its a 2 hours drive up there.
IRYM - are you going to be able to change insurance in the new year? Cuz over a year away really sucks! I mean people in remote area have to drive far away. Worse comes to worse you could always go to another hospital if you were in labor lol they have to take you hahaha. I hope all is going well!!!

MissDoc - I loved that age! so smiley and exploring everything around them :) without actually being able to climb around and ruin things hahahaha.

Krissie - that is so great that your mom is doing so much :) its so sweet that shes excited. I wish i would have spent more time doing lizzys room. A 2 hour drive for a test really stinks. I hope everything goes well!

AFM - i have just been in a real funk the last few days. Lizzy is doing better and we went on a little mini vacation for 4 days. and also did some family outdoor fall pictures. It was nice but idk ever sense getting back i've gotten back into an angry/depressed mood. Only time im really relaxed is at the gym (who knew hahaha). My mom and grandma pushed about a 2nd baby this time until i cried ... so that ruined my vacation a bit. I just wish they would leave me alone about it! they keep saying how sad it will be for lizzy... thanks for making me feel worse guys!!!
So sorry they are putting pressure on you swimmy. I always hated the comments about how Christian needed a sibling. Once I actually researched only children it helped arm me with no he actually doesn't and this is what research says... But I know it doesn't help, especially, when you aren't 100% on the only child train. :hugs:
MissDoc - I agree, that's the most fun stage. Everything is new and wonderful, but they aren't at the point they're getting into everything and putting themselves in danger! :haha:

And good on you for looking at the positives and reminding yourself that even if you weren't at 100% for the week, there were more good days than bad ones. Keep that up!

Krissie - Yuck, a 2 hour drive for your appointment really sucks! Do you make the trip alone, or does DH go too?

Swimmy - Aw man, how come your family can't leave well enough alone on the baby subject? Has the novelty worn off with your current LO already, that they are already wanting to move on to another one? And why can't they just accept that you're not ready for baby number two? That's so frustrating! :hugs:

Lizzy will be just fine whether she has a younger sibling or not! She has you and your DH to love her, and can interact with other children and cousins to learn to share and whatnot. I know plenty of single kids who turned out just fine as adults.

AFM -- Revealed my pregnancy to the fam last weekend! Since my mom is always pressing us kids for a group photo at every function, we went up for my nephews' birthday parties. Mom predictably bugged us all for a photo, I put up a token resistance and told my sisters to "just get it over with so she'll leave us alone".

The first pic, Mom said, "Say cheese!" and then pretended that the photo didn't turn out and she had to take another one. For that one, she said, "Say.... IRYM's pregnant!" and snapped a rapid series of pics one after the other to catch everyone's reactions.

It came out really well! You could see some people's faces like :O and one sister is in disbelief, and my youngest sister cried. I'm waiting to get the pics emailed to me from Mom so I can print and frame them. It was so cute!

Diet-wise, I've been eating pretty much whatever I want... BUT what I'm craving all the time is salad. Specifically fresh tomatoes! lol. DH buys me baskets of cherry tomatoes, which I will happily eat in one sitting. :haha:

My usual craving for sweets has gone right out the window, so I haven't been eating anything sugary or sweet after dinner the way that we used to, except for maybe a couple times a week.

I'm still on activity restrictions due to the cyst on my right ovary, and NOW another one has appeared on my left ovary that wasn't there at 9 weeks. I don't know if I ovulated again while already pregnant, or what. But now I've got large cysts on each side and we're just in a "wait and see" mode there.

But despite that, I haven't gained any weight at all for the first trimester. Woo! I think the OB will be proud of me for that. I feel like I was eating enough for three people for a while there. lol
Swimmy, sorry for the pressure you're feeling. That must be really tough to deal with on top of your own emotions about it all. Bleh!

Krissie, bummer that you have to try again for the echo, especially since it's such a drive. Annoying!

I have totally slipped healthwise and have been eating too much sugar. I need to reign it in! My husband is out of town for work for a week (will be back on Saturday) so I've just been focused on doing everything without any help babywise, and it's making me have no energy left to care about what I'm eating. But the baby is great. Sweet little silly goose. Last week he was in a major sleep regression waking every 90 freaking minutes, but this week he's cutting me slack and has only been waking once, so I nurse him, then pump and go back to sleep, so only up for maybe 45-60 mins total. I can handle that much better than constant wakings!

We did some pumpkin patch pics and I felt really bad about how I looked weight wise. I just looked much bigger than I would have hoped at this stage post partum... but then again, I did gain 50 lbs in pregnancy. :-( Bleh. Just gotta be more effortful and consistent to make progress.
IRYM, what a cool reveal! That is so special! Glad it went really well. And super congrats on not gaining throughout the first tri. Man, I wish I craved salads. What an upside!
IRYM- that is such an exciting pregnancy reveal! I bet you have some awesome pictures to remember it by.

That totally sucks you still have a cyst and another one now!! I hope they aren't causing you too much trouble. My only one was gone by my 12 week scan.

Are you going to find out the gender? I think you said you were going to. I think it is a boy.

MissDoc- :hugs: losing weight sucks and is so hard. I am really not looking forward to after the baby is here and I am trying again.

Afm, I will be making the trip alone on Monday. My mom went with me last week but this coming week nobody is available. I have discovered every time I drink ice tea she really seems to get moving so I am going to try that before I go so hopefully she is awake and cooperative.
Krissie - What makes you think it's a boy? :)

That sucks you don't have company for such a long trip! I am the kind of person that needs company on long drives, because driving makes me super sleepy!
They say craving carbs/weight gain are more closely associated with girl pregnancy. Whereas, protein and salt are more likely boy. Plus boys you don't tend to gain as much weight. So far two of my friends and myself this has been true. :haha:

Yea, it's a boring drive. I also struggle with sleepiness when driving. I have some books on tape so I will likely bring one of those along.

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