Getting Fit Before Baby

Oo, 50% coverage is nice!

And I'm right there with you that dieting sucks. >.> I've been sick this past week and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and eat comfort foods like pies, pastas, and potato soup -- none of which I should! Especially since working out is on hold until I can breathe properly.

You're doing great, though! Keep up with those hikes and healthy foods!
Hi ladies

I totally agree dieting sucks. I hate doing it.

Went to buy my pack of Qlaira to start next Tuesday (when AF arrives)... it will be weird to be back on the pill after so long. And to have nothing to say ttc wise anymore. For now; not feeling the trigger side effects too much anymore. I can't imagine that it will make any kind of difference; not symptom spotting this month, nada. It's like even my subconscious has given up.

Raising the rescue babes from the cat shelter is taking up a lot of time lol I have babies crying in the house which I love . It's really awesome to have a little warm body in the house even though it's not human. And unlike human babies, these lil ones can be locked up and left on their own safely with food & beds when I have to go to my classroom etc. They are a Godsend and helping me heal!

Swimmy - awesome that you have a plan!!

Cupcake - so sorry AF has been mean to you hun. Sending you extra hugs xx

IRYM - Hope you're feeling better hun!

I will have to get back on the "no preservatives, organic meals only" train to prepare for ICSI next year.... at my age it can't hurt to try and improve egg health esp since dr said my eggs are probably next to useless from the endo! I still haven't lost the hsg trigger weight and am starting to be hungry constantly. Booooo! I want wine, cake and hamburgers!!!!!

My resolutions for the week:
* Definitely try and exercise a bit more (get up earlier! I'm so busy urgh)
* Distract myself when I'm hungry or want junk food (seems to be working)
* NOT reward myself with junk food or sweets... eat no junk food or sweets at all this coming weekend (have NOT managed to stop cheating so much on weekends yet. Will be hard)
* Keep a food diary (have started, will continue. It definitely helps)

Thanks, Fern. I am feeling better now and managed to get some time in on my elliptical trainer yesterday. Go, me! Haha

My weigh-in was today. It looks like my crazy upward weight spiral has stopped and I'm headed back down a smidge. That's a relief... I wasn't looking forward to what I would see this morning, but this little decrease is better than nothing.

The elliptical trainer is much more of a challenge for me than the exercise bike is. I think I've "outgrown" that bike in a fitness capacity, so I'll be switching over to the elliptical trainer this week.

On the bike, I wouldn't break a sweat at a medium intensity level even after 30 minutes... The elliptical had me sweating in 5 minutes. So maybe the added challenge will help me get back to LOSING weight and inches instead of gaining them.

We've been doing pretty well on the eating side of things, too. I haven't been snacking as much during the day, and when I do, I choose things like raisins, carrots or an extra protein bar instead of junk food. We don't even really HAVE junk food in the house this week, so that's good too.

We haven't eaten takeout since our cheat day on the weekend, too, so that's good. I hope I can keep this momentum going.

How are you ladies doing?
Yeah for a Loss IRYM!!!:happydance: I do the Elliptical too. Tried the ARC machine a few times, but it hurts my back :shrug:Then I do strength training too, at least my arms mostly everytime, since I hate my "wings" lol

Proud to say I'm doing WELL with WW this week! :happydance: We (dh & I) sat down Sunday afternoon & planned our menu for the week too, which helps tremendously, as I know what I'm cooking & no mad dash to throw "something" together!

Hope everyone is having good weather! Still mid 80s here & day #4 of painting/sealing our deck! Thinking I can finish the floor today....Well hoping so, since we have a chance of rain tomorrow :( Would LOVE to get it all done this weekend, but not sure that I will since I'm doing my 1st official 5k on Saturday! Wish me luck!
Good job! Meal planning was always a big help to me. I batch cook things -- that is, I make 2 or 3 nights' worth of food on one night, so that I don't have to cook every single night of the week. It's more efficient, and it encourages me to eat healthier because the food is already THERE, just waiting to be eaten. :)

I have, like, zero excuse to grab takeout when there's perfectly good food waiting in the fridge. Haha
Hi ladies

Good job on everyone's energy this week, and the great workouts you all seem to be getting in!!

Oh good reminder on meal planning! I need to cook & freeze up a storm this weekend before term starts again.

