Getting Fit Before Baby

That was 1st thing in the morning ugh Oh well, I can see a difference in my clothes & my muscles are for sure growing, so I'll just stick with it & see how next week is! Feeling very Pms-y & craving chocolate :/ Must resist the urges lol
Glad you got a plan start Urs! I'm sure once you set your mind to it, the pounds will drop off!

IRYM- Still holding out hope for you!

Hi Swimmy! Anything new?
IRYM: Not having af in 5 years has its pros but when I wasn't wanting to end up pregnant it was very scary sometimes because I didn't have that monthly update that I wasn't. Now though I'm going crazy because all I want to see is af and to know I'm ovulating so I know when to check and everything. I never really felt like I fit in on this site or any pregnancy site because I wasn't even regulating at all. I feel happy now though!

I've also been stalking your chart like crazy! I'm so eager to see what comes of it, fx'd and prayers it's a BFP!

IRYM- Still holding out hope for you!

Thanks gals!

I'm going nuts with the waiting though. I did the "Q-tip test" where you swab around inside your lady bits with a clean q-tip and check it for blood? Came back clear. All I had was the weird paste they use post-pap test to help prevent infection. No blood. I am dying to check my cervix, but I don't want to irritate it so soon after that biopsy.

I just put a pot of coffee on because I was expecting company -- now let me point out: I'm a coffee addict. I love coffee. Coffee ice cream, espresso, Starbucks, coffee at home, etc. etc. BUT... Just now, the scent of coffee brewing had me so so so sick! Like seriously, if it wasn't for the fact that I hadn't had lunch yet, I'd have been puking. I can't make that up, right? My favorite beverage suddenly makes my stomach turn? What on earth is going on with me?

If this is not due to a pregnancy, I will have to b*tch slap my uterus. Haha. I've never had this kind of nausea as a PMS symptom in all my years dealing with PMS.
That was 1st thing in the morning ugh Oh well, I can see a difference in my clothes & my muscles are for sure growing, so I'll just stick with it & see how next week is! Feeling very Pms-y & craving chocolate :/ Must resist the urges lol
Glad you got a plan start Urs! I'm sure once you set your mind to it, the pounds will drop off!

In the days immediately after a muscle workout, your body retains water so that it can help repair and strengthen your muscles. That's why the scale doesn't go down right away even when you work your butt off.
Guess that & impending Af would explain it then! I even "felt" like I had lost over the not so much :( Bloated & miserable ugh
!!! Guys!

After nearly puking over the smell of brewing coffee I had to test... But I was too impatient and couldn't hold my urine for 4 hours and used up my last FRER in the middle of the day! Not to mention I usually drink several liters of water a day and my urine's pretty dilute...

Is this a line, or is it an evap!? Yesterday's test (the top one) doesn't have an evap... are FRERs bad for evaps?

Give it to me straight, what do you think? BFP or evap?


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I must have bad eyes because I can't even see the second line in the pictures. I'm sorry? Try in the morning when your urine is more stronger and not as diluted with a proper pregnancy test.
IRYM: I SEE IT!! Did you take the photo during the time window? I believe I see colour! Ahh I'm so excited now for you. Fx'd!!

Cupcake: Thanks for the encouragement! I have a lot of weight to lose so I'm hoping to see big numbers at the start.

AFM: I know it's kind of silly for me to test as I don't think I'm even ovulating, but I like POAS and they're I tested. Stark white, not even a fun line like IRYM!
Well I see a line, but not sure if its an evap. It looks a little thin & greyish to me. Is it pink IRL? Does it look the same before you took it apart? I'm on the fence with this one! Excited, but just not convinced....poas in the morning!
Same! I think I see pink but that could be wishful thinking. Lol. I'm on the fence... and need to go buy more FRERs. I might wait to see if AF shows tomorrow before I POAS though. I have some FR rapid results, but those aren't as sensitive
Any updates????

CD 1 for me...finally! TWW is SO much longer when you no there is no hope of conception lol
Nope, still waiting on AF. 16 dpo today, and no sin of her! No cramps, no spotting.... I'm waiting for some cheapie HPTs to arrive by mail.

