Getting Fit Before Baby

Hi Ladies :flower:

Just popping in. I've been so busy I've been away from boards, not even really up to date with what is going on here, but I will do my best to catch up :) I saw briefly that there were some hopefuls that ended in AF -- :hugs: to ireadyermind and the rest of you. :nope:

AFM: My weight is stuck around the 46-47kg down mark. Which is a lot of weight lost, but unfortunately I need to lose at least 6 more kg to qualify for fertility treatments. :-( My gyno (who is currently managing my PCOS) is convinced we need to treat my thyroid, but my GP is convinced that since it's sub-clinical hypothyroidism, we shouldn't change it because the numbers are on the borderline of being OK. I last saw my gyno a couple of weeks ago, and she sent me for more blood draws (as she's analyzing whether she thinks metformin will help me), where she re-tested my thyroid again, and I was told "If anything's crazy out of balance, you'll hear from me, otherwise we'll go over you results in your follow-up 7 weeks from now." Two days later, I got a message about needing to see my GP about my thyroid again, so maybe the numbers are off enough that my GP will agree it's worth treating? Let's hope so. I see the GP on Tuesday. Otherwise, I'm actually back at home for like 3 weeks straight, so I am going to work super hard on making the scale move (I travel so much this year, it's been hard to keep up with the weight loss). I just returned from a trip to Dublin where I had a few vacation days with DH, so my weight is slightly up, but I'm back on top of it. Getting frustrated (been TTC since July of 2014 and been working on weight loss since September of 2014), but happy that my gyno has decided I've lost enough weight on my own that we need to consider metformin. I have a couple of snowboarding trips planned in December and January as well, which will keep me distracted. We splurged a bit budget-wise to fit all the holidays in, but since this is (hopefully) our last few months to take some vacations with just the two of us, I don't have regrets. Regarding :witch:, well, no sign of her since May :nope:, so I'm on a round of progesterone now to bring on a bleed.

That's about it for now; will write more once I've caught up a bit more. :hugs: to you all!
Mrs. Tigger - so good to hear from you and way to go on the AMAZING weight loss!!! Snowboarding sounds like lots of fun. My husband use to be a pro when he was younger and still loves going (scares the heck out of me lol)
Hope you get some results soon and that it won't be long till your bfp!!
Hi ladies

Just checking in. I've tried to chat to DH about our issues but he is not really listening or taking me seriously. Idk what is going on; stress over the year-end rush and/or our dire financial situation... urgh I just hope we have a restful holiday and that we can grow a bit closer again.

MrsTigger - your weight loss is so inspiring. Let's hope they start thyroid treatment. It really made a HUGE difference for me when my hypothyroidism got under control - even a small change makes a difference in energy levels, concentration, mood etc. And it should help you lose those last few kgs. :)

IRYM - all the best with your weight loss class. I really hope a medical professional starts taking you seriously! So many hugs.

Swimmy - GL with the genetic tests, keep us updated when you get those back. And when you've had your sonogram!

What's news cupcakestoy?

I've got some news.... I'm doing one last round of clomid next cycle :blush:. AF should start in 4/5 days. I'm going to go all out with 100mg clomid and black cohosh (that I have in my medicine cupboard!) next cycle. The reason is that I have to change my medical insurance plan in order to get the laparoscopy before IVF next year. The new insurance plan costs A LOT more than my current one. We have to confirm my insurance change on December 10 so that gives me one more cycle that I can theoretically try to get pregnant before committing to all the IVF expenses. (Even though my dr recommended that I stay on BCP!)

DH and I am telling NO ONE irl that we will be trying next cycle, especially not my dr. It will probably not work in any case but then at least I will feel like I did everything I could before committing to IVF. So only my thread friends know! It's going to be a looooonnnnngggg cycle!

By the way such a funny thing happened on Sunday. I was stalking a bunch of ttc threads like I always do!! And wondered aloud why I'm always checking to see if other ladies got pregnant even though I don't know who they are irl and even though I don't post on their threads. (Superstalker :winkwink:). DH glanced over at the screen with the list of all the threads on the "ttc groups and discussions" forum, saw this thread name "Getting fit before baby" on the list and said: "Ooohhh why don't you join that one???" Haahahahaaa! Such a great idea, husband. The reason why it's funny is that I'VE ALREADY TOLD HIM THAT I'M A MEMBER. :dohh::dohh:

