Getting Fit Before Baby

Aww, sorry DH is being a mood-killer, Cupcake!

I don't know WHAT is going on with me this cycle. I got that +OPK a couple days ago, but I haven't had any other fertile signs to match except a day or two of watery CM. My temperature has been hovering around the same level for the past few days, only increasing or decreasing by about .02 every day.

My cervix has remained firm, doesn't seem to be open, and isn't really all that high, PLUS this morning my CM was creamy bordering on sticky. I'm thinking that my body was trying to O this week and didn't manage it. I'm really hoping that I don't go another 20+ days before a successful ovulation. I don't think I could handle another 50 day cycle!

I have an appt with my GYN in two weeks for another biopsy and checkup. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens with this cycle, and ask her about it when I go in.
IRYM-Sorry your in limbo, it sucks for sure....

Thinking I may get lucky tonight ;) but I'm sure its a day late at least....My left Ovary was screaming last night at bedtime. Of course since it was my left side, not much hope anyways! UGH!
Man, I'm just so confused about this whole cycle!

I've been feeling like I have PMS for the past week or longer, rather than O symptoms.

My FF chart put dotted crosshairs on today, but only after I removed my +OPK info. In my cycle notes, I had written for a couple of days that I was noticing slight signs of fertility but nothing like normal. CP seemed to remain closed the whole time, or only partially open -- nothing like normal. CM was only barely watery and barely stretchy for a couple of days and immediately went to dry and sticky.

And when I look at my temps for the past 5 days, they are almost exactly the same as last month's post-O temps, including those three days of temps that are almost a flat line. That's what makes me think that I missed my first +OPK and just happened to get one later in time.

Anyone care to take a look at my chart and provide their two cents? Maybe one of you gals can see something I'm overlooking, or...?
Not great at charts, but O looks like its right, unless it actually happened on Sunday where temp is missing? On your other chart I saw W on O day as well :/ Not a lot of help I know lol

I FINALLY got some Lovin'!!! Last night & this morning!:happydance::happydance::happydance: Not that it matters TTC wise, but I'm much easier to get along with when I'm not sexually frustrated lol Spent the day cutting, splitting & loading/unloading wood for our fire dept :/ 3 blisters & tired aching back, but it was a productive day :)
Yeeaahhh, that missing temp was from the day after my little niece was born. We all went to bed at like 3am and I slept right through my alarm and breakfast. lol. That temp would have been WAY off even if I had managed to take it at 8am like normal!
Lol cupcake DH and I also haven't had sex for 2 weeks so I finally jumped him this morning hahaha :) much nicer when not ttc!

IRYM - I also agree as far as possible with FF. Sheesh I hate weird cycles! Hoping today is your implantation dip ;). Did you have any O pains? Just wondering, has your dr ever suggested clomid?

Well after a week it feels like I am getting used to the Pill.... horrible acne flare-up has started to die down, sore boobs, dizziness and nausea abating, bloating subsiding... great. Two awesome things - the perioral dermatitis that started when I came off bcp last year (and has been causing me much pain & embarrassment), has cleared up! Also, my appetite is nonexistent. I've had 2 people mention this weekend that I look really thin, even though the scale doesn't say so! :)
Fern-Love how you find the silver lining! Maybe I should do bcp as a weight loss aid :/ Naw, I always gained on them in the luck I guess....

I'm continuing on WW & am happy to report the scale is going down :) Plus I've been more active, so I'm sure that helps ;)

IRYM-Fx'd for that dip!

Hello to the other ladies! Hope you guys can check in soon!
IRYM - I also agree as far as possible with FF. Sheesh I hate weird cycles! Hoping today is your implantation dip ;). Did you have any O pains? Just wondering, has your dr ever suggested clomid?

My ovaries hurt every day, so I don't know which pain is Ovulation and which is just the general, run-of-the-mill sort. :dohh:

IRYM-Fx'd for that dip!

This cycle's post-O temps are almost exactly the same as my temps on my BFP cycle! I'm becoming cautiously optimistic. Like, I want to get excited but then I don't want to get excited. Haha

I've also had ridiculously sore BBs the past two weeks (even sore under my arms), and this morning some pinching in my abdomen which I don't usually get. If my temp shoots back up around the 98.4 level tomorrow, I'm going to go nuts. Haha. That's what it did on my BFP cycle and hasn't done it before or since.
Fingers CROSSED!!!! That would be so great if you did get a BFP this cycle.