My last BFP didn't show until I was 3 days late. We'll see!
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I have been reading along on my phone but can't post from there. Been so busy I've hardly had time to breathe! And then in the middle of it all I got VERY sick with a weird stomach flu virus and spent about 3 days flat on my back in and out of delirium. SO, SO many people in my neighborhood got sick& many had to go to hospital. I'm thinking it's due to this heat wave we've had and maybe our water supply or food somewhere got infected with an opportunistic pathogen? Most quality control standards in South Africa have been non-existent these past few years especially the municipal services, well for that matter hospitals, food industry, schools, you name it. Everywhere you go, South Africa has for the most part turned into a totally crappy third world country, except of course if you have lots of money you get to experience the shiny side of the country...

IRYM - I can totally see the line on the second test and keeping everything crossed! I wish your time zone wasn't so far behind mine because now I have to keep waiting and waiting to read your updates lol.

Swimmy - I see you're back on clomid hun - well that might TOTALLY explain the weight issues. Clomid made me pick up so much weight. The first month I took it, I went on a 3 week cleansing diet where I basically only ate veg and small amounts of protein... after those 3 weeks I couldn't fit into my jeans which was 100% due to the hormones!!! So be kind to yourself, fertility meds & hormones totally mess with water retention, bloating, fat storage, etc etc etc. You just keep being your healthy self and hopefully it will all be worth it. Hugs!!

Cupcake - uh, lol husband, we can't get pregnant by ourselves! GL to you also hun and I hope your next cycle is better :).

Something is reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy bothering me. My husband seems to have lost all interest in me sexually since we have stopped ttc. Well things in the bedroom have been strained BECAUSE OF having to stick to a bd schedule but now we're not doing it AT ALL anymore despite me trying to seduce him. WTH? I don't really care if I never have sex again but I know it's a big deal for men (used to be a HUGE deal for DH!) so if he doesn't want to do it anymore I don't know what's up? Any advice? :(
Hey fern! My dh tends to keep to himself when something's bothering him. I usually give him space for a couple of days, then just flat out ask him what's going on. I would put him in the spot & ask why he isn't interested & let him know how it makes you feel....hugs that its nothing serious going on!
IRYM-Just wanted to say........POAS!!!!!! YOu are KILLING me here lol
I only just woke up an hour ago, gals! lol. And for the record, I did POAS on 14DPO and got BFN.

Anyway, AF got me this morning, two days late! :growlmad: It was so odd. I didn't have a single cramp, no feeling of wetness, no sore BBs or mood swings or anything. I woke up thinking, "Well, this is gonna be another day of wondering!" but when I went to the bathroom -- nope, there she was.

Now, an hour later, the cramps have really set in. Why must every cycle be so wildly different with me? Arg!

I guess it's on to the next cycle and getting started with the fertility specialists. I hope DH and I can get a BFP before we get too far into the tests and whatnot. I can dream, can't I? lol

Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I have been reading along on my phone but can't post from there. Been so busy I've hardly had time to breathe! And then in the middle of it all I got VERY sick with a weird stomach flu virus and spent about 3 days flat on my back in and out of delirium. SO, SO many people in my neighborhood got sick& many had to go to hospital. I'm thinking it's due to this heat wave we've had and maybe our water supply or food somewhere got infected with an opportunistic pathogen? Most quality control standards in South Africa have been non-existent these past few years especially the municipal services, well for that matter hospitals, food industry, schools, you name it. Everywhere you go, South Africa has for the most part turned into a totally crappy third world country, except of course if you have lots of money you get to experience the shiny side of the country...

IRYM - I can totally see the line on the second test and keeping everything crossed! I wish your time zone wasn't so far behind mine because now I have to keep waiting and waiting to read your updates lol.

Swimmy - I see you're back on clomid hun - well that might TOTALLY explain the weight issues. Clomid made me pick up so much weight. The first month I took it, I went on a 3 week cleansing diet where I basically only ate veg and small amounts of protein... after those 3 weeks I couldn't fit into my jeans which was 100% due to the hormones!!! So be kind to yourself, fertility meds & hormones totally mess with water retention, bloating, fat storage, etc etc etc. You just keep being your healthy self and hopefully it will all be worth it. Hugs!!

Cupcake - uh, lol husband, we can't get pregnant by ourselves! GL to you also hun and I hope your next cycle is better :).