I tested yesterday just to see if the 5000 units trigger was still in my system (11dpt) and it was. Clear pink line (faint but there). Today it's mostly gone except for a slight, slight shadow. So not only am I not pregnant (which I totally expected so no surprise!) but also I have a slow metabolism urgh which I did NOT expect! I calculated that the trigger should have left my system in around 7 days (rule of thumb is 1 day per 1000 units; I calculated the conservative 7 days based on Pregnyl's half life of 33 hours) and today at 12 dpt it still shows a shadow!! Wakeup call for Fern to exercise more& wake up my sluggish metabolism!

One great thing about this cycle though (wonder if it's due to the trigger); I haven't started spotting yet, yay!

GL for the weekend's dieting girls :)

Swimmy - hope you are doing OK hun. xx
Hi gals

Ooooowwwwww it was a mistake to test "just to see what lines would look like"... Of course I kept forgetting to test and then only tested 11 and 12 days past my 5000 unit pregnyl trigger. As previously mentioned I got a faint but definite line 11 dpt and a light shadow line 12 dpt. NOW I'm googling like crazy and it seems very unusual (though not totally unheard of) for a trigger to last that long, even a 10000 unit trigger. Can't believe my last tww for this year ended in line spotting just because I decided to test "for fun" lol. :dohh:

I am at a stage where I've accepted the reality that I can't get pregnant, so I'm like there's NO WAY those lines could be from any true hcg; I'm probably the odd duck out who just has the trigger linger forever! I also don't feel any more pregnant than any other cycle. Having said that, I got another (of the same early detection brand) hpt and will poas tomorrow morning... just to settle the matter once and for all. I will be 12 dpo then and 14 days past trigger.

Diet and exercise wise - we've cleaned up the pool at our new house and I've started swimming & doing water aerobics. We are suffering from the same El Nino conditions as you all... in RSA where I live we're having VERY hot weather and drought after a very cold winter. Which means I'm finding it impossible to go running, and am so so so grateful for the pool. Such a good workout it actually leaves me dizzy after, lol.

How's everyone else? Cupcake are you ttc this cycle? IRYM FX for O soon!!
Jealous of your pool! It's turned cool here today. Leaving for the 5k here in a bit! Excited to do it!

Actually we are TTC, even though dh thinks we are still just enjoying each other & still NTNP lol Which I guess we could be classified as such :/ I'm not doing Opks, but will bd extra next week! I also did a Castor Oil pack a couple days ago, which I plan to continue up until O day & I took Soy Isoflavones this cycle just so I feel like I'm doing something to help :shrug:
Not likely to work, but why not try? I am going to take my OB up on restarting Clomid next month as well to try to get my right ovary(open tube side) to produce, as my left is dominant & has a longer tube, but is probably blocked.....

Good luck on your test tomorrow!
Well now I've started cramping and spotting bright red blood 11 dpo PM. So much for no spotting. I guess I'm out REALLY early this cycle! Normal LP is 13 days but every cycle has been so unique and weird these past 18 months.... nothing's impossible anymore it seems except a bfp of course. Maybe it's the endometriosis.

No more ttc until we manage to save up for ICSI!! If one of you ladies win the lottery, I will take good care of your money for you ;) :)!
Ooohh I just saw your post cupcake, thanks for the support in any case :).

And all the best to you, hope all your extras do their job this month!

I hope all of you ladies get sticky pregnancies BEFORE the end of the year!! In the mean time I will still be cheering you on while trying to get as fit & healthy as possible; because being super thin will make me happy :) & also in preparation for our one shot at ICSI.
Boo for spotting, unless its implantation lol I really hope we all get our keeper bfps soon, all of us! Well I survived my 1st 5k! Not to shabby of a finish either! My hubby & I were in the top 20! Of course now I'm convinced that the elliptical is a liar, since my time today ended up being around 15 minutes per mile, not 12 :/ but I'm still proud! A year ago I don't think I could have finished without stopping, so I guess I am making progress ;)
Stark white bfn and more spotting!

Booooo! It really still was the trigger at 12 days past trigger :(. My metabolism really IS that slow! It even took me 2 weeks to lose the 2 kg that I gained from the trigger shot.

I'm super emotional today... I hate ttc.... but I hate the fact that I can't have kids even more. I have to go back on the pill due to a medical condition, not by choice. My husband and I will never be able to make a little baby by making love; and we only have one try at ICSI IF we ever manage to save up for it & a laparoscopy. The finality of the situation after 12 years is just really bitter. Accepting the reality doesn't mean that I like even one second of it, I just realize I HAVE to move forward because I have no choice. :growlmad::cry::wacko::shrug::nope:

Goals this week: 1) to redirect focus to all the positive things I have in my life. 2) To lose 2 more kilos before next Sunday (family function).