Idk what im doing wrong, still haven't dropped any weight and my measurements haven't changed at all, if anything I feel bigger .... whatever just need to keep going!! I'm sure it will start dropping sooner or later lol.

How long does it take for AF to show up after most MC. My one before this AF showed up 2 weeks after. This time im a week late. And can't do any of the stuff at the fertility clinic Thursday if AF hasn't shown up :dohh:
Seems like mine took forever each time, on average its usually 4-6 weeks I believe, of course that depends on how long it takes your hcg to go back to 0 as well....
It took me the length of one regular cycle after my hcg went back to about 4. But I have long cycles, so for me that was roughly 5 weeks. I didn't bother with OPKs that cycle but I did continue to temp, so I still knew when to expect AF. Hopefully it won't be too long for you, swimmy!

I'm also betting that the MC is what's making your weight stall. Your hormones are probably all out of whack. :/

AFM -- My temp DID spike back up to 98.44 today! This is almost exactly like my BFP cycle. Cautiously excited now! :dohh:

If you'll allow me to go all Computer Geek on you gals -- I included a side-by-side comparison of this cycle and my BFP cycle for reference. It hasn't done this in any cycle before my BFP, and this is the first time it's done it since then!

I know it's still too early to know for sure and that I'm just over-analyzing everything, but your guys' thoughts are always appreciated. :)


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They do look similar. Good luck & when is test day? lol

Since I have a GYN appt on Monday for a follow-up Pap Test & Biopsy, I'll need to POAS on Sunday morning. If I get a BFP then they'll put off the Pap Test. If not, they'll go ahead with it.

I'm hoping that if it IS a BFP that it will actually show up on Sunday! I'd hate to have this test cause problems.
Fingers crossed!!!

My doctor never kept checking my hcg after it went down to 18 at my follow up appointment after the mc. She said i was still bleeding so it would keep coming down. So i probably have at least another week to wait. Oh well i should be looking at the bright side that at least we will have a plan with the FS when she does show up lol.

PS working midnight's is sooo hard when trying to eat better 230 am all's i want to eat is chocolate lol
IRYM - all I can say is if I were you I would be hopeful too!!!! I can't wait to see what Sunday brings.

Swimmy - sorry hun that you are in limbo and also that you are struggling with your weight. This past year I've realized what a huge impact hormones have on our weight... at least you are doing your best to be healthy and fit & that's what counts!

Cupcake I'm also thinking of you hun and hope you're still making progress weight-loss wise x

Not much going on here. Freaking extremely busy at work until this weekend so I don't have time to exercise (sneaking in 5 min for the forum lol).
Today I told a friend (who has been following our struggles) the news about how I can't have kids and just have one "maybe" shot at ICSI if we ever manage to obtain the insane amount of funds for it.... and I didn't burst into tears. Progress, I suppose.
We are getting another baby rescue kitten on Saturday (her mom was shot dead in a mall parking lot & the teeny 3 week old kitty had to be rescued from under a container!). Our other one, the 5 month old cat that we've had for a few weeks now, was rescued from an abusive home and I'm happy to report he is doing EXTREMELY well & is so loving and healthy now. I'm definitely going to turn into a crazy cat lady.:happydance::thumbup:
Wish my husband was open to adopting a human baby.

I really have been feeling OK-ish the past few days. Trying my best to look on the bright side. I'm looking forward to the December holidays and DH & I have been getting along quite well. One of my best friends told me the other day about how sad she is that she does not have a husband (she is 38 and never even had a serious boyfriend, also not dating at all). She will also probably never have kids because realistically at age 38 with no husband or boyfriend in sight and also such severe PCOS that she hasn't had a period in years she is looking at a future all alone. (She won't do IUI because of our faith, also why IVF is a bit of an issue for me but that's a discussion for another day). It just made me realize that at least I have my husband and the rest of my family. That in itself is already such a blessing. After my divorce I thought I would never be happy again and here I am.

