Hi ladies
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I have been reading along on my phone but can't post from there. Been so busy I've hardly had time to breathe! And then in the middle of it all I got VERY sick with a weird stomach flu virus and spent about 3 days flat on my back in and out of delirium. SO, SO many people in my neighborhood got sick& many had to go to hospital. I'm thinking it's due to this heat wave we've had and maybe our water supply or food somewhere got infected with an opportunistic pathogen? Most quality control standards in South Africa have been non-existent these past few years especially the municipal services, well for that matter hospitals, food industry, schools, you name it. Everywhere you go, South Africa has for the most part turned into a totally crappy third world country, except of course if you have lots of money you get to experience the shiny side of the country...
IRYM - I can totally see the line on the second test and keeping everything crossed! I wish your time zone wasn't so far behind mine because now I have to keep waiting and waiting to read your updates lol.
Swimmy - I see you're back on clomid hun - well that might TOTALLY explain the weight issues. Clomid made me pick up so much weight. The first month I took it, I went on a 3 week cleansing diet where I basically only ate veg and small amounts of protein... after those 3 weeks I couldn't fit into my jeans which was 100% due to the hormones!!! So be kind to yourself, fertility meds & hormones totally mess with water retention, bloating, fat storage, etc etc etc. You just keep being your healthy self and hopefully it will all be worth it. Hugs!!
Cupcake - uh, lol husband, we can't get pregnant by ourselves! GL to you also hun and I hope your next cycle is better

Something is reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy bothering me. My husband seems to have lost all interest in me sexually since we have stopped ttc. Well things in the bedroom have been strained BECAUSE OF having to stick to a bd schedule but now we're not doing it AT ALL anymore despite me trying to seduce him. WTH? I don't really care if I never have sex again but I know it's a big deal for men (used to be a HUGE deal for DH!) so if he doesn't want to do it anymore I don't know what's up? Any advice?