Hugs to everyone xx
Hugs fern! I'm sorry, we all deserve our the! I feel selfish at times since I do have 2 kids from my ex, but so long to give my dh a child. Infertility, whether primary or secondary is horrid, a loss is devastating, this journey is so unfair!
:hugs: Fern, I'm sorry you're feeling so low. We're all thinking of you!

I went up to my sister's on Saturday, originally for my nephew's birthday. But on the way up, my sister went into labor. She delivered her (4th) baby around 10pm that night. I caught myself acting very... bitter, I guess is the right word. I was happy for her, but I was also envious. Sigh.

Then my mom starts talking about DH and I as though I was already pregnant, realized what she was doing (we'd asked her not to share any info about our TTC), and immediately goes, "And [my name] told me she's not having any kids!" Great, Mom. Great.

Here's hoping we get our BFPs, gals.
Hugs all around! Things have to start looking up for us soon!

I am happy to report that I lost 3# last week on WW, should have been 5#, but I had horrible willpower over the weekend lol A loss is a loss tho, so onward I go!
hey gals, sorry i haven't been on much just needed some time healing. cant wait to meet with the fs on the 22nd. Really hoping we get a sticky bun within a year, but I am prepared for more loss. Spent my week with my little cousins which is always bitter sweet. Doesn't look like my aunt is going to let me adopt my cousins little girl which was heart breaking to me... Shes going to be 60 and acts more like a grandmother than a parent (which heck she is the grandmother) but this poor little girl stays up till 2 am eating chips and drinking pop and she isn't even 3 yet. Then i get even more angry about it when i think about how my cousin and his gf had a baby while both using a ton of drugs and shes overweight. ugh ok bitter rant over lol

I'm really disapointed in myself I have been hiking like crazy and using arm weights got on the scale and have actually gained 5lbs!!!! I've been eating less staying under my cals and hiking at least 4-5 days a week.
Swimmy -- With all that activity, it's entirely likely you're gaining more muscle than you're losing fat. Have you taken your measurements lately? How are your clothes fitting? Putting on muscle can make the scale go up -- so that's when you have to start checking other measurements.

MyFitnessPal recommends measuring around your waist & hips, and you can also do things like your thighs, upper arms, wrists or neck. If you're losing inches in any of those places, it's excellent progress!

And remember, increasing your muscle mass will increase your body's metabolism and you should be able to burn fat easier that way. FXd for you!

Cupcake: 3 pounds in one week is awesome! I am struggling to lose even one pound in a week these days. I hope I can get back up to some kind of consistent losing streak like you are. Good job!

AFM -- Positive OPK this morning! Thank goodness DH and I BD'd last night. I'll be okay to BD tomorrow night without feeling like I'm forcing things. I'm also glad the pos OPK wasn't on Friday morning, since I was at my mom's over the weekend out of town. That would have been a little awkward. Haha
Hi ladies

As you've probably guessed AF got me... Monday morning was so bad I thought of going to the ER at one stage but had no-one to drive me (DH was away). I can't remember the last time I've had such bad AF pains and heavy flow. I was literally curled in a ball and couldn't move. (Which kinda confirms for me more and more that the endometriosis is indeed back). However the horrible pains only lasted the one day & I've been OK since yesterday. I'm still very sad & anxious!? Yesterday morning I woke up at 5 AM with a panic attack. (wth??) Trying my best to cope and move forward but regardless this grieving process is much harder physically & emotionally than I expected. Just have to keep fighting forward.....

I haven't lost any weight yet this week! My stomach ulcer is back in full force so I haven't been able to eat much. Hopefully I will have lost some before Sunday!

Swimmy - ah hun I hope things turn around regarding the adoption! It's so unfair that some people have oodles of children and don't give a crap about them. And then all of us who will make wonderful caring parents are suffering from infertility (primary or secondary; I agree with Cupcake. For each of us, our unique situation sucks in its own right).

IRYM - I love tww'ing on someone else's behalf lol if it's not my own tww then it's not stressful - just exciting! I always hope so hard for all of you during your tww's :) and now again! Keep up the good "work" hehe!

Cupcake - yay for 3 pounds! You're almost halfway to your goal ;)
*sigh..,.bought cheapie opks & got a + today. Cramping has begun, so will O soon, but dh has been an ass all week, do I have no desire to be at all....ugh what a waste of the soy this cycle.. ...

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