Something that I've wondered about, just for fun. How did you ladies come up with your usernames? I chose mine because I have a degree in Botany; a fern was one of the first plants I ever studied & found it really beautiful, resilient & interesting. :)
Hey Fern! Not alot going on here, Just managed to get a nasty cold & sinus infection so I'm the mucous queen:sick: I'm on my last day of Soy Isoflavones this cycle, bound & determined to be exposed thhis time around lol I, too, feel like I NEED to do something before paying out all that money in the spring! :thumbup:
I chose my user name, because dh's highschool nickname was cupcake & when he's frisky he "wants to play", thus toy lmbo. silly I know, but I like it :)

On the weight loss front, had a good week; 4 # gone! Officially at my "wedding day" weight!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I'll have everything crossed for you & lift you up in my prayers Fern, that this IS going to be YOUR TIME!!!!
Good to hear from you Tigger and Fern! :)

We just got our questionnaire in the mail from the infertility clinic yesterday. Spent a little while filling it out, then handed it over to DH to do HIS section, and he sits there and reads every question aloud to me, laughs at it, and then fills it out. It would be like,

DH: " 'What ethnicity are you?' HAHAHA! Why are they even ASKING me that!? It doesn't matter!"
Me: "Yes it does. There are genetic issues that certain groups are predisposed to and they can test for them."
DH: "Oh." Then he'd move to the next question.
DH: "HAHA! Have I had a hernia surgery? Uh, no!" And he'd check "NO" on the form, while chuckling. And of course any mention of "Penis" got a laugh too. :dohh: Sometimes I think men are really just overgrown children.

I finally had to say, "You know, you really don't need to read me every single thing they're asking you unless you're confused about something. I read through the form already." He took the hint and filled out the form in silence after that. lol

So now that the form's filled out, it's just a matter of seeing what days DH has available to come with me for the preliminary appointment. I'm both nervous and excited! Nervous because I'm afraid they'll find something seriously wrong, but excited because I feel like there's a possibility that there will be an "easy" fix and we'll be pregnant in no time. It's an odd mix of emotions! Haha

As for my username -- iReadYerMind is a user name I chose back in high school. I'm usually pretty good at reading people, and people were constantly telling me "I was JUST going to say that! What are you, psychic!?" So as a joke, I created the iReadYerMind username for chats and forums, and it's been my default username on social sites ever since. Just something I know won't already be taken, is easy to remember, and has an email account to match. :)
Hi Ladies :flower:

Just checking in again. Apparently my TSH is risen a bit but is still in "upper normal" (up to 3.7 now). But my antibodies were 97 (supposed to be less than 60). Due to the fact that I am trying for pregnancy and am struggling with losing weight, I'm on thyroid medication now and will have my levels re-tested in January.

@ireadyermind - So exciting to move on to fertility clinic! I can't wait until it's my turn :-D I hope it goes well for you and they find a nice quick fix.

@swimmy - Thanks! :hugs:

@cupcakestoy - Such a great job on the loss. It must be amazing to be down to you wedding weight again. :thumbup:

@fern - Good luck with the clomid, I hope this month is your lucky month :hugs:

My name is simple -- 'Tigger' is DH's pet name for me. I have a pet name for him as well that also starts with T :winkwink: And sometimes we become "Mr. & Mrs. T" as a joke (our last name doesn't start with T). And, I dunno, Mrs. Tigger seemed cute and memorable. :)
On the weight loss front, had a good week; 4 # gone! Officially at my "wedding day" weight!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I'll have everything crossed for you & lift you up in my prayers Fern, that this IS going to be YOUR TIME!!!!

Wow, you're doing so well! I'm soooo jealous! Haha. I have to lose about the same amount of weight as you and right now, the scale just keeps going UP!

I am trying to be really really strict with myself in terms of diet and working out so that when we go in to speak to the specialist, I can confirm that I'm trying hard to lose weight, you know?
Mrs. T sorry you had to start on meds, but glad that your Dr. Is keeping a close eye on things! I'm happy to be at wedding weight, but would love to get back to my weight at time of reversal :/ ....that's still 40 pounds away, but I'll get there!
IRYM: Boo! I really thought it was a BFP. I'm glad you're looking at the positive side of things though :)

Cupcake: 4lbs! Way to go!! I have no doubt that you'll make the 40lbs or a weight you feel comfortable at.

Fern: I had two imaginary friends in elementary school, Chip and Ursaula. Ursula, but I didn't know how to spell it at the time, so it came out as Ursaula on all of my drawings. I've used the name since I was 10 when I started on a kid-friendly forum. I use it for everything now. Also, fx'd for you this month! I hope good comes of it.