Sorry for rambling on but, yeah, it's therapeutic to type it all out.

:hugs: to all xxx
:hugs: Fern! You're making progress and trying to be positive. That is such a GREAT thing, rather than wallowing in self-pity or being nasty to other people or what-have-you. That shows you're a strong lady! You know we're all rooting for you for that miracle baby!

Swimmy-- I wish my doc made smart decisions like that. Mine wanted to continue checking hCG until it went all the way to zero, even though the last draw was at like 4. Since I knew from research that anything under 5 was considered 'not pregnant,' I didn't go in for the last draw that she wanted. It didn't make sense to me, and lab fees for such a simple test are outrageous out here, even with insurance!

My temp went up a little higher this morning. AND I'm starting to see blood in the kleenex when I blow my nose. That is another thing that happened on my BFP cycle, so I'm starting to get anxious! I almost broke down and POAS this morning, but reminded myself that it was too early. If Monday was an implantation dip, there wouldn't be much hCG in my system right now anyway -- though this time I hope I get a blazing pink line on my tests, and not the faint ones from last time!
Hugs Fern :/ Must be something going around today, as I've been in a mood.....sigh.....
I made my F/U appt for a repeat PAP for the 6th today. Ugh! We are going to discuss Clomid vs. Femara as a Hail Mary for 3-4 months before Spring, so I guess I should be excited, but I'm really not :( I have been super lazy the last couple of days. not getting up in time to hit the gym, not sure why I do this, when I know I still have at least 40 pounds to go? Oh well, I still have time to lose a pound or 2 this week, IF I find my mojo.....
Hope your excitement is well founded IRYM!!!
Hugs Fern :/ Must be something going around today, as I've been in a mood.....sigh.....
I made my F/U appt for a repeat PAP for the 6th today. Ugh! We are going to discuss Clomid vs. Femara as a Hail Mary for 3-4 months before Spring, so I guess I should be excited, but I'm really not :( I have been super lazy the last couple of days. not getting up in time to hit the gym, not sure why I do this, when I know I still have at least 40 pounds to go? Oh well, I still have time to lose a pound or 2 this week, IF I find my mojo.....
Hope your excitement is well founded IRYM!!!

Oh man, but you're doing so well with your 33 pound loss already! You have got to feel like a new person, losing that much. I wish I could have any kind of consistent loss. Don't beat yourself up too much over only a few days. :)

As for me -- I broke down and POAS this morning.

Last night I kept feeling even more symptoms that were the same as my BFP from June. For example: I coughed, and felt my abdomen spasm and burn like a pulled muscle. I NEVER felt anything like that except for the week following my BFP. I was told that an expanding uterus can cause that sensation.... So the rest of the day I was researching everything I could find on Google about it. lol

I finally just said -- Fine! I'll test in the morning! Knowing full well that it's too early, too. So I wasn't surprised that I got a BFN.

I didn't get a BFP in June until 16DPO and I'm only 10DPO right now, so it serves me right! lol

I'll wait and test again in 2 or 3 days. I have to test right before my appointment anyway, so we'll see what happens between now and then!
Sorry if I disappeared on you ladies. I'm still around, I don't check in as much these days with graduate school keeping me so busy.

Over the summer I went back up to 190-195 and stayed in that range. This month I said that was finished and suggested that my husband and I both cut back on carbs (I suspect that's what preventing the weight loss anyways) because we were still doing exercises like 2 times a week at least. So for the past two weeks, I have seen it finally get under 190 for the first time in months. My husband suggested I go back to swimming because that seems to work for me best (I used to swim in high school and that's how I shrunk down to size 8 if I remember right). During my fall break over the past two weeks, I have made effort to do a daily work out of some kind whether it is a 5k or something else. I have limited my carbs to just one meal a day instead of not limiting it. I eat more proteins and I have vegetables every night with dinner.
Good job, Deafgal! Sounds like you finally found something that works for you!

I think the low carb diets were the most reliable ones for me, but I always had a problem keeping the weight off when I was done losing it! It all came right back the instant I added so much as a slice of toast to my meal plan. Oye!

Have you reached your weight loss goal? If so, what's your total loss? If not, how much is left to go?

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