Something is reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy bothering me. My husband seems to have lost all interest in me sexually since we have stopped ttc. Well things in the bedroom have been strained BECAUSE OF having to stick to a bd schedule but now we're not doing it AT ALL anymore despite me trying to seduce him. WTH? I don't really care if I never have sex again but I know it's a big deal for men (used to be a HUGE deal for DH!) so if he doesn't want to do it anymore I don't know what's up? Any advice? :(

Wow, so sorry to hear you were sick! That sounds really bad. I'm glad you're better and didn't end up in the hospital though. Yeesh!

In regards to your husband... best thing to do is just ask. Men aren't all that great with subtle cues, and even if you dropped him a few hints to try to get him to open up and talk about it, he might miss them entirely. At least, that's my experience with men in general. Haha.

He could be preoccupied over something else altogether. I know that this month, my husband and I missed several days of BD because he was so stressed out for work he couldn't get his mind into it, and couldn't "perform" as usual because of it. He spent a week of nights going to bed almost immediately after dinner and sleeping like a log the whole night, poor guy.
:( sorry girl

Thanks. That was a weird cycle, for sure. I'm not too down about it. At that point I was really just like, "I need to know one way or the other!" lol

I told DH that he's not allowed to slack with BD this month. lol. Our timing wasn't the greatest this month because he was super stressed from work and whatnot.

I think I'll have a little bit of liquor with dinner tonight, since I've been going without for the past 3+ weeks just in case I actually was pregnant. Besides, all the friggen nausea (which vanished as soon as AF started, btw) wasn't really making me want to drink or eat anything in the first place..! lol
IRYM - boo I totally saw a line. I just started my journey with the fertility clinic and it is intimidatingly expensive, but my insurance does help some.

My sonohystogram came back perfect, and my labs are fine ugh. Except for the progesterone of course. Next ultrasound is in a few days to check how many eggs are gonna drop. I'm now really nervous for the genetic tests (we still haven't gotten those back). I'm trying to hold onto hope that we are gonna get a healthy pregnancy within a year. Idk just feeling really down today.

Good to know that clomid can make you bloated and gain some weight. I'm sure all the Halloween candy doesn't help lol.
IRYM - boo I totally saw a line. I just started my journey with the fertility clinic and it is intimidatingly expensive, but my insurance does help some.

My sonohystogram came back perfect, and my labs are fine ugh. Except for the progesterone of course. Next ultrasound is in a few days to check how many eggs are gonna drop. I'm now really nervous for the genetic tests (we still haven't gotten those back). I'm trying to hold onto hope that we are gonna get a healthy pregnancy within a year. Idk just feeling really down today.

Good to know that clomid can make you bloated and gain some weight. I'm sure all the Halloween candy doesn't help lol.

The insurance we have doesn't cover ANY infertility treatment, unfortunately. So it all comes down to what DH and I are willing to pay out of pocket. The initial office visit alone costs the same as the sonohistogram, which I find rather ridiculous! But we'll keep TTCing naturally while along the way. We know I can get pregnant, it just takes a long time and nothing sticks!

I'm hoping it's something simple like low hormone levels. Since my cervical surgery last year, AF went from 5 days of moderate/average flow to 2 or 3 days of scanty flow, almost what you could just count as spotting. So there's something going on, and if it's as simple as a low estrogen level, then I'm hoping it's an easy fix!

FX'd for you gals! I hope we all get sorted out and our BFPs by Christmas!
Firstly, for those that celebrate it:


Secondly: So I spoke with my doctor about how I'm having problems losing weight. I got the "There's no magic pill to make it all come off" lecture, and then she told me I should attend one of their health classes and see if I can learn something there that will work.

Soooo I am signed up to attend one in mid-November. It's basically a class for people who have zero idea what they're doing, so I know I'm going to be bored to death -- BUT -- if I can speak to one of the attending nutritionalists or whomever else is there, show them my food diaries and exercise logs, and say "I'm already doing all that, now what?" maybe we can move on to looking at hormonal imbalances.

Since I still suffer from daily facial and body acne and have since puberty, I know there's something wrong. We just haven't been able to pinpoint it yet. I'm thinking this might be my foot in the door to having some weight management stuff covered by my insurance. If you can prove that your weight is caused by other health problems and not by laziness or overeating, they're more likely to cover all or part of the fees. FX'd!

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