Tigger: How does progesterone work for you? (Or anyone else who has tried it...) I'm a little confused about it...

Swimmy: How are you doing? Any medical updates?

AFM: I've been struggling with depression a lot lately and just getting out of bed seems to be a chore but I thought I better at least send some sort of an update. Weight wise...when I get feeling blue I eat a lot (emotional eating) so let's just say Halloween and feeling down didn't go well together. I decided to take my measurements for a start since the number isn't always the most important thing.
Cupcake - congrats!!! I'm so proud of you! I have fallen off the wagon and have been eating like crap :( and my scale broke so i haven't even looked at my damage yet lol.
Mrs t - hopefully with the beds you get the bfp soon!!
IRYM - hang in there! Have you done measurements too? Muscle weighs more if you've been working out more. I laughed so hard when filling out the paper work for our fertility specalist. Some of the questions they asked for the mandatory therapist meeting had me turning bright red. # of times we have sex in a week, do we feel anything comes between us sexually, are our needs met sexually with each other. I wrote on every line will discuss questions in interview hahaha. My husband was bright red when on his form it asked how often he masterbates hahahaha.

AFM - still no news on the genetic testing and it has been driving me crazy!! Went for my folicle scan, only have one mature folicle ugh so next cycle we are upping my dose if no bfp. But at least my lining is nice and thick.
Cupcake - congrats!!! I'm so proud of you! I have fallen off the wagon and have been eating like crap :( and my scale broke so i haven't even looked at my damage yet lol.
Mrs t - hopefully with the beds you get the bfp soon!!
IRYM - hang in there! Have you done measurements too? Muscle weighs more if you've been working out more. I laughed so hard when filling out the paper work for our fertility specalist. Some of the questions they asked for the mandatory therapist meeting had me turning bright red. # of times we have sex in a week, do we feel anything comes between us sexually, are our needs met sexually with each other. I wrote on every line will discuss questions in interview hahaha. My husband was bright red when on his form it asked how often he masterbates hahahaha.

AFM - still no news on the genetic testing and it has been driving me crazy!! Went for my folicle scan, only have one mature folicle ugh so next cycle we are upping my dose if no bfp. But at least my lining is nice and thick.

I've actually had to go UP in clothes size, so my measurements aren't going down either. But I'm proud of myself for buckling down and really working out yesterday! I did the full 30mins I intended to do, even after my workout was interrupted by a phone call from the fertility clinic. My calves are aching today because of it, but it's the good kind of ache. I hope to keep that up.

When I talked to my doc about it, she said that if I was "only" relying on exercise to lose weight, I had to do at least 5 days a week. Well, I told her I was eating at a calorie deficit AND exercising, not just one or the other, and she says, "Well, excercising 3x a week is only for weight maintenance." I asked, "Even if it's 1 hour or longer on each of the 3 days?" I was doing at-home spinning classes and they were intense enough that I was positively pouring sweat by the end of them, and she just shrugged and said, "Maybe the health class we'll send you to can tell you how to adjust things so you will lose weight."

And you know -- I had my cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels checked, and they're all in VERY healthy ranges! Which proves that I eat right and take care of myself, so that says to ME that there's something else at work here.

If I wasn't doing all this, my cholesterol and blood pressure would be sky high! Right? Ugh. I really hope that talking to a nutritionalist will help me get the assistance I need.

As for the questionnaire -- a lot of those questions were ones I expected them to ask. The # of times you BD a week, for example -- if you never have sex, how do you expect to conceive? Lol. I bet there are some people who are like, "Oh, you know, we have sex like twice a month!" haha

But my husband was laughing at even the most routine of questions. Like it was asking for family medical history, such as if there was a history of any mental disorders, or bone growth issues, etc. and he was like, "HAAAAA!" Really, I'm not sure what he found to be so humorous! Haha
On the weight loss front, had a good week; 4 # gone! Officially at my "wedding day" weight!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I'll have everything crossed for you & lift you up in my prayers Fern, that this IS going to be YOUR TIME!!!!

Wow, you're doing so well! I'm soooo jealous! Haha. I have to lose about the same amount of weight as you and right now, the scale just keeps going UP!

I am trying to be really really strict with myself in terms of diet and working out so that when we go in to speak to the specialist, I can confirm that I'm trying hard to lose weight, you know?

