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Getting Fit Before Baby

Mrs.green - lol yeah I am being super confusing. I have a serious addiction to peeing on sticks. Hahaha I'm not ttc though I'm more just trying to see if my cycles are going back to normal or not. I hate that they are still so random. Before my daughter I had a pretty clear pattern. I made an appointment for next month and I seriously might just ask for birthcontrol to just go back to being regular. I'm just really nervous about weight gain.

IRYM - a crappy machine vs a good machine makes all the difference! If they are doing vaginal ultrasounds and still not being able to measure accurately that's not you that's their machine. i would want a better scan, clearly your current doctors office is not set up for early fetal scans. Which is crazy frustrating!!!

Afm - I went to a drop in yoga class yesterday and the gym. I really need to work on balance haha that's for sure! My nutrition place wants me to go to a conference with them this Saturday and enter my before and after pictures in a weight loss comparison event. I think I'm gonna pass though. I'm not really comfortable with lots of random people seeing my progress photos lol. I feel bad for turning them down though, and passing up on 600+$ if I was to win over all.
Well guys, I was able to get an ultrasound today at the last minute from the radiology dept. It's good news! My little bean is doing well, measuring exactly 9w1d and a heart rate of 176bpm. I'm so relieved!

We could see arms and legs, eye buds, and the little bean wiggled while we were warching, too. <3
Fantastic news irym! I'm so glad they could get you seen on a good machine and everything looks great! Sounds like the doctor's office needs to get rid of that machine!
Fantastic news irym! I'm so glad they could get you seen on a good machine and everything looks great! Sounds like the doctor's office needs to get rid of that machine!

I agree, what's the point of having an ultrasound machine in the exam room if it can't accurately date or even VIEW a fetus? They don't even do gender scans in the OB office, you have to go to the specialty radiology dept for that, too!

They've scheduled mine at around 20 weeks, for December 1st. The radiology dept is so overbooked, it takes months to get in unless you're an emergency case.

If the OB dept would upgrade it's machines, I bet they could take all kinds of stress off of the radiology dept. But you know they're not going to spend that kind of money. :growlmad: This whole company is ridiculous.
Well that is good you got your anatomy scan schedule.

Mine is on the 25th. I am super excited to know for sure what we are having.
Whoa, that's right around the corner! How exciting!

My mom insists on knowing the gender before we do, so she can throw DH and me a gender reveal party. She didn't get to do one with her other 5 grandchildren, so it looks like I'm the lucky one! :haha:

Are you going to have a gender reveal party?
Haha, well that is exciting she can spoil you guys!

We aren't doing anything special. We are doing family pics Sept 30th so we are gonna have DS open a box with pink or blue balloons and record it. If we can get him to say baby brother or baby sister that would be so cute.
Have you asked him what his guess is for the gender? Is he excited for a sibling? I've seen kids cry when the baby's gender isn't what they hoped for. But I always think in those instances, it's because the parents didn't explain very well. Like maybe the kids thought they'd get to choose the gender rather than it being random chance.
He has told us it's a baby sister from the start. He refused to even say boy names. But now he will say baby brother if prompted. I don't think he understands really. But we've been reading books abo It bringing home baby and he seems excited when ever he sees a baby. Although he definatley has been wanting to be the baby more. Which part of me enjoys the extra cuddles but then part of me worries it's gonna be harder to transition. But if I've learned anything these last 3 years is nearly all behaviors are just a phase.
Aww. Well maybe he's right! They say your kids know before you do! :haha:

I don't have any kids to base my experience off of, though, so what do I know?

What are you hoping for?
I lean slightly more towards a girl but I'd be delighted with a boy too. Either way there are so many good things to look forward to.
Aww, IRYM and Krissie, it's so fun seeing your dialogue about pregnancy and gender and all the exciting stuff. I only have a 4 month old but it makes me miss the thrill/amazement/fears/excitement that come with pregnancy. Such a wild time of wonder! I'll be really looking forward to your scans. :)
Aww, IRYM and Krissie, it's so fun seeing your dialogue about pregnancy and gender and all the exciting stuff. I only have a 4 month old but it makes me miss the thrill/amazement/fears/excitement that come with pregnancy. Such a wild time of wonder! I'll be really looking forward to your scans. :)

Yea, I really did miss all the excitement with my son after I had him. It is fun to experience it again. Some days it doesn't seem as exciting to other people because he is our second, but to me it is still exciting.

Only a week left until my scan!! I am super excited for sure.
I'm still in this stage of disbelief over this pregnancy. I don't feel pregnant, except for the nausea and sore BBs, so there's still this kind of denial I'm going through. I really can't believe it!

And with all the struggle and hassle of getting here, and then all the drama from Kaiser, I'm not really letting myself enjoy any of this. I'm still afraid of losing this little bean! It's been difficult.

Throw in the all day nausea and heaves, all I've been doing is sleeping lately. I think once we're past the 12 week hurdle I might start letting myself feel hopeful.
I'm just so excited for both of you :)

Irym - I'm sooo glad they could get you on a better machine!!! I was gonna post pictures of my friends ultrasound on a bad machine vs a good one and omg you couldn't see anything on her scan at 10 weeks on the bad one! And she's maybe 120lbs!!! So annoying!

I haven't been doing as well with eating well as I hoped :( but my DH makes it soooo difficult sometimes. I use to be a person that my happiness was tied to food. He doesn't understand that bringing me home Chinese or cupcakes isn't an ok thing to do anymore. Even if that was what would make me happy in the past :(
Swimmy - I have another appt on the 26th and they're using the bad machine again. Do you suppose we will be able to see an 11 week fetus on it? I can't stand that Kaiser can't provide me with clear scans! It's important to monitor growth and they can't accurately do that!

I can relate to your troubles with your DH bringing home junk food. Neither of us like cooking and DH is always up for a burger and fries. He's my enabler!

AFM - 10 weeks today! I'm just trying to focus on maintaining my weight. Eating small meals is not hard due to the nausea, but I'm hungry more often, so I eat many small meals. I'm afraid to step on the scale tomorrow! :dohh:
I am my DH's enabler!! :haha: Seriously though, I need him to help me stay in check. I have been terrible lately. I am up almost 6 lbs!!! I am not looking forward to my weigh in on Monday. I think that is 4 lbs from a month ago.

IRYM- I would honestly not hope to see much next week on that machine. It sounds just dreadful. :nope:

Happy 10 weeks!! I believe you are close to when the placenta takes over so hopefully the nausea will go down some.
Hey ladies! We had our anatomy scan this morning. Everything looked good. And we are having a little girl. We are both just over the moon.


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