IRYM: Boo! I really thought it was a BFP. I'm glad you're looking at the positive side of things though :)

Cupcake: 4lbs! Way to go!! I have no doubt that you'll make the 40lbs or a weight you feel comfortable at.

Fern: I had two imaginary friends in elementary school, Chip and Ursaula. Ursula, but I didn't know how to spell it at the time, so it came out as Ursaula on all of my drawings. I've used the name since I was 10 when I started on a kid-friendly forum. I use it for everything now. Also, fx'd for you this month! I hope good comes of it.

Tigger: How does progesterone work for you? (Or anyone else who has tried it...) I'm a little confused about it...

Swimmy: How are you doing? Any medical updates?

AFM: I've been struggling with depression a lot lately and just getting out of bed seems to be a chore but I thought I better at least send some sort of an update. Weight wise...when I get feeling blue I eat a lot (emotional eating) so let's just say Halloween and feeling down didn't go well together. I decided to take my measurements for a start since the number isn't always the most important thing.

Thanks! It's not a matter of where I "feel" comfortable, I have to get my BMI down before I can do IVF :/ Sorry you've been struggling with depression. I am in the same boat & actually am doing better since starting on Wellbutrin. I am an emotional eater as well :(

Cupcake - congrats!!! I'm so proud of you! I have fallen off the wagon and have been eating like crap :( and my scale broke so i haven't even looked at my damage yet lol.
Mrs t - hopefully with the beds you get the bfp soon!!
IRYM - hang in there! Have you done measurements too? Muscle weighs more if you've been working out more. I laughed so hard when filling out the paper work for our fertility specalist. Some of the questions they asked for the mandatory therapist meeting had me turning bright red. # of times we have sex in a week, do we feel anything comes between us sexually, are our needs met sexually with each other. I wrote on every line will discuss questions in interview hahaha. My husband was bright red when on his form it asked how often he masterbates hahahaha.

AFM - still no news on the genetic testing and it has been driving me crazy!! Went for my folicle scan, only have one mature folicle ugh so next cycle we are upping my dose if no bfp. But at least my lining is nice and thick.
Good luck with your Follie! I only had 1 with my 1st IUI that I got a bfp with. It only takes 1 good one! :)
I have days of eating crap as well, I think its ok as long as you pick your self up & start over.....

IRYM-It's so hard when Dr.'s don't HEAR what you are saying! Hope you get some answers soon!
oohhh I think im gonna ovulate this tomorrow or the next day so fingers crossed. Your right cupcake I shouldn't be so negative it only takes one egg
Hi ladies

I just loved hearing about your usernames, thanks for sharing!!!!

Ursaula, I read back a bit and saw you had lost your family dog. Aaawww hun I'm so sorry. Losing a beloved pet is much like losing a family member. Lots of hugs xxxxx. I understand suffering with depression. I've suffered with it all my life, it basically wrecked my life for YEARS, lost my first husband to it, and even tried to commit suicide a number of times... that's in the past now but I still have to work really hard at keeping my head straight. I can't use antidepressants at all (get really bad side effects) so I have had to find other ways to cope & carry on. Feel free to PM me at any time and we are always here if you need to talk. xx

IRYM - lol husbands are weird sometimes!! I really hope you get some answers regarding your weight soon. It's ridiculous that drs seem to think that weight issues always stem from being an overeater and being lazy, clearly NOT in your case!!!! Your doctor seems so dismissive, urgh hun you deserve much better.

Cupcake - well you are on track with your weight loss; slow and steady keeps it OFF. GL with your cycle too this month, which CD are you?

Swimmy - well yay for one follie at least!! FX it's the "perfect" one!

MrsTigger - yay for being on thyroid meds! I hope it makes a huge difference for your health xx

Thanks for your support ladies. I've loved the weight loss effects of being back on bcp... I've lost a kg this week without trying (even had ice cream every day!) and my tummy is so flat I could wear a tight top yesterday that I haven't worn in 2 years. I know taking clomid will make me blow up again but hey, it will just be for one month. So in 5 days I'm going to have to reeeeaaallllyyy cut out carbs etc and this just in time for my & DH's birthdays, our anniversary & holidays lol. It will be worth it though to feel like we did ALL we could before IVF.

Hugs, talk again soon!
CD 9 here. Finished up my Soy for this cycle, & getting a repeat pap tomorrow.... Then its bd time ;)
Weellllll I just got back from the lab. They took NINE vials of blood... holy smokes! And the techs can never find my veins. I've been repeatedly told that if I would just drink more water, I wouldn't have that problem -- well, I'm sorry, but when I'm supposed to fast for 12 hours and essentially get right up out of bed, get dressed and come in, there's not time for me to drink those whole 2 liters! lol

I chug as much water before I come in as I can stomach, and I have a glass before bed too -- but man, you'd think they want me awake every 2 hours for water. Bah humbug! Haha

Anyway, now we get to see what's going on with my hormones. I'm almost 100% certain there's an issue with estrogen. After reading up on what low estrogen symptoms are, and having just about every single one, well -- I don't want to self diagnose, but we'll know for sure in a few days. Wouldn't it be nice if all I had to do was take some hormonal supplements?
IRYM: I hate when doctors think that no matter how hard you're trying you still aren't doing something right. Being bigger boned (not necessarily overweight) is hereditary too so maybe it's some of that, right? Good luck though and share what you learn! As for bloodwork, I have a very visible vein in my left arm and they always seem to want to use a different one. I'm almost always poked about 2 or 3 times before they go to that vein to get the blood. IVs are awful too for me. With IVs they try putting warm towels on you to get your blood circulating more, maybe try that before going to bloodwork?

Cupcake: I see now about the BMI, I wasn't aware of that. I haven't heard of Wellbutrin, is it an antidepressant? The one and only thing I've had second thoughts on pregnancy is not being able to be on antidepressants at the same time. I want it to be as natural as I can possibly have it, but I do realize if it isn't going to affect the baby and it keeps me alive I should take them. How do you deal with emotional eating? Also, I appreciate you sharing.

Swimmy: Did you ovulate? :)

Fern: I appreciate the hugs :) I've tried a lot of different antidepressants, a lot of them I had side effects like severe migraines, and even increased suicidal thoughts. I've been diagnosed with depression since I was 10 and just had some fancy new diagnosis added last year when I was admitted into a psychiatric centre. Not a day goes by when it isn't a struggle but my s/o and I actually met in a self help group for it and are each others supports when we fall. Thank you so much for sharing.

AFM: I think I ovulated! Not sure yet as I missed one temperature so ff can't count it yet but I made sure "things" happened so if I did ovulate we'd be covered. I'm on cd151 right now. Also, after my "maybe ovulation" I got a really bad chest cold and ended up in the hospital overnight last night so I don't know if that would change the temperatures? Fx'd I did!!!
Hope your feeling better!
Wellbutrin is an antidepressant, started it after my last M/C, as I just couldn't hold it together anymore. Doing better now, but still have my "days".....As for emotional eating, I TRY to get out of the house & stay busy. Lately I have been working in wood lol Weirdly, I have found that splitting wood is a great outlet for me...not to mention good exercise & its something dh & I can do together ;) Strange, but I like the feeling of strength I get when I crack a piece of red oak in 1 swing.... Yes weird, I know, but I guess I'm not your typical Southern belle lol
I'm glad you're feeling better on it as I know those "days" can turn into weeks or months of scariness without it. Trying to get out of the house can be such a chore with depression. I'm thinking I'll shovel snow off the deck and sidewalk to get out and do something, thanks for the idea :). Have you tried building things with wood? Do whatever works for you! I can understand how wood is soothing though. My parents heat their house every winter with poplar wood they cut in the summer. They love doing it and the outcome of firewood smells good in the house too.

Just to update, I am feeling better from the hospital stay and the antibiotics. I OVULATED!!!! I'm so ecstatic! But I am also worried the antibiotics will harm what chance there is for fertilizing and implanting. Any suggestions?
LOL I actually am an "amateur carpenter" I have made a bench from pallets, done deck repairs & built nesting boxes for my hens :) I bought a new splitting maul It's the simple things....

Went to my Dr. today for the repeat PAP. While I was there I got him to give me refills on my Progesterone & a script for Clomid 100mg in hopes of waking up my right ovary, as that tube is for sure open. He offered me a trigger to use with a + OPK if I wanted, but I declined for now...may change my mind later though. My plan is to do medicated cycles in Dec. Jan. & Feb. Until then I'm hitting my weight loss HARD! Also had him switch me from the Wellbutrin to Lexapro, as it helps too with increasing Seratonin & is just once a day, instead of twice. He seems to have had better success with Lexapro helping with anxiety, as well as a weight loss benefit, better than I'm in! excited to get to bd this weekend as dh & I are having some alone time. DS is gone with his Poppy to deer hunt, DD is lol

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